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航道整治工程是利用整治建筑物调整和控制水流,具有稳定有利河势、增加航道水深以及改善水流流态的功能。在长江下游,一般采用新建导堤、潜堤、丁坝、锁坝等结构,实现“导流、挡沙、减淤、护滩”的作用。1998年,长江口深水航道整治工程一期工程开工建设,标志着我国深水航道整治工程的开端。历经20余a的建设和发展,深水航道施工技术不断取得新突破,解决了深水航道整治工程面临的诸多施工难题,形成了包括水下基础处理、深水砂被铺设、40 m深水软体排护底施工、水下基床抛石整平和半圆体预制、出运及安装等多项核心关键技术和船机装备,填补了我国航道整治施工领域的技术空白。本文主要介绍在五大国家重点深水航道整治项目中5项关键技术的研究及发展历程、工艺简介以及取得的施工成果,供同行交流借鉴。  相似文献   

港珠澳大桥东人工岛所在海域受水下地形和近岸边界影响呈"涨潮NE向、落潮SW向"的往复流特点,东人工岛岛隧结合部沉管基槽水域在岛头挑流作用下涨潮流呈N向流动。根据岛隧结合部区域的水流运动特征,制订了基槽掩护区南北两侧"非对称"型的双导流堤掩护措施。建立基槽局部水域的三维水流数学模型,模拟岛隧结合部水流运动的三维特征,对导流堤实施后的掩护效果进行水动力仿真模拟。研究结果表明:基槽掩护区内流速大幅减弱,E33管节基槽的人工整平段最大流速在0.5 m/s以内,整平船施工段最大流速不超过0.8 m/s,E33管节各区流速均能满足沉管安装的水流条件。为安全起见,E33管节沉放安装时机适合选在潮流动力较弱的小潮期。  相似文献   

耦合海洋和溢油模型,建立起1个适用于长江口深水航道内溢油轨迹预报模型。海洋模型考虑了深水航道中导堤丁坝的影响,能够较好地模拟深水航道内流场,使物理场更加可信;溢油模型采用前国际上常用的随机游走和拉格朗日油粒子追踪法,预测油粒子的漂移扩散轨迹和扫海面积。研究表明:在深水航道中段发生的溢油事故,油粒子的漂移分布和扫海面积受导堤丁坝和流场的共同影响,涨急时刻溢油24h后油粒子的分布和扫海主要分布在导堤丁坝附近,落急时刻溢油的油粒子则大部分分布于导堤丁坝外,扫海面积也比涨急时刻大,对九段沙自然保护敏感区域产生一定程度的潜在生态影响。本文用数值实验的方法验证了海洋模型中考虑导堤丁坝与不考虑导堤丁坝相比,溢油轨迹预测是有差别的,考虑了导堤丁坝会对油粒子在导堤丁坝附近的漂移和扩散起阻挡约束和聚集的作用,没有考虑导堤丁坝的溢油扫海面积增大。  相似文献   

河口整治工程的实施效果与堤坝的结构型式密切相关,在河工模型上直接研究局部复杂结构对整治效果的影响有较大难度。以长江口深水航道治理二期工程北导堤NⅡC区段空心方块斜坡堤结构为个例,采用水槽试验和动床模型相结合方法,通过水槽试验确定可以在特定河工模型上使用的概化透水结构,使在模型上精确模拟局部复杂结构对整治效果的影响成为可能。研究成果认为,二期工程NⅡC区段2 600 m导堤不建对北槽出口段的整治效果有明显影响,NⅡC区段导堤高程降低1 m或采用空心方块斜坡堤透水结构对整治效果影响不大。  相似文献   

文章基于北斗/GPS双模定位技术,根据自升式风电安装船的施工特点,研发了一套基于北斗/GPS双模定位技术施工定位系统,详细分析了WGS84经纬度坐标与工程坐标之间的转换关系,建立了工程坐标和船体坐标系之间的数学模型,通过接收机位置处的经纬度坐标可以计算出船体坐标上任意一点的工程坐标,此研究成果可以推广到任意构件的定位施工上,如,整平船的施工定位以及运动轨迹存储、打桩船的施工定位等。  相似文献   

