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矿业开发与生态环境一体化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述了矿业开发与生态环境的关系,矿业开发与生态环境一体化的原则和组织,国内外现状和发展趋势,对河南省矿业生态环境存在问题及其原因进行了综合分析,论述了矿业开发与生态环境一体化的准则与前景,提出今后工作建议。  相似文献   

关于大型超大型矿床的概念,当前还存在着不同的理解和认识,为例于国际对比和协同攻关,作者对有关问题提出:简化分级,统一名称和推行国际国内双轨制,根据成矿的普遍性和特殊性与具体地质条件相结合的原则,建议因地制宜处理好个体与群体,“有兄弟”与“独生子”、单一类型与复杂类型,贫矿与富矿,以有点,线,面的分布形式等问题。  相似文献   

本刊自创以来,始终得到各级领导和广大读者的大力支持与亲切关怀,社会各界不少领导和同志在百忙之中给我局领导和编辑部来信来电,对我们的工作给予了充分的肯定和热情的鼓励,在此,向他们表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢! 我们深知,自己的工作还有很多不足。我们决心把大家的鼓励与关怀化作动力,以更高的要求和标准办好《核地知与行》,为全面加强职工队伍建设,促进江西核地质经济发展作出新的贡献。  相似文献   

80年代以来中国冰川学和第四纪冰川研究的新进展   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
本文纵论自1978年改革开发以来中国冰川学与第四纪冰川研究的巨大进展,其中包括:南极冰盖研究,青藏高原冰芯研究,喀剌昆仓山,喜马拉雅山等山区冰湖溃决洪水,泥石流及牧区雪害考察,天山冰川站的重建与重要进展。冰川编目,冰川融水资源,季节雪分布变化和水径流研究,区域冰川考察与总结,中国东部第四纪冰川与环境新认识,中国西部第四纪部冰川研究的深化和争论,中国冰冻圈与全球变化等九个方面,参考文献近80篇。  相似文献   

卤素在银成矿中的作用—以额仁磁勒盖大型银矿床为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对额仁套勒盖银矿床卤素和Ag的研究,发现卤素在银矿床中具有明显的水平和垂直分带现象,地表和近地表矿石相对富C1和I,深部矿石相对富F;矿体中相对富C1和I,近矿围岩中相对富F。卤素与Ag有密切的关系,但是矿石类型不同,卤素与Ag的关系也不同,F与Ag多为负相关,C1与Ag,I与Ag多为正相关。表明卤素在银的活化、溶解、长距离迁移和沉淀富集过程中可能起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

郑锡泉 《江苏地质》2003,27(4):242-245
将土地资产的理论与经验引进矿产资源管理,探讨建立和完善社会主义矿产资源市场经济制造,指出实现矿产资源性资产的市场机制是资源优化配置的一种十分重要的手段。它能够通过各级政府规划或者指导对资源的形势研究,预测其供求、价格和竞争之间的相互作用和影响。推动资源的科学利用与有效保护,合理流动与分配,提高资源利用率,从而促进社会经济的可持续发展。探讨和创建矿产资源性资产与产权管理的新机制,其实质是采矿权人根据国家法律,按统一的技术规定、规程、标准和要求,对其占用的资源储量进行定期或不定期的检测,编制相应的动态报表、年度报告和统计报表。国家根据矿种类型,通过省市县建立不同层次的矿产资源储量数据库进行产权管理。政府的监督管理主要由矿产资源储量登记与统计及核查机制组成。  相似文献   

有关“和”字,《说文解字》口部书作“味”,解为“相应也”,系与入口之饮食有关;“禾”乃是“和”的观念的基本喻象,“和”同“禾”一起诞生于土地之上。而如今,“和”又被株洲国土资源文化引用为核心价值观。 《孙子兵法》曰:“道者,令民与上同意者也,可与之死,可与之生,民不诡也。”文化建设即可理解为传“道”途径之一。株洲国土资源文化通过以“和”为“道”,“令民与上同意”,从而“上下同欲者胜”。  相似文献   

