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城镇化本质是“人”的城镇化,“人”的城镇化关键是实现由农民向市民的转化。首先,本文从理论上构建出农民城镇化意愿的二元logistic模型;其次,选取我国中部地区安徽皖南芜湖县、皖北临泉县作为典型案例地进行实证对比研究。结果表明:①总体上,典型县域农民城镇化意愿相对较强烈(75.01%);②个体特征因素、家庭因素及社会因素均对安徽典型县域农民城镇化具有十分显著影响,其中受教育程度、家庭年总收入、学龄儿童、政府就业政策及教育政策等对农民城镇化意愿产生显著正向效应;务工年限、城里社会关系等也对农民城镇化意愿产生正向影响,但显著性程度相对不高;而农民年龄、户籍社保制度对农民城镇化意愿产生显著负向影响。③最后,从增加城镇就业岗位、开展职业教育培训、深化改革社保制度及加强社区治理体系建设等方面提出促进农民城镇化发展的政策建议。  相似文献   
西藏林周县是我国大骨节病(KBD)患病较为严重的地区之一,本文将林周县作为研究区,通过使用地理探测器(GeoDetector)量化分析KBD患病率风险因子的影响,并使用环境化学方法验证空间分析结果。通过对10个潜在影响因子的分析以及对当地KBD患病村和非患病村的土壤-水-粮食-人这一生物地球化学循环的环境化学分析,结果表明:(1)林周县KBD由一组多重且交互作用的环境影响因子共同作用影响,其中最重要的控制因子是地层因子;(2)所有环境介质(土壤、水、谷物)及人体组织中的硒元素浓度在KBD患病区均低于非患病区;(3)当地居民对硒和铬的摄入严重不足,尤其是KBD患病村中居民硒元素平均日摄入量(ADD)大约仅为世界卫生组织(WHO)建议的成人基本摄入量下限的4%;(4)我们推测,当地居民患病主要是由于地层这一影响因子,这是由于通过生态系统的迁移转化导致当地人口严重硒缺乏,最终导致地方性生物地球化学硒缺乏。  相似文献   
China’s tourism industry has witnessed rapid progress in recent years, and is now an important part of global tourism in dealing with climate change. Within a framework of Pressure-State-Response (PSR), this paper focuses on the emission reduction pressure, carbon emission status, and responses of stakeholders in China’s tourism industry. Findings include: 1) The central government’s strategy and rapid growth of the industry scale exert rising pressure on China’s tourism to reduce carbon emissions. 2) Carbon emissions of China's tourism account for 13%-14.6% of global tourism, and about 3% of China’s emissions overall. Chinese tourists’ per capita carbon emission is lower than half of the global level. 3) The Chinese government attaches great importance to energy-saving and carbon emission reduction. In the tourism industry, documents, standards and other regulative measures have been issued to ensure that business practitioners set up green operational and managerial systems. In the field of tourism transportation, China's high-speed rail, new energy vehicles, and urban shared bicycles, have developed very rapidly in recent years, and they have effectively reduced the carbon emissions in traveling. Furthermore, this paper finds that Chinese tourists already have awareness and willingness for low-carbon tourism.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(3):462-472
The scientific field test site of rainfall-soil moisture-groundwater conversion in Dabie Mountain Area–Jianghan Plain is located in the northern region of the Jianghan Plain, the transition zone between the Dabie Mountain Area and Jianghan Plain. It’s a great field test site to study the material and energy exchange among rainfall, soil moisture, and groundwater of the Earth ’s critical zone in subtropical monsoon climate plain areas. This paper analyzed the connection between rainfall and volume water content (VWC) of soil at different depths of several soil profiles, and the dynamic feature of groundwater was discussed, which reveals the rainfall infiltration recharge of Quaternary Upper Pleistocene strata. The results show that the Quaternary Upper Pleistocene aquifer groundwater accepts a little direct rainfall recharge, while the lateral recharge is the main supplement source. There were 75 effective rainfall events among 120 rainfall events during the monitoring period, with an accumulated amount of 672.9 mm, and the percentages of effective rainfall amount and duration time were 62.50% and 91.56%, respectively. The max evaporation depth at the upper part in Quaternary cohesive soil was no less than 1.4 m. The soil profile was divided into four zones: (1) The sensitive zone of rainfall infiltration within 1.4 m, where the material and energy exchange frequently near the interface between atmosphere and soil; (2) the buffer zone of rainfall infiltration between 1.4 m and 3.5 m; (3) the migration zone of rainfall infiltration between 3.5 m and 5.0 m; and (4) the rainfall infiltration and groundwater level co-influenced zone below 5.0 m. The results revealed the reaction of soil moisture and groundwater to rainfall in the area covered by cohesive soil under humid climate in Earth ’s critical zone, which is of great theoretical and practical significance for groundwater resources evaluation and development, groundwater environmental protection, ecological environmental improvement, drought disaster prevention, and flood disaster prevention in subtropical monsoon climate plain areas.  相似文献   
