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合肥市不同天气条件下大气气溶胶粒子理化特征分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
为探讨合肥市霾天气大气气溶胶粒子的组成及来源,在2012-2013年代表性月份用安德森分级采样器在合肥市区进行大气气溶胶粒子采样,并分析各样本中水溶性无机离子成分(NH4+、Mg2+、Ca2+、Na+、 K+、NO2-、NO3-、Cl-、SO42-)。根据同期气象资料把采样背景天气分为晴空、雾、霾、轻雾等4类,详细分析了这4种天气下大气细粒子(指PM2.1)和粗粒子(粒径大于2.1 μm部分)的浓度、组成以及主要离子组分的异同。结果表明:(1)观测期间晴空天多对应空气质量优良,雾、霾天对应轻度到重度污染,从晴空天到雾、霾天,PM2.1浓度大幅度上升,且其占总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)的比例显著上升。(2)从晴空天到雾、霾天,水溶性无机离子质量占PM2.1质量浓度的比例上升,分别为46%(晴空)、67%(霾)、61%(雾)、80%(轻雾)。PM2.1中水溶性无机离子浓度居前3位的雾、霾天是SO42-、NO3-和NH4+,晴空天为SO42-、Ca2+、NO3-。(3)与晴空天相比,霾天PM2.1中水溶性无机离子浓度变化倍数最大的是NO3-(为晴空的6.1倍,下同)、其次是NH4+(3.6倍)和SO42-(3.0倍);雾和轻雾天PM2.1中水溶性无机离子浓度变化最大的是NO3-(>10倍)、其次是NH4+(>5倍)和Cl-(>4.0倍)。(4)4种天气下,与人为污染有关的离子(SO42-、NO3-、Cl-、NH4+)尺度谱存在显著差异,呈双峰型、单峰型、三峰型等;而Ca2+的尺度谱无明显变化,基本上都呈双峰型。(5)在粒径3.3 μm以下,阳、阴离子平衡较好,随着尺度增大变差,且晴空天比雾、霾天差。主要阴离子浓度间、Cl-和Na+间的比值和相关性,在晴空天和雾、霾天差异较大。   相似文献   

武汉作为中部地区高湿度代表城市,大气污染严重,霾天气多发,但有关该地区大气能见度与PM2.5浓度及相对湿度(RH)的定量关系尚不明确。利用2014年9月—2015年3月武汉地区逐时能见度、相对湿度及颗粒物质量浓度观测数据,研究分析了武汉大气能见度与PM2.5浓度及相对湿度的关系,并进行能见度非线性预报初探,得到以下结论:武汉霾时数发生比例高,霾的发生和加重是能见度降低的主要原因;能见度降低伴随大量细粒子产生和累积,这是武汉大气能见度恶化的重要诱因。细颗粒物浓度与相对湿度共同影响和制约大气能见度变化,高湿高浓度时能见度显著下降,湿情景下(RH≥40%),能见度恶化主要是由湿度增高诱使细颗粒物粒径吸湿增长导致其散射效率增大造成的。当RH >90%时,能见度随湿度升高成线性递减,相对湿度每升高1%,武汉平均能见度降低0.568 km。而干情景下(RH2.5质量浓度升高。在城市大气细粒子污染背景下,能见度与相对湿度成非线性关系,这主要与PM2.5对能见度的影响及吸湿性颗粒物的散射效率变化有关。PM2.5浓度与能见度成幂函数非线性关系,80%≤RH2.5浓度对能见度的影响敏感阈值是随着湿度升高而减小的,干情景下能见度10 km对应的PM2.5浓度阈值为70 μg/m3,湿情景下该阈值为18—55 μg/m3。当PM2.5质量浓度低于约40 μg/m3时,继续降低PM2.5可显著提高武汉大气能见度。预报试验表明,基于神经网络方法建立大气能见度非线性预报模型是可行的,预报能见度相关系数为0.86,均方根误差为1.9 km,能见度≤10 km的TS评分为0.92。网络模型具有较高预报性能,对霾的判别有较高准确性,为衔接区域环境气象数值预报模式,建立大气能见度精细化动力统计模型提供参考依据。   相似文献   