在分析射阳港拦门沙航道一期整治工程建设后航道回淤特征的基础上,通过潮流泥沙数学模型分析研究了二期不同整治方案建设后的水流、含沙量及淤积分布特征,论证了不同方案的整治效果。研究表明:现状条件下由于导堤为潜堤,受越堤水流、口门回流等影响,一期工程建设后航道沿程普遍淤积。在一期导堤的基础上将导堤加高后有利于减小口门段航道淤积;将导堤延长后,淤积最严重的部位年淤强度有所减小,但在新的口门附近航道淤积仍然较严重;将口门宽度缩窄后,口门附近的淤积强度有所减小,但幅度有限;在航道内增加丁坝后,口门段泥沙淤积强度有所减小,但对改善中段航道淤积有限。  相似文献   

刘强  张刚  项立辉  张晓飞 《海洋通报》2017,36(5):561-567
基于近年来射阳港区水下地形数据和定点全潮水文观测资料,分析了双导堤建设前后冲淤变化特征,并对其成因进行了初步探讨。研究结果表明,研究区近6年来总体上以淤积为主,净淤积量约为65.23×106m3,年均净淤积速率约为7.9 cm/a;淤积区域主要分布于导堤两侧浅水区,侵蚀区域主要分布于导堤口附近。2008-2013年间研究区冲刷、淤积和相对稳定区域面积分别占15%、55%和30%。堤口东侧的SSW02站实测最大流速为1.54 m/s,北堤北部的SSW01站为1.4 m/s,无论是涨潮还是落潮,堤口均大于导堤北侧;导堤产生了沿堤水流和口门回流,改变了导堤两侧附近海域潮流方向并增大了口门处的沉积动力。研究区泥沙运动方式主要表现为波浪掀沙、潮流输沙;区域海流泥沙的沿程落淤和导堤挡流效应导致导堤两侧出现淤积,导堤产生的回流促使堤口冲刷和堤内泥沙回淤。导堤引起的局部流场变化是海底冲淤格局重新分布的主因。  相似文献   

长江口北槽柱状沉积物粒度分布特征及沉积环境指示意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究长江口北槽深水航道的泥沙回淤机制及来源,通过对长江口北槽深水航道中部南、北导堤两侧坝田区域所采浅钻柱状样的沉积物特征、粒度参数特征、粒度成分和沉积速率特征等的分析,探讨北槽深水航道水动力条件和泥沙沉积环境。结果显示,柱状样以黏土质粉砂为主,受径流和潮汐作用,分选性都较差,偏态均为正偏,北导堤和南导堤两侧柱状样的分选系数、偏态和峰态在同一侧相互之间的特征较一致,且三组分组成接近;南北导堤异侧之间的粒度特征差异较为明显,北导堤一侧的平均粒度比南导堤的小,北导堤坝田附近的柱状样粒级百分比在垂向上波动变化较大,南导堤则表现的较为单一;南北导堤的敏感组分主要集中在粒级100μm部分。结合资料和测年数据,综合得出,由于北导堤和南导堤的涨落潮不对称,导致了其粒度特征上的不同;北槽淤积中的流域供沙逐渐减少,泥沙来源逐渐转变为滩槽交换供沙为主;北槽受深水航道工程影响巨大,泥沙沉积过程复杂,还需深入研究。  相似文献   

泉州港石油码头系泉州七四九工程专用码头,由钢筋混凝土高桩结构的靠船平台、钢筋混凝土桩基栈桥和抛石引堤组成。抛石堤长245米,连接岸与靠船平台,全线在淤泥海滩上通过。在淤泥海滩上筑堤的主要问题之一是软基处理。许多工程在施工过程中发  相似文献   

