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斜率法是萃取机理研究最为常用的方法之一。尽管其理论基础和使用方法非常简单,但该方法却常常被误用,导致其非但不能有效的确定萃取机理,反而产生了误导性结论。本文以t-BAMBP萃取碱金属离子(K~+、Rb~+、Cs~+)体系为例讨论了常见的错误用法以及造成这类情况的根源问题,之后对其他萃取体系中类似错误用法进行了简要评述,表明斜率法的错误使用主要源于对萃取反应方程式的错误假定及对工作方程推导过程中引入的近似处理理解不当。最后总结了在萃取机理研究中正确使用斜率法的几点注意事项。  相似文献   
基于人文地理视角下的城市创意产业图像可视化分析对城市深层次空间综合和区域创新发展具有重大意义。但Swarm群智能动态时空建模难以满足创意产业空间集聚的可视化发展。本文研究目标是,从城市区域创意产业空间聚类影响因素指标出发,创新性地提出区域空间动态集聚轨迹算法(Density-Based Interest Spatial Clustering of Path,DBICP),并与计算机浏览器共建聚类可视化图像,为城市管理提供决策依据。首先,根据影响因素指标体系,利用2014—2018年空间卡口流量数据和产业指标数据进行预处理,构建空间标准聚类算法DBSCAN。然后,对其进行聚类密度分级优化形成全新DBICP算法并得出初步轨迹图像。最后,通过源码转译实现了浏览器界面下空间动态集聚轨迹图像的输出。结果表明:以上海市为例,普陀区、浦东新区、徐汇地区的创意产业空间分布形成了3种不同的聚类模式,并相应提出了分摊、均布、虹吸的管控策略。此方法克服了传统图像的聚类分级和轨迹测量的缺失,可以有效地从指标数据中发现图像轨迹聚类信息,体现了地理信息科学和人文社会学科的交叉融合。也为大数据动态图像的集聚方法提供了全新视角和借鉴价值。  相似文献   
自然灾害韧弹性社会的理论范式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球环境变化和经济快速发展导致自然灾害的增加,已经成为现代人类社会最严重的环境问题之一。面对自然灾害风险防控的严峻形势,人类社会必须建设得足够强大,以应对可能发生的自然灾害风险。在提出“构筑自然灾害韧弹性社会减轻自然灾害风险”的基础上,本文重点分析韧弹性的确切涵义,通过综合灾害防御、损害恢复和应急管控,诠释自然灾害韧弹性社会的内涵、组分和结构;建立自然灾害韧弹性社会的指标体系和定量表征方法,评估案例区自然灾害韧弹性社会的状况;进而针对城乡差异设计建设自然灾害韧弹性社会的途径。依此,系统性地构建了包括概念—结构—指标—途径的自然灾害韧弹性社会理论范式。建设自然灾害韧弹性社会是人类的必然选择,这与社会经济可持续发展高度一致。研究旨在推动综合应对自然灾害风险,探索建设“更强、更安全、更持续”的自然灾害韧弹性社会途径,支撑国家防灾减灾战略转变、实施“关键领域与薄弱环节九大工程”。  相似文献   
传统的缓存置换策略未充分考虑数据访问的空间特征,也不适用于基于矢量瓦片的替换。该文根据矢量瓦片的空间数据结构,提出一种适用于矢量瓦片缓存替换的视点相关预测区域算法:首先根据瓦片存储中多分辨率金字塔结构进行空间单元划分,并根据用户操作类型求解矢量瓦片及空间单元热度,从而构建用户视点位置相关的预测区域;然后综合考虑瓦片层级、空间单元热度及距离等因素进行预测区域分析,获得瓦片缓存价值并进行瓦片置换。通过与传统的FIFO、LRU和LFU缓存策略相比较,该算法的瓦片命中率比FIFO和LRU分别提高了近50%和20%,瓦片的请求耗时分别缩短了50%和30%左右,相比LFU也有明显优势。该研究为WebGIS提供了一种更具潜力的瓦片缓存方法。  相似文献   
基于PPT战略的广东省乐昌市生态旅游扶贫模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以贫困人口受益为出发点,基于有利于贫困人口发展的旅游(Pro-Poor Tourism, PPT)战略,以广东省乐昌市为例,开展适用于中国南方林区生态旅游扶贫开发的发展模式和旅游扶贫产业的发展路径研究。结果表明:1)政府部门、旅游企业、乡村社区和非营利社会组织都应在提升贫困人口参与度、减轻贫困和生态保护方面承担责任,具体为:政府部门应主导搭建平台和监管落实,旅游企业合理利用生态资源,乡村社区和非营利社会组织相互支持并协助以推进拟定的旅游扶贫发展模式;2)针对乐昌市“生态林木、高山名茶、特色蔬果”等3种特有生态资源,提出以“茶、林、蔬果”三大特色农林资源为抓手的生态旅游发展方式,并提炼出三条适用于乐昌市的产业发展路径,具体为:“休闲农业+特色林果产业+旅游电商产业”“林下休闲业+林下经济产业+林产品初加工”和“森林生态旅游+特色林业种植+自然生态教育”。基于PPT战略,旅游扶贫开发需协调好政府部门、旅游企业、乡村社区和非营利社会组织的关系,只有这四大参与主体共同兼顾生态旅游扶贫开发中的经济、社会和环境效益,才能最终实现PPT战略的经济发展、贫困社区发展、贫困人口与生态可持续发展这三大层次目标。  相似文献   
走向伟大复兴的中国地缘战略:国家周边论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随批判地缘政治学的兴起,围绕古典地缘战略理论的争论一度成为学术研究的焦点,而“一带一路”倡议的提出更是激起有关“一带一路”是否是中国当前全球地缘战略的讨论。2019年新冠疫情叠加中美大脱钩使得中国适时调整和制定符合当前整体地缘环境态势的地缘战略迫在眉睫,这关系到“两个一百年”目标和民族复兴能否实现。本文借鉴哲学中的主体间性概念重新解读了古典的地缘战略理论。在归纳总结古典地缘战略理论所具有的固有特征后,反驳了“一带一路”倡议为中国地缘战略的观点。借用古典地缘战略隐含的构建方式,在分析全球地缘环境、中美地缘关系和中国地缘环境后,提出了到21世纪中叶前中国的地缘战略——国家周边论。但是,我们应该承认,无论对中国还是对美国而言,继续围绕中国周边地区的对抗甚至全球尺度的冲突对于双方甚至全球都是不利的。中美必须走出过去历史长河中形成的强国必霸的主体间性的共识,在对话、交流的基础上,实现中美互动实践的良性循环,以此结束当今世界的种种冲突,走向和平发展,构建人类命运共同体。  相似文献   
研究《宁夏空间发展战略规划》的实施对策,对落实规划总体战略、促进宁夏协调发展具有重要的战略意义。实施"一主三副"战略,推进区域协调发展,重点破解区域发展中差别化不明显的问题;实施"两带两轴"战略,推进城乡协调发展,重点破解城乡二元结构问题;实施"产业集群"战略,推进经济社会协调发展,重点破解产业支撑能力弱的问题;实施"山河为脉"战略,推进人与自然协调发展,重点破解发展的粗放低效和资源约束问题;实施"内陆开放"战略,推进区内开发与对外开放协调发展,重点破解国内开放与国外开放程度较低的问题。  相似文献   
During the last quarter-century, global demand for energy has increased by more than 60%, and a similar increase is anticipated to occur by 2030 (Raymond, Deming, & Nichols, 2007). In the U.S., oil and gas development is projected to continue across western states within sage-grouse habitat. Greater sage-grouse, recently a candidate species for protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), have well documented negative responses to oil and gas disturbance. In this study, we create spatially-explicit oil and gas future development scenarios, baseline and high, and link them to sage-grouse population and habitat maps to quantify future exposure risk within Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) sage-grouse management zones (MZ) I and II. We then analyze recent land use decisions