北京一次持续性雾霾过程的阶段性特征及影响因子分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
利用北京地区高时间分辨率观测资料对2009年11月3—8日一次持续性雾霾天气过程中的气象因素和气溶胶演变特征进行了分析。结果表明,该次雾霾过程具有明显的阶段性特征,前期以霾为主,中期发展为雾霾交替,后期随着相对湿度减小再次转换为霾并最终消散。边界层逆温是低能见度过程形成的必要条件,但并不最终决定雾霾低能见度强度。相对湿度和PM2.5浓度是决定能见度大小的两个关键影响因子,对能见度的影响体现出阶段性特征。大部分时段PM2.5浓度是影响能见度的主要因子,当能见度小于1 km时,能见度变化更多受相对湿度影响。不同的情景计算表明,控制PM2.5浓度对于改善本次过程的能见度有重要作用。  相似文献   

To investigate chemical profiles and formation mechanisms of aerosol particles in winter haze events,comprehensive measurements including hourly concentrations of PM2.5 and water-soluble inorganic ions and related gasphase precursors were conducted via an online monitoring system from January to March of 2016 in Shenzhen, a coastal mega-city in south China. In this study, high concentrations of PM2.5, NO2 and lower levels of O3 were observed during haze periods in comparison with clear days(Visibility15 km). The major secondary ionic species were NH+4、NO-3 and SO2-4, which varied significantly on haze and clear days. The ratio of NO-3/SO2-4 in haze days was greater than that on clear days and tended to be larger when air pollution became more serious. At the same time, compared with previous studies, it has been found that the ratio has been increasing gradually in Shenzhen, indicating that the motor vehicle exhaust emissions have a more and more important impact on air quality in Shenzhen. Sulfur oxidation rate(SOR) and nitrogen oxidation rate(NOR) was higher during the haze period than that in clean days, indicating efficient gas to particle conversion. Further analysis shows that high concentrations of sulfate might be explained by aqueous oxidation,but gas-phase reactions might dominate nitrate formation. This study also highlights that wintertime nitrate formation can be an important contributor to aerosol particles, especially during haze periods.  相似文献   

利用气象模式WRF驱动区域空气质量模式RAQMS,模拟研究了2014年北京地区春季颗粒物及气溶胶化学组分的时空变化,对比分析了沙尘期(3月17日、29日)和霾期(3月25~27日)的天气形势、气象要素和气溶胶化学组分特征,比较了沙尘和人为气溶胶表面非均相化学反应对大气化学成分的影响及相对贡献。结果显示,模式对于气象要素、PM2.5、PM10及其化学组分具有较好的模拟能力,考虑了气溶胶表面非均相化学反应后明显提高了模式对PM2.5及气溶胶化学组分模拟的准确性。沙尘期间,沙尘对PM10质量浓度贡献占主导地位(50.7%),对PM2.5的贡献与有机气溶胶(OM)和人为排放的一次颗粒物(PPM)相当;霾期间,硝酸盐NO3?(25.6%)和OM(23.6%)对PM2.5的贡献最大,在PM10中NO3?、PPM和OM的贡献相当。沙尘期,粗粒子明显增加,在PM10中所占比例与细粒子相当,为45.5%;霾期,细粒子占主导地位,占PM10质量浓度的85.6%。非均相化学反应使沙尘期间硫酸盐(SO42–)和NO3–浓度分别增加16.9%和83.8%,使霾期间的SO42?和NO3–浓度分别增加14.5%和45.0%。2014年3月,非均相化学反应使北京月均SO2、NO2、O3、SO42?、NH4+和NO3?的浓度分别变化了?2.5%、?5.7%、?3.4%、11.7%、18.6%和58.5%,本文结果表明非均相化学反应对二次无机气溶胶的生成有重要贡献。  相似文献   

基于2013年1月9-15日北京地区一次持续雾、霾过程,对环流形势、要素、物理量场以及污染监测情况进行分析。结果表明:高PM2.5和SO2事件持续时间超过100 h,浓度达到严重污染级别。高空为偏西或西南气流且850 hPa有弱暖平流输送和地面倒槽维持少动是有利于雾、霾持续的背景条件。持续轻雾或霾对湿层厚度要求不高,在925 hPa下即可,且湿层越厚,能见度越低。逆温维持是雾、霾持续的主要原因,且轻雾或霾为主时逆温层特点为厚度浅强度弱,高度或强度的突然增大可预示向大雾或雪转换; 850 hPa以下涡度平流较弱是轻雾或霾持续的动力结构;总温度平流垂直分布表现为闭合中心强度在500 hPa明显分界,且相对较弱的平流中心的高度一般在850-1000 hPa之间,当高度达到500 hPa时或可预示雾、霾天气消散。  相似文献   

