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针对现有海面溢油检测技术难以在石油泄漏初期(尚未形成海面大规模油膜覆盖)及时发现油膜的难题,本文在前期基于热红外图像测算海面油膜面积方法研究的基础上,结合油泄漏至海面后油膜的扩散特征,提出了一种基于热红外视频图像监测油膜面积变化以及时识别海面溢油的方法。首先,基于单帧热红外图像处理算法提取海面前景区域(包含油膜区域与相似物干扰区域)并计算各区域所代表的实际物理面积。基于视频图像处理技术跟踪测算前景区域中各连通区域的实际物理面积变化情况,根据各连通区域的面积变化率识别前景区域中是否存在油膜,从而判断海面是否发生溢油。实验结果表明:所提出的方法能有效识别不同黏度的石油泄漏至海面形成的扩散油膜,在水面包含波浪与相似物干扰时也具有良好的识别精度。该方法适用于特定场景下(如码头、船舶等)的溢油事故的鉴别,能为溢油事故的及时发现和预警提供技术支持。  相似文献   

在海洋测深中,由于波浪和潮汐的影响,调查船或无人船所测量的瞬时水深不能直接作为海图水深。本文提出了一种新型的无人船海洋水深测量技术,以评估搭载RTK和单波束测深仪的无人船用于海洋水深测量的潜能。首先,使用无人船所搭载RTK的厘米级精度高程数据,通过低通滤波剔除波浪信息,而获得海平面高程。然后,基于潮汐表和无人船海平面高程,构建了一种参考椭球面和海图的两个基准面之差的获取方法;在常规的海洋调查中,该基准面差通常需要由长期的验潮获得。最后,利用海图基准和无人船测量的瞬时水深的转换关系,计算出海图水深。在海南省蜈支洲岛周边海域,利用自研发的无人船“USBV”开展了相关海上实验,以验证所提出的技术方法。实验结果验证了该无人船海洋水深测量技术。  相似文献   

栾天  聂仁奇 《海岸工程》2020,39(2):142-147
无人船测深系统被越来越广泛地应用于采集水深数据。在复杂水域环境中进行作业时,无人船受到工作底图及导航方式的限制,难以采用自动航行模式进行测绘,因此提出了一种无人机正射影像辅助无人船测深的作业方法。通过无人机快速获取测区正射影像成果,利用正射影像辅助进行测区划定和测线布设,避开可能造成作业风险的水上障碍物和岸滩。并在此基础上进行自动航行线路的规划设计,在水位不低于正射影像获取水位时开展无人船测深作业。经验证,采用该方法能够最大限度的完成测绘任务,同时降低作业强度与风险,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

水库水质监测是水库水质评价的重要依据,通常需要现场采水样后带回实验室进行检测与分析。然而一些特殊情况下,例如库区无船、情况复杂等,只能获得沿岸水样,导致水质监测结果无法代表水库整体水质质量。本文针对水库的水样离岸采集,基于自研发的无人船系统,设计集成了采水泵,并利用无人船位点跟踪技术,实现了远距离定点遥控采水样功能。在青岛棘洪滩水库,利用该系统,设置了两个采样点(离岸50 m和离岸1300 m),并成功获取了水样。在实验室内,利用分光光度计、离子色谱仪、电感耦合等离子体质谱仪等设备,完成了所采集水样的水质分析。实验结果表明,无人船应用于水库水样离岸采集具有可行性、实用性。  相似文献   

基于空间分布与统计特性的海面远景目标检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海面运动载体获取的可见光图像中,远景目标成像面积小、特征不显著、信噪比较低等特点增大了目标检测难度,现有方法难以同时取得较高的查全率与较低的虚警率。作者根据目标在图像中的空间分布与统计特性,提出了一种海面远景目标检测方法。首先结合直线特征与界线特征实现海天线检测,然后根据拉伊达准则实现明度图像中疑似目标像素与背景像素的分离,得到二值图像,最后对二值图像进行形态学处理,并根据疑似目标区域与海天线的位置关系,排除干扰区域。测试结果表明:所提方法具有较高查全率与较低虚警率,且实时性和鲁棒性较强。  相似文献   

针对现有油膜检测技术难以准确测算油膜面积且检测精度受天气条件影响大的问题,本文提出了一种基于热红外图像的海面油膜面积测算方法。采用波段为 8耀14 滋m 的红外热像仪获取海面油膜的热红外图像,对采集的油膜图像进行预处 理 (灰度化、中值滤波和锐化);基于图像灰度分布特征分割油膜区域 (感兴趣区域,ROI),采用形态学操作对 ROI 进行填充、腐蚀与膨胀,并对 ROI 进行数学表征;通过像素面积法计算 ROI 实际物理面积。实验结果表明:在不同的外界天气环境下 (如海浪、海风、海雾、不同光照等环境),该方法对不同黏度的石油样品在海面形成的油膜均有良好的检测精度, ROI 面积计算平均误差为 3.77%。  相似文献   

