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为解决能源问题而提出了地下闭式循环地热交换发电系统.该系统地下部分通过全井下套管形成一个封闭系统,克服了传统地热发电和干热岩发电受地质条件制约、对环境造成危害等缺点,是一种新型的不依赖位置、环境友好的地热发电系统.采用大位移技术进行钻井,应用悬链线技术对井身剖面结构进行了优化,提出了地下连接技术要求,应用分支井和膨胀套管技术固井,设计了水泥配方并进行了相关试验,优化了载热流体,计算了有机工质朗肯循环(ORC)的发电效率.  相似文献   

青海省是我国地热资源相对丰富的地区, 但其主要地热能开发利用方式长期以来为效率较低的直接利用.以青海东北部地热异常明显的共和盆地为典型研究区, 依据前期地热地质调查和地球物理工作成果, 在盆地北部施工了终孔深度为1 852 m的DR2井, 获取了温度达84.2 ℃的地热流体.在此基础上, 建立了青海省首个试验地热发电站, 设计年平均净发电量为114 kW.与利用高温地热流体发电的西藏羊八井地热电站不同, 青海共和试验地热电站是青藏高原利用中低温地热流体发电的典范, 有望为青海省能源结构优化做出开拓性贡献.总体来看, 共和盆地地热流体温度较高、水量丰富、具有较大的发电潜力, 但在开发利用过程中也应注意结垢问题.   相似文献   

长白山地区地热系统的研究目前还处于初级阶段,热储温度仍然是具有争议的问题。为进一步明确其高温地热成因机理,本文对该区域的4个温泉点与2口地热井进行了离子及气体组分测定与分析,并应用地球化学温标估算了热储温度。Na-K-Mg三角图和部分矿物I_S值指示长白山地区地热水与围岩未达到水岩平衡状态,稀释作用明显,仅石英、玉髓和部分含Ca2+矿物达到饱和并发生沉淀。根据本文及前人的研究,研究区同时存在高温喷气孔、高_ρ(Cl^-)水和高_ρ(SO_42-)水,这符合White汽-液分离模式提出的地热地表显示组合,因此推断长白山地区下部流体发生汽-液分离作用(沸腾)且地热系统为双相地热系统。由于双相地热系统的存在制约了水化学温标与部分气化学温标在研究区热储温度估算中的应用,因此本文结合研究区气组分特征,选取CO_2/H_2温标作为可靠温标,估算出热储温度在234.5~284.7℃之间。将长白山天池地区地质特征与地热流体特征结合,建立了长白山地区地热成因模式。  相似文献   

热储温度评价是地热系统研究的关键内容。文章选取建设比较成熟的美国国家地热数据系统(National Geothermal Data System,NGDS),分别利用地球化学地热温度计、多矿物平衡法、冷热水混合模型及气体地热温度计对不同地热田的热储温度进行评价,确定不同热储温度评价方法的适用性和局限性,以期为热储温度评价方法的选取提供参考。研究结果表明,当地热水体达到离子和矿物的平衡状态时,地球化学地热温度计可得到相对合理的热储温度;当地热水体未达到离子和矿物的平衡状态时,SiO2地热温度计较阳离子温度对热储温度的评价效果更准确。尽管基于饱和指数的多矿物平衡法由于有限饱和平衡矿物选择导致不一定得到精确的热储温度,但可为地球化学地热温度计的选取提供依据,比如当石英过饱和时,用玉髓地热温度计计算的温度比石英更能反映地下的热储温度。对于蒸汽为主的高温地热储层,由于蒸汽和地表岩石反应导致矿物和离子无法反映热储信息,气体地热温度计对该类型热储温度的评价更加合理。由于混合模型得到的是冷、热水混合之前的热水端温度,因此,混合模型计算的热储温度通常高于地球化学地热温度计。总之,没有一种温度计是万能的,不同地热温度计适用条件不同,综合不同合理的方法以及互相校正是最好的方法。  相似文献   

