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渔港避风能力对于渔业防灾减灾至关重要,是当前渔港相关研究的重点和热点问题。本文通过对渔港避风能力的影响因素进行综合系统分析,总结归纳出选址条件、水域条件、渔港建设和渔港管理4大类影响因素,同时探讨了渔港避风能力的定义和内容界定,最终选取港址环境条件、渔港建设及功能、避风管理水平3个准则层共10个指标,建立渔港避风能力综合评估指标体系,为开展渔港避风能力评估和现代渔港建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   

选择合理的融资方式、拓展融资渠道是当前渔港建设中的一个紧迫问题。文章在对渔港建设的融资现状和渔港设施特征的分析基础上,探讨了不同性质特征的渔港设施建设项目的融资方式选择。  相似文献   

根据2008年莆田市秀屿区渔港建设建成的统计数据、2009年及2010年秀屿区渔港经营管理现状和秀屿区十二五渔港规划,分析了秀屿区的渔港发展及区域布局,发现秀屿区渔港建设经营管理过程中存在建设步伐缓慢、经营管理研究滞后、经营管理局面未打开及渔港经济区尚未成型等问题。据此提出秀屿区渔港经营管理的一个中心、两个方向、三个理念、四个措施,即以渔港经济发展为中心,把握立体化和海陆并进两个发展方向,强化可持续发展、创新和法制理念,抓好港权经营许可管理、试点示范、修订港章规范经营管理秩序和提升渔港文化层次等方面工作,并指出要通过借鉴先进地区成功经验和秀屿区实际做活海文章,促进港城崛起。  相似文献   

DEA及MDEA在山东省渔港评价体系中的应用及比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用DEA及MDEA模型计算山东省10处渔港的资源利用效率值,结果表明,山东省渔港的资源利用效率存在较大差异,所选10处渔港中,威海龙须岛渔港效率值最高,东营中心渔港效率值最低;MDEA模型相比DEA模型,能对效率评价值达到1的决策单元进行更加充分的评价和排序。  相似文献   

以东吾洋内湾海域环境为研究对象,基于验证的MIKE21中的HD和MT模型,计算分析了单一建设仙东渔港工程、单一建设关门渔港工程和两个渔港工程同时存在三种情景下东吾洋海域潮流场和泥沙场的变化。结果表明,当单一建设关门渔港工程时,流速增幅区域面积最大,关门水道附近泥沙强冲刷区域面积最大;当关门和仙东渔港工程同时存在时,流速增幅及泥沙强冲刷区域面积次之;而当单一建设仙东渔港工程时,流速增幅及泥沙强冲刷区面积最小。相较于其他两种情景,当单一建设关门渔港工程时,关门水道附近水动力条件最强,高流速水体导致沉积在底部的泥沙产生紊动使得水质变得浑浊,对周围藻类植物及浮游动物的生长产生极大的负面作用,也会大大降低紫菜海带养殖区及网箱养殖区的产量,另外对大黄鱼产卵区的分布也会造成很大的冲击。综合考虑,仙东渔港建设较为合理,而关门渔港的选址存在问题。  相似文献   

洪超 《海洋信息》2007,(1):30-30
荣成作为我国第一大渔业城市,以石岛渔港作为我国北方最大的群众性渔港,从2003年开始,吸引山东北方渔市股份有限公司投资3亿元,在石岛渔港内建设大型现代化渔业物流中心——北方渔市。该中  相似文献   

打造中国中部沿海最具活力的渔港经济区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔港经济是海洋经济的重要组成部分。随着射阳县黄沙港被国家农业部批准为国家级中心渔港,黄沙港在全县经济社会发展中的重要地位进一步凸显。抢抓新一轮发展契机,倾力打造黄沙港渔港经济区,让黄沙港真正变成"黄金海岸",既有着雄厚的现实基础、资源潜力、政策优势和发展要求,又与沿海开发的大背景切脉合拍。加快黄沙港的重构与振兴,培植渔港经济区这一全新增长极,可以说,强驽弓已满,箭发正当时。  相似文献   

渔港是沿海渔区十分重要的公益设施,既是地区防灾减灾体系中的有机组成部分,又是渔区经济、社会发展的重要基础。加快和规范大连渔港建设,确保人民群众生命财产安全,推进和谐渔区和社会主义新农村建设,发挥渔港基础设施的保障作用,以此促进大连市海洋与渔业经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

渔港经济区是渔业经济发展的重要载体和依托。由于历史“欠账”较多且金融支持渠道较单一,当前渔港基础设施建设仍很薄弱,难以满足渔港经济区综合发展的需求。为此,文章以“金融支持-基础设施建设-产业升级”的逻辑构想,采用体现投入与产出关系的拓展C-D生产函数,构建反映渔港经济区产业升级进程的六部门模型,实证分析影响渔港经济区产业升级的关键因素之间的效应。研究结果表明:经营性基础设施建设和公益性基础设施建设对产业升级的影响存在差异;金融支持对产业升级的回归结果不显著,金融支持力度薄弱且亟须加强;人力资本效应不显著,无法为区域产业升级提供多元化的劳动力支撑。  相似文献   

