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南极因其独特的自然环境成为潜在、重要的微生物资源库,是产生新型生物活性物质和先导化合物菌株的潜在种源地,南极微生物正在成为创新药物研究新的重要资源。虽然近年来对南极微生物次级代谢产物的研究逐渐增加,但与温带和热带微生物研究相比仍处于初级阶段。对从南极普里兹湾海洋沉积物中获得的两株枝孢霉属真菌Cladosporium sp. NJF4和NJF6进行次级代谢产物分离及结构鉴定,获得20个化合物。化合物结构类型包括甾醇(1)、倍半萜类(7—8)、生物碱类(9—14)、二酮哌嗪(2—5、15—17)、芳香酸(6、18—19)等,其中倍半萜类(7—8)为首次从枝孢霉属真菌中分离得到,以上研究将为丰富南极微生物次级代谢产物库奠定一定的研究基础。  相似文献   
多重加密格网内插法坐标转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国CGCS2000坐标系启用后,各地均面临着大批量、多类型、多坐标系成果数据坐标转换的需求,而国家大地坐标系、地心坐标系及独立坐标系之间的转换参数属于绝密级别,保密要求高,因此给实际应用带来了困难。顾及与参数法坐标转换成果的一致性及数据的安全要求,本文提出了多重加密格网内插坐标转换方法,研制了适用于多种数据格式的二/三维格网坐标转换软件,并将该算法应用于CORS服务,通过实例验证了该方法的可靠性与实用性。  相似文献   
在油气田开发过程中,微震监测是获得水力压裂引起裂缝分布的一种较为有效的方法。微震的定位成像与裂缝解释需要利用有效微震信号位置,而微震信号具有低信噪比的特点,传统信号拾取方法无法有效实现较低信噪比条件下初至时刻的准确拾取。本文提出一种基于时频谱熵的初至拾取新方法,该方法首先通过S变换获取含噪信号的时频谱;然后对谱内各个采样点沿频率方向进行分帧操作,并计算每帧频段内的近似负熵值,以最小近似负熵值作为该谱点的负熵值;最后沿时间方向比较各谱点的负熵值,最小值对应的时刻即为初至时刻。本文利用不同信噪比的合成地震数据对该方法进行效果验证,并与长短时窗能量比(STA/LTA)法进行拾取结果对比,结果表明:信噪比在-5 dB时,两种方法拾取效果都很好;信噪比在-10 dB时,时频谱熵法拾取效果更好。时频谱熵法更适合低信噪比情况下的信号初至拾取。  相似文献   
The latest Cretaceous strata of the Jiaolai Basin were studied in two scientific cores,including LK-1 drilled by the Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences(Li et al.,2018;Li et al.,2020),and JK-1 drilled by the Shandong Institute of the Geological Survey and Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences(Xu et al.,2017).However,outcrop sections were poorly studied,and the latest Cretaceous charophyte flora in particular had not previously been adequately documented from outcrops in the Jiaolai area.  相似文献   
本文提出了一种适用于北极冰下水声通信的最小均方/四次方直接自适应均衡器(LMS/F-DAE)。它能处理基带复信号,与LMS相比,具有更好的均衡效果。考虑到均衡器的稀疏特性,在其代价函数中加入自适应范数(AN)作为约束。它能根据均衡器系数的大小自适应变化:对于小系数,此约束项存在以加快收敛速度;对于大系数,此约束项不存在以减小均衡误差。利用第九次中国北极科学考察得到的实验数据验证AN-LMS/F-DAE的性能。结果表明,与传统的LMS/F-DAE相比,AN-LMS/F-DAE能提升均衡器的稀疏性且均衡性能更优。  相似文献   
How to accurately address model uncertainties with consideration of the rapid nonlinear error growth characteristics in a convection-allowing system is a crucial issue for performing convection-scale ensemble forecasts. In this study, a new nonlinear model perturbation technique for convective-scale ensemble forecasts is developed to consider a nonlinear representation of model errors in the Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction Enhanced System (GRAPES) Convection-Allowing Ensemble Prediction System (CAEPS). The nonlinear forcing singular vector (NFSV) approach, that is, conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation-forcing (CNOP-F), is applied in this study, to construct a nonlinear model perturbation method for GRAPES-CAEPS. Three experiments are performed: One of them is the CTL experiment, without adding any model perturbation; the other two are NFSV-perturbed experiments, which are perturbed by NFSV with two different groups of constraint radii to test the sensitivity of the perturbation magnitude constraint. Verification results show that the NFSV-perturbed experiments achieve an overall improvement and produce more skillful forecasts compared to the CTL experiment, which indicates that the nonlinear NFSV-perturbed method can be used as an effective model perturbation method for convection-scale ensemble forecasts. Additionally, the NFSV-L experiment with large perturbation constraints generally performs better than the NFSV-S experiment with small perturbation constraints in the verification for upper-air and surface weather variables. But for precipitation verification, the NFSV-S experiment performs better in forecasts for light precipitation, and the NFSV-L experiment performs better in forecasts for heavier precipitation, indicating that for different precipitation events, the perturbation magnitude constraint must be carefully selected. All the findings above lay a foundation for the design of nonlinear model perturbation methods for future CAEPSs.  相似文献   