基于GIS的地热资源与环境管理信息系统的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何实现地热资源的可持续开发与利用,保证资源与环境协同发展,已经成为一个亟待解决的问题。将GIS与地热工程分析相结合,借助信息技术,建立了地热资源与环境管理信息系统,这一系统的特点就是以长观数据与地热工程分析结果作为数据源,将信息化管理和科学决策结合在一起,实现集信息管理,资源评价与科学决策为一体的信息系统。  相似文献   

斑岩型铜矿床是重要的铜矿类型,在已探明的铜储量中斑岩型铜矿居首位。研究认为,在板块构造的敛合带上,斑岩铜矿发育地区,常见有角砾状地质体和角砾岩筒。这些角砾状地质体和角砾岩筒对矿化与謇集起着重要作用,是斑岩铜矿的重要找矿标志,有时其本身就是铜矿体。本文中从理论与野外工作相结合的角度,总结了与斑岩型铜矿床有关的角砾状地质体和角砾岩筒的类型及地质特征,通过具体实例介绍了与斑岩铜矿有关的角砾岩筒的找矿思路与方法,适宜野外工作的实际应用。  相似文献   

输导通道类型对天然气聚集效率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对中国大中型气田天然气输导通道类型及影响因素研究,得到中国大中型气田主要有断裂、断裂与不整合组合、砂体、断裂与砂体组合、不整合与砂体组合和不整合6种输导通道类型。其中以断裂为主,其次是断裂与不整合组合,再次是砂体和断裂与砂体组合,最少为不整合和不整合与砂体组合。它们主要受盆地类型、盆地内构造带类型和源储空间位置关系的影响。由中国大中型气田储量、含气面积和聚集时问,通过求取其天然气聚集效率,把中国大中型气田划分为高效、中效和低效3类气田。通过中国大中型气田天然气聚集效率与输导通道类型之间关系分析,得到聚集时间相对较晚的断裂、砂体和断裂与不整合组合形成的输导通道天然气聚集效率相对较高,有利于快速形成大中型气田。  相似文献   

基于不可逆热力学岩土损伤理论的流动势理论存在两个基本问题:(1)岩土材料是否存在流动势;(2)流动势可否分解为塑性势和损伤势,即塑性、损伤两种机制可否解耦,给出了流动势存在的充分必要条件并加以严格证明,结合岩土的基本变形性质,证明了岩土不存在流动势。进一步考察流动势的解耦性,给出了流动势的塑性流动与损伤流动可解耦的充分必要条件,并进行了严格论证,结合土体的基本变形性质,证明了岩土塑性流动和损伤流动机制不可解耦,从而也为其他固体材料流动势的存在性和解耦性提供判别依据。  相似文献   

