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东秦岭南洛河中游地区发现的旧石器和黄土堆积   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对2006~2007年在东秦岭南洛河中游地区河南省卢氏和洛宁两县发现的8处旷野类型旧石器地点的160余件石制品进行了初步研究,并对产出石制品的黄土堆积剖面进行了地层学分析和光释光测年。初步结果表明,南洛河中游地区的旧石器工业很丰富,石制品的加工技术与上游洛南盆地一致,同样采取硬锤直接打击法;加工石制品的原料来自于河流堆积物中的石英岩和石英砾石等;石制品中有相当数量的小型石片和由小型石片二次加工修理而成的工具,还有直接由砾石加工而成的重型工具,如手镐等;除此之外,大型石片以及以大型石片加工而成的重型工具,如重型刮削器也多有所见。由于工作范围和力度的局限,南洛河中游地区目前尚未发现上游洛南盆地旧石器遗址中广泛存在的手斧、三棱手镐、薄刃斧和大型石刀等Acheulian类型两面加工技术生产的工具。新发现的南洛河中游旧石器地点分布在不同时期形成的河流阶地和黄土地层中。地层分析和光释光年代测试表明,南洛河中游地区的黄土堆积至少从中更新世便已经开始,并一直持续到全新世,至少在黄土剖面中S1,S3和S4的3个层位有石器分布;其黄土-古土壤旋回不仅可以用于石制品产出层位的准确定年,还指示了早期人类石器工业演化和人类生存环境变化的过程。  相似文献   

陕西洛南龙牙洞遗址的特征和环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
要本文第一作者曾在陕西洛南龙牙南洞中获得洛南直立人的上臼齿及少量哺乳类化石。近年作者等又在龙牙北洞中采集到大量石制品及哺乳动物化石。龙牙洞是黄河流域最南的一个旧石器遗址。由30多种哺乳类化石组成的龙牙洞动物群是一个兼具古北界和东洋界动物的过渡型动物群,可与蓝田公王岭动物群对比,时代为早更新世晚期,是温暖、湿润的森林、草原、多水体环境条件下的动物组合。石制品非常丰富,属华北旧石器文化系统,但又可见南方文化的影响。龙牙北洞遗址很可能是洛南直立人制作石器的场地。  相似文献   

正贵州盘县大洞遗址的旧石器发现于1990年,从发掘到各项国际合作研究已经进行了20余年。就目前开展的工作,确认文化层堆积厚度约为3m,出土了大量石制品、可鉴定动物化石43种、4枚古人类牙齿化石以及用火证据等人类活动遗迹。研究表明大洞遗址的时代为中更新世晚期,相当于旧石器初期的最后阶段,其时间跨度大约从距今30万年至距今13万年。大洞遗址的重要考古研究价值使其被评为1993年全国十大考古发现并在1996年列入全国重点文物保护  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地是东亚早期人类演化与技术发展的重要区域,以密集分布上百万年前的古人类活动遗址为学术界广泛关注.目前,在区内寻找更早的古人类活动遗存仍然是旧石器考古学界的追踪热点.文章报道近年来在岑家湾台地新发现的一处早更新世旧石器地点野牛坡.野牛坡遗址地处岑家湾台地西北边缘,勘探发现石制品14件,同时伴生丰富的哺乳动物化石....  相似文献   

