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萌衍模块是植被生态动力学模式中群体动力学方案的重要组成部分,主要用于描述种子的生产、萌芽以及最终发展成新个体等一系列过程,对植被群落结构和演替起着至关重要的作用。然而,目前其参数化方案较不成熟,不同模式的方案差异较大,且存在众多不确定性。因此,为了提出更加合理的萌衍方案,作者首先从观测角度总结了影响种子生产和传播、种子库以及种子萌发和幼苗存活的各种因素;然后围绕森林林窗模型和全球植被动力学模式的萌衍方案进行较为全面的介绍和评述,重点关注对幼苗个体数增量的计算方案;最后讨论其中存在的不确定性和今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

A comparison of forest gap models: Model structure and behaviour   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Forest gap models share a common structure for simulating tree population dynamics, and many models contain the same or quite similar ecological factors. However, a wide variety of formulations are being used to implement this general structure. The comparison of models incorporating different formulations is important for model validation, for assessing the reliability of model projections obtained under scenarios of climatic change, and for the development of models with a wide range of applicability. This paper reviews qualitative and quantitative comparisons of the structure and behaviour of forest gap models.As examples of qualitative model comparisons, the different formulations used for the heightdiameter relationship, for the maximum growth equation, and for the effects of temperature and drought on tree growth are reviewed. The variety of formulations currently in use has the potential to influence simulation results considerably, but we conclude that little is known on the sensitivity of the models in this respect.The quantitative model comparisons performed so far allow us to draw the following conclusions: (1) Gap models are quite sensitive to the formulation of climate-dependent processes under current climate, and this sensitivity is even more pronounced under a changed climate. (2) Adaptations of forest gap models to specific regions have required detailed sub-models of species life history, thus complicating model comparison. (3) Some of the complex models developed for region-specific applications can be simplified without hampering the realism with which they simulate species composition. (4) Attempts to apply the models without modification beyond the area for which they were developed have produced controversial results.It is concluded that the sensitivity of forest gap models to the exact process formulations should be examined carefully, and that more systematic comparisons of model behaviour at a range of test sites would be desirable. Such studies could improve our understanding of forest dynamics considerably, and they would help to focus future research activities with gap models.  相似文献   

Three gap models, KOPIDE, NEWCOP, and ForClim, were compared with respect to their structure and behavior at four sites along an elevational gradient on Changbai Mt., northeastern China, under current climate and six climate change scenarios. This study intends to compare the three gap models under identical conditions, using a standardized simulation protocol. The three models were originally developed with different backgrounds and for different purposes. While they are relatively similar in the level of structural detail they include, they still differ in many respects regarding the assumptions that are made for representing specific ecological processes.The simulations showed that none of the three gap models provides satisfactory results in all situations; each gap model has strong and weak points in its behavior. While all models are fairly successful in simulating the composition of dominant species along the gradient under current climatic conditions, their projections under a set of hypothetical scenarios of climatic change diverge rather strongly. The analysis of these simulation results shows that several problem areas need to be addressed before any of the models can be used for a reliable impact assessment.Recommendations for improvements of the models are made, including the formulation of temperature and drought effects on tree establishment and tree growth, the size of the species pool, the appropriate choice of patch size and disturbance regimes, and allometric relationships. When aiming to use gap models under new environmental conditions, we propose to carefully reconsider their formulations based on our knowledge of the relevant processes in the region under concern, instead of using the models in an `as-is' mode.  相似文献   