The following dimensionless parameters (two of them well-known and five of them new) are defined for determination of ripple mark geometry: ripple index (RI), ripple symmetry index (RSI), continuity index (CI), bifurcation index (BI), straightness index (SI), and two different parallelism indices (PI1 and PI2). In general, RI = 15 or less indicates wave or water current origin; RI = 17 or more indicates wind or swash origin. RSI = 1.5 or less indicates wave or swash types; RSI = 3 or more indicates wind or water current types. CI = 15 or more suggests wind or wave origin; CI = 10 or less suggests water current origin. BI = 10 or more suggests wave varieties; BI = 1 or less suggests wind varieties. SI = 102 or more indicates wind or deep-water wave types; SI = 15 to 102 indicates wind or wave types; SI =4 or less indicates current types. PI1 = 7 or more suggests wave origin; PI1 = 1 or less suggests water current origin. PI2 = 0.4 or more is probably the result of swash or water current action. PI2 = 0.2 or less is probably the result of wind or wave action. Longitudinal ripple marks (such as rib-and-furrow) and deformed or modified varieties (such as flat-topped tidal-flat ripple marks and nearly- flat-topped intermittent creek ripple marks) have been excluded, inasmuch as (1)they are commonly easy to identify from their appearance, and (2)they are difficult to measure with ordinary methods. Plots of two indices against each other on coordinate paper can be particularly useful; the best combinations are RI vs. RSI, and RI vs. PI1, although several other pairs are almost as good. Where all seven parameters can be obtained, the confidence one can have in the interpretation is close to 98%. The effects of current bias, or depth bias, on wave-type ripple marks, extend to both the symmetry (RSI) and to sediment-transport interpretations. Unless the investigator is reasonably sure that no such bias is present (i.e., RSI = 1.0 instead of some significantly higher value such as 1.5), wave-type ripple marks cannot be used to determine direction of either wave approach or sediment transport. If no such bias is present, wave-type ripple marks still cannot be used to determine precise sediment transport direction. If RSI = 1.0 precisely, it is not even necessary that the ripple crests parallel the waves that formed them. The same restrictions apply to the interpretation of micro-crossbedding (that is, ripple mark internal structure). Despite these seemingly severe limitations, general geometry commonly permits a reliable interpretation, and hence ripple marks can provide a great deal of useful data for paleogeographic interpretations. The swash-zone variety of ripple marks includes two sub-types: those modified by a small but unmistakeable hydraulic jump, and those not so modified. The RI can be used to distinguish between these two, even when they were not observed to form.  相似文献   

Two Artifacts of Probability Field Simulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Probability field simulation is being used increasingly to simulate geostatistical realizations. The method can be faster than conventional simulation algorithms and it is well suited to integrate prior soft information in the form of local probability distributions. The theoretical basis of probability field simulation has been established when there are no conditioning data; however, no such basis has been established in presence of conditioning data. Realizations generated by probability field simulation show two severe artifacts near conditioning data. We document these artifacts and show theoretically why they exist. The two artifacts that have been investigated are (1) local conditioning data appear as local minima or maxima of the simulated values, and (2) the variogram model in range of conditioning data is not honored; the simulated values have significantly greater continuity than they are supposed to. These two artifacts are predicted by theory. An example flow simulation study is presented to illustrate that they affect more than the visual appearance of the simulated realizations. Notwithstanding the flexibility of the probability field simulation method, these two artifacts suggest that it be used with caution in presence of conditioning data. Future research may overcome these limitations.  相似文献   

The Ordovician clays of Jbel Kharrou (Rehamna, Morocco) have been studied for their use in ceramic industry. The realised studies were carried out on two samples B1 and B2, the most representative, taken from a clay dominated formation that outcrops 25 km east of the Skhour Rehamna city. The chemical analyses, mineralogical studies and advanced technological tests undertaken on the two samples indicate that these clays can be considered as non-refractory material, so they can be used to the manufacturing of ceramic products: soil and wall tiles, sanitary, pottery, etc. The tested briquettes, cooked at 1040?°C, remain flat, without deformation or defects; they are of cream white dye. These briquettes show a high mechanical resistance to the flexion, the loss in weight remains tolerable with cooking, lightly elevated (12% ); it can be corrected by the addition of a grease-remover. To cite this article: N. El Yakoubi et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

季强 《地球学报》2009,30(3):285-290
本文对我国恐龙蛋研究历史作了简略回顾, 大致分为三个研究阶段:形态分类、半自然分类和自然分类阶段。本文根据中国江西赣州晚白垩世南雄组产出的两枚含胚胎恐龙蛋的研究, 认为这两枚恐龙蛋处于不同的发育阶段, 蛋体形态和蛋壳显微结构表明它们同属于以往在广东发现的瑶屯巨型蛋(Macroolithus yaotunensis), 骨骼学研究表明它们可能是黄氏河源龙(Heyuannia huangi)或与其亲缘关系相近的窃蛋龙所产。江西赣州晚白垩世含胚胎恐龙蛋的首次发现标志着我国恐龙蛋研究已进入自然分类阶段  相似文献   