汪栋  张杰  金久才  毛兴鹏 《海洋科学》2018,42(1):119-127
针对多礁石、渔船等障碍物的近海复杂环境下的一些应用,提出了一种基于有限状态机(finite-state machine,FSM)模型的无人船(unmanned surface vehicle,USV)局部转向避碰路径规划算法。首先,基于速度障碍法和障碍物区域分层方法,获取无人船固定航速条件下的航向角约束解析结果。然后,基于该约束条件及障碍物探测情况设计FSM的有限状态及执行动作和状态迁移条件,其中,通过转向控制实现向目标位点或缓冲位点进行导航的状态为FSM的2个重要状态。最终通过FSM的执行实现局部转向避碰路径规划。仿真结果表明提出的多障碍物避碰算法具有可行性和实用性。该方法易于改进和扩展,且容易与当前主流的无人船控制系统结合,有利于无人船避碰系统快速工程化的实现。  相似文献   

为实现海事动态视频监测中海面目标的自动检测,提出基于小波域视觉注意选择机制的海面目标快速检测算法。根据人类视觉观测特点,首先利用提升小波变换在小波域建立了双尺度视觉选择注意模型,然后在粗分辨率低频子带上分别利用相位谱法和梯度法建立视觉显著图,并对两者进行有效融合形成综合视觉显著图,最后通过小波反变换得到原始高分辨率图像的视觉显著图,并由此实现海面目标区域的提取。实验结果表明:该算法能够快速、准确地实现海面目标的自动检测,可用于基于海洋浮标的海事智能监测。  相似文献   

本文围绕海上无人值守平台周界安防技术需求,以800 m范围内的快艇、渔船、客轮和商船为航行目标构建运动目标跟踪监控系统,并集成开发了基于水下被动声学检测和水上云台控制的光学视频系统为一体的声光一体化监控系统,设计了一套基于深度学习的目标检测算法,实现了对水面航行目标的跟踪检测与分类识别。本文在目前基于单一方法进行水面目标跟踪的基础上进行了突破,系统综合了水听器远距离目标监控跟踪和近距离的水面视频监控目标识别,当两者同时确认目标,由声警器发出警报驱离可疑目标,系统将水下声学监控和水面视频监控有效结合,极大地降低了平台的误报概率,同时实验测试结果表明该系统可有效实现对4类水面航行目标的跟踪检测和特征提取,且改进后的算法可有效提升目标检测效果与识别精度,具有较好的鲁棒性和有效性。  相似文献   

为改进国产投弃式温深仪(XBT)的下降速率公式,拟采用基于图像处理的方法测量其下落过程中的运动参数并分析,为此要实现XBT探头的自动提取。为实现视频图像中XBT探头的自动检测识别,提出了一种基于形状特征的目标检测识别算法。首先通过背景差分法去除背景噪声并阈值分割,采用连通区域的标记算子将二值图像标记为互不连通的待识别区域。然后提取连通区域的偏心率、致密性以及标记图构造描述目标的特征向量,通过计算各连通区域的特征评价函数,利用模糊综合评价方法识别XBT探头。最后对研究方法进行了物理实验验证。实验结果表明:用模糊综合评价方法能较好地在复杂背景下实现目标的识别,能够有效地在序列图像中准确的检测识别出XBT探头目标,为XBT运动参数的测量打下了基础。  相似文献   

In this paper,adiabatic density surface,neutral density surface and potential density surface are compared.The adiabatic density surface is defined as the surface on which a water parcel can move adiabatically,without changing its potential temperature and salinity.For a water parcel taken at a given station and pressure level,the corresponding adiabatic density surface can be determined through simple calculations.This family of surface is neutrally buoyant in the world ocean,and different from other surfaces that are not truly neutrally buoyant.In order to explore mixing path in the ocean,a mixing ratio m is introduced,which is defined as the portion of potential temperature and salinity of a water parcel that has exchanged with the environment during a segment of migration in the ocean.Two extreme situations of mixing path in the ocean are m=0(no mixing),which is represented by the adiabatic density curve,and m=1,where the original information is completely lost through mixing.The latter is represented by the neutral density curve.The reality lies in between,namely,0m1.In the turbulent ocean,there are potentially infinite mixing paths,some of which may be identified by using different tracers(or their combinations)and different mixing criteria.Searching for mixing paths in the real ocean presents a great challenge for further research.  相似文献   

