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海洋倾倒区的选划与管理是海洋倾废管理中一项重要的内容,作为国家海洋倾废管理的主管部门,国家海洋局一直以来十分重视该项工作,多年来通过不断地总结实践经验和完善管理措施,逐步建立了一套海洋倾倒区管理规章制度.以大亚湾临时性海洋倾倒区为例,从倾倒区位置的选划、倾倒物的检验、倾倒行为的监视、倾倒区的封闭等一系列完整过程的论述,介绍了我国在海洋倾倒区管理方面的主要措施和实践经验.  相似文献   

文章梳理了海洋倾废管理法律法规和国家海洋局文件;按季度和港区统计了2009—2011年签发的许可证数量和倾倒量,分析统计数据,揭示倾倒量的时间和空间分布及其原因;统计分析各倾倒区的分布和使用情况,指出吴淞口北是使用频率最高的近岸倾倒区,年倾倒总量应控制在400万m3,长江口1#倾倒区应调配接受近岸疏浚物;分析疏浚物资源化利用的重要性,上海市已开展相关研究和工程实践;分析倾废管理现状,指出申请材料存在的问题,提出倾废管理改进措施;详细介绍了倾废记录仪安装试点和制订海洋倾废规范性文件工作,争取从地方性法规层面明确倾废记录仪的法律地位和记录数据的法律效力,规范性文件将规定禁止倾倒建筑渣土等物质。文章通过对上海市倾废管理多个方面的综述、统计和分析,旨在提高管理水平,也为其他沿海地区提供借鉴。  相似文献   

文章梳理了海洋倾废管理法律法规和国家海洋局文件;按季度和港区统计了2009--2011年签发的许可证数量和倾倒量,分析统计数据,揭示倾倒量的时间和空间分布及其原因;统计分析各倾倒区的分布和使用情况,指出吴淞口北是使用频率最高的近岸倾倒区,年倾倒总量应控制在400万m3,长江口1#倾倒区应调配接受近岸疏浚物;分析疏浚物资源化利用的重要性,上海市已开展相关研究和工程实践;分析倾废管理现状,指出申请材料存在的问题,提出倾废管理改进措施;详细介绍了倾废记录仪安装试点和制订海洋倾废规范性文件工作,争取从地方性法规层面明确倾废记录仪的法律地位和记录数据的法律效力,规范性文件将规定禁止倾倒建筑渣土等物质。文章通过对上海市倾废管理多个方面的综述、统计和分析,旨在提高管理水平,也为其他沿海地区提供借鉴。  相似文献   

东海区海洋倾倒区现状与需求分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海洋倾废管理是海洋环境保护工作的一个重要组成部分和一项基本任务.近年来,因港区建设,航道通航水深和港口靠泊吨位的要求不断提高,使疏浚物向海上倾倒的数量逐年增长.而原有的海洋倾倒区或因容量有限、或因距工程点较远等难以满足需要.在收集大量倾倒区运行情况资料的基础上通过实地探究,针对东海区倾倒区现状进行分析,同时结合各海域倾废需求特点,进行倾倒区分布的发展趋势分析.  相似文献   

张士三 《台湾海峡》1998,17(1):110-114
海洋倾倒区封闭是海洋倾废管理的主要内容之一。目前疏浚物倾倒活动是一项比较频繁的海上倾倒活动。疏浚物海洋倾倒区的封闭,需要有一个相对统一的标准和判断方法,本文提出用外溢作为一种判断方法,且将倾倒 溢发为无外溢、少量外溢、显著外溢、严重外溢和最严重外溢五类,认为当倾倒区出现显著外溢时,应考虑限制使用;当倾倒区出现严重外溢时,考虑封闭;当出现危害性外溢时,就立即封闭。  相似文献   

通过搜集和查阅国内外关于倾废对海洋生态环境影响方面的文献资料,并对其进行整理分析,主要选择典型海洋倾倒区的研究评价,系统阐述了疏浚物倾倒对区域海洋生态环境的影响和对策方面已经开展的理论和学术研究,较清晰地阐明了倾废对海洋生态环境影响的国内外研究动态,对科学认识疏浚物倾倒对海洋生态环境的影响和加强海洋倾倒管理具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