Viewshed analysis is widely used in many terrain applications such as siting problem, path planning problem, and etc. But viewshed computation is very time-consuming, in particular for applications with large-scale terrain data. Parallel computing as a mainstream technique with the tremendous potential has been introduced to enhance the computation performance of viewshed analysis. This paper presents a revised parallel viewshed computation approach based on the existing serial XDraw algorithm in a distributed parallel computing environment. A layered data-dependent model for processing data dependency in the XDraw algorithm is built to explore scheduling strategy so that a fine-granularity scheduling strategy on the process-level and thread-level parallel computing model can be accepted to improve the efficiency of the viewshed computation. And a parallel computing algorithm, XDraw-L, is designed and implemented taken into account this scheduling strategy. The experimental results demonstrate a distinct improvement of computation performance of the XDraw-L algorithm in this paper compared with the coarse-partition algorithm, like XDraw-E which is presented by Song et al. (Earth Sci Inf 10(5):511–523, 2016), and XDraw-B that is the basic algorithm of serial XDraw. Our fine-granularity scheduling algorithm can greatly improve the scheduling performance of the grid cells between the layers within a triangle region.  相似文献   
由于单雷达在探测台风临近、登陆时仍具有双部或多部雷达难以具备的优势,目前利用单多普勒雷达反演涡旋风场的方法并不多见,本文对能够反演涡旋风场的3种方法NIVAP(自然坐标系的积分VAP方法)、EVAPTC(反演热带气旋的EVAP方法)、GBVTD(地基速度追踪法)进行了比较,分别从每种方法的假设条件和数学方法以及结果精度来比较3种方法对涡旋风场的适用性。利用中尺度气旋Rankine模式模拟了纯涡旋性气旋、只有环境风场时、环境风场和辐合(辐散)同时存在时的径向速度场及风场,比较了各种情况下的反演风场和模拟风场的相似系数。在对模拟风场比较之后,选取了2014年"威马逊"台风登陆前1h、登陆时及登陆后1h的3个实测雷达资料,对比分析了3种方法反演实测资料的风场特征,3种方法中EVAPTC方法最好,GBVTD方法在应用中有一定的限制,NIVAP方法较差。  相似文献   
高密度电阻率法在莱芜市泉河地区岩溶地质勘查中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
吴亚楠 《中国岩溶》2018,37(4):617-623
岩溶不仅会导致基岩面起伏很大,而且会产生较多的溶蚀带、溶洞、土洞等岩溶地质特征,灰岩分布区发生的地面塌陷等地质灾害,对建筑物安全及社会经济发展造成了严重的危害,高密度电阻率法是岩溶地质调查的重要物探手段。文章根据高密度电阻率法的基本原理及特点,对莱芜市泉河地区进行了岩溶地质勘查,通过对视电阻率二维成像图异常形态、高低阻等的反演分析,推断了该地区岩溶分布范围、大小和埋深。经钻探验证,推断结果与钻探资料吻合,为该地区岩溶塌陷地质灾害防治提供参考价值。   相似文献   

Gravity retaining wall with geogrids has showed excellent seismic performance from Wenchuan great earthquake. However, seismic damage mechanism of this kind of wall is not sufficiently clear. In view of this, a large shaking table test of the gravity retaining wall with geogrids to reinforce the subgrade slope was carried out, and based on the Hilbert-Huang transform and the marginal spectrum theory, the energy identification method of the slope dynamic failure mode was studied. The results show that the geogrids can effectively reduce displacement and rotation of the retaining wall, and it can effectively absorb the energy of the ground movement when combined with the surrounding soil. In addition, it also reveals the failure development of the gravity retaining wall with geogrids to reinforce the subgrade slope. The damage started in the deep zone near the geogrids, and then gradually extended to the surface of the subgrade slope and other zones, finally formed a continuous failure surface along the geogrids. The analysis results of the failure mode identified by the Hilbert marginal spectrum are in good consistency with the experimental results, which prove that the Hilbert marginal spectrum can be applied to obtain the seismic damage mechanism of slope.

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