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微生物成因沉积构造(Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures, MISS) 是底栖微生物群及其生命活动与沉积物相互 作用形成的沉积构造,是微生物群生命活动的重要产物,多出现在陆源碎屑岩中,也是微生物群落在碎屑沉积中最重要的 地质记录。该类构造在前寒武纪的广布性和显生宙的局限分布性,对于研究地球表层环境的演变具有重要意义。通过对鲁 山地区野外露头发育的MISS的详细观察和描述,依据其成因和形态观察,将其分为微生物席生长构造(Mat growth feature)、 微生物席破坏构造(Mat destruction feature) 和微生物席腐烂构造(Mat decay feature) 三种类型,包括瘤状突起、不规则侧 向生长脊、多边形网状生长脊、多边形脱水裂痕、纺锤状脱水裂痕、不规则网状脱水裂痕、次圆状网状脱水裂痕、砂火山 构造等8个主要形态构造。根据宏观形态、镜下特征等,分析讨论了MISS的形态构造、成分、成因、沉积环境等。对含有 MISS石英砂岩的镜下石英颗粒及其矿物组分特征的研究发现,宏观上形态各异的MISS的镜下特征差别不大,并且在MISS 形成过程中生物物理沉积和生物化学沉积共同起着作用,同时也发现微生物群落可能多生长在中等水动力、沉积物为细粒 的环境中。  相似文献   
作为中国东部影响最大的走滑断裂,郯庐断裂因其强烈的地震活动性及沿断裂带一系列的大地震而备受学者关注。然而,大部分的调查研究都是针对郯庐断裂山东省境内及渤海湾内部分段落。并且,一般认为淮河以南的段落晚更新世以来不活动,也不具备孕育大震或强震的条件。然而,近期我们针对郯庐断裂的工作对这些认识提出了质疑,这些工作基于高分辨率卫星遥感影像解译和在安徽北部明光市、五河县附近的详细的野外调查。我们的研究认为郯庐断裂在淮河以南的五河-明光段包括四支断裂,并且至少一支在晚更新世以来活动。此段在晚第四纪以来主要以右旋走滑为主。不同于常常在基岩及第四纪沉积物中观察到的断层,在未固结的第四纪粘土中的断层形迹不清,但是能够被微观构造分析所确认。鉴于我们最近的工作和前人研究,我们认为年轻沉积物中的隐形断层更加值得注意,同时我们认为郯庐断裂淮河以南的“平静”段需要更深入的研究。  相似文献   
岩石孔喉结构特征对核磁T_2谱影响的数值模拟(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文建立了能够考虑孔喉特征的储层岩石三维非规整网络模型,用数值模拟方法进一步研究饱含水岩样的核磁T_2谱特征。通过模拟储层岩石孔喉核磁共振T_2谱的特征,表明核磁共振T_2谱同岩心孔喉半径分布具有很好的相似性,对T_2谱中孔隙体、喉道信号的分解可以评价储层岩石孔隙体、喉道的半径大小及分布情况。分别模拟喉道半径、孔喉比以及孔隙连通性等孔隙结构特征对T_2谱的影响,发现:1.随着喉道半径的增大,T_2谱峰值向右移动,而且峰值处的驰豫信号强度增大;2.随着孔喉比的增大,T_2谱峰值向右移动,峰值处的驰豫信号强度增大,而且孔隙体T_2谱和喉道T_2谱逐渐分开;3.随着连通性的增大,曲线左端上升,短驰豫时间信号所占比列增大,右边的峰值有所降低。  相似文献   
许多重要的软土工程譬如基坑、路基工程在破坏后需要快速修复,磷酸镁水泥的出现很好地满足了这一现代建设的要求,但不同地区软土的有机质含量不同,而有机质的含量对固化土的性质有着重要影响。为了研究磷酸镁水泥加固不同有机质含量软土的加固规律,本文通过向烘干后的软土中添加腐殖酸,人为制备不同有机质含量的土样,并取相同条件下PO水泥加固软土作对比,通过相关力学试验得到以下规律:两种水泥在加固不同含量有机质软土的过程中,加固效果都会随着有机质含量的升高而逐渐降低;磷酸镁水泥在快速修复和凝结方面明显优于PO水泥,但磷酸镁水泥中长期加固有机质软土的效果却不及PO水泥。同时利用SEM试验对得到的规律进行了解释并分析其微结构演化特征。该研究成果独到地分析了有机质含量变化对磷酸镁水泥加固效果的影响,证明了磷酸镁水泥可以应用于软土的抢修工程建设中,对加固软土工程具有指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Shear and extensional veins formed during the reactivation of the Magdala shear system at Stawell in western Victoria, Australia, contribute to the formation of the auriferous Central and Basalt Contact lodes. Within this shear system is a range of fault rocks accompanied by steep-dipping (>65°) quartz-rich laminated shear veins and relatively flat-lying extensional veins. Both vein sets appear to have been a primary source for the host rock permeability during fluid flow in a regime of significant deviatoric stresses. The macro- and microstructures suggest that the dilatancy, that produced mineralized veins, formed under conditions of overpressure generated by fluid infiltration late in a tectonic regime. A new microfabric analysis technique is used to investigate the quartz-rich veins, which allows rapid integration of the microstructure with the crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs). Both the shear and extensional quartz veins have a random CPO with ∼120° dihedral angles between the quartz–quartz grains, which is typical of a metamorphic equilibrium microfabric. The microstructures indicate that the quartz has undergone extensive grain adjustment in the solid-state, with grain shape and size affected by interfacial solution (pressure solution) effects. These features are consistent with inferences from experimental rock deformation studies, where grain boundary migration is enhanced in a water-rich environment. The onset of solution-transfer processes (pressure solution) developed as the quartz microfabric stabilized and continued to modify the CPO and microstructure significantly. It is concluded that grain growth and pressure solution are coupled diffusive mass transfer processes, related to fluctuations in pore fluid pressures in a region undergoing deformation at near lithostatic pressures.  相似文献   
黄土震陷时微观结构随动应力变化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过黄土微观结构图像的处理可以很好地提取黄土微观结构要素。本文取通渭老地震区的黄土做震陷实验,应用土体微观结构定量分析系统对不同正弦荷载下震陷土样的微结构图片作定量化结构效应分析,探讨了其不同动应力荷载下的微观结构参数变化规律,并建立了各参数与动应力的对应关系。结果表明,黄土震陷由其微观结构及外部荷载共同决定,各微观要素在震陷过程中有不同变化,孔隙的有效直径、孔径分维、连通率和颗粒定向度的微结构参数变化与残余变形变化基本保持一致。  相似文献   