The muhiyear averaged surface current field and seasonal variability in the Kuroshio and adjacent regions are studied. The data used are trajectories and (1/4) ° latitude by (1/4) ° longitude mean currents derived from 323 Argos drifters deployed by Chinese institutions and world ocean circulation experiment from 1979 to 2003. The results show that the Kuroshio surface path adapts well to the western boundary topography and exhibits six great turnings. The branching occurs frequently near anticyclonic turnings rather than near cyclonic ones. In the Luzon Strait, the surface water intrusion into the South China Sea occurs only in fall and winter. The Kuroshio surface path east of Taiwan, China appears nearly as straight lines in summer, fall, and winter, when anticyclonic eddies coexist on its right side; while the path may cyclonically turning in spring when no eddy exists. The Kuroshio intrusion northeast of Taiwan often occurs in fall and winter, but not in summer. The running direction, width and velocity of the middle segment of the Kuroshio surface currents in the East China Sea vary seasonally. The northward intrusion of the Kuroshio surface water southwest of Kyushu occurs in spring and fall, but not in summer. The northmost position of the Kuroshio surface path southwest of Kyushu occurs in fall, but never goes beyond 31 °N. The northward surface current east of the Ryukyu Islands exists only along Okinawa-Amami Islands from spring to fall. In particular, it appears as an arm of an anti- cyclonic eddy in fall.  相似文献   

利用高分辨率遥感海表温度和海表面风场数据,通过经验正交分解(EOF)和合成分析等方法对春季(3—5月)东海黑潮海温暖舌和海表面风场的年代际变化特征进行分析。结果表明:春季黑潮海温暖舌存在明显的年代际变化特征,在1996/1997年发生由弱到强的位相转换,该年代际变化主要受到北太平洋涡旋振荡(NPGO)的调制。进一步研究表明,与气候态相反,春季黑潮海表温度和风场散度在年代际尺度上表现出显著的负相关关系,合成分析表明,该现象主要是由黑潮西侧东海陆架海域海温的异常增暖所造成。  相似文献   

利用JASON-1和TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星高度计在相互校正阶段的观测资料,对两者在中国海和西北太平洋测得的海面风速、有效波高、后向散射截面、海平面高度等参数进行一致性分析;利用j,v模型及主要分潮的调和常数,对中国陆架浅海的JASON-1海平面高度数据进行浅海潮汐修正,使用验潮站月平均水位资料对修正结果加以印证。结果显示,2颗高度计观测的海洋环境参数具有强相关性,JASON-1具备了完成延续TOPEX/POSEIDON数据集这一使命的条件。但是,2套系统对于同一海洋环境参数的观测还是存在不能忽略的差异,对这种差异进行了分析,并给出了修正模型。所使用的浅海潮汐修正方法有效地抑制了中国陆架浅海潮波对海平面高度反演的影响,所使用浅海水域的5个验潮站月平均水位资料与JASON-1高度计经过浅海潮汐修正后的海平面高度的相关系数为0.738,标准偏差为0.096m。通过进一步融合JASON-1和TOPEX/POSEIDON在并行飞行期间的海平面高度数据并与验潮站资料比较显示,两者的相关系数提高到0.83,标准偏差为0.067m。  相似文献   

利用1987年以来WOCE项目及我国自行投放或进入黑潮及其邻近海域(15°~36°N,114°~135°E)的共计323个卫星跟踪海表面漂流浮标资料,得到全年平均及季节平均的浮标轨迹及(1/4)°×(1/4)°格点平均的表层流矢量结果。分析认为:对于全年平均的表层流场,黑潮表层流路主要表现了对大洋西边界地形的适应,并呈现出6个较大的弯曲,其中在反气旋型弯曲处都发生分支或入侵现象、气旋型弯曲处这种现象却不明显。对于季节平均的表层流场,黑潮表层不同流段分别表现出各自显著的季节差异:吕宋海峡附近海域,表层水向南海的入侵只发生在秋、冬两季,而春、夏两季却不发生;在台湾以东海域,黑潮表层流路与黑潮右侧反气旋涡的存在与否密切相关,春季没有涡旋存在时,黑潮表层流路常出现气旋式大弯曲,其他三个季节反气旋涡存在时,黑潮表层流路相对平直;在台湾东北海域,黑潮表层水向东海南部陆架区的入侵以秋、冬季最强,春季次之,而夏季几乎不发生;在赤尾屿以北的东海黑潮中段,黑潮流动比较稳定,其表层平均流径走向由偏北到偏东依次约为冬(北偏东30°)、春(北偏东33°)、秋(北偏东38°)、夏(北偏东45°);流路宽度由宽至窄依次约为秋(90 km)、春(80 km)、冬(70 km)、夏(60 km),而流速由大至小依次为夏、春、秋、冬,且各季节都表现出北段流速大于南段的现象;在九州西南海域,春、秋两季黑潮表层水发生明显的向北入侵,入侵的黑潮水与东海外陆架水共同成为对马暖流的一部分来源,而夏季这种现象不明显,九州西南海域黑潮表层流路北界的位置以秋季最为偏北(但最北不超过31°N)、流路也最宽;在琉球群岛外缘海域,南半部基本没有北上的表层流存在,只有在冲绳群岛-奄美群岛以东海区,秋、夏、春三季表层反气旋涡旋都比较活跃,在涡旋的西侧有顺着冲绳群岛-奄美群岛的东北向流,其中秋季最为明显。这些结果可以为黑潮及其邻近海域的深入研究提供较为客观、直接的参考。  相似文献   

