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基于交通地理学的基本理论和GIS技术,构建跨省山区空间阻隔可达性模型,并以跨滇川黔三省的乌蒙山区42个县(市、区)为研究个案进行分析。结果表明:1区内可达性表现出显著的中心外围递减的圈层空间格局特征;2区外可达性表现出显著的东西分异格局特征;3乌蒙山区综合交通可达性整体水平较低,中心城镇可达性水平相对较好,整体差异不大,可达性水平表现出明显的低均衡性特征。综合交通可达性具体表现出"核心-外围"圈层分异结构特征和东部与西部分异结构特征。建议从跨省区域交通网络合作、快速交通网络大通道、区域交通网络联通率、全域交通运输方式的变革等方面重视跨省山区交通网络建设。  相似文献   

可达性度量方法及应用研究进展评述   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:26  
可达性一直是地理学、土木建筑工程设计、交通运输经济学等学科的研究热点。已有的各 种可达性度量方法目前已广泛应用于交通网络与城镇发展研究、交通基础设施的区域经济效应 评价、选址分析、园林景观规划、社会文化等多个研究领域。随着应用需求的持续加大和技术研究 的不断深入, 可达性度量方法也在快速发展, 其度量体系正在形成。本文首先从两个层面对可达 性的涵义进行全面阐述; 在此基础上, 从网络特性的角度对拓扑法、距离法、累积机会法、等值线 法、重力模型法、平衡系数法、时空法、效用法等目前常用的可达性度量方法进行系统分类, 并且 从可达性影响因素入手对各种度量方法进行综合比较与评述; 然后, 针对不同的应用领域, 对各 种度量方法的应用研究现状进行详细论述与剖析; 最后, 对可达性研究的发展方向进行深入讨论 与展望。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通主要通过提高站点周边地区的可达性来引导区域发展,因此,对其可达性的评价一直是交通领域的重要议题。通过分析城市轨道交通网络本身的连接关系和站点与周边街道网络的连接关系,构建了度量城市轨道交通站点可达性的两个指标——站间可达性和站域可达性,并利用"节点—场所"模型对其可达性空间格局进行了综合评价。基于官方资料和现场踏勘数据,对天津城市轨道交通进行了实证研究,结果表明:天津城市轨道交通站点的站间可达性平均值高于站域可达性平均值,城市主中心区域站点的可达性值最高;根据站间可达性和站域可达性之间的不同特征,可将各站点分为5种类型;站间可达性与站域可达性的结合能够反映"出发地-城市轨道交通-目的地"完整的出行路径。科学评价城市轨道交通站点的可达性水平,对于指导城市轨道交通网络规划和区域交通发展具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

蒋海兵  徐建刚  祁毅  陈筠婷 《地理研究》2010,29(6):1056-1068
目前多数基于GIS的商业区位模型与技术研究,未全面考虑交通网络、道路等级、网点吸引力与竞争因素。针对此局限,借助GIS软件,依托可达性方法与伽萨法则,尝试综合考虑上述因素探讨大卖场可达性与商圈特征。以上海中心城区大卖场为例,采用同心圆法、扇形法与最近邻域法探讨卖场空间特征;利用行进成本分析法计算卖场可达性,并根据伽萨法则叠加了卖场引力因素,得到伽萨法则商圈。结果表明:大卖场集中分布于距市中心4.5~10km范围,各方向扩张不均衡。城区整体可达性较好,浦西优于浦东。外环附近商圈面积大,外环附近与市中心区商圈市场规模大,内环附近商圈面积与市场规模小。伽萨法则商圈市场规模"两极分化"既表明卖场市场竞争激烈地区与网点短缺区并存,也说明网点市场规模与职能存在等级差异。  相似文献   

公共服务设施空间可达性及其度量方法   总被引:17,自引:10,他引:7  
空间可达性度量既可用于评价公共服务设施空间布局的合理性,也可用于比较规划方案的优劣.公共服务设施空间可达性度量需要针对不同设施特有的空间布局目标,选取与之相适应的可达性评价因子,并采用合适的度量方法展开,对此进行专题研究的文献并不多见.本文一方面在对公共服务设施按照时效性、接受性、数量、等级性进行分类的基础上,系统阐述如何针对不同设施进行空间布局目标设定和可达性评价因子选取;另一方面将主要的度量方法分为比例法、最近距离法、基于机会累积的方法、基于空间相互作用的方法,并对各类方法的应用领域及优缺点予以分析比较,同时以潜能模型、两步移动搜寻法为例探讨相关方法在公共服务设施空间可达性度量中的应用;最后在对上述研究总结评述的基础上,本文指出多等级设施空间可达性、从需求者的活动规律考虑空间可达性、针对各类设施的综合空间可达性以及相关度量方法与GIS的集成等主题值得投入更多关注.  相似文献   