Abstract: The alteration mineralogy, the present-day fluid chemistry, and some fluid inclusion data are used to make inferences on the chemical changes that have occurred in the fluids during the history of the Tongonan Geothermal Field. Thermal activity in the Tongonan area began in the Miocene when emplacement of many plutons forming a batholith contact metamorphosed the overlying volcanics to hornblende hornfels assemblages. In the early Pliocene, when tectonic uplift occurred along the Philippine Fault, about 2 mole % of mainly carbon dioxide and sulfur gas was released to a geothermal fluid and condensed in groundwater with geothermal steam. The condensate intensely altered the reservoir rock and formed an acid mineral assemblage, which was overprinted by a later, lower temperature, neutral-pH assemblage. Some chlorite, epidote and illite in the reservoir rock formed at temperatures up to 100°C lower than present-day temperatures possibly during the Plio-Pleistocene uplift period, i.e., the system was heating up. The assemblage garnet-anhydrite formed in fractures from a condensate after the gas had nearly completely separated from the deep, CO2-rich fluid during vigorous boiling possibly during hydrothermal eruptions. The output of gas to the geothermal fluid decreased, while the salinity (10,000 mg/kg or - 2 wt% NaCl) and the temperature of the geothermal fluid remained nearly constant throughout the Quaternary. When this neutral-pH, alkali chloride fluid boiled, it initially precipitated albite or epidote on the rims then anhydrite at the center of fractures at high temperatures (-250–300°C). At lower temperatures (-150–250°C), adularia or wairakite and later calcite were deposited as the proportion of gas in the steam condensate increased. The origin of solutes is also discussed.  相似文献   

山东省临清坳陷区岩溶热储地热能潜力分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
山东省临清坳陷区内埋藏有巨厚的寒武系—奥陶系碳酸岩地层,是地热开发的有利目标层位。在石油勘探过程中取得的地震解译与钻探成果基础上,综合前人的研究成果,编制了区内新生界平均地温梯度图及奥陶系顶板埋深等值线图,采用地温梯度计算公式估算了奥陶系顶板地层的温度。结合寒武系—奥陶系地层厚度的空间分布情况,以奥陶系顶板处120 ℃作为地热资源量计算分区的起算温度,并以90 ℃作为地热资源利用的下限温度,对地热发电的前景进行了预测。结果表明,区内岩溶热储地热资源开发利用前景广阔,可用于发电的地热资源量为1.27×1015 MJ,折合电能1.35×105 MW,其中240 ℃高温区的地热资源就能满足区内供电需求。  相似文献   

Geothermal energy for electricity generation is likely to become increasingly important in Kenya in the future. There are numerous centres of thermal activity in Kenya, particularly within the Rift Valley, although aridity and, consequently, availability of water may be a constraint to the development of large scale natural hydrothermal systems. Geothermal resources in the islands of Lake Turkana and those close to other rift lakes deserve further investigation as they do not suffer from the constraints of a shortage of water. The experience gained so far at Oikaria shows that environmental problems can be adequately addressed, though constant monitoring is necessary. H2S emissions preclude the setting up of permanent residences within about 5 km of the geothermal power stations. Trace elements and radiation from geothermal fluids need to be monitored with respect to their impacts on plants and animals. The impact on the local hydrogeology also requires close observation. Multistage uses of geothermal fluids will greatly increase the benefits derived from this resource.  相似文献   

川藏铁路从西至东依次穿越了拉萨-喜马拉雅活动带、昌都-川西造山带与四川盆地3个大地构造单元,其沿线地热资源成因机制的研究对于陆-陆碰撞型地热域不同类型地热田展布规律的认识及其开发利用有着重要的理论与现实意义.本文在系统总结前人成果的基础上,根据区域构造演化、构造变形对地热田成因要素的影响,对比了川藏铁路沿线地热田在热源、热储构造与水运移模式方面的差异性.川藏铁路沿线的地热域依照变形强度分别以怒江断裂带、龙门山断裂带为界,从西至东划分为板缘碰撞造山型、板内逆冲推覆型、盆内稳定坳陷型3个地热带,分别发育高温岩浆岩型、中-低温断裂深循环型、低温坳陷盆地型3类地热田,其大地热流值从西至东逐步减少(即从138.2 mW/m2→71 mW/m2→51 mW/m2); 热储的构造模型可归纳为伸展地堑型、冲起构造型、花状构造型与隐伏背斜型,热储的层位亦逐渐变老、埋藏变深(即从Q+J-T3→T2-3→T1-2).尽管各类地热田有着相同的水源(主要来自大气降水),基本相似的水化学类型(以Cl-Na型、HCO3-Na型为主)与矿化度(2 500~3 500 mg /L),但有着完全不同的地热水运移模式,尤其在水循环深度、壳源流体的贡献、垂向/水平径流路径等方面.依据不同类型地热田资源禀赋的差异,分别建议川藏铁路沿线地热开发的主要方式为: 林芝-拉萨段的高温发电、供暖与制冷; 雅安-林芝段的中低温发电、供暖与制冷; 以及成都-雅安段的低温供暖、温泉洗浴等.   相似文献   

