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Using the 2006 Global Emissions Data and 2011 NCEP Final Analysis data as the initial and boundary condition, we simulated the three-dimensional distribution of atmospheric chemical pollutants (such as sea salt, PM10, COx, SO2, NOx, O3, etc) during the onset stage of South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon from 25 April to 25 May in 2011 over the monsoon area of 70°–160°E, 0°–40°N. Simulation results shows that, many changes have taken place in the distribution of atmospheric chemical pollutants near 950 hPa and 400 hPa due to the enhancement of the westerlies and southerlies over the SCS as a result of the monsoon outbreak. Especially, the concentration of pollutants over the SCS is much higher than that over other places because of the strong wind convergence near the surface in situ. Moreover, the vertical distribution of pollutants is also greatly affected by the westerlies and southerlies in the onset process of SCS summer monsoon. Meanwhile, the concentration over land is much greater than that at sea in pre-monsoon period, while the difference between land and sea in the concentration of most pollutants decreases greatly with the onset of SCS summer monsoon.  相似文献   
根据1985—2004年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用HYSPLIT扩散模式和虚拟源方法,模拟分析了珠江三角洲大气污染物的空间和时间分布状况,初步讨论了珠江三角洲大气输送和扩散的季节特征,及其长期变化趋势。结果表明:珠江三角洲大气的输送和扩散有明显的季节变化特征,春、夏季大气污染物汇聚区位于珠江三角洲的西北侧,秋、冬季位于偏西侧;春、夏季的汇聚区明显强于秋、冬季。春、夏季大气分别向珠江三角洲西北和偏北方向的山区输送和扩散,而秋、冬季则沿着较为平坦的粤西海岸,向西南偏西方向输送和扩散。秋、冬季大气污染物的滞留时间明显比春、夏季短。1985—2004年大气输送和扩散能力存在年际差异,其中以2004年的输送和扩散能力最弱、1996年最强。  相似文献   
用GRAPES模式输出变量因子作广东沿海海雾预报   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析5年(2004—2008年)NCEP的1°×1°再分析气象资料,结合2004—2008年的台站观测资料和2006—2008年海雾野外试验的观测资料建立预报变量因子,利用GRAPES模式得到并输出变量因子。结合NCEP资料分析海雾出现的各种判据和条件,选取湛江、珠海、汕头3站为代表,建立了广东沿海自西向东各地区的海雾MOS判别预报方法,实现了24h的海雾判别预报。对2008年3月湛江和汕头、4月珠海的预报检验表明,该海雾MOS判别预报方法对广东沿海海雾具有一定的预报能力,预报准确率为84%~90%,Ts评分为0.40~0.53,Hss评分为0.52~0.56。  相似文献   
Based on observed rainfall data, this study makes a composite analysis of rainfall asymmetry in tropical cyclones(TCs) after making landfall in Guangdong province(GD) during 1998—2015. There are 3.0 TCs per year on average making landfall in GD and west of GD(WGD) has the most landfall TCs. Most of TCs make landfall in June,July, August, and September at the intensities of TY, STS, and TS. On average, there is more rainfall in the southwest quadrant of TC in CGD(center of GD), WGD, and GD as a whole, and the maximum rainfall is located in the southwest near the TC center. The mean TC rainfall in the east of GD(EGD) leans to the eastern side of TC. The TC rainfall distributions in June, July, August, and September all lean to the southwest quadrant and the maximum rainfall is located in the southwest near the TC center. The same features are found in the mean rainfall of TD, TS, STS, TY,and STY. The maximum rainfall is mainly in the downshear of vertical wind shear. Vertical wind shear is probably the dominate factor that determines asymmetric rainfall distribution of TCs in GD. Storm motion has little connection with TC rainfall asymmetry in GD.  相似文献   
