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基于非线性滤波的水下地形辅助导航方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决水下航行器惯性导航误差随时间积累问题,利用地形辅助导航技术进行导航位置修正。由于水下地形的非线性,对基于扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)、无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)和粒子滤波(PF)3种非线性滤波方法的水下地形辅助导航算法进行研究。针对传统基于单波束声纳量测模型在小起伏地形区域导航精度低、易发散问题,从提高量测地形信息量角度,建立了基于多波束测深声纳的量测模型。使用多波束实测地形数据进行仿真试验,结果表明:无论在粗糙地形区域还是较平坦地形区域,多波束量测模型有效缓解了3种方法易发散问题,提高了导航精度。  相似文献   

GNSS船姿测量以其观测误差不随时间累积的特点得到了广泛研究和应用,本文基于三天线GNSS船姿测量方式,构建了波束脚印误差与姿态误差间的关系模型,设计仿真实验分析了基线长度对姿态误差的影响,以及不同水深环境下姿态误差与GNSS定位误差的关系。为突破传统RTK在测量距离上的限制,本文采用PPP、PPK、MBD (动态参考站差分)三种方法进行GNSS船姿计算,并通过海上实验与高精度惯性导航系统进行对比分析,结果表明使用MBD测姿结果要优于PPK和PPP模式,得到的航偏角、横摇角、纵摇角标准差均在0.1°左右,可满足通常情况下多波束测深对姿态精度的要求。  相似文献   

基于HY1621多波束测深仪的多次研制试验,利用不同水域的测试数据,重点分析了HY1621多波束测深仪的测深稳定性、边缘波束稳定性以及测量精度。通过对比分析HY1621和T50-P多波束对新安江水库区域的水下地形扫测成果,以及对HY1621多波束在长江三峡库区的水下地形扫测成果所做的分析,验证了HY1621是一款达到预期性能设计指标的多波束测深仪。  相似文献   

赵劼  唐力放 《海洋测绘》2004,24(2):37-40
阐述了使用多波束测深系统对东海大桥轴线水下地形扫测的技术方法,采用GPS实时动态测量、多站位同步验潮、测深精度的有效控制等方法,使大桥轴线水下地形测量和扫海工作的质量与效率明显地提高。扫测成果为东海大桥桥墩的打桩施工和主通航孔的方向确定提供了科学数据与决策依据。  相似文献   

深水多波束测深系统主要应用于高精度全覆盖水下地形测量,随着现代水声技术的发展,其可同时获得海底地貌信息(底质分类)、水柱信息(水体中的油气),成为海洋探测必不可少的设备。对深水多波束测深系统原理、功能、发展做简要介绍,对多波束系统测量误差与精度评估方法进行了初步研究,并利用上海海洋大学"淞航"号首航实测数据,开展了EM302深水多波束测深系统的安置偏移量检校和测深精度评估工作。该工作具有较强实用性,为深水多波束的合理高效使用提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

长江口航道疏浚的多波束监测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在长江口深水航道整治工程中 ,用SimradEM30 0 0D多波束测深声纳系统对一段约 5 0 0 0m× 90 0m的疏浚航道试验段做了 5次重复水深地形测量 ,目的是为研究该工程的疏浚效果、边坡稳定性及泥沙冲淤等问题。讨论了在多波束系统需要临时安装的重复测量中 ,系统的安装校准及质量控制问题 ;分析了测量中主要误差源及由交叉测线获得的精度评估。通过对测量结果的分析表明 ,多波束测量的水深数据在反映水下微地形和分析局部沉积物运移趋势中 ,具有传统单波束测深不可比拟的优势。  相似文献   

船载多传感器综合测量系统集成了三维激光扫描仪、多波束测深仪、GNSS、IMU、传感器稳定平台等传感器,采用非接触式的测量方式同步获取水上水下地形,在海岸带和海岛礁测绘中有巨大的应用价值。由于测量瞬时数据量大,系统点云实时显示是采集软件的重要组成部分。在有效地控制时间同步的前提下,优化数据融合效率,采用VTK(visualization toolkit)技术实现了海岸线上下一体化点云实时显示,有效地提高了系统的信息挖掘能力和现场决策支持能力,最终实现了水上水下一体化测量。  相似文献   