Anatolia region is one of the most seismically active regions in the world and has a considerably high level of geothermal energy potential. Some of these geothermal resources have been used for power generation and direct heating. Most of the high enthalpy geothermal systems are located in western part of Turkey. Alasehir is the most important geothermal site in western part of Turkey. Many geothermal wells have been drilled in Alasehir Plain to produce the geothermal fluid from the deep reservoir in the last 10 years. A blowout accident happened during a geothermal well drilling operation in Alasehir Plain, and significant amount of geothermal fluid surfaced out along the fault zone in three locations. When drilling string entered the reservoir rock about 1000 m, blowout occurred. As the well head preventer system was closed because of the blowout, high-pressure fluid surfaced out along the fault zone cutting the Neogene formation. In order to understand the geothermal fluid effects on groundwater chemistry, physical and chemical compositions of local cold groundwater were monitored from May 2012 to September 2014 in the study area. The geothermal fluid was found to be of Na–HCO3 water type, and especially, arsenic and boron concentrations reached levels as high as 3 and 127 mg/L, respectively. The concentrations of arsenic and boron in the geothermal fluid and groundwater exceeded the maximum allowable limits given in the national and international standards for drinking water quality. According to temporally monitored results, geothermal fluid has extremely high mineral content which influenced the quality of groundwater resources of the area where water resource is commonly used for agricultural irrigation.  相似文献   

通过对珠江口盆地白云凹陷108口钻井的地温数据(BHT、MDT、DST)进行校正、分析,以点到面重构白云凹陷的现今地温场,再结合地质与地球化学资料,正演恢复白云凹陷烃源岩的热演化史及生烃史.研究结果显示:(1)白云凹陷具有变地温场,地温梯度分布在35~60℃/km之间,呈现出南高北低的分布特征.(2)受控于白云凹陷变地...  相似文献   

CO2 can be used as an alternative injectant to exploit geothermal energy from depleted high-temperature gas res-ervoirs due to its high mobility and unique thermal properties.However,there has been a lack of systematic anal-ysis on the heat mining mechanism and performance of CO2,as well as the problems that may occur during geothermal energy exploitation at specific gas reservoir conditions.In this paper,a base numerical simulation model of a typical depleted high-temperature gas reservoir was established to simulate the geothermal energy exploitation processes via recycling CO2 and water,with a view to investigate whether and/or at which condi-tions CO2 is more suitable than water for geothermal energy exploitation.The problems that may occur during the CO2-based geothermal energy exploitation were also analyzed along with proposed feasible solutions.The re-sults indicate that,for a depleted low-permeability gas reservoir with dimensions of 1000 m × 500 m × 50 m and temperature of 150℃using a single injection-production well group for 40 years of operation,the heat mining rate of C02 can be up to 3.8 MW at a circulation flow rate of 18 kg s-1 due to its high mobility along with the flow path in the gas reservoir,while the heat mining rate of water is only about 2 MW due to limitations on the injectivity and mobility.The reservoir physical property and injection-production scheme have some effects on the heat mining rate,but CO2 always has better performance than water at most reservoir and operation condi-tions,even under a high water saturation.The main problems for CO2 circulation are wellbore corrosion and salt precipitation that can occur when the reservoir has high water saturation and high salinity,in which serious salt precipitation can reduce formation permeability and result in a decline of CO2 heat mining rate(e.g.up to 24%reduction).It is proposed to apply a low-salinity water slug before CO2 injection to reduce the damage caused by salt precipitation.For high-permeability gas reservoirs with high water saturation and high salinity,the supe-riority of CO2 as a heat transmission fluid becomes obscure and water injection is recommended.  相似文献   

