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基于小波变换法定义的波群参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过小波变换分析的波能过程定义了两个描述波浪群性的参数,由数值模拟波浪和实测波浪资料对其与常用的波群参数进行对比分析,结果表明基于小波波能过程定义的群性参数是有效的,从而展示了小波变换用于在时频域上分析波群的能力。详细探讨了波浪记录长度对群性参数稳定性的影响,分析结果表明,波浪观测长度对于波群参数的影响较大,在考虑波浪群性的波浪模拟及分析时,建议模拟时间长度应在400~500个波以上。  相似文献   

基于EFDC模型的胶州湾三维潮流数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于环境流体动力学模型(EFDC),采用变边界处理技术,建立了胶州湾三维变边界潮流模型.模型平面采用笛卡尔直角坐标,垂向采用σ坐标变换,利用干湿网格方法模拟胶州湾潮流漫滩过程.研究海域水平流速从表层到底层逐渐衰减,最大流速出现在胶州湾湾口,值为0.98 m·s-1.垂向流速则表现出底层大、表层小的特点,最大流速为30×10-4 m·s-1.模型计算结果与实测资料吻合良好,为潮流数值模拟研究提供了1种新的模型工具.  相似文献   

三维波浪方向聚焦是畸形波形成机理之一.为了模拟和分析这一现象,在势流理论内基于改进的高阶谱(HOS)方法,给出了时空聚焦方式生成畸形波的三维波浪模型.利用满足周期性边界条件的具有不同频率、不同传播方向的各独立组成波,分隔了计算域内的能量;使各组成波采用等振幅能量分布的形式,聚焦模拟了实验尺度畸形波;把高阶谱方法拓展到大尺度的开敞海域,考虑波浪方向分布的影响,聚焦模拟了大尺度畸形波的发展和形成过程.  相似文献   

柳淑学  孙冰 《海洋工程》2007,25(1):35-42,56
缓坡方程是描述近岸波浪运动较好的数学模型之一。在发展的自适应有限元求解缓坡方程的基础上,采用迭代求解的方法,确定波浪相对于边界的入射方向,从而对边界条件进行改进,建立了求解缓坡方程的数值计算模型。典型算例表明,考虑波浪相对于边界的入射角度后,模型可以更好地模拟吸收波浪边界,同时对多向波对双突堤的绕射进行了模拟研究,与试验结果比较表明,所建立的数值计算模型能够适用于多向不规则波传播过程的模拟研究。  相似文献   

为评估不同内孤立波数值造波方法,本文基于Kd V、m Kd V和e Kd V三种理论模型,分别采用双推板、平板拍击和速度入射边界三种数值造波方法,对内孤立波进行了模拟,并将数值模拟结果与理论及实验结果进行对比和分析。结果表明:三种数值造波方法均能实现对内孤立波的模拟,但在造波效果及效率方面存在差异。速度入射边界法在造波效果及效率方面都比较好;平板拍击法的造波效果较好,效率略差;双推板法在造波效果及效率方面均略劣于以上两种方法。  相似文献   

基于推板造波理论和摇板造波理论,在Open FOAM平台上采用重叠网格技术建立黏性数值波浪水槽,并使用一种结合SIMPLE算法和PISO算法的PIMPLE算法对数值模型进行求解。利用开发的数值模型通过数值收敛性测试和网格独立性测试分别重点研究了时间步长、库朗数和网格尺寸对数值精度和计算效率的影响。并对比研究了此数值模型分别嵌入层流模型和湍流模型的计算精度和计算效率。实现的规则波和二阶有限振幅波与理论结果和试验结果吻合,验证了此黏性数值波浪水槽的造波和主动消波功能。基于二维数值波浪水槽,进一步研究了三维数值造波,数值计算结果与理论结果吻合良好。研究结果不仅验证了重叠网格在二维和三维两相流体域中求解运动物体与流场交互的可靠性和正确性,而且为使用此黏性数值波浪水槽解决更复杂的海洋工程问题提供了依据。  相似文献   

基于电火花震源的超高分辨率地震勘探在我国的海洋区域调查以及工程地球物理勘探中发挥着重要的作用.实际勘探时,电火花震源间隔通常为厘米级,为电火花枪阵波场的数值模拟带来困难.针对这一问题,在常规变网格有限差分算法的基础上,在电火花枪阵波场的数值模拟中提出了多重网格策略,实现了基于多重网格算法的电火花枪阵波场高精度三维数值模...  相似文献   