长江江苏段过江通道、跨江电缆、码头等设施日益增多,建设规模趋于大型化,附近水域测量时GNSS信号遮挡严重,常造成定位信号丢失干扰。本文研究中将低成本中等精度惯性导航系统接入,使用内插和姿态融合算法,辅助精准定位。测量时船舶动态吃水难以得到,文中提出了在换能器附近安装压力式水位计,可实时获取船舶动态吃水。通过两种传感器的结合,组成一套低成本复杂环境下的高精度单波束测深系统,经测试符合精度要求,具有一定推广性。  相似文献   

针对上海世博会对黄浦江航道核心水域高精度海底地形的需求,采用SeaBat8125多波束测深系统对该区域进行了全覆盖测量.通过潮汐基准面归算、潮汐改正精度内符合检验、原始数据各项改正、除噪处理及测深误差分析等几个步骤,得到基于吴淞零点的最终水深成果.各项检验表明,此次多波束测深成果质量满足实际需求.  相似文献   

基于ICCP匹配算法的海底地形匹配辅助导航   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用海底地形辅助导航是水下载体导航技术致力研究的新方向,采用ICCP算法作为对准匹配算法,利用实测地形数据和已知地形数据库,进行仿真计算,修正惯性导航系统累计误差,得到水下载体的最佳匹配位置,以提高水下载体的导航精度。  相似文献   

激光雷达在滩涂海岸地形测量中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
激光雷达(LIDAR)是一种集激光测距、计算机、全球定位系统和惯性导航系统等技术于一身的崭新技术,用于获取高精度、高密度的三维坐标数据。在分析滩涂海岸带的特点和需求的基础上,指出应用LIDAR技术解决滩涂海岸的地理数据采集问题是一种有效手段,并探讨了LIDAR技术在滩涂海岸测绘中的主要应用。  相似文献   

多波束测深系统作业的基本前提是测船保持匀速直线运动状态,而实际作业中非匀速运动状态下的多波束测量普遍存在,此时常用的基于加速度测量原理的测姿设备会受到影响。为此,在多波束测姿误差分析的基础上,针对直线加速、U型转弯两种情况下的测姿误差进行研究,通过INS测姿与GNSS三天线测姿的数据比较,对非匀速直线运动状态下姿态误差的影响特点及程度进行了分析。实验证明当测船做直线加速运动时,会使纵摇角产生较大误差;当测船转弯时,会使横摇角产生较大误差,这对指导多波束实际测量具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

在沿岸水下地形测量中,高程控制是难点,在远离岸边的区域,不仅布设潮位站困难,而且潮位站水位改正的精度也难以保证,为提高沿岸水域测量的可靠性和灵活性,在河口区域的水深测量项目中进行了RTK、PPK、PPP3种模式的同步作业方式研究。结果表明,基于GNSS多模式三维水深测量的方法能有效提高水位改正的精度和可靠性。无论测区离岸距离多远,可以同步采用RTK、PPK和PPP的方式进行高程控制,这3种模式的高程测量差值均方差接近0.10m,精度能满足沿岸水域一般比例尺地形测量的高程精度要求。  相似文献   


This paper presents an automatic, rigorous, and robust method to determine a Multi-Beam Echo Sounder (MBES) and Inertial Measurement Unit/Inertial Navigation System (IMU/INS) latency calibration. The latency may be due to the IMU/INS itself, but also to the time-tagging configuration, which is generally left to the survey systems user. One survey strip over a flat seafloor is the required configuration of line for using this approach, called Multibeam IMU/INS Latency Automatic Calibration (MILAC), standing for MBES to IMU/INS Latency Automatic Calibration. The algorithm considers only data with maximum latency effects and integrates an automatic data selection for this purpose. The latency estimation procedure is based on an iterative Least Square adjustment method followed by a statistical analysis. Our process can deal with beam acoustic refraction caused by the speed of sound in sea water. The accuracy of MILAC is about 2?ms (millisecond) and its average precision of 0.15?ms. MILAC is able to determine the latency with an average resolution of 5?ms. However, the morphology of the survey line is restricted to smooth and regular seafloor and the survey platform should have a relatively high attitude rate.  相似文献   