2014年,中国气象局将地面人工观测业务调整为自动仪器观测的方式,这一改变明显提高了工作效率,但对观测结果,特别是视程障碍类观测产生了一定的影响。为了完善内蒙古地区霾和沙尘天气判别标准,获得准确可信的气象资料,本文选取了2001-2019年内蒙古12个站点逐三小时的气象观测资料,从时空分布特征和判别方法研究了内蒙古地区沙尘和霾自动气象观测数据的可靠性和判别标准的适用性。结合PM2.5和PM10两个空气质量指数,通过修正错误记录,将沙尘中误判的霾和无天气、霾中误判的沙尘、雾和无天气等分离出来。对比结果来看,修正前,霾和沙尘分别占总频次的95%和5%;修正后,霾、沙尘、雾和无天气分别占总频次的55%、17%、1%、27%。对比呼和浩特单站一次沙尘和一次霾天气过程中气象要素和空气质量指数的连续变化可以看出,相对湿度与PM2.5的相关性均达到了0.5以上。沙尘期,能见度与PM10负相关,PM2.5和PM10相关性较差;而霾期,能见度与PM2.5和PM10的相关性较差,PM2.5和PM10相关性达到了0.8以上,即不同相对湿度环境下影响能见度的因素不同。  相似文献   

利用中国国家地面站逐小时气象观测资料、中国环境监测总站空气质量逐时监测数据、ECMWF 0.125°(纬度)×0.125°(经度)再分析资料及青岛市八关山自动站常规要素逐小时数据,对2018年1月15~22日青岛市一次重度污染雾—霾天气过程的特征及其影响因子进行分析。结果表明:PM10为首要污染物,污染过程中青岛市48 h 输入污染源前期主要为北方干冷气团与江淮湿空气在山东半岛北部汇聚堆积,后期则主要包括山东省内局地大气污染物排放。雾—霾期间,500 hPa中高纬地区受乌拉尔山阻塞高压和中西伯利亚冷低压控制,宽广的东亚横槽稳定维持,青岛上空以平直西风气流为主,地面等压线稀疏,风速小;随着横槽转竖,纬向型环流转为经向型,冷空气大举南下,风速急增,降雪发生,雾—霾迅速消散。在静稳的大气环流背景下,当近地逆温层内弱风或持续吹陆风,对流层低层上升和下沉运动较弱,水汽条件较好时,有利于雾—霾维持。综合分析雾—霾各阶段PM2.5浓度和相对湿度与能见度间的关系发现,霾阶段两因子影响力相当;雾阶段能见度主要受相对湿度的影响;静稳条件下PM2.5浓度累积增加是影响雾、霾混合阶段能见度的主要因子。  相似文献   

The present study was carried out between October 2003 and September 2004 at an urban background station near the Mediterranean coast in southeastern Spain. The sulfate and nitrate content was determined in 332 PM10 and PM2.5 daily samples. The results show that the seasonal variation of nitrate measured in PM10 does not correspond with what has been observed at other locations in the Iberian Peninsula, where the minima are reached during the summer months due to decomposition of ammonium nitrate at high temperatures. The recorded levels of PM10 nitrate were slightly higher in summer due to an increase in the concentrations of coarse mode nitrate. On the contrary, both the concentrations and the percentages of nitrate in PM2.5 were lowest from June to September. The sulfate levels in both PM10 and PM2.5 were maxima in summer because the oxidation rate of SO2 increases with solar radiation. An elevated correlation (0.72 < r < 0.92) between the monthly average concentrations and percentages of sulfate and solar radiation has been found. We have also investigated the influence that Saharan dust intrusions and high pollution episodes have upon the sulfate and nitrate concentrations. Both types of events increased NO3 and SO42− levels, particularly the high pollution episodes.  相似文献   

In recent years the pollution of aerosol is getting worse and worse in Guangzhou area. The haze weather mainly occurs from October to April of the following year, resulting in visibility deterioration. From the beginning of the 1980's the visibility dramatically deteriorated, obviously increasing haze weather, in which there are three big fluctuations, respectively showing the periods of pollution of dust, sulphate and dust, fine particle from photochemical process and sulphate and dust accompanying the development of economy. The long-term tendency of visibility caused by fog and light fog does not have the tendency due to human activity or economical development and the variation mainly show the inner interannual and interdecadal variation of climate. The deterioration of visibility has close relation to the fine particles in Guangzhou area, with half of PM10 surpassing the limits set by national second graded standard, meanwhile, all values of PM2.5 rise above the day-mean limits of American national standard, indicating very high fine particle concentration. The ratio of PM2.5 to PM10 is also very high, reaching 62% - 69%, especially higher in dry seasons than in rainy seasons.  相似文献   