文章介绍了营口海域海洋倾倒区的使用现状,并以营口疏浚物海洋倾倒区为研究对象,采用数值模拟方法,分析疏浚物倾倒后,海洋倾倒区海底地形的变化程度,设计不同的分小区倾倒管理方案进行比选,确定最优倾倒管理方案,为管理部门进行海洋倾倒管理提供依据。  相似文献   

文章分析上海市海洋倾废管理在法制建设、资源化利用、倾倒活动控制、采样检测和评价标准、审批效率以及倾废监管机制等方面存在的问题,针对问题提出加快推进海洋倾废管理法制建设、引导促进疏浚泥的资源化利用、科学调控海洋倾废活动、制定新的疏浚物采样和成分检测评价标准、通过审批标准化提高审批效率、建立海洋倾废综合监管机制6个方面的对策措施,从管理、审批和执法3个环节对海洋倾废活动实施全方位、全覆盖和全过程监管,为上海市海洋环境综合管理提供保障。  相似文献   

海上倾倒是疏浚物的主要处置方式,倾倒活动在一定程度上可引起海洋环境和局部海床变化,进而影响倾倒区的环境容量和倾倒容量。文章在倾倒区选划时倾倒容量计算方法的基础上,引入面积有效利用系数、可继续利用的水深等概念,通过分析倾倒区冲淤环境、流失率和倾倒区有效利用面积等,评估连云港2#倾倒区使用期间的倾倒容量,探索使用过的倾倒区倾倒容量的评估方法。同时,分析海洋环境对倾倒强度和倾倒方式的响应情况,结合倾倒区使用期间海洋环境质量变化,评价倾倒容量的合理性,为海洋行政主管部门在倾倒区管理方面提供科学依据。  相似文献   

海上倾倒是疏浚物的主要处置方式,倾倒活动在一定程度上可引起海洋环境和局部海床变化,进而影响倾倒区的环境容量和倾倒容量。文章在倾倒区选划时倾倒容量计算方法的基础上,引入面积有效利用系数、可继续利用的水深等概念,通过分析倾倒区冲淤环境、流失率和倾倒区有效利用面积等,评估连云港2#倾倒区使用期间的倾倒容量,探索使用过的倾倒区倾倒容量的评估方法。同时,分析海洋环境对倾倒强度和倾倒方式的响应情况,结合倾倒区使用期间海洋环境质量变化,评价倾倒容量的合理性,为海洋行政主管部门在倾倒区管理方面提供科学依据。  相似文献   

During the past 10 years, the evolution of marine spatial planning (MSP) and ocean zoning has become a crucial step in making ecosystem-based, sea use management a reality. The idea was initially stimulated by international and national interest in developing marine protected areas, e.g., the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. More recent attention has been placed on managing the multiple use of marine space, especially in areas where conflicts among users and the environment are already clear, e.g., in the North Sea. Even more recent concern has focused on the need to conserve nature, especially ecologically and biologically sensitive areas, in the context of multi-use planning of ocean space. Despite academic discussions and the fact that some countries already have started implementation, the scope of MSP has not been clearly defined. Terms such as integrated management, marine spatial management, and ocean zoning are all used inconsistently. This is one of the reasons why its importance is not more seriously reflected at the levels of policy and decision-making in most countries. This article attempts to deal with this problem. It describes why MSP is an essential step to achieve ecosystem-based sea use management, how it can be defined and what its core objectives are. The article concludes with an analysis of the use and achievements of MSP worldwide, with particular focus on new approaches in Europe.  相似文献   

海砂是价值仅次于石油、天然气的海洋资源,在国民经济建设中起着重要的作用,但目前海砂开采处于盲目和无序的状态,不但浪费了巨大的资源,而且导致了部分地区海岸带环境破坏、海滩和岸堤被侵蚀等危害。因此,海砂资源的科学开发与管理已成为海洋资源管理部门的当务之急。文章以泉州地区为例,针对可能存在海砂的重点区域进行选划和分析,对海砂管理的现状及存在的问题,提出了相应的合理对策。  相似文献   