郑州织机洞遗址MIS 3阶段古人类活动的环境背景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
MIS3阶段,即深海氧同位素第3阶段,是末次冰期中气候比较温暖湿润的时期。大量的考古调查资料表明,这个阶段也是末次冰期中人类活动最活跃的时期,当时不仅人类遗址的数量明显增多,而且石制品也较前也有较大的进步和发展。人类活动与气候环境之间的耦合关系似乎暗示着两者之间存在着某种内在的联系,适宜的气候环境可能是导致人类活动活跃的重要原因。河南郑州织机洞遗址是我国北方重要的旧石器文化中-晚期洞穴遗址,包括上、中、下3个文化层,其中,下文化层距今5.0~3.5万年,属MIS3阶段。本文试以织机洞遗址下文化层为主要研究对象,结合洞外黄土-古土壤剖面的研究,就我国中原地区MIS3阶段人类活动的环境背景做一初步的分析。分析结果表明,在这一阶段,中原地区属于暖温带草原-森林草原环境,气候比较温暖湿润,适宜于人类生活。其中,距今5.0万年前后的MIS3阶段早期,是MIS3阶段中气候最为适宜的时期,也是人类活动最为活跃的时期,当时生长有落叶阔叶树的暖温带森林草原环境,为MIS3阶段旧石器文化的繁荣和发展提供了重要的环境背景。  相似文献   

在泥河湾盆地可望找到二百万年前的人类遗迹   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
近20年来,在泥河湾盆地陆续发现了一系列早更新世的旧石器遗址,由于没有发现人类化石,出土的石制品成为泥河湾盆地早期人类活动的唯一证据,在帮助了解当时人类技术发展水平方面发挥着十分重要的作用。小长梁遗址出土石制品的某些技术的"超前"与年代的古老,曾给我国老一辈考古学家裴文中和贾兰坡先生留下深刻印象。贾老还考虑人类起源的时间比目前习惯所说的二三百万年还要早得多,并推论在泥河湾会发现更加古老的人类活动遗迹。1997年夏在东谷防遗址的新一轮发掘门中出土了一系列具有固定打片程序的预制石核,为上述推论提供了有力的证据。类型和技术两方面的初步观察还表明,这套石核与东北亚、北美传统的细石叶石核关系十分密切,可  相似文献   

欧亚大陆的黄土带与旧石器早期人类活动   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章对欧洲和亚洲黄土分布资料进行了整理,结合欧亚的旧石器考古资料,发现在旧石器早期,欧亚大陆的考古遗址主要分布在黄土带上,这反映了在旧石器早期,东西文化的交流与传播可能存在着一条"黄土之路"。这条"黄土之路"东至中国华北,在天山、阿尔泰山地区分为两条线,在高加索地区汇合,通过欧洲,一直向西至法国和不列颠群岛。通过对欧洲、中亚和东亚黄土旧石器遗址剖面的对比,发现无论是冰期还是间冰期,在黄土分布区,有的地方一直是人类活动的场所,比如欧洲和东亚,周围的自然环境能使人类生存和生活;而有的地方只有在间冰期才适合人类生活,比如中亚。这需要进一步的工作证明。在S5(MIS 13~15)阶段,无论在欧洲还是亚洲,考古遗址发现的几率都比较大,这也许说明在这个时期人类的活动更为活跃。而且在这条横贯欧亚大陆的古土壤带上,相似的自然环境也许存在着更多的交流。这需要进一步对旧石器文化特征上进行比较方能得出更确切的结论。  相似文献   

