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There is substantial individual variation in the growth rates of sea cucumber Apostiehopus japonicus individuals. This necessitates additional work to grade the seed stock and lengthens the production period. We evaluated the influence of three culture methods (free-mixed, isolated-mixed, isolated-alone) on individual variation in growth and assessed the relationship between feeding, energy conversion efficiency, and individual growth variation in individually cultured sea cucumbers. Of the different culture methods, animals grew best when reared in the isolated-mixed treatment (i.e., size classes were held separately), though there was no difference in individual variation in growth between rearing treatment groups. The individual variation in growth was primarily attributed to genetic factors. The difference in food conversion efficiency caused by genetic differences among individuals was thought to be the origin of the variance. The level of individual growth variation may be altered by interactions among individuals and environmental heterogeneity. Our results suggest that, in addition to traditional seed grading, design of a new kind of substrate that changes the spatial distribution of sea cucumbers would effectively enhance growth and reduce individual variation in growth of sea cucumbers in culture.  相似文献   
A marine bacterium,Pseudoalteromonas sp.BC228 was supplemented to feed in a feeding experiment aiming to determine its ability of enhancing the digestive enzyme activity and immune response of juvenile Apostichopusjaponicus.Sea cucumber individuals were fed with the diets containing 0 (control),105,107 and 109 CFU g-1 diet of BC228 for 45 days.Results showed that intestinal trypsin and lipase activities were significantly enhanced by 107 and 109 CFU g-1 diet of BC228 in comparison with control (P〈0.01).The phagocytic activity in the coelomocytes of sea cucumber fed the diet supplemented with 107 CFUg-1 diet of BC228 was significantly higher than that of those fed control diet (P〈0.05).In addition,105 and 107 CFUg-1 diet of BC228 significantly enhanced lysozyme and phenoloxidase activities in the coelomic fluid of sea cucumber,respectively,in comparison with other diets (P 〈 0.01).Sea cucumbers,10 each diet,were challenged with Vibrio splendidus NB 13 after 45 days of feeding.It was found that the cumulative incidence and mortality of sea cucumber fed with BC228 containing diets were lower than those of animals fed control diet.Our findings evidenced that BC228 supplemented in diets improved the digestive enzyme activity of juvenile sea cucumber,stimulated its immune response and enhanced its resistance to the infection of V.splendidus.  相似文献   
海参属棘皮动物门、海参纲、种类很多,一般可食用。它不但是一种美味的滋补食品,而且在医药方面可治疗癌症。糙参(明玉参)Holothuria Seabra Jaeger属海参科,俗称白参。我国广西沿岸、广东西部沿岸、海南岛和西沙群岛都有分布。它栖息于岸礁边缘,潮流强、海草多的砂底和砂泥底的滩涂上。  相似文献   
吉林地质调查院在开展西藏自治区1:25万多巴区幅区域地质调查时,在木纠错西的申扎县多布日一带发现一套陆相-海陆交互相-滨浅海相地层,并采集到了珊瑚化石、海参化石、植物化石、介形类化石、腹足化石、藻类化石和孢粉化石等。根据这些古生物化石确定该套地层为晚三叠世沉积。从而首次证明了冈底斯-腾冲区永珠蛇绿岩带以南存在晚三叠世地层。这一发现为我国三叠系的划分对比提供了重要的依据,并为古特提斯海的演化历史,古地理轮廓的确定以及青藏高原的形成演变历史提供了新的资料。  相似文献   
贵州关岭地区中——上三叠统海参骨片化石的首次发现   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
报道了贵州关岭地区中——上三叠统竹杆坡组发现的海参骨片化石5属6种及2个属种未定的形态类型。分析了海参化石属种的历史分布特征,上述化石指示竹杆坡组为晚三叠世沉积产物。这一发现进一步丰富了关岭生物群的内容,为探讨中国三叠纪海参骨片化石的分类及演化增加了新的资料。  相似文献   
取喂食东海海参60d的ICR小鼠肝脏,制备微阵列基因表达芯片,并与模式小鼠芯片进行杂交,筛选功能基因和差异表达蛋白.从食用海参的鼠肝中共筛选出了4180个基因,其中差异表达基因184个,上调基因107个,下调基因77个.利用MAS.2.0系统对其功能进行分析,结果显示,分子功能上有催化活性的基因占39.86%,结合功能...  相似文献   
近几年虽然海参养殖规模扩大迅速,但海参池塘养殖的产量不高,且不稳定,为此,本文通过对海参养殖池塘改进,投放适宜海参生长的附着基,及时补充优质的饵料,定期清理池底,确保池水交换充分和丰富溶氧,在保证海参密度的基础上提高参苗规格等技术措施入手,充分发挥池塘养殖潜能,确保海参池塘养殖达到高产稳产。  相似文献   
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