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桂林"鸡血红碧玉"是一种石英质玉石,颜色以鲜艳的红色与黑色为主,质地坚硬且耐磨。目前对该矿石的野外产状、地质背景、岩石结构和颜色成因等相关研究报道较少。野外勘察表明,桂林"鸡血红碧玉"矿床位于扬子板块与华夏板块交界处,产于广西北部龙胜地区新元古界丹洲群三门街组经含铁氧化物浸染的汽水热液浅变质砂岩中,其形成过程受到了新元古代-三叠纪数次大地构造与岩浆活动的影响,成因复杂。本文利用偏光显微镜和X射线衍射分析等手段,对桂林"鸡血红碧玉"的成分进行了深入研究,结果表明桂林"鸡血红碧玉"主要矿物组合为石英和赤铁矿,部分样品中含有白云石。石英呈现他形等粒结构和自形变斑晶结构;自形石英颗粒中可见加大边,指示后期经历过变质交代作用。赤铁矿在样品中呈现3种形式产出:1呈单晶形式产于石英颗粒的粒间与晶内;2呈点尘状包裹于石英颗粒中;3呈浸染状分布于石英颗粒间隙。赤铁矿中铁离子为红色致色原因。电子探针分析显示,浸染状和单晶赤铁矿中铁含量高达78.9%~85.6%;点尘状赤铁矿由于颗粒细小,难以精确分析其铁含量。结合石英和赤铁矿发育期次,认为"鸡血红碧玉"中不同形态的石英和赤铁矿的产出与区域地质演化背景相一致。  相似文献   
游家贵  宋普红  徐春生 《贵州地质》2011,28(3):211-214,226
贵州省三都县丰乐铁矿位于都匀以南,矿体呈层状、似层状产状,含矿岩系产于泥盆系大河口组,岩性为铁质砂岩、含铁砂岩、泥质砂岩等,脉石矿物主要为石英、白云石等,矿石品位较低,属贫铁酸性铁矿石。认为其属于"宁乡式"铁矿床,赤铁矿鲕粒以胶体化学方式沉积,成因类型系同生沉积成因。  相似文献   
中-晚侏罗世随着劳亚大陆与冈瓦纳大陆的裂解、北大西洋的开启以及古特提斯洋的闭合,导致全球海平面的改变和气候波动。在中-晚侏罗世交界的卡洛期-牛津期,西特提斯域广大地区的气候从冷湿转变为干热,羌塘盆地位于特提斯喜马拉雅构造域东段,它是否也有类似的气候变化特征?文章对羌塘盆地雁石坪剖面中、上侏罗统夏里组沉积物中Ca CO3、赤铁矿和针铁矿环境代用指标进行了测定,并结合岩性和沉积相变化分析了该区古气候变化,研究结果表明:中-晚侏罗世交界时期,羌塘盆地雁石坪地区气候变化经历了早期(163.8~162 Ma)相对冷湿、中期(162~161.4 Ma)半干旱以及晚期(161.4~159.6 Ma)干旱3个演化阶段。显示羌塘盆地中-晚侏罗世交界时期(163.8~159.6 Ma)的气候变化与同一时期的西特提斯构造域气候变化趋势一致,为羌塘盆地侏罗纪可能的成盐潜力研究和评价提供了重要的古气候依据。  相似文献   
The petroglyphs of the Murujuga (Burrup Peninsula and Dampier Archipelago) in Western Australia are of exceptional cultural value for the nation. It is Australia’s largest and most significant collection of aboriginal rock art essentially as petroglyphs, with the number estimated at more than one million engravings. The Murujuga is a textbook example of ancient and modern times colliding as it also hosts potentially polluting, major industrial complexes such as iron ore and salt ports; liquefied natural gas, liquid ammonia and ammonium nitrate plants; railway lines, pipelines and rock quarries. The work presented in this paper is underpinned by an annual monitoring study of 10 selected sites including two control sites located on Dolphin and Gidley islands and eight test sites located closer to the industrial areas. The main rock types of the Murujuga, gabbro and granophyre, have been affected by weathering consisting of a cm-thick leached zone capped by a skin of orange and red iron and manganese oxides. The petroglyphs were engraved by removing the few top millimetres of the iron oxide-rich layer and the contrast with the paler leached zone clearly showing the carved motifs. Phosphorus is abnormally enriched in the leached zone and the surface coating, with manganese exclusively on the surface coating, demonstrating the impact of bird droppings and ‘desert varnish’ on the rocks. The colour difference and the hematite–goethite ratio, measured with a field portable reflectance spectrometer, between the background and engraving provides a tool to estimate the relative age of the petroglyphs and the selection of the backgrounds. As the fine-grained granophyres were preferentially chosen from the coarser-grained gabbros to host the petroglyphs, the goethitic (or yellower) backgrounds were prepared as canvas before being engraved. Many petroglyphs register the food items of the area, which changed as the last ice age ended and sea levels rose. We hypothesise that based on their locations and colour difference the constraint for the oldest age of the petroglyphs exceeds 17 000?years BP.  相似文献   