Comparing the Performance of Forest gap Models in North America   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Forest gap models have a long history in the study of forest dynamics, including predicting long-term succession patterns and assessing the potential impacts of climate change and air pollution on forest structure and composition. In most applications, existing models are adapted for the specific question at hand and little effort is devoted to evaluating alternative formulations for key processes, although this has the potential to significantly influence model behavior. In the present study, we explore the implications of alternative formulations for selected ecological processes via the comparison of several gap models. Baseline predictions of forest biomass, composition and size structure generated by several gap models are compared to each other and to measured data at boreal and temperate sites in North America. The models ForClim and LINKAGES v2.0 were compared based on simulations of a temperate forest site in Tennessee, whereas FORSKA-2V, BOREALIS and ForClim were compared at four boreal forest sites in central and eastern Canada. Results for present-day conditions were evaluated on their success in predicting forest cover, species composition, total biomass and stand density, and allocation of biomass among species. In addition, the sensitivity of each model to climatic changes was investigated using a suite of six climate change scenarios involving temperature and precipitation. In the temperate forest simulations, both ForClim and LINKAGES v2.0 predicted mixed mesophytic forests dominated by oak species, which is expected for this region of Tennessee. The models differed in their predictions of species composition as well as with respect to the simulated rates of succession. Simulated forest dynamics under the changed climates were qualitatively similar between the two models, although aboveground biomass and species composition in ForClim was more sensitive to drought than in LINKAGES v2.0. Under a warmer climate, the modeled effects of temperature on tree growth in LINKAGES v2.0 led to the unrealistic loss of several key species. In the boreal forest simulations, ForClim predicted significant forest growth at only the most mesic site, and failed to predict a realistic species composition. In contrast, FORSKA-2V and BOREALIS were successful in simulating forest cover, general species composition, and biomass at most sites. In the climate change scenarios, ForClim was highly sensitive, whereas the other two models exhibited sensitivity only at the drier central Canadian sites. Although the studied sites differ strongly with respect to both the climatic regime and the set of dominating species, a unifying feature emerged from these simulation exercises. The major differences in model behavior were brought about by differences in the internal representations of the seasonal water balance, and they point to an important limitation in some gap model formulations for assessing climate change impacts.  相似文献   

Predicting future changes in tropical rainforest tree communities requires a good understanding of past changes as well as a knowledge of the physiology, ecology and population biology of extant species. Climate change during the next hundred years will be more similar to climate fluctuations that have occurred in the last few thousand years and of a much smaller magnitude than the extent of climate change experienced during last glaciation or at the Pleistocene–Holocene transition. Unfortunately, the extent to which tropical rainforest tree communities have changed during the last few thousand years has been little investigated. As a consequence we lack the detailed evidence for population and range shifts of individual tropical species resulting from climate change analogous to the evidence available for temperate zone forests. Some evidence suggests that the rate of tropical forest change in the last several thousand years may have been high. If so, then CO2 increases and the likely alterations in temperature, forest turnover rate, rainfall, or severe droughts may drive substantial future forest change. How can we predict or model the effects of climate change on a highly diverse tree community? Explanations for the regulation of tropical tree populations often invoke tree physiology or processes that are subject to physiological regulation such as herbivory, pathology or seed production. In order to incorporate such considerations into climate change models, the physiology of a very diverse tree community must be understood. My work has focused on simplifying this diversity by categorizing the shade-tolerant species into functional physiological groups. Most species and most individual trees are shade-tolerant species, gap-requiring species being relatively uncommon. Additionally, in a regenerating gap most of the individuals are shade-tolerant species that established before gap formation. Despite the fact that the shade-tolerant species are of major ecological importance, their comparative physiology has received little attention. I have found that shade-tolerant species differ substantially in their responses to light flecks, treefall light gaps and drought. Furthermore, among phylogenetically unrelated species, these differences in physiology can be predicted from leaf lifetime. These results provide a general framework for understanding the mechanics of tropical rainforests from a physiological perspective that can be used to model their responses to climate change.  相似文献   

Cloud microphysical processes occur at the smallest end of scales among cloud-related processes and thus must be parameterized not only in large-scale global circulation models(GCMs) but also in various higher-resolution limited-area models such as cloud-resolving models(CRMs) and large-eddy simulation(LES) models. Instead of giving a comprehensive review of existing microphysical parameterizations that have been developed over the years, this study concentrates purposely on several topics that ...  相似文献   