from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) along with enacted policy from the State of Wyoming to estimate how these management actions might minimize the exposure risk of sage-grouse to oil and gas development into the future. Our results show that BLM and Wyoming conservation plans could reduce the exposure of sage-grouse to oil and gas development from 15-27% to 11–17% (31–37% reduction) in MZ I and from 15-27% to 5–9% (64–68% reduction) in MZ II. Our estimates of exposure to future oil and gas development, and conservation measures designed to ameliorate those threats, represent the upper and lower extents of potential impacts within scenarios. Our work demonstrates how spatial modeling and GIS visualization can be used by managers to assess likely outcomes of conservation decisions.  相似文献   
Sustainable management of communal grazing lands in Ethiopia is crucial to sustain livestock productivity and reduce land degradation. This study was conducted in Dera district, Ethiopia, to assess local communities’ perceptions of the degradation and their attitudes on the management of communal grazing lands. Household surveys, group discussions, and the contingent valuation method were used to gather data. Results indicated that local communities are aware of the degradation and are willing to participate in the management of communal grazing lands by contributing labor and cash. Labor contribution is positively and significantly correlated to total livestock units (TLU) and credit, and negatively correlated with household size and extension service. Significant correlation between the willingness to contribute cash and TLU was also detected. Community participation and discussions, demarcation of boundaries, equity in benefit sharing, and engaging both formal and informal institutions are crucial to sustain and enhance the effectiveness of grazing land management.  相似文献   
The introduction of productive gardens on public building roofs is an active way to use urban idle space. It has ecological, economic, and social values and helps alleviate many urban problems caused by the rapid advancement of land urbanization. This paper takes the productive rooftop garden of an urban commercial complex as an example, and assesses its development status based on methods including ArcGIS, field research, and questionnaire interviews, combined with the overall aspects of the country and key case analysis. The results indicate several key aspects of the current status of such gardens in China. (1) As affected by natural and social factors, the current spatial distribution of productive rooftop gardens of commercial complexes in Chinese mainland is uneven, with 84.21% located in the southeast coast and the Sichuan region. (2) The operation and development of this type of productive landscape is in good shape. The number of rooftop gardens has continued to increase since 2013, and the scale is generally greater. Currently, the business model which combines nature education and parent-child amusement experience activities is the most stable. (3) Cases in good operating condition tend to have relatively related characteristics in layouts, traffic functions, landscape elements, and space design. (4) Questionnaire interviews show that citizens are highly willing to participate in rooftop productive landscapes, while operators still experience challenges in policies, funds, and planting knowledge in practice. This paper analyses the existing problems in the development status and strategy of the rooftop productive landscape. It proposes complementary optimization strategies to serve as a reference for the rooftop design of commercial complexes and the utilization of a significant amount of idle space on the roofs.  相似文献   
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