任兴月  陶军  彭伟 《海洋工程》2018,36(4):78-87
为了研究斜向入射波浪,基于三维不可压缩两相流模型,开发了一套圆形数值波浪水池数值模型。在圆形波浪水池中,通过源项造波法成功生成了任意入射方向的波浪,并且利用人工摩擦项模拟阻尼区以数值耗散反射波浪。模型基于嵌入式多块网格体系,采用FVM法(finite volume method)离散Navier-Stokes方程,VOF法(volume of fluid)追踪自由水面。试验结果表明,斜向入射波浪的模拟结果与理论值基本一致,圆形波浪水池在模拟斜向入射波浪时,有效区域的面积较传统波浪水池显著增大,而且有效区域受波浪入射角度的影响也较小。同时,通过叠加多列斜向入射波浪,模拟出了多向交叉波列,并通过与理论结果对比,发现其具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

多向随机波的实验室模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
海浪是一种多向随机波。本文首先对常用的多向随机波的数值模拟方法——双迭加法进行改进,建议了频率方向对应法,并给出了合适的模拟参数。此法能产生比较符合实际的波浪。在此基础上论述了三维随机波的物理模拟方法,并对多向随机波试验中的几个重要问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

畸形波传播速度实验和数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
畸形波的传播速度是其最重要的特征参数之一。研究畸形波的传播速度有助于深入和全面了解畸形波的生成机理及其演化过程,另外还可以用于畸形波的预报。针对现有关于畸形波传播速度计算方法(高阶Stokes波理论近似估算,Hilbert变换和两固定点的距离除以畸形波的波峰经过两点所用时间)的不准确性和局限性,使用32个测点描述畸形波波峰沿波浪水槽的运动轨迹,再用回归分析法估算波峰运动轨迹与时间的相关关系,从而计算出畸形波的传播速度。基于288组物理模拟畸形波和364组数值模拟畸形波传播速度的计算结果,使用回归分析方法得出了畸形波传播速度的半经验半理论计算公式,同时还分析了畸形波传播速度的强非线性特征。  相似文献   

本文基于Longuet-Higgins随机波浪模型和JONSWAP谱,进行了大量深水随机波的模拟,获取了畸形波发生概率稳定的随机波列,并对随机波列中的畸形波进行了分析。结果表明,畸形波发生的概率小于基于Rayleigh分布预测结果,且随谱宽的减小而增大。在固定时间段内,畸形波发生的频次服从泊松分布,时间间隔服从指数分布,且随着谱宽的增大,畸形波的发生频次减小,相邻畸形波的发生时间间隔增加。通过小波变换方法分离随机波中的波群,研究了出现畸形波的波群特征,发现一个波群中最多会出现4个畸形波,但是在发生畸形波的波群中,单个畸形波的概率最大。随着谱宽减小,一个波群中包含多个畸形波的概率增加。另外,出现畸形波的波群时间长度服从广义极值分布,随着谱宽减小,畸形波波群的时间跨度增加。  相似文献   

An efficient focusing model for generation of freak waves   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Based on the Longuet-Higgins wave model theory, the previews studies have shown that freak waves can be generated in finite space and time successfully. However, as to generating high nonlinear freak waves, the simulation results will be unrealistic. Therefore, a modified phase modulation method for simulating high nonlinear freak waves was developed. The surface elevations of some wave components at certain time and place are positive by modulating the corresponding random initial phases, then the total surface elevation at the focused point is enhanced and furthermore a freak wave event is generated. The new method can not only make the freak wave occur at certain time and place, but also make the simulated wave surface time series satisfy statistical properties of the realistic sea state and keep identical with the target wave spectrum. This numerical approach is of good precision and high efficiency by the comparisons of the simulated freak waves and the recorded freak waves.  相似文献   

A higher-order non-hydrostatic model in a σ-coordinate system is developed. The model uses an implicit finite difference scheme on a staggered grid to simultaneously solve the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) with the free-surface boundary conditions. An integral method is applied to resolve the top-layer non-hydrostatic pressure, allowing for accurately resolving free-surface wave propagation. In contrast to the previous work, a higher-order spatial discretization is utilized to approximate the large horizontal pressure gradient due to steep surface waves or rapidly varying topographies. An efficient direct solver is developed to solve the resulting block hepta-diagonal matrix system. Accuracy of the new model is validated by linear and nonlinear standing waves and progressive waves. The model is then used to examine freak (extreme) waves. Features of downshifting focusing location and wave asymmetry characteristics are predicted on the temporal and spatial domains of a freak wave.  相似文献   