An integrated program of ecosystem modeling and field studies in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest (U.S.A.) has quantified many of the ecological processes affected by climatic variability. Paleoecological and contemporary ecological data in forest ecosystems provided model parameterization and validation at broad spatial and temporal scales for tree growth, tree regeneration and treeline movement. For subalpine tree species, winter precipitation has a strong negative correlation with growth; this relationship is stronger at higher elevations and west-side sites (which have more precipitation). Temperature affects tree growth at some locations with respect to length of growing season (spring) and severity of drought at drier sites (summer). Furthermore, variable but predictable climate-growth relationships across elevation gradients suggest that tree species respond differently to climate at different locations, making a uniform response of these species to future climatic change unlikely. Multi-decadal variability in climate also affects ecosystem processes. Mountain hemlock growth at high-elevation sites is negatively correlated with winter snow depth and positively correlated with the winter Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index. At low elevations, the reverse is true. Glacier mass balance and fire severity are also linked to PDO. Rapid establishment of trees in subalpine ecosystems during this century is increasing forest cover and reducing meadow cover at many subalpine locations in the western U.S.A. and precipitation (snow depth) is a critical variable regulating conifer expansion. Lastly, modeling potential future ecosystem conditions suggests that increased climatic variability will result in increasing forest fire size and frequency, and reduced net primary productivity in drier, east-side forest ecosystems. As additional empirical data and modeling output become available, we will improve our ability to predict the effects of climatic change across a broad range of climates and mountain ecosystems in the northwestern U.S.A.  相似文献   

Gap models have been used extensively in ecological studies of forest structure and succession, and they should be useful tools for studying potential responses of forests to climatic change. There is a wide variety of gap models with different degrees of physiological detail, and the manner in which the effects of climatic factors are analyzed varies across that range of detail. Here we consider how well the current suite of gap models can accommodate climatic-change issues, and we suggest what physiological attributes and responses should be added to better represent responses of aboveground growth and competition. Whether a gap model is based on highly empirical, aggregated growth functions or more mechanistic expressions of carbon uptake and allocation, the greatest challenge will be to express allocation correctly. For example, incorporating effects of elevated CO2 requires that the fixed allometry between stem volume and leaf area be made flexible. Simulation of the effects of climatic warming should incorporate the possibility of a longer growing season and acclimation of growth processes to changing temperature. To accommodate climatic-change factors, some of the simplicity of gap models must be sacrificed by increasing the amount of physiological detail, but it is important that the capability of the models to predict competition and successional dynamics not be sacrificed.  相似文献   

The development of atmospheric mesoscale models from their early origins in the 1970’s until the present day is described. Evolution has occurred in dynamical and physics representations in these models. The dynamics has had to change from hydrostatic to fully nonhydrostatic equations to handle the finer scales that have become possible in the last few decades with advancing computer power, which has enabled real-time forecasting to go to finer grid sizes. Meanwhile the physics has also become more sophisticated than the initial representations of the major processes associated with the surface, boundary layer, radiation, clouds and convection. As resolutions have become finer, mesoscale models have had to change paradigms associated with assumptions related to what is considered sub-grid scale needing parameterization, and what is resolved well enough to be explicitly handled by the dynamics. This first occurred with cumulus parameterization as real-time forecast models became able to represent individual updrafts, and is now starting to occur in the boundary layer as future forecast models may be able resolve individual thermals. Beyond that, scientific research has provided a greater understanding of detailed microphysical and land-surface processes that are important to aspects of weather prediction, and these parameterizations have been developing complexity at a steady rate. This paper can just give a perspective of these developments in the broad field of research associated with mesoscale atmospheric model development.  相似文献   