2011年11月10-14日苏州地区发生了一次严重灰霾天气过程,利用气象观测资料、探空资料及大气成分站监测资料对苏州三个站点的受污染情况进行了综合分析。结果表明:灰霾期间地面受弱气压场控制,风力较小,且有接地逆温的持续存在,大气水平和垂直输送都很弱,导致大量污染物在近地面堆积,能见度恶化;三站中昆山站灰霾持续时间最长,共计104时次,影响程度最重,重度灰霾占总数的39 %,中度和重度灰霾超过灰霾总数的一半;灰霾时各粒径颗粒物浓度均维持在较高水平,细粒子在可吸入颗粒物中占有较大比重,说明细粒子对灰霾贡献作用大,14日凌晨昆山及太仓出现大雾天气时细粒子比重甚至超过了灰霾时,而相对湿度峰值只有94 %,因此将该段天气定性为雾霾共存或者湿性霾更妥;秸秆焚烧污染期间,BC浓度明显上升,其绝对浓度要高出正常情况的3倍左右;通过CO/SO2及PM10/SO2对比发现昆山站受秸秆焚烧污染程度要严重的多,因此推测昆山本地郊区可能也存在零星秸秆露天焚烧点。  相似文献   

Urban aerosols have a large effect on the deterioration of air quality and the degradation of atmospheric visibility.Characterization of the chemical composition of PM 2.5 and in situ measurements of the optical properties of aerosols were conducted in July 2008 at an urban site in Guangzhou,Southern China.The mean PM 2.5 concentration for the entire period was 53.7±23.2 μg m 3.The mean PM 2.5 concentration (82.7±25.4 μg m 3) on hazy days was roughly two times higher than that on clear days (38.8±8.7 μg m 3).The total water-soluble ion species and the total average carbon accounted for 47.9%±4.3% and 35.2%±4.5%,respectively,of the major components of PM 2.5.The increase of secondary and carbonaceous aerosols,in particular ammonium sulfate,played an important role in the formation of haze pollution.The mean absorption and scattering coefficients and the single scattering albedo over the whole period were 53±20 M m 1,226±111 M m 1,and 0.80±0.04,respectively.PM 2.5 had a high linear correlation with the aerosol extinction coefficient,elemental carbon (EC) was correlated with aerosol absorption,and organic carbon (OC) and SO 4 2 were tightly linked to aerosol scattering.  相似文献   

天津冬季大气能见度与空气污染的相互关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
姚青  张长春  樊文雁  黄鹤 《气象科技》2010,38(6):704-708
为探求天津冬季大气能见度特征与空气污染的相互关系,于2008年12月至2009年1月连续观测大气能见度和空气污染物浓度(PM10、PM2.5质量浓度,O_3、NO_2和SO_2体积浓度),并结合相对湿度进行相关分析。结果表明:天津冬季大气能见度平均值为11.59 km,日变化呈明显的单峰特征,其变化特征受到空气污染物,尤其是气溶胶质量浓度及相对湿度变化共同影响;观测期内霾的发生频率接近50%;采用非线性回归方程拟合能见度与气溶胶质量浓度相互关系显示,PM2.5质量浓度对水平能见度的贡献大于PM10质量浓度,并且高湿情况下,能见度与气溶胶质量浓度相关性更好。  相似文献   

使用2008~2012年逐日地面观测资料,揭示了安徽不同地区雾、霾、晴空天气气象条件的差异,指出不同地区要根据本地特点建立雾、霾预报指标和预报方法。3类天气差异最大的地面气象要素是能见度和相对湿度。根据3种天气前一日和当日能见度和相对湿度分布特征,全省站点可以分为3类:1)从雾、霾到晴空,能见度递增、相对湿度递减,且差异显著,如合肥站;2)雾、霾天的能见度和相对湿度均很接近,但与晴空天差别较大,如阜阳站;3)能见度在雾、霾天无明显差别,但相对湿度在雾、霾天差异显著,如安庆站。地级市测站雾后即霾的可能性较大(大于50%),县城测站雾后即霾的可能性较低(低于25%)。垂直方向,雾时相对湿度随高度下降很快,850 h Pa中位值已降到20%(安庆)和45%(阜阳)以下,霾时相对湿度随高度下降缓慢,850 h Pa中位值仍在60%左右;另外,霾天边界层中上部风切变较小,雾天和晴空天边界层中上部都存在较大的风切变。  相似文献   