海洋渔业生产安全,关系到广大渔民的切身利益,一直是各级政府部门高度关注的民生问题.建设好海洋渔业安全环境保障系统,为渔业生产安全管理提供有力的技术支撑,不仅是国家海洋局当前重中之重的工作,也是沿海各省自身应做好的工作职责.而通过渔港有效避风面积计算确定渔港避风容量,确保渔船在港内安全避风,是海洋环境专题预报中的重要内容.本文利用Mike21-BW模型,结合霞关一级渔港的设计实例,计算渔港的港内波况,统计出渔港有效避风面积,并按0.6 m以下、0.6-0.8 m和0.8-1.0 m三类港内波高段进行划分,确定相应的避风区域,进一步完善海洋渔业生产安全保障系统,为海洋渔业行政主管部门指导渔业安全生产提供了有力的技术支撑.  相似文献   

资源评估是应用各种统计和数学方法量化地于业种群形态对渔业管理选择的反应。资源评估不仅仅是预测静止的最佳捕捞努力量和持续产量,而是评估鱼类和渔民对管理决策和其它变化的动态反应。在动态的渔业系统中帮助管理者进行决策是一个困难的任务,资源评估生物学家要配合管理者和决策者提出适当的问题,和思考渔业对变化的动态反应。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify a method for determining the number of tracer particles required to define the mean longshore transport distance of indigenous littoral shingle with a particular level of precision. A method is presented which can be applied to existing tracer data to determine both the precision of the measurements collected and the number of tracers required to achieve a particular level of precision. The method, which utilises well established statistical relationships, is demonstrated by applying it to archive tracer data. The study demonstrates the sensitivity of the number of tracers to the variance of the transport distances of indigenous particles at the site and the precision with which the investigator wishes to define the mean. It is anticipated that application of the method by other practitioners, in the future, will allow a dataset to develop which can be used alongside the method presented here to allow the number of tracers required for a study to be estimated prior to entering the field. Results are presented to initiate the development of this dataset and a “look-up chart” derived using the method is given to aid its application.  相似文献   

Helical piles present a possible alternative to driven displacement piles in the offshore sector. While this type of pile is used widely in the onshore environment, design methods tend to be highly empirical and there is considerable uncertainty around the bearing resistance and the installation resistance required to install large diameter piles necessary to resist uplift. The paper combines a theoretical model for estimating torque resistance from the literature with a cone penetration test (CPT)-based model originally developed to estimate the axial resistance of helical piles and to predict the installation torque required to install piles in sand. The model appears to be able to capture the general installation behavior of piles across a range of scales and in various sand states.  相似文献   

As worldwide population continues to grow, so does demand for seafood by consumers. With this trend, interest in sustainably certified seafood is also increasing. The Maine lobster fishery is currently considering certification based on the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standard for sustainable and well-managed fisheries. Although certification is argued to provide a market-based incentive to improve sustainable fishing practices, it is a costly and time-consuming process, and often imposes additional requirements on fisheries in order to meet certification standards. To evaluate whether the costs of Maine lobster fishery certification are worth the presumed benefits, lobster industry members were interviewed to learn their opinions of MSC certification, seafood consumers were surveyed to understand their attitudes and purchasing preferences related to lobster, and lessons learned from other MSC-certified fisheries were compiled. MSC certification of the Maine lobster fishery could potentially provide benefits to the industry by differentiating Maine lobster and maintaining access to markets that are looking to exclusively source certified fish products. However, certification is unlikely to provide price premiums for the fishermen, and does not necessarily represent to consumers the most desirable aspects of Maine lobster. Certification programs may need to adapt to consumer preferences and market conditions if they are to continue to provide incentives for the sustainable management of fisheries.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate communities inhabiting shallow sandy bottoms from Catalonia and Balearic Islands coastal waters (Western Mediterranean) were used to develop the Mediterranean Occidental (MEDOCC) index, a new methodology to assess the ecological status (ES) according to Water Framework Directive (WFD) requirements. The dominance pattern of four ecological groups (EG; sensitive, indifferent, tolerant and opportunistic organisms) was studied along a disturbance gradient. Sensitive taxa were present in disturbed situations and tolerant species were related to opportunistic taxa. The thresholds between ES were scaled according to the shifts in the dominance pattern of the EGs. The distribution of the EGs along the gradient of disturbance may vary depending on the studied communities, thus influencing the boundaries defining the ES. With the development of the MEDOCC index it is shown that analysing the response of the communities to the increasing gradient of disturbance is critical to enable an accurate proposal for boundary setting to be made, and to improve the applicability of the indices. AMBI (AZTI Marine Biotic Index), Bentix (Biotic Index), and MEDOCC indices were applied to the dataset to compare the ES obtained.  相似文献   