Summary The importance of linking measurements, modeling and remote sensing of land surface processes has been increasingly recognized in the past years since on the diurnal to seasonal time scale land surface–atmosphere feedbacks can play a substantial role in determining the state of the near-surface climate. The worldwide Fluxnet project provides long term measurements of land surface variables useful for process-based modeling studies over a wide range of climatic environments.In this study data from six European Fluxnet sites distributed over three latitudinal zones are used to force three generations of LSMs (land surface models): the BUCKET, BATS 1E and SiB 2.5. Processes simulating the exchange of heat and water used in these models range from simple bare soil parameterizations to complex formulations of plant biochemistry and soil physics.Results show that – dependent on the climatic environment – soil storage and plant biophysical processes can determine the yearly course of the land surface heat and water budgets, which need to be included in the modeling system. The Mediterranean sites require a long term soil water storage capability and a biophysical control of evapotranspiration. In northern Europe the seasonal soil temperature evolution can influence the winter energy partitioning and requires a long term soil heat storage scheme. Plant biochemistry and vegetation phenology can drive evapotranspiration where no atmospheric-related limiting environmental conditions are active.  相似文献   

线性化物理过程对GRAPES 4DVAR同化的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
线性化物理过程能够改善四维变分同化中极小化收敛的稳定性和增加极小化过程中对大气物理过程和动力更加精确的描述,它是四维变分同化中非常重要的一部分。通过在GRAPES全球模式中研究线性化物理过程,尤其是两个湿线性化物理过程,改善切线性模式预报精度,来提高GRAPES全球四维变分同化的分析和预报效果。线性化物理过程的开发首先需要简化原非线性化物理过程中的强非线性项,然后对线性化物理过程进行规约化,以抑制切线性扰动的异常增长。目前GRAEPS全球模式中的线性化物理过程主要包括次网格尺度地形参数化、垂直扩散、积云深对流和大尺度凝结。线性化物理过程预报精度的检验方法是通过选择合适大小的初始扰动(同化分析增量),来比较非线性模式和切线性模式中的扰动演化的纬向平均误差。然后以绝热版本的切线性模式为基础,通过冬、夏两个个例试验来分别检验4个线性化物理过程的12 h预报效果。试验结果表明,通过添加次网格地形参数化和垂直扩散两个干线性化物理过程方案,可以有效抑制住绝热版本切线性模式低层扰动的异常增长,大幅度改善切线性模式预报效果。通过添加积云深对流和大尺度凝结两个湿线性化物理过程,可以在热带区域和中、高纬度地区提高切线性模式中湿变量和温度变量的近似精度,提高GRAPES全球四维变分同化的分析和预报效果。   相似文献   

Typical numerical weather and climate prediction models apply parameterizations to describe the subgrid-scale exchange of moisture, heat and momentum between the surface and the free atmosphere. To a large degree, the underlying assumptions are based on empirical knowledge obtained from measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer over flat and homogeneous topography. It is, however, still unclear what happens if the topography is complex and steep. Not only is the applicability of classical turbulence schemes questionable in principle over such terrain, but mountains additionally induce vertical fluxes on the meso-γ scale. Examples are thermally or mechanically driven valley winds, which are neither resolved nor parameterized by climate models but nevertheless contribute to vertical exchange. Attempts to quantify these processes and to evaluate their impact on climate simulations have so far been scarce. Here, results from a case study in the Riviera Valley in southern Switzerland are presented. In previous work, measurements from the MAP-Riviera field campaign have been used to evaluate and configure a high-resolution large-eddy simulation code (ARPS). This model is here applied with a horizontal grid spacing of 350 m to detect and quantify the relevant exchange processes between the valley atmosphere (i.e. the ground “surface” in a coarse model) and the free atmosphere aloft. As an example, vertical export of moisture is evaluated for three fair-weather summer days. The simulations show that moisture exchange with the free atmosphere is indeed no longer governed by turbulent motions alone. Other mechanisms become important, such as mass export due to topographic narrowing or the interaction of thermally driven cross-valley circulations. Under certain atmospheric conditions, these topographical-related mechanisms exceed the “classical” turbulent contributions a coarse model would see by several times. The study shows that conventional subgrid-scale parameterizations can indeed be far off from reality if applied over complex topography, and that large-eddy simulations could provide a helpful tool for their improvement.  相似文献   