天津古贝壳堤是天津海陆变迁的重要产物和有力佐证,具有重要的科学研究价值。通过对公路工程建设施工期施工振动、基础处理施工,营运期钻孔灌注桩承受垂直荷载、碎石垫层基础承受垂直荷载等因素对古贝壳堤保护区的影响分析,提出了保护古贝壳堤的对策和措施。  相似文献   

首次提出了采用充水式橡胶坝导流堤对码头后方进行清淤减载的工程方案,并结合实际工程构建了码头后方三维流场数学模型,研究了垂直导流堤、下挑式导流堤、上挑式导流堤、离岸短堤、正八字型导流堤和倒八字型导流堤6种不同拓扑构型的橡胶坝导流堤对码头后方流场的影响,探讨了码头后方瞬时涡量、三维流线拓扑、时均流速及雷诺应力分布随不同型式导流堤的变化规律。研究结果表明,当布置橡胶坝导流堤后,码头后方流场流速会明显增大,其中垂直导流堤和上挑式导流堤挑流效果最为显著。  相似文献   

This study examined tidal modification and change in tidal currents caused by the construction of the Saemangeum dike, based on field observations and a numerical model. The Saemangeum dike was completed in April 2006, enclosing an estuarine area along the mid-western coast of South Korea. After closure of the dike, the tidal range outside the dike decreased slightly but significantly, while the inside tidal range decreased drastically. The numerical model results show that the dike construction has influenced tidal energy propagation and the tidal system in the Yellow Sea. The tidal current speed near the dike decreased abruptly following closure of the dike, except in front of the sluice gates. Since completion of the dike, outflow water discharged from the sluice gates has longer residence times due to the weakened tidal current; the change in the tidal current field has also caused greater northward expansion of outflow water. The sluice gates release fresher water, which spreads over the sea surface mainly by inertial momentum near the gate; this water is then gradually mixed with sea water farther from the gate. The less saline, possibly more contaminated outflow impacts the marine environment near the Saemangeum dike. Controlling the discharge and gate-opening timing can partially mitigate these impacts on the marine environment.  相似文献   

Widely applied in maintaining estuarial waterway depth, the spur dike has played an important role in currents and sediment exchange between channel and shoal and sediment back-silting in the channel. Through establishing a generalized physical model at a bifurcated estuary and conducting current tests under the joint action of runoff and tide, the influence of the spur dike length on current exchange between channel and shoal is analyzed. Results show that when the spur dike length reaches a certain value, the direction of the flow velocity shear front between the channel and shoal will change. The longer the spur dike, the larger the transverse fluctuating velocity at the peak of flood in the channel shoal exchange area, while the transport of the transverse hydrodynamics is obvious in the process of flood. There is an optimum length of spur dike when the shear stress in the channel and the longitudinal velocity in flood and ebb reach the maximum, and the flow velocity will decrease when the spur dike length is smaller or larger than the optimum. For a certain length of spur dike, the larger the channel shoal elevation difference, the larger the peak longitudinal flow velocity in the middle of the navigation channel in flood and ebb. However, the transverse flow velocity will first decrease and then increase. The transverse transportation is obvious when the channel shoal elevation difference increases.  相似文献   

Guo  Chun-yu  Xu  Pei  Wang  Chao  Kan  Zi 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(5):522-536
When a ship model test is performed in a tank, particularly when the tank is small and the ship model is relatively large, the blockage effect will inevitably occur. With increased ship model scale and speed, the blockage effect becomes more obvious and must be corrected. In this study, the KRISO 3600 TEU Container Ship(KCS) is taken as a model and computational fluid dynamics techniques and ship resistance tests are applied to explore the mechanism and correction method of the blockage effect. By considering the degrees of freedom of the sinkage and trim, the resistance of the ship model is calculated in the infinite domain and for blockage ratios of 1.5%, 1.8%, 2.2%, and3.0%. Through analysis of the free surface, pressure distribution, and flow field around the ship model, the action law of the blockage effect is studied. The Scott formula and mean flow correction formula based on the average cross sectional area are recommended as the main correction methods, and these formulas are improved using a factor for the return flow velocity correction based on comparison of the modified results given by different formulas. This modification method is verified by resistance test data obtained from three ship models with different scale ratios.  相似文献   