随着我国煤炭资源去产能整合煤矿的增多,复采工作面临空窄煤柱采动失稳问题日益凸显,已严重制约矿井安全高效生产。为此,针对辛安煤矿复采1402工作面辅运巷道5号钻场临空窄煤柱稳定性控制的工程难题,运用数值模拟与理论分析相结合的方法,探究5号钻场临空窄煤柱稳定性采掘扰动响应特征,提出5号钻场临空窄煤柱动态注浆加固技术方案并开展现场应用和效果检验。研究结果表明:1402工作面辅运巷道掘进对5号钻场临空窄煤柱稳定性影响较小;在1402工作面回采期间,距5号钻场18~6 m范围,临空窄煤柱集中垂直应力由非对称马鞍形分布逐渐过渡为拱形分布;距5号钻场6 m时,临空窄煤柱承载叠加垂直应力超过煤体强度,塑性区完全贯通,极易破坏失稳;现场采用MP364型注浆材料及专用注浆设备对5号钻场临空窄煤柱前后5 m区域进行加固,动态注浆始终超前工作面10 m,通过深孔窥视和气体监测手段验证临空窄煤柱良好的封堵固化效果,保障了工作面安全回采,为我国整合矿井类似条件下煤柱稳定性控制提供借鉴和参考。移动阅读   相似文献   
目前针对环境样品中有机氯和拟除虫菊酯类农药的检测方法主要有气相色谱法和气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS),由于气相色谱法采用电子捕获检测器从而具有较高的灵敏度,在污染物的环境行为研究中得到广泛应用,GC-MS法的定性效果好,但检测灵敏度相对偏低。本文研究了2018年土壤详查江苏地区样品中有机氯农药和拟除虫菊酯的残留状况,结果显示,即使经过多次净化仍有20%的样品存在假阳性或基质干扰现象。为了提高定性准确度,同时保证检测灵敏度,实验建立了复杂基质土壤中20种有机氯农药和4种拟除虫菊酯的全二维气相色谱-电子捕获检测器检测方法,最终选择中等极性的TG-35MS为第一色谱柱,非极性的(DB-1)为第二色谱柱,将鲜样与无水硫酸钠混合均匀后,以正己烷-丙酮(1:1,V/V)为提取剂进行索氏提取,采用全二维气相色谱-电子捕获检测器进行检测,外标法定量。各物质的质量浓度均在1.0~500μg/L内与其峰面积呈线性关系,相关系数均大于0.995,检出限为0.02~0.17μg/kg。用标准加入法进行回收实验,测得回收率为80.7%~103.5%,测定值的相对标准偏差(n=6)为1.84%~10.12%。本方法将高灵敏度检测器与全二维色谱相结合,在保证检测灵敏度的同时增加了峰容量,有效去除了基质干扰。相比2018年土壤详查参考方法HJ 835—2017的检出限0.02~0.09mg/kg(全扫模式),本方法检出限显著降低,且操作简单,可为复杂基质样品中的痕量超痕量检测提供参考。  相似文献   
Urban sprawl has become a global phenomenon as an outcome of growing population and rapid urbanization. Previous studies have addressed the rising incidence of uncontrollable urban development, particularly in peri-urban areas of cities, leading to chronic urban sprawl. The city of Guwahati, a million city in north east India, has expanded significantly in recent years. In this article, the links between population and growth of built-up areas were examined using geo-spatial techniques and remotely sensed datasets. The results indicate that the sprawl has accentuated in recent years. The intensity of land use remained uneven due to marked variations in the distribution of built-up areas, plausibly an outcome of unplanned urban growth. If current trends are anything to go by, future urban sprawl could pose serious threats to the vulnerable eco-sensitive and peri-urban areas of Guwahati. Secondary cities have unfortunately received scant attention in urban policy research, and Guwahati, epitomizes urban woes in a developing country.  相似文献   
建筑物的抗震设防需要尽可能地掌握未来大地震强震动记录信息,但大地震强震动记录的匮乏阻碍了抗震设防实践的发展。经验格林函数方法作为模拟地震动的主要方法,可以提供可靠的大地震强震动记录,但也存在着许多问题,如缺乏对大地震断层滑动分布不均匀的描述、用经验确定小震数目、模拟方法受到大小地震相似条件的限制等。文中对上述经验格林函数方法存在的问题进行了研究,改进的经验格林函数方法,有效地解决了上述问题。并用其对唐山大地震进行了模拟,并把模拟的地震动时程和反应谱与实际记录相比较,发现用改进方法模拟的地震动加速度反应谱比用未改进方法模拟结果更接近实际的地震动记录加速度反应谱。由此说明改进的经验格林函数可更准确的模拟地震动。  相似文献   
The paper presents a new approach to calculating the erosion and deposition values of floodplain lake basins, the erosion–deposition index (EDI). The EDI is a sum of the basin geometry indices (BGIs), which can be calculated for a separate cross section of the lake. The distribution of processes within the basin was investigated in two selected floodplain lakes with the use of BGIs. Field research was carried out in the Bug River valley from 1 November 2006 to 31 October 2011. The highest erosion was observed in the lakes located close to the parent river. Deposition processes were observed in lakes with high inflow of groundwater. The results showed that EDI values of 48 out of the 71 floodplain lakes ranged from ?0.2 to 0.2. Spatial distribution of erosion and deposition processes within the lake basins resulted from a velocity of water inflowing or flowing through the basin. This was observed especially in contrafluent–confluent lake. Inflow of rivers water via upstream crevasse occurred later than via downstream one, but energy of flowing water was higher, which favoured erosion of this part of the lake basin. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The formal opportunity to learn geography in the United States is unevenly distributed across space, creating possible geography deserts. Data on the number of exams taken in Advanced Placement Human Geography (APHG) and bachelor’s degrees earned in geography are mapped at the state and regional scales. Normalized rates are ranked and grouped into quintiles. For APHG exams, states in the southeastern region of the United States are in the uppermost quintiles while states in the northeastern region are in the lowermost quintiles. The pattern for bachelor’s degrees in geography is somewhat the spatial inverse of that for APHG.  相似文献   
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