针对现行冰雹云参数化模式中假定冰雹谱服从特定的负指数分布,冰雹增长率依赖其加权平均末速度以及粒子间的数浓度转换不守衡等局限性,作者建立和发展了一个包括云滴、云冰、雨滴、雪团,霰和雹的云中主要水成物场及凝结、撞冻等37种主要微物理过程,可用于预测和研究三维强冰雹云降雹过程的冰雹分档模式,模式能够提供在雹云参数化模式中无法提供的关于冰雹增长与分布的信息。研究共分三部分:模式的建立及冰雹的循环增长机制;冰雹的分档分布特征;冰雹产生与增长的微物理过程。第一部分,通过建立模式及模拟一个多单体风暴个例,对多单体中冰雹的增长机制进行了数值模拟研究。  相似文献   

Recruitment algorithms in forest gap models are examined withparticular regard to their suitability for simulating forestecosystem responses to a changing climate. The traditional formulation of recruitment is found limiting in three areas. First, the aggregation of different regeneration stages (seedproduction, dispersal, storage, germination and seedling establishment) is likely to result in less accurate predictionsof responses as compared to treating each stage separately. Second, the related assumptions that seeds of all species are uniformly available and that environmental conditions arehomogeneous, are likely to cause overestimates of future speciesdiversity and forest migration rates. Third, interactions between herbivores (ungulates and insect pests) and forest vegetation are a big unknown with potentially serious impactsin many regions. Possible strategies for developing better gapmodel representations for the climate-sensitive aspects of eachof these key areas are discussed. A working example of a relatively new model that addresses some of these limitations is also presented for each case. We conclude that better modelsof regeneration processes are desirable for predicting effectsof climate change, but that it is presently impossible to determine what improvements can be expected without carrying outrigorous tests for each new formulation.  相似文献   

Two formulations of the stable atmospheric boundary layer are proposed for use in weather forecasting or climate models. They feature the log-linear profile near the surface, but are free from the associated critical Richardson number. The diffusion coefficients in the Ekman layer are a natural extension of the surface layer. They are locally determined using wind shear in one case and turbulent kinetic energy in the other. The parameterizations are tested in a one-dimensional model simulating the evolution of the nocturnal boundary layer with and without radiative cooling. Both formulations give very similar results, except near the top of the boundary layer where the transition to the free atmosphere is smoother with the wind shear formulation. A distinctive feature of these schemes is that they retain their simulating skill when resolution is reduced. This is verified for a wide range of situations. In practice, this means that there is no need for a large-scale model to have a level below 50 m or so.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the response of trees growing at the cold margins of the boreal forest to climate variation in the 20th century. Working at eight sites at and near alpine and arctic treeline in three regions in Alaska, we compared tree growth (from measured tree ring-widths) to historical climate data to document how growth has responded to climate variation in the 20th century. We found that there was substantial regional variability in response to climate variation. Contrary to our expectations, we found that after 1950 warmer temperatures were associated with decreased tree growth in all but the wettest region, the Alaska Range. Although tree growth increased from 1900–1950 at almost all sites, significant declines in tree growth were common after 1950 in all but the Alaska Range sites. We also found that there was substantial variability in response to climate variation according to distance to treeline. Inverse growth responses to temperature were more common at sites below the forest margin than at sites at the forest margin. Together, these results suggest that inverse responses to temperature are widespread, affecting even the coldest parts of the boreal forest. Even in such close proximity to treeline, warm temperatures after 1950 have been associated with reduced tree growth. Growth declines were most common in the warmer and drier sites, and thus support the hypothesis that drought-stress may accompany increased warming in the boreal forest.  相似文献   