西安地热田地热弃水回灌数值模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在分析研究西安地热田西南地热开发区的地质构造、热储特征的基础上,首次建立了回灌区地热系统三维数值模型,完成了地热弃水回灌的数值模拟研究,提出地热弃水回灌层位及回灌水量、回灌对热储层渗流场及温度场的影响等。  相似文献   

海南省乐东县龙沐湾地热田属于隐伏小型中低温地热田,地热田面积约12 km2,呈南北半月形带状展布,该地热田内3口地热井为32℃~42℃。通过对地热田内地热井的水化学资料分析得出,地热田水化学类型以HCO3-Na·Ca型为主,地热流体水化学组分基本处于稳定状态。同时对地热流体质量评价,将地热田地热流体命名为重碳酸钠钙型硅温水,可作饮用天然矿泉水,不宜作生活饮用水、渔业用水和农业灌溉,地热流体不具有腐蚀性且通过碳酸钙结垢趋势判断为不结垢。  相似文献   

河北遵化汤泉地热资源丰富,阐明其成因模式对于该地热田的进一步开发和热水资源的可持续利用具有一定的指导意义。基于地温测量和水文地球化学分析等方法对其进行了系统研究,结果表明该地热田属中低温对流型地热系统。地热田在其以北的山区接受大气降水补给,补给高程下限约为935 m。地热流体在深循环过程中于正常的大地热流背景下被围岩逐渐加热,热储温度约为130 ℃,循环深度约为4 800 m。在汤泉福泉宫至疗养院一带,构造切割花岗岩体,使得深部地热流体沿破碎带上涌,混合并加热赋存于蓄水构造中的片麻岩裂隙水,形成汤泉地区的地热异常。  相似文献   

区域地热特征及深部温度估算对于油气勘探和地热能资源评价和开发利用具有重要意义,长江下游地区是我国东部经济社会高度发达的地区,其能源需求大,区域热状态研究能为该区地热资源评价提供关键约束。通过整合长江下游地区已有的温度数据和实测岩石物性参数,勾勒出该区的现今地温场特征,并进一步估算其1 000~5 000 m埋深处的地层温度。研究表明,长江下游地区现今地温梯度为16~41 ℃/km,且以18~25 ℃/km居多,苏北盆地区呈现高地温梯度。大地热流值为48~80 mW/m2,其均值为60 mW/m2,表现为中等的地热状态,有利于油气和地热能形成。此外,长江下游地区深部地温估算表明,1 000 m埋深处的温度范围为30~54 ℃,2 000 m时温度范围为50~95 ℃,3 000 m时温度范围为65~130 ℃,4 000 m时温度范围为80~170 ℃,5 000 m时温度范围为100~210 ℃。区域深部地温的展布趋势呈NE向,高温区域集中在安徽南部和江苏东北部。结合60 ℃和120 ℃等温线的埋深分布及区域地质、地球化学和地热特征,初步探讨了该区油气与地热资源的有利区带及其相应的开发利用类型。  相似文献   

李洁祥  郭清海  王焰新 《地球科学》2015,40(9):1576-1584
高温地热系统中赋存着大量的地热能资源.为了进一步了解高温地热系统, 以腾冲热海热田为典型研究区, 利用热泉地球化学组成, 基于多种地球化学模型确定了热田深部母地热流体的温度, 并分析了其升流后经历的不同冷却过程.热海热田的硫磺塘水热区和热水塘水热区所排泄的热泉源自共同的深部热储, 该热储中母地热流体的Cl-质量浓度为265 mg/L, 温度为336 ℃.在热海热田, 母地热流体在经历绝热冷却过程后直接形成了泉口温度最高的大滚锅泉, 而其他中性泉均由母地热流体先与浅部地下冷水混合再经历绝热冷却形成.母地热流体的深部热储之上存在多个温度在200 ℃以上的热储, 这些热储的形成受控于热海地区发育的多组方向不同的断裂.   相似文献   