利用2006年1月至2010年12月各城市能见度、相对湿度、降水、天气形势和PM10的浓度资料分析福建沿海城市群低能见度天气的特征及其影响因素,并将福建沿海主要城市分成北部、中部和南部3个城市群。结果表明:北部城市群每年霾日只有8-26 d,低能见度主要是由(轻)雾引起的,而中、南部城市群低能见度主要是由霾引起的;各城市群(轻)雾和霾天气主要出现在12月至翌年6月,7-11月出现率极低,而平均能见度夏秋季节高于冬春季节;各城市群的低能见度、(轻)雾和霾均以“短暂”为主,其次是“半天”,“全天”最少;低涡切变下(轻)雾的日数最多,其次是高空槽和暖区辐合,再其次是变性冷高压;霾出现频率较高的是暖区辐合、高空槽和变性冷高压3种天气形势;PM10浓度在霾、非低能见度天气下和(轻)雾天气条件下分别为0.068-0.109 mg·m-3、0.041-0.072 mg·m-3和0.044-0.064 mg·m-3。  相似文献   

PM2.5 aerosols were sampled in urban Chengdu from April 2009 to January 2010, and their chemical compositions were characterized in detail for elements, water soluble inorganic ions, and carbonaceous matter. The annual average of PM2.5 was 165g m-3, which is generally higher than measurements in other Chinese cities, suggesting serious particulate pollution issues in the city. Water soluble ions contributed 43.5% to the annual total PM2.5 mass, carbonaceous aerosols including elemental carbon and organic carbon contributed 32.0%, and trace elements contributed 13.8%. Distinct daily and seasonal variations were observed in the mass concentrations of PM2.5 and its components, reflecting the seasonal variations of different anthropogenic and natural sources. Weakly acidic to neutral particles were found for PM2.5. Major sources of PM2.5 identified from source apportionment analysis included coal combustion, traffic exhaust, biomass burning, soil dust, and construction dust emissions. The low nitrate: sulfate ratio suggested that stationary emissions were more important than vehicle emissions. The reconstructed masses of ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, particulate carbonaceous matter, and fine soil accounted for 79% of the total measured PM2.5 mass; they also accounted for 92% of the total measured particle scattering.  相似文献   

2007年,Ashok等揭示了赤道太平洋区域存在一种三极型分布海表温度异常并称之为厄尔尼诺-Modoki,同时定义了相应的海表温度异常指数EMI(记为IEM)。在此基础上,利用英国哈得来中心逐月海表温度资料、美国NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析数据集、美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)逐月降水资料(CMAP),通过在太平洋海表温度异常中扣除厄尔尼诺-Modoki信号后,在Nino1+2区域上定义了东太平洋型海表温度异常指数EPNI(IEPN)。据此,由IEPN和IEM可构成描述热带太平洋海表温度异常变化的一对指数。分析了两个指数相应的海气状态及对海洋性大陆区域气候异常的影响。结果表明,厄尔尼诺-Modoki和东太平洋型海表温度异常及其影响存在显著差异。在北半球夏季,当IEM处于正位相时,热带太平洋海表温度异常呈现“负-正-负”的结构,海洋性大陆大部分区域海表温度异常为负,此时对流层低层太平洋地区辐合,海洋性大陆地区辐散,对流层高层太平洋地区辐散,海洋性大陆地区辐合。对应于辐合辐散中心,存在着自赤道中太平洋分别向赤道东太平洋和海洋性大陆中东部地区的异常垂直环流圈,同时也存在自海洋性大陆西部向印度洋西部的垂直环流。大气在海洋性大陆区域北部加热,南部冷却;在太平洋地区西部加热而东部冷却;在海洋性大陆区域10°N以南降水偏少,而10°N以北降水偏多。当IEPN处于正位相时,热带太平洋海表温度异常呈现“西负东正”分布型,海洋性大陆区域海表温度异常呈现“西正东负”分布,对流层低层海洋性大陆地区辐散中心范围偏大、位置偏东、强度偏强,太平洋地区辐合中心范围偏小、位置偏东,热带环流异常在垂直方向上呈斜压结构,海洋性大陆区域北部大气加热而南部冷却,太平洋地区大气均呈加热正异常,海洋性大陆大部分区域降水均偏少,赤道太平洋降水偏多。以上这些结果有利于深刻理解热带太平洋海表温度异常的特征及其对海洋性大陆区域气候的影响。  相似文献   