Governments have tried for many years to negotiate rules to limit fisheries subsidies in the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Meanwhile, Parties to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement have agreed to prohibit subsidies to particular kinds of fishing activity. Recent proposals in the WTO suggest a degree of support for a similar narrow prohibition. This paper uses evidence in the literature on the impact of subsidies on fish stocks, and from the WTO negotiations, to propose how disciplines on fisheries subsidies could be expanded, building on these first steps by the members of the TPP. The impact of subsidies on fishers' incentives and fish stocks depends on several factors, but many subsidies can tend to increase fishing capacity and effort beyond sustainable levels. Options for expanded disciplines include prioritising the prohibition of those subsidies that are most likely to be harmful to fisheries resources. An “actionable” category for other harmful subsidies could also be prioritised, as well as a set of exceptions for expenditures that are likely to be beneficial in the sense that they help to protect the environment or support poverty reduction.  相似文献   

海底管线附近抛锚时锚链的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当船只抛锚点附近有海底管线时,为了防止置于海底的锚链对管线可能造成的危害.需要采取一定的措施将位于海底管线上方的锚链提起.结合实际工程设计采用浮筒提供足够的举升力提起锚链,并以悬链线方程为依据,推导浮筒位置和高度对锚链形状和被举升段长度的关系,从而确定出合理的浮筒举升力大小和浮筒安装位置.  相似文献   

Substantial economic opportunities have been identified in many Australian fisheries but may remain unimplemented due to the perception that the role of government is to ensure harvests are biologically sustainable, while economic decisions should be left to the commercial industry. This paper explores the role of government in driving changes that increase revenue and profit from fisheries (termed economic benefit). Australian fisheries resources are managed by eight different jurisdictions. While each have separate legislation, there is invariably a responsibility to manage on behalf of, and to the benefit of the public, who are the owners of the resource. This paper uses case studies to explore how government can struggle to determine the public interest, separate this from private interests and then implement management changes to ensure the public utility is maximised. Common problems were: (i) overarching economic objectives, which define who should benefit, were often ambiguous and open to interpretation; (ii) the public interest was usually abstract and often under-represented in decision-making processes, (in contrast to industry, who have direct representation); (iii) special interest groups were often able to lobby against changes; and (iv) government was often reluctant to seize opportunities to increase economic benefit when there was significant industry opposition to management changes. In drawing attention to these challenges and how they have been overcome historically, it is argued that government has both a role and requirement under their legislative objectives to take the lead in implementing measures that increase the economic benefit from Australian fisheries.  相似文献   

This article reviews information recently available from existing marine and coastal mining for responses to environmental issues affecting marine mining at different depths. It is particularly but not exclusively concerned with those issues affecting seabed biodiversity impact and recovery. Much information has been gathered in the past 10 years from shallow mining operations for construction aggregate, diamonds, and gold, from coastal mines discharging tailings to shallow and deep water, and from experimental deep mining tests. The responses to issues identified are summarized in a series of eight tables intended to facilitate site-specific consideration. Since impacts can spread widely in the surface mixing layer SML, and can affect the biologically productive euphotic zone, the main issues considered arise from the depth of mining relative to the SML of the sea. Where mining is below the SML, the issue is whether it is environmentally better to bring the extraction products to the surface vessel for processing (and waste discharge), or to process the extraction products as much as possible on the seabed. Responses to the issues need to be sitespecific, and dependent on adequate preoperational environmental impact and recovery prediction. For deep tailings disposal from a surface vessel, there are four important environmental unknowns: (1) the possible growth of "marine snow" (bacterial flocs) utilizing the enormous quantities of fine tailings particles (hundreds or thousands of metric tons per day) as nuclei for growth, (2) the possibility that local keystone plankton and nekton species may migrate diurnally down to and beyond the depth of deep discharge and hence be subjected to tailings impact at depth, (3) the burrow-up capability of deep benthos and their ability to survive high rates of tailings deposition, and (4) the pattern and rate of dispersion of a tailings density current through the deep water column from discharge point to seabed. Actions to obtain relevant information in general and site-specifically are suggested.  相似文献   

New Zealand's quota management system (QMS) was implemented in 1986 to address problems caused by a regulated open entry management system in place for the previous two decades. Excess capacity in the inshore fisheries caused several stocks to become depleted and conflicts to intensify between fishing sectors. The allocation of individual transferable quota (ITQ) was viewed as the best way to improve efficiency within the over-capitalised inshore fisheries and provide incentives for developing the deepwater fisheries. The expected benefits of the QMS fit with the political climate at that time, as the government was using market forces to address the deteriorating economy. This article outlines the results of a research project that involved four medium to large-sized, highly vertically integrated New Zealand seafood firms. The purpose of the project was to identify these firms’ sources of competitiveness in export markets and the process the firms used to develop sources of competitiveness, while adapting to rapid and radical changes to the political and business environment and transformation of the fisheries management system. The project's results show that the basis to seafood firm competitiveness is the security of supply to the fisheries resource provided by the QMS and aquaculture legislation. The project also outlines the role that government policies have in sustaining firm- and industry-level competitiveness. This article contributes to the broader discussion on the application of ITQ and other types of long-term access rights to the management of fisheries and does not express the views of the Ministry of Fisheries.  相似文献   

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