A Review of Some Rock Mechanics Issues in Geothermal Reservoir Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rock mechanics and geomechanical studies can provide crucial information for economic geothermal reservoir development. Although significant progress has been made in reservoir geomechanics, technical challenges specific to the geothermal area (high temps, data collection, experimentation issues) have prevented widespread use of geomechanics in geothermal reservoir development. However, as the geothermal industry moves to develop more challenging resources using the concept of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), and to maximize productivity from conventional resources, the need for improved understanding of geomechanical issues and developing specific technologies for geothermal reservoirs has become critical. Rock mechanics research and improved technologies can impact areas related to in-situ stress characterization, initiation and propagation of artificial and natural fractures, and the effects of coupled hydro-thermo-chemo-mechanical processes on fracture permeability and induced seismicity. Rock mechanics/geomechanics research, including experimental and theoretical investigations as well as numerical and analytical solutions, has an important role in optimizing reservoir design and heat extraction strategies for sustainable geothermal energy development. A number of major areas where rock mechanics research can facilitate geothermal systems development are reviewed in this paper with particular emphasis on EGS design and management.  相似文献   

贵州石阡地热田地热资源量计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
杨荣康  杨丽君  王乾  杨元丽 《贵州地质》2014,31(2):154-157,146
贵州省石阡地热田属于典型的山区褶皱断裂复合型热储,本文针对以往该类型热储资源量计算存在的问题,在热矿水采样测试结果和综合研究基础上,建立石阡地热田热储模型;结合地热井钻探和测井资料,考虑褶皱断裂型热储参数存在各向异性的差别,将地热资源量计算区划为以层状热储为主的层状热储区和以断裂带为主的带状热储区,确定计算参数,采用热储法计算地热资源量;计算得出石阡地热田地热资源为2.18×1016kJ/a,折合成标准煤7.46×108t/a,可利用的地热资源量为3.28×1015kJ/a,折合标准煤1.12×108t/a;将计算结果与该地区以往研究成果进行对比分析,结果显示,褶皱断裂型热储地热资源量的计算过程中,深部断裂带带状热储是不可忽略的,本次研究所采用的计算方法得出的结果更能真实的反映该地热田实际的地热资源量。  相似文献   

为解决天津市地热工作中大量地热地质专业数据处理工作周期长与管理决策快速、科学要求相矛盾的问题,满足地热开发利用科学规划发展的要求,为资源的可持续开发利用提供操作简单、智能的工具和手段;在过去天津地热工作的基础上,提出了"两线一面"三维动态分区方法,利用MapGIS SDK及Visual Basic开发了地热工程热储规划分区及地热井审批查询系统。该系统的开发为规划的制定和落实提供了快速、全面、直观的规划分区,并且具有动态跟踪功能。在规划期间内,每年根据热储动态观测数据,利用该系统制作一套年度规划分区图,供管理部门掌握规划情况和动态审批。  相似文献   

It is common sense that a deeper well implies higher temperature in the exploration of deep geothermal resources, especially with hot dry rock (HDR) geothermal resources, which are generally exploited in terms of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). However, temperature is always different even at the same depth in the upper crust due to different heat sources. This paper summarizes the heat sources and classifies them into two types and five sub-types: crust-origin (partial melting, non-magma-generated tectonic events and radiogenic heat production), and mantle-origin (magma and heat conducted from the mantle). A review of global EGS sites is presented related to the five sub-types of heat sources. According to our new catalog, 71% of EGS sites host mantle-origin heat sources. The temperature logging curves indicate that EGS sites which host mantle-origin magma heat sources have the highest temperature. Therefore, high heat flow (>100 mW/m2) regions with mantle-origin magma heat sources should be highlighted for the future exploration of EGS. The principle to identify the heat source is elucidated by applying geophysical and geochemical methods including noble gas isotope geochemistry and lithospheric thermal structure analysis. This analytical work will be helpful for the future exploration and assessment of HDR geothermal resources.  相似文献   

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