Options for defining non-circular (or non-spherical) particles in DEM codes are briefly reviewed before introducing a new concept: potential particles. This method can be used to define convex particles with a wide variety of shapes, from almost polygonal to circular. It is readily applicable in both two and three dimensions. Although contact detection and overlap calculations are not as fast as for circular particles, they can nevertheless be made sufficiently simple and fast for implementation in DEM codes.  相似文献   

马海丹  杨继媛  陈爱林  侯先光  唐烽 《地质学报》2019,93(11):2715-2728
本文报道澄江生物群似斜纹海绵属Paradiagoniella的两个新种:橄榄形似斜纹海绵P.oliviformis sp. nov. 和锥形似斜纹海绵P. conicasp. nov. 。两个新种具有似斜纹海绵属的基本特征:体壁薄;由排列不规则、分级的十字骨针为基底构成骨骼;除十字骨针外,还穿插排列有五射针、六射针、弯弓形和针形双尖单轴针等。然而与模式种不同,两个新种十字骨针分级不明显;同时,两个新种在外形、骨针组成、最大十字骨针射长比等方面,与本属的其他种都存在明显差异。新材料的发现增加了寒武纪早期原始海绵物种多样性,为研究海绵动物早期起源演化提供了新信息。  相似文献   

Mixes of carbonate and quartz sands, which are commonly encountered in Recent coastal sediments, require careful analysis if they are to be correctly interpreted. Grain-size data fall into multimodal or segmented zig-zag distributions which may require some kind of component separation if they are to be summarised by conventional statistics, and before they can be assigned to a particular hydrodynamic depositional process or environment. Unfortunately, separation techniques are only spasmodically applied, usually without due regard to the consequences. Such artificially filtered or truncated distributions are of little subsequent use. Using a range of samples from two beaches in NW Ireland, where carbonate proportions range from nearly zero to over sixty percent, the interrelationships of the two dominant components were examined. Where only a small carbonate proportion is incorporated into a large quartz one, predictable modifications of the size-curve are apparent. However, the components are more independent if mixtures are near equal. The occurrence of a number of distinctive combinations of simple straight lines and complex zig-zag curves probably reflects the relatively dynamic nature of the carbonate fraction.  相似文献   

On synneusis     
Synnneusis is the process of drifting-together and mutual attachment of crystals suspended in a melt. This process is episodic, is most characteristic of the earlier stages of consolidation, and appears to be related to magmatic turbulence. Union of crystals in synneusis relation normally occurs on their broader faces in preferred orientations which coincide with positions of low interfacial energy. Quantitative studies of several common igneous minerals indicate that crystals of a single mineral characteristically show a strong affinity for synneusis and typically unite in parallel or twinned orientation. Some pairs of unlike minerals join readily in synneusis relation, but most appear to be antipathetic.Synneusis structures have generally been overlooked or misinterpreted as epitaxial intergrowths, primary twins, irregular growth forms, or the random union of crystals which have grown into contact. These possibilities must be rejected where it can be shown that two or more distinct crystals are involved, that they were relatively large when they came in contact, and that they are oriented with prominent faces in common.Synneusis is responsible for three major features of the magmatic fabric: (1) the small scale segregation of minerals; (2) the systematic mutual orientation of adjacent crystals in synneusis relation; and (3) the morphology of their common boundary. Because synneusis structures are restricted to igneous rocks and are widespread and easily recognized, they provide a definitive and ready criterion of magmatic origin.  相似文献   

Methods used for the estimation of analytical precision commonly suffer from two deficiencies which give rise to misleading results. These are: (1) the methods take no account of changes in absolute or relative error over the concentration range, and (2) they tend for other reasons to produce optimistically-biassed results. The difficulties can be avoided by the correct use of duplicate determinations. One method presented allows precision parameters to be estimated. The other gives rise to a simple control chart for use in geochemical analysis.  相似文献   

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