随着气象现代化建设的逐步推进 ,台站拥有的微机数量逐渐增多 ,相应的管理维护工作也愈加显得重要。能否及时、准确、高效地做好台站微机及网络系统的维护工作 ,直接关系到台站基本业务的正常运行。下面就实践中遇到的三个实例 ,浅谈台站微机的维护工作。( 1 )实例一 ( 2 0 0 1年 4月 )故障现象基于DOS操作系统的探空观测主机 ;偶然会发生与X 2 5主机联网不成功的情况 ,由于所运行的程序没有显示网络是否连通的提示 ,经常要到通过网络发报时才发现报文不能正常发出 ,严重影响了工作流程和发报的及时率。故障分析该故障的出现有很大的偶…  相似文献   
1前言高空规定等压面高度是指规定等压面的海拔高度。它的计算过程贯穿于整个高空值班工作的开始到终止,并延伸到月报表中。它的计算工作是整个高空值班工作中最繁杂、最花时间和精力的一道工序。气象预报、气候分析和气象科学研究人员在应用探空资料时,都知道规定等压面的重要性,特别是近地面的1000.925、850,以及700、500、100、50hPa。它的精确与否,将影响到该等压面的风向、风速和温度、湿度或露点的准确性。由此可见,高空规定等压面高度的计算在整个高空工作中的重要性。2问题的起因我国规定等压面高度的计算,是由该规定等压…  相似文献   
701-C雷达终端简介   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1 701-C雷达终端  701-C雷达终端硬件设备主要由586主机、预处理器、打印机3部份组成(图1)。701-C雷达输入到预处理器有实时秒信号、秒控制信号、探空信号、测风信号4种信号。TK(探空)板有以下功能:①负责接收探空脉冲并将其翻译成十进制代码;②进行数据存储(关机会消失);③将数据发送到计算机;④即时输出显示信号并响应面板输入控制。CF(测风)板有以下功能:①负责从TK板接收仰角、方位、斜距数据并将其转换成十进制代码;②、③、④与TK板相同。TK板的随机存储器为16KB,用以存储探空…  相似文献   
目前数值模式对台风降水预报的准确率仍有待提高。为了评估深圳对流尺度集合预报系统对台风降水预报能力,选取了2015—2018年共14个影响广东台风个例,利用广东省2 300多个自动气象观测站的24小时累计降水观测资料,检验该系统的集合预报方法(含集合平均方法和概率匹配平均方法)和控制预报方法的24小时降水预报结果。(1)系统对台风24小时降水预报具有较好参考价值,三种方法的暴雨等级预报TS评分均达到0.39以上。(2)集合预报方法总体上优于控制预报方法,可改善珠江口两侧暴雨中心降水预报。其中集合平均方法总体预报效果最好,其降水预报均方根误差为38.1 mm,比控制预报方法减少18.8%,对暴雨等级预报TS评分为0.469比控制,预报方法提升20.1%,但是对特大暴雨等级预报能力不足;而概率匹配平均方法改善了小雨和特大暴雨的预报能力。(3)系统对较强台风的降水预报能力优于弱台风。在较强台风情形下,系统对粤东暴雨中心降水预报明显偏小且控制预报方法偏差最大,其他地方降水预报偏大为主;在弱台风情形下,系统对降水预报存在明显系统性偏大,但对粤西暴雨中心降水预报明显偏小且控制预报偏差最大。   相似文献   
Observational data of mesoscale surface weather stations and weather radars of Guangdong province are employed to analyze the asymmetric distribution of convection prior to, during and after landfall for tropical cyclones of Chanchu and Prapiroon making landfall on the south China coast in 2006. The results showed that strong convection is located in the eastern and northern sectors of the landfalling Chanchu and Prapiroon, namely in the front and right portions of the TC tracks, for a period of time starting from 12 h prior to landfall to 6 h after it. Their convection also had distinct differences in the vertical direction. The analysis indicated that although the landfall of Chanchu and Prapiroon has the same asymmetric distribution of convection, the causes are not exactly the same. The asymmetric distribution of convection in the case of Chanchu is mainly correlated with the impacts of a strong environmental vertical wind shear, low-level horizontal wind shear, and low-level convergence and divergence. In the case of Prapiroon, however, the asymmetric distribution of convection is mainly associated with the impacts of low-level convergence and divergence.  相似文献   
南海地区发展型和不发展型中层涡旋的结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对NCEP 1 °×1 °再分析资料进行分析表明,南海地区发展型和不发展型中层涡旋的结构特征有着明显的区别:发展型中层涡旋的中心涡度逐渐增大,并同时向高层和低层发展,其中低层辐合维持得较好;而不发展中层涡旋的中心涡度则逐渐减小,不再向高层发展,其中低层辐合维持得较差。对称性分析表明,发展型中层涡旋的水平风场和风速垂直剖面都具有良好的对称性,而不发展型的较差;发展型中层涡旋中心的风速垂直切变小,有利于对流层中上层暖心的建立与加强,而不发展型则相反。平衡性分析表明,发展型涡旋在对流层中低层的平衡性较好,涡旋维持着较好的风压平衡关系,有利于涡旋的发展;不发展型涡旋则较差。纬向剖面位涡异常分析表明,发展型中层涡旋的正位涡异常在增强的同时向上发展,涡旋处于持续发展的阶段;而不发展型位涡则相反,一方面强度在减小,另一方面没有向上发展,涡旋逐渐减弱。   相似文献   
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