Generation and Properties of Freak Waves in A Numerical Wave Tank   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
Freak waves are generated based on the mechanism of wave focusing in a 2D numerical wave tank. To set up the nonlinear numerical wave tank, the Boundary Element Method is used to solve potential flow equations incorporated with fully nonlinear free surface boundary conditions. The nonlinear properties of freak waves, such as high frequency components and wave profile asymmetry, are discussed. The kinematic data, which can be useful for the evaluation of the wave forces exerted on structures to avoid underestimation of linear predictions, are obtained, and discussed, from the simulated results of freak waves.  相似文献   

The performance of interFoam (a widely used solver within OpenFOAM package) in simulating the propagation of water waves has been reported to be sensitive to the temporal and spatial resolution. To facilitate more accurate simulations, a numerical wave tank is built based on a Navier–Stokes model, which employs the VPM (volume-average/point-value multi-moment) scheme as the fluid solver and the THINC/QQ method (THINC method with quadratic surface representation and Gaussian quadrature) for the free-surface capturing. Simulations of regular waves in an intermediate water depth are conducted and the results are assessed via comparing with the analytical solutions. The performance of the present model and interFoam solver in simulating the wave propagation is systematically compared in this work. The results clearly demonstrate that compared with interFoam solver, the present model significantly improves the dissipation properties of the propagating wave, where the waveforms as well as the velocity distribution can be substantially maintained while the waves propagating over long distances even with large time steps and coarse grids. It is also shown that the present model requires much less computation time to reach a given error level in comparison with interFoam solver.  相似文献   

An experimental and numerical study of the freak wave speed   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The propagation speed is one of the most important characteristics for describing freak waves. The research of freak wave speed is not only helpful for understanding the generation mechanism and evolution process of freak waves, but also applicable to the prediction. A stable and accurate method is proposed for the calculation of the freak wave speed, in which physical model tests are carried out to measure the motion of the largest wave crest along the wave tank. The linear regression relationship between the spatial position of the largest wave crest and instantaneous moment is established to calculate the speed of totally 248 cases of experimental freak waves and 312 supplementary cases of numerical freak waves. Based on the calculate results, a semitheoretical and semiempirical formula is proposed by using a regression analysis method to predict the speed of the freak wave, and the nonlinear characteristic of the freak wave speed is also investigated.  相似文献   

基于物理模型试验,探究畸形波和不规则波作用下浮体系泊张力差异问题。讨论相对波高、相对周期和畸形波参数α1对系泊张力的影响。结果显示:畸形波参数α1和浮体系泊张力显著相关。在α1=2.0~2.83范围内,畸形波作用下迎浪侧系泊张力最大值可达不规则波作用的1.9倍。在相对波高Hs/d=0.032~0.097范围内,畸形波作用下迎浪侧系泊张力最大值显著大于不规则波的作用结果,但畸形波和不规则波对应的1/3值及平均值几乎一致。就相对周期影响而言,迎浪侧系泊张力最大差别出现在谱峰周期Tp0p范围内。频域方面采用小波分析方法讨论畸形波和不规则波作用下浮体系泊张力时频谱特征,两种波浪作用下系泊张力时频特征有显著差别。  相似文献   

A numerical wave model based on the modified four-order nonlinear Schrdinger (NLS) equation in deep water is developed to simulate freak waves. A standard split-step, pseudo-spectral method is used to solve NLS equation. The validation of the model is firstly verified, and then the simulation of freak waves is performed by changing sideband conditions. Results show that freak waves entirely consistent with the definition in the evolution of wave trains are obtained. The possible occurrence mechanism of freak waves is discussed and the relevant characteristics are also analyzed.  相似文献   

Dynamic Analysis of Turret-Moored FPSO System in Freak Wave   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Freak wave is the common wave which has significant wave height and irregular wave shape, and it is easy to damage offshore structure extremely. The FPSOs (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) suffer from the environment loads, including the freak wave. The freak waves were generated based on the improved phase modulation model, and the coupling model of FPSO-SPM (Single Point Mooring) was established by considering internal-turret FPSO and its mooring system. The dynamic response characteristics of both FPSO and SPM affected by the freak wave were analyzed in the time domain. According to the results, the freak waves generated by original phase modulation model mainly affect the 2nd-order wave loads. However, the freak waves which are generated by random frequencies phase modulation model affect both 1st-order and 2nd-order wave loads on FPSO. What is more, compared with the irregular waves, the dynamic responses of mooring system are larger in the freak waves, but its amplitude lags behind the peak of the freak wave.  相似文献   

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