Haze-to-fog transformation during a long lasting, low visibility episode was examined using the observations from a comprehensive field campaign conducted in Nanjing, China during 4-9 December 2013. In this episode, haze was transformed into fog and the fog lasted for dozens of hours. The impacts of meteorological factors such as wind, temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) on haze, transition and fog during this episode were investigated. Results revealed significant differences between haze and fog days, due to their different formation mechanisms. Comparison was made for boundary-layer conditions during hazy days, haze-to-fog days and foggy days. Distributions of wind speed and wind direction as well as synoptic weather conditions around Nanjing had determinative impacts on the occurrences and characteristics of haze and fog. Weakened southerly wind in southern Nanjing resulted in high concentration of pollutants, and haze events occurred frequently during the study period. The wind speed was less than 1 m s-1 in the haze event, which resulted in a stable atmospheric condition and weak dispersion of the pollutants. The height of the temperature inversion was about 400 m during the period. The inversion intensity was weak and the temperature-difference was 4°C km-1 or less in haze, while the inversion was stronger, and temperature-difference was about 6°C km-1, approaching the inversion layer intensity in the fog event. Haze event is strongly influenced by ambient RH. RH values increased, which resulted in haze days evidently increased, suggesting that an increasing fraction of haze events be caused by hygroscopic growth of aerosols, rather than simply by high aerosol loading. When RH was above 90%, haze aerosols started to be transformed from haze to fog. This study calls for more efforts to control emissions to prevent haze events in the region.  相似文献   

Aerosols in the atmosphere not only degrade visibility, but are also detrimental to human health and transportation. In order to develop a method to estimate PM_(2.5) mass concentration from the widely measured visibility, a field campaign was conducted in Southwest China in January 2019. Visibility, ambient relative humidity(RH), PM_(2.5) mass concentrations and scattering coefficients of dry particles were measured. During the campaign, two pollution episodes, i.e., from 4-9 January and from 10-16 January, were encountered. Each of the two episodes could be divided into two periods. High aerosol hygroscopicity was found during the first period, when RH was higher than 80% at most of the time, and sometimes even approached 100%. The second period experienced a relatively dry but more polluted condition and aerosol hygroscopicity was lower than that during the first period. An empirical relationship between PM_(2.5) mass concentration and visibility(ambient aerosol extinction) under different RH conditions could thus be established. Based on the empirical relationship,PM_(2.5) mass concentration could be well estimated from visibility and RH. This method will be useful for remote sensing of PM_(2.5) mass concentration.  相似文献   

一次持续性雾霾天气过程的阶段性特征及影响因子分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
苗爱梅  李苗  王洪霞 《干旱气象》2014,32(6):947-953
应用常规与非常规气象观测资料及PM2.5浓度监测资料,对2013年1月20~24日山西区域一次持续性雾霾天气过程进行分析。研究发现:(1)本次雾霾天气过程具有明显的阶段性特征。2013年1月20日14时至23日11时,由于相对湿度的变化导致了3次轻雾转大雾过程;23日14~20时,由于PM2.5浓度的增大经历了1次轻雾转霾的天气过程。(2)地面弱的气压场和较小的风速以及PM2.5浓度的上升和相对湿度的增大为本次持续性雾霾天气过程的形成和发展提供了有利条件。(3)边界层逆温的存在是雾霾低能见度过程形成的必要条件,边界层有逆温层而不出现雾霾天气的条件是:相对湿度〈50%,PM2.5日均值浓度〈75μg·m-3;逆温层下相对湿度的大小是区别雾和霾天气的指标。(4)相对湿度和PM2.5是决定能见度大小的关键因子,其对能见度的影响体现出明显的阶段性特征,当相对湿度〈90%时,PM2.5浓度对能见度的作用强于相对湿度,是影响能见度变化的主要因子,但随着相对湿度的增大,其对能见度的影响相对增强,当能见度降至1 km以下时,相对湿度成为影响能见度变化的主要因子。  相似文献   

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