对南沙海区部分站位微表层和次表层的pH、碱度、密度和表面张力进行了测定。结果表明:微表层的表面张力低于次表层的表面张力,并且表面张力与溶解有机碳(DOC)相关;微表层的pH低于次表层的pH,并探讨了其原因;微表层的碱度和密度一般高于次表层,同时对其原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The importance of the diurnal variability of sea surface temperature (SST) on air-sea interaction is now being increasingly recognized. This review synthesizes knowledge of the diurnal SST variation, mainly paying attention to its impact on the atmosphere or the ocean. Diurnal SST warming becomes evident when the surface wind is weak and insolation is strong. Recent observations using satellite data and advanced instruments have revealed that a large diurnal SST rise occurs over wide areas in a specific season, and in an extreme case the diurnal amplitude of SST exceeds 5 K. The large diurnal SST rise can lead to an increase in net surface heat flux from the ocean of 50–60 Wm−2 in the daytime. The temporal mean of the increase exceeds 10 Wm−2, which will be non-negligible for the atmosphere. A few numerical experiments have indicated that the diurnal SST variation can modify atmospheric properties over the Pacific warm pool or a coastal sea, but the processes underlying the modification have not yet been investigated in detail. Furthermore, it has been shown that the diurnal change of ocean mixing process near the surface must be considered correctly in order to reproduce SST variations on an intraseasonal scale in a numerical model. The variation of mixed-layer properties on the daily scale is nonlinearly related to the intraseasonal variability. The mixed-layer deepening/shoaling process on the daily scale will also be related to biological and material circulation processes.  相似文献   

采用台风外围闭合特征等压线等要素,对圆对称的藤田气压模型进行改进,推导出不含有关参数的非对称台风海面气压场和考虑到径向梯度风的风场模型,并利用该模型对给湛江地区造成了严重风暴潮灾的几次台风过程的海面气压场和风场进行了模拟。结果表明,改进后的台风气压场和风场模型更方便准确。  相似文献   

The present work describes the basic features of super typhoon Meranti(2016) by multiple data sources. We mainly focus on the upper ocean response to Meranti using multiplatform satellites, in situ surface drifter and Argo floats, and compare the results with the widely used idealized wind vortex model and reanalysis datasets.The pre-existing meso-scale eddy provided a favor underlying surface boundary condition and also modulated the upper ocean response to Meranti. Results show that the maximum sea surface cooling was 2.0℃ after Meranti.The satellite surface wind failed to capture the core structure of Meranti as the idealized wind vortex model deduced. According to the observation of sea surface drifters, the near-inertial currents were significantly enhanced during the passage of Meranti. The temperature and salinity profiles from Argo floats revealed both the mixed-layer extension and subsurface upwelling induced by Meranti. The comparison results show that the sea surface temperature and surface wind in the reanalysis datasets differs from those in remote sensing system. Sea surface cooling is similar in both satellite and in situ observation, and sea surface salinity response has a lower correlation with the precipitation rate.  相似文献   

Surface layer atmospheric and ocean observations have been collected along the cruise track from a special scientific expedition to Antarctica. Bulk estimates of surface momentum flux, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux have been computed applying bulk algorithms from the data collected along cruise track during the time period January 27 to March 31, 2006, and compared the results with National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis. Underestimation of surface momentum flux in roaring forties (40°S–50°S) area of Indian Ocean is seen from NCEP reanalysis. Systemic differences in sensible and latent heat fluxes between observed and NCEP reanalysis have been found. Along the cruise track, the average sensible (latent) heat flux was 9.45 Wm?2 (67.46 Wm?2) and 3.75 Wm?2 (64.45 Wm?2) from the direct measurement and NCEP reanalysis, respectively. The NCEP reanalysis is being widely used in numerical modeling studies, and the discrepancies shown in the NCEP reanalysis in present study will be of immense use to the modeling community of the Indian Ocean in general and Southern Indian Ocean in particular.  相似文献   

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