对基本公共服务可达性的概念进行归纳,梳理不同研究对象的可达性评价因子,并介绍近期评价基本公共服务可达性的主流方法及其应用,包括潜能模型法、两步移动搜寻法、核心密度法以及基于时间地理学的方法;对近年来我国基本公共服务可达性研究进行回顾与评述,指出基于个人行为的基本公共服务可达性研究、综合基本公共服务可达性研究、农村基本公共服务可达性研究值得我国学者进一步关注。  相似文献   

基于陆路交通的丝绸之路经济带可达性与城市空间联系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
对丝绸之路经济带交通网络及城市空间联系进行分析是实施丝绸之路经济带战略和推进沿线区域合作共赢的基础工作。本文基于GIS空间分析技术,研究了丝绸之路经济带栅格可达性空间格局,并依托陆路交通网络进行了城市空间联系状态模拟。结果显示:丝绸之路经济带内城市可达性空间分布呈现出集聚分布的特点,具有明显的"走廊"空间特征。城市节点平均可达性时间为16.25 h,可达性在2 h以内的区域仅占全区总面积的10.60%,可达性最差的区域大都为荒漠地区,最差可达性高达171 h;西安作为门户城市,承担了中国西北五省与丝绸之路经济带有关国家、地区和城市之间的联系。中亚国家内部及其与外部国家城市之间的空间联系较为薄弱;丝绸之路经济带正在发育形成4条轴线,在未来丝绸之路经济带战略推进过程中,应实施"点—轴"带动,协同推进重点发展走廊和中心城市培育工作。  相似文献   

北京市养老设施空间可达性评价   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
发展养老服务是当前中国社会建设中的重要部分。近年来,北京市养老设施发展迅速,但是由于快速的人口老龄化,北京市养老设施的供给仍难以满足老年人口对养老设施的需求。对北京市养老设施空间可达性进行科学评价是进行合理空间配置的基础,具有重要的现实意义。本文基于GIS技术,应用改进的两步移动搜索法,对北京市养老设施的空间可达性进行了测算,并重点对1小时单一有效服务半径和按养老设施规模划分的三级有效服务半径这两种情形进行了比较分析。结果表明,后者对北京市养老设施的空间可达性评价更具合理性。本文对空间可达性的测算结果识别出了北京市各区域养老设施的稀缺程度,为养老设施的空间布局提出了政策性建议。  相似文献   

基于潜能模型的医疗设施空间可达性评价方法   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
空间可达性是评价医疗设施布局合理与否的重要指标,传统的医疗设施空间可达性评价,或者从医疗服务供需状况着手,或者从供需双方之间距离因素着手,均无法全面评价居民实际所能获取的医疗资源。本文采用基于潜能模型的评价方法对江苏省如东县医疗设施空间可达性进行分析研究,该方法综合考虑了医疗设施服务能力、居民点人口数量、医疗设施与居民点之间的出行阻抗。研究表明,通过选取合适的出行摩擦系数,该方法能够较为全面准确地测度较小研究单元的医疗设施空间可达性,辅以GIS技术,可以很直观地揭示研究区域内医疗设施空间可达性差异,结合公共卫生管理部门制定的医疗资源配置标准,还可较为准确判定缺医地区,为政府相关部门规划决策提供依据。  相似文献   

基于GIS的合肥市BRT和Metro交通可达性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评价了合肥市中心城区的BRT和在建Metro线路对可达性的影响。基于GIS网络分析模拟复杂的多模式交通网络,应用修正潜能模型指标度量了居民区与CBD、与商业金融中心、与行政中心以及与工业区的可达性,对比有无BRT和Metro两种情景下的可达性变化。研究结果表明:在有BRT和Metro时,居民区至CBD的可达性均值变化幅度为45.8%,出行时间从65.5min减至35.5min;居民区至商业金融中心的可达性均值变化幅度为45.7%,时间从74.8min减至40.6min;居民区至行政中心的可达性均值变化幅度为18.9%,时间从104.7min减至84.9min;居民区至工业区的可达性均值变化幅度为37.4%,时间从92.1min减至57.7min。BRT和Metro线路显著地节省了居民出行时间,改善了城市边缘区域的交通可达性,其中经开区的可达性变化幅度最高,其次是滨湖新区、高新区和东区、老城区、南区、西区和北区。  相似文献   