国内外铁矿石价格对标基准多采用离岸价或到岸价,而非盈亏平衡运营成本,难以揭示我国铁矿石所面对的真实市场承压价格。为了厘清国际一线生产商的铁矿石盈亏平衡运营成本价格,本文对世界上最重要的条带状铁建造(BIF)矿产地——西澳哈默斯利盆地高品位赤铁矿矿床的矿化特征及代表性铁矿石产品展开系统研究,同时引入巴西铁四角地区的铁英岩型赤铁矿矿石作为对照,分析全球典型高品位赤铁矿矿石经济指标。结合前人研究成果,将西澳哈默斯利盆地与BIF相关的高品位赤铁矿的富集矿化类型划分为假象赤铁矿-针铁矿、微板状赤铁矿与河道沉积型赤铁矿,巴西铁四角主要为铁英岩型赤铁矿。上述各矿化类型对应的铁矿石产品的铁元素含量均高于56%;在杂质元素含量上,假象赤铁矿-针铁矿的磷含量高,微板状赤铁矿的磷、硫含量较高,河道沉积型赤铁矿的磷、硫含量较低,铁英岩型赤铁矿含锰。经定量估算,西澳力拓、必和必拓、FMG和巴西淡水河谷的铁矿石盈亏平衡运营成本价格分别为34.66、36.76、47.35、38.07美元/干吨,可为中国海外权益铁矿项目开发提供运营成本的参考。  相似文献   
The formation of hematite and goethite concretions in different sedimentary rocks including sandstones is an important diagenetic process in the geologic history of the Earth. Its interpretation can also contribute to understanding the diagenetic history of Martian iron hydroxide concretions. A case study of iron-rich concretions from Estonian Middle Devonian sandstones exposed in ancient river valleys in southeastern Estonia was carried out based on the results of mineralogical, petrographical, geochemical, petrophysical and magnetic analyses. It was found that the high Fe2O3(total) content (25.0–39.5%), high magnetic susceptibility, bulk and grain density, very low porosity, corrosion and fracturing of the quartz grains of the platy iron concretions are in contrast with properties of the Devonian host sandstones. However the ferrous iron content (measured as FeO) of iron-rich concretions was as low as in the other Devonian rocks, suggesting an oxidizing environment and arid climate during the cementation by iron-hydroxides. The fracturing of quartz grains cemented by iron hydroxides could take place at near-surface conditions including vadose and phreatic zones in arid climate with high evaporation rates. Such climatic conditions have been reported for the Baltic region during Devonian, Upper Permian and Triassic times. We have found that goethite is prevalent in the cement, replacing clay and carbonate minerals. We assume that this iron-rich cement is originated from the mobilization of iron in host sandstones by groundwater, associated with tectonic activity at the end of the Middle Devonian, evidenced by fracturing in Devonian outcrops and caves. Although this mobilization could occur under reducing conditions, precipitation of goethite and hematite for the cementation could take place in oxidizing environment along bedding planes close to the surface during short sedimentation breaks. Another possible time for the formation of iron concretions could be Permian, under the condition of both arid climate and tectonic activity.  相似文献   
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