史前人类向青藏高原扩散的过程和适应高海拔缺氧环境的机制是多学科关注的热点科学问题.青海湖盆地是青藏高原旧石器-中石器时代遗址分布最为丰富的区域,对这些遗址出土的石制品原料的分析有助于深入理解青藏高原史前狩猎采集人群的石料开发策略、人群迁徙和交流联系.青海湖盆地151遗址出土的928件石制品的石料研究分析显示,处于末次冰消期的下文化层的石制品以近源的石英和石英岩为主要原料,而处于全新世早中期的上文化层在同类型近源石料仍占主体地位的情况下,开始出现较高比例和多样化的优质硅质石料,并且主要用于生产细石器.野外调查和查阅地质资料均未发现青海湖盆地内有151遗址中出现的同类型优质硅质石料产出,推测其来自远距离搬运.青海湖盆地内其他8个末次冰消期至全新世中期遗址的3269件石制品石料分析结果显示,与151遗址同类型的远源优质硅质石料在全新世早期开始在盆地内的遗址中出现.这一结果表明青海湖盆地末次冰消期古人类活动强度和范围有限,全新世早中期古人类受到全新世大暖期气候变好和周边地区农业人群兴起挤压活动空间的双重影响,在高原上的活动范围和强度大大增加,伴随着开始有意识地开发优质石料,较频繁地进行远距离迁移和人群交流.远源优质硅质石料的产地可能位于北祁连山区和青藏高原上的陆相火山岩区,需要未来更深入的研究揭示.该研究为深入理解青藏高原古人类的高海拔环境适应策略和移动模式提供了重要材料,为理解史前人类向高原扩散的机制提供了重要信息.  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地是东亚古人类活动遗址最为丰富的区域,探索和发现早更新世旧石器地点仍然是学术界关注的热点。马坡是泥河湾盆地新发现的一处早更新世旧石器地点,出土石制品24件,包括修理品2件和石片22件,其中多为碎屑,还伴生606件动物的骨骼和牙齿化石,其中大多数为小于10 cm的碎骨片,部分表面带牙齿咬痕,多数保存完好,也有少数风化较为严重。马坡所在地层属于下更新统泥河湾组小长梁段,其年龄推测大约1.6 Ma。马坡地点的发现,进一步扩大了探索泥河湾盆地早更新世人类活动的视野,同时也为研究更新世早期人类及其有关哺乳动物生存环境增添了一个科学实证。马坡地点的发现有助于泥河湾科学含量的提升。马坡石制品应该归属Nihewanian。  相似文献   

水沟—会兴沟遗址是黄土高原东南部三门峡盆地的一个代表性旧石器遗址,传统上将遗址文化层上覆较厚的黄土层看作是"红色土",而认为文化层属于中更新世早期。在对遗址的会兴沟剖面进行野外考察和地层划分基础上,通过对剖面磁化率曲线的测量及与不同黄土剖面土壤地层和磁化率曲线的对比,证实遗址剖面上部的黄土地层包括了S_0~S_8的黄土-古土壤序列。遗址文化层位于S8以下约10m处的河流相地层中,因此其年代必定早于S_8顶部的轨道调谐年龄,即0.8Ma。因为遗址文化层出现在黄河第四级阶地的河流相地层中,而河流相地层是在L9形成时的冰期环境下河流沉积作用的产物,其轨道调谐年龄为0.86~0.95Ma。据此推断该年龄即是遗址文化层的形成年代。  相似文献   

Thousands of Paleolithic artifacts have been recovered from Paleolithic sites in the Luonan Basin, in the upper South Luohe River of central China. Their discovery suggests that the basin was an important area for hominin settlement during the Pleistocene. However, the initial timing of this occupation and the environmental conditions for this period are still largely unknown. In addition, the sediments are not well dated and most of the artifacts lie on the surface. In an attempt to resolve these issues, a new systemic paleomagnetic analysis was carried out on the loess deposits that contain in situ stone tools. Our detailed loess-paleosol analyses of the stratigraphy of different sites in the basin and Chinese Loess Plateau shows the accumulation of the loess since at least 1.1 million years (Ma) ago. Moreover, recently discovered in situ cores, flakes and retouched stone tools in these deposits show that hominins used this region repeatedly from 0.8-0.7 Ma to 0.4-0.3 and 0.2-0.1 Ma. Pedostratigraphic analyses, magnetic susceptibility and carbon isotope analyses also indicate that these hominins lived in a subtropical to warm-temperate climate with broad-needle-leaf forest vegetation mixed with grasses.  相似文献   