岩石物理岩石孔喉结构特征对核磁T2谱影响的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
We built a three-dimensional irregular network model which can adequately describe reservoir rock pore-throat structures. We carried out numerical simulations to study the NMR T2 distribution of water-saturated rocks. The results indicate that there is a good correlation between T2 distribution and the pore radius frequency histogram. The total T2 distribution can be partitioned into pore body and pore throat parts. The effect of parameters including throat radius, pore-throat ratio, and coordination number of the micro- pore structure on the T2 distribution can be evaluated individually. The result indicates that: 1 ) with the increase of the pore throat radius, the T2 distribution moves toward longer relaxation times and its peak intensity increases; 2) with the increase of the pore-throat ratio, the T2 distribution moves towards longer T2 with the peak intensity increasing and the overlap between pore body T2 and pore throat T2 decreasing; 3) With the increase of connectivity, the short T2 component increases and peak signal intensity decreases slightly.  相似文献   
In this contribution we present a review of the evolution of microstructures and fabric in ice. Based on the review we show the potential use of ice as an analogue for rocks by considering selected examples that can be related to quartz-rich rocks. Advances in our understanding of the plasticity of ice have come from experimental investigations that clearly show that plastic deformation of polycrystalline ice is initially produced by basal slip. Interaction of dislocations play an essential role for dynamic recrystallization processes involving grain nucleation and grain-boundary migration during the steady-state flow of ice. To support this review we describe deformation in polycrystalline ‘standard’ water-ice and natural-ice samples, summarize other experiments involving bulk samples and use in situ plane-strain deformation experiments to illustrate the link between microstructure and fabric evolution, rheological response and dominant processes. Most terrestrial ice masses deform at low shear stresses by grain-size-insensitive creep with a stress exponent (n ≤ 3). However, from experimental observations it is shown that the distribution of plastic activity producing the microstructure and fabric is initially dominated by grain-boundary migration during hardening (primary creep), followed by dynamic recrystallization during transient creep (secondary creep) involving new grain nucleation, with further cycles of grain growth and nucleation resulting in near steady-state creep (tertiary creep). The microstructural transitions and inferred mechanism changes are a function of local and bulk variations in strain energy (i.e. dislocation densities) with surface grain-boundary energy being secondary, except in the case of static annealing. As there is a clear correspondence between the rheology of ice and the high-temperature deformation dislocation creep regime of polycrystalline quartz, we suggest that lessons learnt from ice deformation can be used to interpret polycrystalline quartz deformation. Different to quartz, ice allows experimental investigations at close to natural strain rate, and through in-situ experiments offers the opportunity to study the dynamic link between microstructural development, rheology and the identification of the dominant processes.  相似文献   
开展了湿干循环作用下压实黏土的开裂试验和微观结构特性研究,分析了湿干循环作用对黏土开裂和孔隙结构的影响,将压汞试验(MIP)和扫描电镜(SEM)的结果与宏观开裂进行比较。结果表明:湿干循环作用显著影响了压实黏土的开裂,用开裂因子表征黏土的开裂程度,开裂因子随含水率减小而增大并明显大于湿干循环作用前; 随湿干循环次数的增加,黏土孔隙的总体积、中间孔径、平均孔径、平均孔隙率和团粒内孔隙均在增加,而黏土的颗粒内孔隙、颗粒间孔隙和团粒间孔隙却在减小。湿干循环作用使黏土体从大团粒逐渐转化为小颗粒,并增大了土颗粒的凸凹性,分析SEM二值化图像得知土体孔隙率均在增加; 用压汞法和扫描电镜法分析和解释土体开裂是可行的,所得的微观孔隙特征与宏观开裂规律基本相符。  相似文献   
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