莱州湾具有典型的大陆架结构,潮汐性质复杂。本研究根据莱州湾沿岸4处典型验潮站的多年数据计算了各站深度基准面值及保证率,并与相关涉海部门现采用值进行了比对分析。结果表明:个别验潮站计算值与相关涉海单位采用的深度基准面值有明显差异。本文就此进行了分析并提出了合理性建议。4处验潮站周边均埋设了高等级水准点,通过历年实施的高等级水准联测来监测各站高程基准点变化量,计算结果可用以维持区域垂直基准,为今后莱州湾港口建设、航道施工、水深测量、船舶通航及信息发布等提供更加准确的基础资料。  相似文献   

不同高度潜堤减淤效果水槽实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潜堤高程是淤泥质海岸潜堤设计的关键要素之一。为了确定潜堤高程,首先根据已建潜堤工程的经验分析得出潜堤减淤的主要机理,即主要是阻挡了浮泥或底部高含沙水体直接进入航道和缩短了含沙水体进入航道的时间,进而在长水槽中开展了一系列比对实验,主要研究不同堤顶高程时的水流紊动、堤前浮泥起动、浮泥层厚度变化、堤后航道泥沙落淤情况等,并以此作为比选堤顶高度的基本依据。实验结果表明当相对高度即潜堤高度与堤前水深之比为0.2~0.5时,便有较好的减淤效果。  相似文献   

Ice loads on a ship hull affect the safety of the hull structure and the ship maneuvering performance in ice-covered regions. A discrete element method (DEM) is used to simulate the interaction between drifting ice floes and a moving ship. The pancake ice floes are modelled with three-dimensional (3-D) dilated disk elements considering the buoyancy, drag force and additional mass induced by the current. The ship hull is modelled with 3D disks with overlaps. Ice loads on the ship hull are determined through the contact detection between ice floe element and ship hull element and the contact force calculation. The influences of different ice conditions (current velocities and directions, ice thicknesses, concentrations and ice floe sizes) and ship speeds are also examined on the dynamic ice force. The simulated results are compared qualitatively well with the existing field data and other numerical results. This work can be helpful in the shil3 structure design and the navigation securitv in ice-covered fields.  相似文献   

An adequate conceptual definition of the geoid is essential for the unambiguous combination of satellite tracking data, satellite al‐timetry, and surface gravity measurements to obtain sea surface topography. The factors influencing the selection of a particular level surface of the earth's gravity field include the purpose(s) for which the geoid is to be used at the 5‐cm level, and the types of data to be used in achieving these objectives. The principal reasons for high precision determinations of the shape of the geoid are: the determination of sea surface topography for applications in oceanography; and the unification of leveling datums with a resolution equivalent to that of first order geodetic leveling. A conceptual definition of the geoid acceptable to oceanographers would be: The geoid for a selected epoch of measurement is that level surface of the earth's gravity field in relation to which the average non‐tidal (or quasi‐stationary) sea surface topography is zero as sampled globally in ocean regions. In the geodetic context, it would be convenient, though not essential, to modify this definition in such a way that the global sea surface topography had zero mean as sampled for evaluations of the geodetic boundary value problem. In either case, a basis exists for unifying all leveling datums serving areas in excess of 106 km2, using either gravity anomaly data for the regions or precise determinations of position at first order bench marks. Unfavorable signal‐to‐noise ratios can pose problems when dealing with datums serving smaller areas. Elevation and gravity data banks must be correctly referenced to leveling datums prior to use in sea surface topography determinations. A recent attempt to upgrade the Australian gravity anomaly data bank indicates that all current data banks of this type are inadequate for the task. It is unlikely that time variations in the radial position of the geoid as conceptually defined above, will exceed ±5 cm per century, provided the rate of earth expansion was less than 1 part in 1010 yr‐l and there is no dramatic change in the present rate of secular change in Mean Sea Level.  相似文献   

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