While extensive Pleistocene loess deposits have been identified across Eurasia, Holocene age loess (typically nonglaciogenic) is rarely recognized. We explore possible loess deposits in the Mureş River Valley of western Romania, providing a regional signal of increased aridity during the mid‐late Holocene. This proposed aridity may be responsible for the abandonment of Middle Bronze Age tell settlements along the major drainages of the eastern Carpathian Basin (Pannonian plain). This hypothesis centers on a proposed aeolian deposit (the “Pecica deposit”), a ca. 50–80 cm thick, relatively homogeneous, gray layer blanketing the top of the Bronze Age tell of Pecica—Şanţul Mare. Comparing the morphological, geochemical, and physical characteristics of this specific tell deposit with two representative profiles near the site containing glaciogenic calcareous loess and potential Holocene loess deposits developed in Chernozems, we find significant similarities to support this hypothesis. We then review various forms of proxy data published from elsewhere in Central and Eastern Europe suggesting a warming trend during this period. The temporal placement of the Pecica deposit is bracketed using diagnostic artifacts, radiocarbon dates, and the degree of soil development, suggesting a period of increased aridity likely occurring soon after the 17th century B.C.  相似文献   

秦岭中更新世以来抬升的新资料及认识   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
秦岭北坡的陕西省洛南县南洛河北岸发育高度不同的6层溶蚀洞穴,其中5层溶蚀洞穴中发现沉积物和古生物化石。对这些洞穴进行了考察和发掘,并研究了洞穴内沉积物的化石。另外对洞穴外的河流阶地进行了高程测量和对比分析,用选频光释光法测定各洞穴底部沉积物和洞穴外河流阶地沉积物的年龄,确定了各洞穴大致的形成时代,并首次得到秦岭中更新世以来的抬升资料。其抬升过程中速度不均一性、时代越新抬升速率越强的总趋势等状况与青藏高原相似  相似文献   

The modern Tianshan Mountains and their surrounding basins have mainly been shaped by the far field effects of the Cenozoic India-Asia collision. However, precollision topographic evolution of the Tianshan Mountains and its impacts on the Junggar and Turpan Basins remain unclear due to the scarcity of data. Detrital zircon U-Pb dating of 14 new and 23 published samples from Permian to Neogene strata in the northern Western Tianshan Mountains, northern and southern Bogda Mountains and Central Turpan Basin, are combined with sedimentary characteristics (lithofacies, petrofacies and paleocurrent data) to investigate the temporal and spatial changes in sediment provenances. Based on the age characteristics of the source rocks in the Tianshan Mountains, the detrital zircons are divided into three groups: pre-Carboniferous zircons, mainly from the Central Tianshan Mountains; Carboniferous to Permian zircons, mainly from the North Tianshan and Bogda Mountains; and Mesozoic zircons, mainly from syn-depositional volcanic activity. The topographic evolution of the Tianshan Mountains and their relation to the Junggar and Turpan Basins can be generally divided into six stages. (1) Positive-relief Tianshan and Bogda Mountains and a rifted marine basin formed during the Early Permian to early Middle Permian following late Carboniferous orogenesis, as evidenced by interbedded alluvial fan conglomerates and postcollisional extension-related volcanic rocks along the basin margins, by marine deposits far from the basin margins and by the predominance of Carboniferous to Permian detrital zircons. (2) Fluvial to lacustrine deposits in the modern southern Junggar and Turpan Basins are characterized by abundant pre-Carboniferous zircons and consistently northward-flowing paleocurrents, indicating the submergence of the Bogda Mountains and a contiguous Junggar-Turpan continental depression basin during the late Middle Permian to the Triassic. (3) The Bogda Mountains began to uplift in the Early Jurassic, resulting in opposing paleocurrent directions, a sudden increase in sedimentary lithic detritus and the dominance of Carboniferous to Permian detrital zircons along the southern and northern margins of this range. (4) In contrast to the uplift of the Bogda Mountains, the other parts of the Tianshan Mountains experienced gradual peneplanation from the Early Jurassic to the Middle Jurassic, as confirmed by widespread fluvial to lacustrine deposits, even inside the modern Tianshan Mountains, and by the dominance of pre-Carboniferous detrital zircons. (5) The dominance of Carboniferous to Permian zircons in the southern Junggar Basin suggests the West Tianshan Mountains were uplifted during the Late Jurassic, while the dominance of pre-Carboniferous zircons in the Central Turpan Basin indicates continuous peneplanation in the Eastern Tianshan Mountains. (6) The initial shape of the Tianshan Mountains-Junggar Basin-Turpan Basin system was constructed in the Late Jurassic but was modified in the Cenozoic by the India-Asia collision, resulting in much higher Western Tianshan and Bogda Mountains, low Eastern Tianshan Mountains and well-developed foreland basins. These Cenozoic changes were recorded by the rapid cooling of apatites, the dominance of Carboniferous to Permian zircons in the southern Junggar Basin and northern Turpan Basin, and the dominance of pre-Carboniferous zircons in the Central Turpan Basin.  相似文献   