Process-based models used to investigate forest ecosystem response to climate change were not necessarily developed to include the effect of carbon dioxide (CO2) and temperature increases on physiological processes. Simulation of the impacts of climate change with such models may lead to questionable predictions. It is generally believed that significant shifts in the performance of black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill] B.S.P.) will occur under climate change. This species, which accounts for 64% of Ontario's coniferous growing stock and 80% of the annual allowable cut, represents important economic activity throughout the boreal forest region. Forest management planning requires relatively accurate productivity estimates. Thus, it is imperative to ensure that process-based models realistically predict the effect of climate change. In this study, CENTURY and FOREST-BGC models were calibrated for a productive, upland black spruce stand in northwestern Ontario. Even though both models predicted similar relative outcomes after 100 years of climate change, they disagreed on the impacts of temperature in combination with an increase in CO2. Also, absolute amounts of carbon sequestered varied with climate change scenarios. Comparison of both models indicated that the representation of critical processes in these two forest ecosystem models is incomplete. For instance, the interactive effects of CO2 and temperature increases on physiological processes at stand and soil levels are not well documented nor are they easily identifiable in the models. Their incorporation into models is therefore problematic. Practitioners must consequently be wary of assumptions about the inclusion of critical processes in models.  相似文献   

Based on the simulations with a 3-D large-eddy simulation model of marine cloud-topped boundary layer that includes explicit cloud physics formulation, we have evaluated the effect of spatial inhomogeneities in cloud macro- and microstructure on the performance of parameterizations of optical depth commonly used in large-scale models. We have shown that an accurate parameterization of the grid average optical depth alone is not sufficient for correct determination of cloud transmittance to solar radiation due to the non-linear dependence between these two variables.The problem can be solved by introducing the “equivalent” value of optical depth that differs from the ordinarily defined mean optical depth by a factor αt, that depends on the degree of cloud inhomogeneity and ranges from about 2 in the cumulus case to about 1.3 in the stratiform case.The accuracy of cloud optical depth parameterizations commonly employed in largescale models has been evaluated using the data from the explicit microphysical model as a benchmark for comparison. It has been shown that in the cumulus cloud case the parameterized expressions can err by as much as 100%. The error is smaller for more uniform stratiform clouds, where the error for some parameterizations varied in the 10–40% range. The best results are given by parameterizations that account for vertical stratification of parameters on which they are based. However, the error given by a particular parameterization varies and is different at cloud and surface levels. The results show the limitations of the existing simplified parameterizations and illustrate the scope and complexity of the cloud radiation parameterization problem.  相似文献   

大气科学的世纪进展与未来展望   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
张大林 《气象学报》2005,63(5):812-824
今天的大气科学已从20世纪初经验的阐述转变为既有理论基础又有客观定量化的一门数理学科,其发展步伐在近50年来不断加快。文章回顾了近百年来大气科学在探测、数值天气预报和气候研究3方面所取得的主要成就,并对大气科学在21世纪的潜在发展作一展望。大气探测、计算能力和信息输送方面的技术进步无疑是近代和未来大气科学迅速发展的巨大动力。这些技术进步促使数值模式分辨率在不断提高,越来越多的实测和卫星等遥感资料在通过反演和同化进入模式初始条件和全球气象分析场,模式物理过程和参数化逐步趋向现实,从而使全球和区域数值预报水平持续提高。同时对大量观测资料的统计分析和许多气候子系统耦合模式的若干试验,大大提高了对造成气候变化和影响的物理、动力机制的认识;特别是对全球气温变暖,其中人类活动的影响,以及ENSO的发生、发展和消亡的机制和过程的认识。近期数值天气预报则趋向于模式发展的统一、预报时效的增加和对有足够成员且有代表性的集合预报的日益重视。气候研究将致力于减少各物理和化学过程参数化、分辨率等因素在模式中的不确定性,逐步达到跨月、季节直至年代际气候变化的合理预测。可以预言在不久的将来,地球-空间系统各变量的观测和预报将逐步数字化、自动化,人们可提前3~5 d得知灾害性天气发生时间和地点的概率,人工影响天气等学科在21世纪将会有突破。同时,可以看到世界各国共同协作建立地球-空间综合观测系统,发展能“包罗万象”的地球-空间-减灾的统一模式。然后综合利用大量观测和模式资料,及时掌握地球-空间系统中的各尺度变化规律,以确保人类社会的持续发展。  相似文献   

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