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With the development and popularization of smartphones and embedded sensors, a non-professional atmospheric measurement method by using smartphones carried by the public has been proposed recently. Without extra dedicated instrument, this method has many advantages, such as low hardware cost, high spatio-temporal resolution, and wide coverage, and it can supplement the professional atmospheric measurement methods, which has broad applications in the meteorological operation, scientific research, public service, and other fields. At present, the research on the non-professional atmospheric measurement in China is limited. In order to make full use of this method, this paper briefly outlined the states of existing smartphones and embedded sensors, highlighted the measurement of precipitation, air temperature, pressure, aerosols, and radiation by smartphones. To promote the development of smartphones for atmospheric measurement, future research should focus on mechanism study, available sources exploration, data quality control, big data processing, joining and matching with operation, research and service, etc.  相似文献   
The transient response of large embedded foundation elements of length-to-diameter aspect ratio D/B=2–6 is characterized by a complex stress distribution at the pier–soil interface that cannot be adequately represented by means of existing models for shallow foundations or flexible piles. On the other hand, while three-dimensional (3D) numerical solutions are feasible, they are infrequently employed in practice due to their associated cost and effort. Prompted by the scarcity of simplified models for design in current practice, we here develop an analytical model that accounts for the multitude of soil resistance mechanisms mobilized at their base and circumference, while retaining the advantages of simplified methodologies for the design of non-critical facilities. The characteristics of soil resistance mechanisms and corresponding complex spring functions are developed on the basis of finite element simulations, by equating the stiffness matrix terms and/or overall numerically computed response to the analytical expressions derived by means of the proposed Winkler model. Sensitivity analyses are performed for the optimization of the truncated numerical domain size, the optimal finite element size and the far-field dynamic boundary conditions to avoid spurious wave reflections. Numerical simulations of the transient system response to vertically propagating shear waves are next successfully compared to the analytically predicted response. Finally, the applicability of the method is assessed for soil profiles with depth-varying properties. The formulation of frequency-dependent complex spring functions including material damping is also described, while extension of the methodology to account for nonlinear soil behavior and soil–foundation interface separation is described in the conclusion and is being currently investigated.  相似文献   
彭朝勇  杨建思  薛兵  陈阳  朱小毅  周银兴 《地震》2012,32(3):135-141
地震仪器在长期稳定运行的过程中, 系统参数的有效管理发挥着重要的作用。 针对地震数据采集器EDAS-24IP参数管理模型的一些问题, 开发出了一种新型的基于Linux字符设备的数字地震仪参数模型, 该模型在稳定性、 易用性、 实时性等方面都比原有模型有了很大的提高, 不会出现由于参数文件丢失而导致系统无法重新启动的问题。  相似文献   
“十五”前兆观测模式之嬗变及其应对   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
黄晖 《华南地震》2008,28(2):103-107
随着科学技术的进步,与“九五”相比,“十五”前兆网络项目在观测模式上有了很大的变化,如何适应这种变化?从网络拓扑、仪器的本质、管理及处理软件、数据采集器、安全性等方面详细的分析了其变化并提出了应对方法。  相似文献   
积-层混合云是影响北京地区的重要降水云系,运用飞机探测资料结合中尺度数值模式WRF,对2014年9月23日发生在北京地区的一次积-层混合云系的垂直结构和降水机制进行了探测资料分析和数值模拟研究。通过分析云系的雷达回波演变,发现云中的对流泡没有出现爆发式增长,回波在垂直方向上增长不明显,此次过程属于积-层水平混合型云系降水。飞机探测资料分析显示,上、下午探测云系的液态水含量都不高(最大低于1 g/m3);在云系不同高度,飞机探测到的冰晶形状主要有板状、针柱状、辐枝状和不规则状,由于云中过冷水含量相对较低,聚合冰晶的数量明显多于凇附冰晶,冰晶的聚合是云中粒子增长的主要过程。对模拟云系垂直微物理结构和降水粒子的源、汇项分析得到:高层,由凝华产生的冰晶和雪晶在过冷水含量较低的环境中不断聚并、长大并下落,云系中霰的含量很低,增大的冰晶和雪晶下落至0℃层附近融化是产生地面降水的主要机制。此外,融化层附近,雨滴捕获云滴不断长大并下降至地面也是地面降水的另一个重要来源。   相似文献   
通过ArcPAD Studio开发环境和VBScript开发工具以及VC++和ArcEngine 9.3,开发了适合全国第一次地理国情普查项目的外业调绘软件,解决了内外业作业数据不一致的情况,实现了两者一体化。通过Configuration和Layer两种开发方式,参考地理国情普查项目的相关规范,实现了地理要素覆盖数据及地理要素的采集、编辑,实现了样点照片及其相关属性的采集。本文还就数据预处理及采集后的数据后处理进行了阐述,使地理国情普查项目的外业调绘工作更加完整化、流程化。  相似文献   
苏北榴辉岩的岩石性质及其金红石的嵌布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张梅 《江苏地质》2005,29(2):82-87
苏北榴辉岩主要产于由角闪岩相变质的长英质片麻岩,根据其赋存部位划分为3类:Ⅰ类榴辉岩,通常形成独立块体,有时夹薄层片麻岩、片岩,岩石呈块状、条带状、斑杂状、条纹状和片麻状等;Ⅱ类榴辉岩,与超基性岩相伴,矿石主要呈块状和斑杂状;Ⅲ类榴辉岩,与大理岩整合接触,岩石呈块状、片麻状。3类榴辉岩在变晶矿物组合中具有一定的差异。面积测量法统计结果表明:Ⅰ类榴辉岩的晶间金红石占12.49%,间粒金红石占85.69%,包体金红石占1.81%;Ⅱ类榴辉岩的晶间金红石占36.40%,间粒金红石占44.17%,包体金红石占19.43%.Ⅲ类榴辉岩的晶间余红石占27.49%.间粒会红石占53.43%,包体金红石占19.09%。  相似文献   
利用掌上电脑开发水准测量记簿软件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用嵌入式程序设计的方法,在掌上电脑开发水准测量记簿软件,使野外观测数据记录更加方便。本文详细介绍了该程序的设计构思和一些技术问题。  相似文献   
This paper describes a new pseudostatic limit equilibrium method for the design of cantilevered retaining walls under seismic actions. The method has been applied in a parametric study of the effects of the geometry of the wall, considering different excavated and embedded depths, of the strength of the soil, and of the contact between the soil and the wall. The pseudostatic predictions are in very good agreement, both in terms of horizontal contact stress and bending moment distributions, with the results of truly dynamic 2-D finite difference analyses and published experimental data. It is found that for increasing strengths of the soil–wall system both the critical acceleration and the maximum bending moment on the wall increase. In other words, a stronger soil–wall system will experience smaller displacements during the earthquake, but this is paid for by increasing internal forces in the wall.  相似文献   
介绍了射电天文望远镜接收机杜瓦温度与真空度监测系统的设计,具体讨论了监测系统的硬件结构与嵌入式TCP/IP协议在该系统中的实现.针对目前大量使用8位微控制器的嵌入式系统,硬件主控系统芯片采用ATMEL公司生产的8位单片机ATmega16,网络控制芯片采用美国MICROCHIP公司生产的带SPI接口的独立以太网微控制器ENC28J60,设计实现了低成本、高效率、高稳定性的性能参数监测系统.对该系统进行测试分析、数据比对,测试结果表明该系统能够高效与PC机进行通信,PC机所接收到的温度值与标准数据的误差在±0.3 K范围内,接收到的真空值绝对误差在±10 ubar范围内,能够达到系统设计要求.  相似文献   
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