In the Middle Danube Basin, Quaternary deposits are widely distributed in the Vojvodina region where they cover about 95% of the area. Major research during the last two decades has been focused on loess deposits in the Vojvodina region. During this period, loess in the Vojvodina region has become one of the most important Pleistocene European continental climatic and environmental records. Here we present the dating results of 15 samples taken from the Nosak loess-palaeosol sequence in northeastern Serbia in order to establish a chronology over the last three glacial–interglacial cycles. We use the pIRIR290 signal of the 4–11 μm polymineral grains. The calculated ages are within the error limits partially consistent with the proposed multi-millennial chronostratigraphy for Serbian loess. The average mass accumulation rate for the last three glacial–interglacial cycles is 265 g m−2 a−1, which is in agreement with the values of most sites in the Carpathian Basin. Our results indicate a highly variable deposition rate of loess, especially during the MIS 3 and MIS 6 stages, which is contrary to most studies conducted in Serbia where linear sedimentation rates were assumed.  相似文献   

The Tongbai-East Qinling Mountains,an important part of the Central orogenic belt,is one of the most important metallogenic belts in China and contains lots of orogenic-type and VMS-type (Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide type)metallogenic systems.The Dahe and Shuidongling VMS-type Cu-Zn deposits,located in the Erlangping Group in Tongbai and East Qinling Mountains,respectively, show similar geological and geochemical features.The Huoshenmiao Formation in the East Qinling region and the Liushanyan Formation i...  相似文献   

“源”是黄土高原地区的地貌类型之一,其特点是为较深沟谷所分割的平坦高地,它代表着黄土沉积的原始高原面。由于地处洛川,故名洛川塬。  相似文献   


裂变径迹研究显示中新世早期(23±3Ma)现今吕梁山及周缘地区发生了一次整体性快速隆升。中新世晚期(约8Ma前),吕梁山前、鄂尔多斯盆地及东部宁武—沁水盆地结束了长期剥蚀历史,开始广泛接受新生代沉积。沉积物的垂向叠置关系及横向展布特征显示:8.35~6.7Ma为吕梁山快速差异隆升期,在山前(东西两侧)堆积了冲积扇相芦子沟组砾岩层,暗示了吕梁山已经地貌上成山;与此同时地势相对平坦且摆脱地表水流影响的鄂尔多斯盆地广泛堆积了风尘堆积—红黏土(保德组)。中新世晚期—早更新世早期(6.7~1.8Ma),吕梁山西部山前及鄂尔多斯地区整体缓慢隆升,堆积了新近纪保德组上部、静乐组红黏土及早更新世午城组黄土—古土壤序列。受西部六盘山快速抬升作用影响,鄂尔多斯西部抬升速率略高于东部,于早更新世中期(1.8~1.4Ma)形成现今西高东低的地势格局和南北向晋陕谷地,进而黄河及其支流顺流而下。中更新世以来,鄂尔多斯地区沉积与抬升并重,最终形成现今黄土高原。吕梁山以东的沁水盆地中新世演化史与西部相似,上新世起盆地开始断陷,汾河地堑开始形成。断陷一直持续到早更新世,自下而上依次沉积了下土河组、小白组、大沟组、木瓜组湖相地层,盆地边缘则持续抬升堆积了静乐组和午城组风成堆积。中更新世以来,断陷结束,盆地整体抬升。  相似文献   

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