Competing usage of marine space has prompted several coastal nations to implement marine spatial planning (MSP). While progressive governments promote the deployment of renewable energy technologies (RETs) in order to meet renewable energy capacity and greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets, offshore RETs become another player operating within a finite and already stressed marine environment. This paper applies the sectoral MSP process employed by Scotland to the Nova Scotia context in order to draft a MSP for the province's tidal energy sector. Applicable legislation is reviewed in order to establish the regulatory authorities with powers to plan for both the marine development and ecosystem protection agendas. The scoping process identifies suitable resource areas based on the operational parameters of commercially viable tidal current turbines (TCTs), while the sustainability appraisal identifies areas of cultural, industry, ecological, and socioeconomic constraint and exclusion. Plan option areas emanating from the applied methodology demonstrated a 238.345 km2 (98.1%) increase in suitable TCT deployment area than the marine renewable energy areas identified in Nova Scotia's Marine Renewable Energy Act which did not undertake such a methodology.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了《1972伦敦公约》在中国的实施情况、影响因素以及我国海洋倾废管理的法规、政策、技术标准和管理程序。作者认为,我国海洋倾废管理的目标与公约的目标是一致的,但管理范围比公约更为广泛,并具有更大的强制性。文章还指出,我国的海洋倾放心管理已发展一套较为完整的申请、审批和核准程序,执行效果良好。  相似文献   

海洋空间资源开发利用质量与政府公共资源规划配置决策、资源使用者利用方式密切相关。文章通过对目前海洋空间资源开发利用特征研究,揭示了影响海洋资源开发质量的资源储备、规划配置、生态环境、开发方式等方面的制约因素,并从政府机制建设和使用者资源开发模式两个层面提出完善和改进对策。一是政府在海洋资源收储、统筹集约规划、生态环境保护方面建立保障与引导机制;二是资源使用者选择技术创新和精细化开发策略,以期为实现海洋空间资源高质量开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

海洋空间利用年度计划是自然资源部“三定”职责之一,是应对海洋空间资源短缺、空间利用效率低、海洋资源环境损害等的有效措施。生态文明体制改革以来,国家进一步加强对自然资源的总量和规模控制,强化自然岸线保有率的约束作用,重视国土空间整治修复和围填海历史遗留问题处置。基于以上自然资源管理改革精神,研究提出了海洋空间利用年度计划的概念,结合海域使用分类对海洋空间利用年度计划的管控类型进行了判别和分析,并构建了海洋空间利用年度计划的指标体系。  相似文献   

Marine protected areas are promoted as a resource management tool for balancing ecological integrity with economic activity. However, MPAs frequently fail to achieve integrated, substantive outcomes. Participation failure is a common symptom of implementation failure. MPA experts often conclude that the remedy, in part, lies in better communication, with the implicit assumption that participation and communication are conjoined or synonymous. In this paper, the geography of communication in marine environments is analyzed as distinct from participation. It is argued that the logistical challenges of communicating in marine time and space must be taken into account beginning with the pre-implementation stage of an MPA; this requires recognition and analysis of the political nuances of whose space, whose time, and whose terms for communication. Research in Wakatobi National Park in Indonesia determined that marine managers and local communities have divergent experiences of participation, prompting three insights. First, the timing of public consultations must accommodate the variable rhythms of life in fishing communities in order to ensure broad representation. Second, co-presence in fishers’ space is critical for effective communication of marine knowledge and management strategies. Third, the deployment of ‘participation time’ by decision-makers communicates the value – or lack thereof – they place on fishing people and collaboration. The constructivist spatial analysis of communication presented here provides a model for MPA decision-makers and managers to identify, overcome and mobilize communication geographies that affect participation in sustainable development.  相似文献   

Our global oceans are threatened by climate change, overfishing, pollution and a growing list of other impacts that demonstrate an urgent global need for sustainable ocean management. Whilst marine conservation initiatives and protected ocean spaces have increased over recent years, ocean management still lags behind the terrestrial sectors in incorporating and involving communities in its development. ‘Social licence to operate’ is used broadly across the terrestrial literature, but its understanding and application within the marine has been limited to date. This review sought to collate and synthesise instances of social licence in the marine realm as documented in the literature, aiming to create an understanding that may inform future research and development of social licence. Its results determine that social licence is yet an emergent concept in the marine sector but there may be great potential for its application in the marine context. Social licence has become an important theme for development in marine industry and resource use, particularly towards exploring communication and stakeholder engagement. This paper identifies future themes and areas requiring investigation and application in this domain.  相似文献   

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