韩国"世越号"沉船打捞于2015年8月开展,打捞方案的制定和实施均需要海洋测绘技术的支持,尤其是水下穿钢梁施工,对水下定位精度要求极高。详细介绍了整个打捞施工过程中应用的海洋测绘技术,主要包括沉船水下三维姿态探测、沉船周边地形地貌地质调查、海洋环境监测、水上水下导航定位以及沉船起浮姿态监测等。通过一系列的技术创新,促进了打捞施工的顺利进行,为"世越号"打捞出水提供了重要的技术保证,开创了综合海洋测绘技术在重大救助打捞领域的系统作业模式。  相似文献   

To achieve accurate positioning of autonomous underwater vehicles, an appropriate underwater terrain database storage format for underwater terrain-matching positioning is established using multi-beam data as underwater terrainmatching data. An underwater terrain interpolation error compensation method based on fractional Brownian motion is proposed for defects of normal terrain interpolation, and an underwater terrain-matching positioning method based on least squares estimation(LSE) is proposed for correlation analysis of topographic features. The Fisher method is introduced as a secondary criterion for pseudo localization appearing in a topographic features flat area, effectively reducing the impact of pseudo positioning points on matching accuracy and improving the positioning accuracy of terrain flat areas. Simulation experiments based on electronic chart and multi-beam sea trial data show that drift errors of an inertial navigation system can be corrected effectively using the proposed method. The positioning accuracy and practicality are high, satisfying the requirement of underwater accurate positioning.  相似文献   

To achieve accurate positioning of autonomous underwater vehicles, an appropriate underwater terrain database storage format for underwater terrain-matching positioning is established using multi-beam data as underwater terrain-matching data. An underwater terrain interpolation error compensation method based on fractional Brownian motion is proposed for defects of normal terrain interpolation, and an underwater terrain-matching positioning method based on least squares estimation (LSE) is proposed for correlation analysis of topographic features. The Fisher method is introduced as a secondary criterion for pseudo localization appearing in a topographic features flat area, effectively reducing the impact of pseudo positioning points on matching accuracy and improving the positioning accuracy of terrain flat areas. Simulation experiments based on electronic chart and multi-beam sea trial data show that drift errors of an inertial navigation system can be corrected effectively using the proposed method. The positioning accuracy and practicality are high, satisfying the requirement of underwater accurate positioning.  相似文献   


The rapid acquisition techniques of over- and under-water geoinformation is urgently needed. The Shipborne Over- and Under-water integrated Mobile Mapping System (SiOUMMS) applies plug-in and multi-process network technology to achieve integrated data acquisition and cooperative control of multi-sensors, such as Global Navigation Satellite System, Inertial Measurement Unit, laser scanner, and multi-beam echo sounder. The proposed system can meet the requirements of diverse application scenarios and sensors, allowing for flexibility and scalability. Meanwhile, coarse calibration based on a set of common points and fine calibration using the plane feature constraint are proposed for integratedly obtaining the exterior orientation elements of the laser scanner and the multi-beam echo sounder. Together, these methods provide theoretical support and technical help to the seamless integration of over- and under-water point clouds. Experiments are also described, proving that the root mean square error of over-water point clouds is 0.133 m, the average elevation clearance spacing between adjacent over- and under-water point clouds is less than 0.3 m, and the average horizontal clearance spacing is less than 0.2 m. At the same time, cases in this paper show that SiOUMMS has made important achievements in the integrated measurement of reefs, coastal zone, and inland waterways, and has broad prospects for future applications.  相似文献   

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