Geographers play important roles in public health research, particularly in understanding healthcare accessibility, utilisation, and individual healthcare experiences. Most accessibility studies have benefited from the increased sophistication of geographic information systems (GIS). Some studies have been enhanced with semi-structured in-depth interviews to understand individual experiences of people as they access healthcare. However, few accessibility studies have explicitly utilised individual in-depth interview data in the construction of new GIS accessibility measures. Using mixed methods including GIS analysis and individual data from semi-structured in-depth interviews, we offer satisfaction-adjusted distance as a new way of conceptualising accessibility in GIS. Based on fieldwork in a predominantly lower-income community in Columbus, Ohio (USA), we find many residents felt neighbourhood healthcare facilities offered low-quality care, which suggested an added perceived distance as they attempt to access high-quality healthcare facilities. The satisfaction-adjusted distance measure accounts for the perceived distance some residents feel as they search for high-quality healthcare in lower-income urban neighbourhoods. In moving beyond conventional GIS and re-conceptualising accessibility in this way, we offer a more realistic portrayal of the issues lower-income urban residents face as they attempt to access high-quality healthcare facilities. The work has theoretical implications for conceptualising healthcare accessibility, advances the mixed-methodologies literature, and argues for a more equitable distribution of high-quality healthcare in urban neighbourhoods.  相似文献   

地理信息系统支持区域土地利用决策的研究   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
黄杏元  倪绍祥 《地理学报》1993,48(2):114-121
本文以江苏省溧阳县为例,研究地理信息系统技术在区域土地利用多目标规划中的应用,着重探讨地理信息系统支持的区域土地利用决策原理和方法。研究表明,在地理信息系统的支持下,通过单项适宜性评价模型和生产布局决策模型的建立与运行,可以有效地进行研究区合理的土地利用布局和为区域土地管理提供依据。  相似文献   

Improving household accessibility to basic community services can help reduce poverty in upland areas. In this study, spatial analysis with GIS was used to measure the accessibility of different household income groups to community services in the landlocked upland municipality Claveria in Northern Mindanao, the Philippines. Important community services were identified through villagers' participation in a matrix‐scoring activity. Travel information was derived from key informant interviews while the geographical coordinates of sample households and important services were collected using GPS receivers. The Flowmap GIS software (version 7.2) was used to compute accessibility to services along the road network by habal‐habal (two‐wheel motorcycle). Outcomes from the participatory data gathering activities revealed that agricultural, educational and health facilities, as well as government services are important to the community to achieve sustainable livelihoods. Because local people perceive accessibility in terms of monetary costs, rather than distance, road distance measurements were converted into fare costs. Results of the accessibility analysis show that higher‐income household groups generally incur lower mean one‐way travel costs to reach important community services than poorer households. However, almost all households spend more than the daily per capita poverty threshold for the province to reach basic community services. A scenario to improve accessibility to services in the study area was investigated to emphasize the potential of GIS‐based accessibility analysis in rural service planning.  相似文献   

从城市公共绿地空间结构和布局的角度入手,基于单要素引力模型和最小累计阻力,建立空间可达性与绿地规模质量和空间阻力间的关系模型,同时将空间阻力因素区分为步行阻力和人口密度。在考虑空间阻力的实际情况下,构建分布矩阵,优化提出城市公共绿地空间可达性的评价方法。并以武汉市汉口地区为例进行实证研究,利用GIS技术并通过网格划分,计算该区域内城市公共绿地的空间可达性分布;在此基础上结合汉口地区公共绿地分布的实际情况,给出其规划的建议性改进方案。  相似文献   

Conventional accessibility measures based on the notion of locational proximity ignore the role of complex travel behavior and space–time constraints in determining individual accessibility. As these factors are especially significant in women's everyday lives, all conventional accessibility measures suffer from an inherent “gender bias.” This study conceptualizes individual accessibility as space–time feasibility and provides formulations of accessibility measures based on the space–time prism construct. Using a subsample of European Americans from a travel diary data set collected in Franklin County, Ohio, space–time accessibility measures are implemented with a network-based GIS method. Results of the study indicate that women have lower levels of individual access to urban opportunities when compared to men, although there is no difference in the types of opportunities and areas they can reach given their space–time constraints. Further, individual accessibility has no relationship with the length of the commute trip, suggesting that the journey to work may not be an appropriate measure of job access.  相似文献   


The establishment of the National Key Centre for Social Applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in 1995, under the directorship of Professor Graeme Hugo, was a turning point in the use of GIS in Australia. The field of GIS, previously dominated by environmental applications, now broadened its focus to include populations, services and the interactions between people and the environment. Social applications of GIS offered a unique opportunity to make service planning, reporting, funding allocations and research both smarter and fairer. Geography and geographic relationships as implemented in GIS became the integrating platform for social spatial information, invigorating social research, planning and policy. A key strength of this approach, recognised by Professor Hugo, was the ability to ‘put people back into the planning process’. Further to being an integrating platform, GIS also offered the ability to generate new information and knowledge, which could facilitate evidence-based decision making. This paper focuses in particular on providing a written record of the development of the Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) suite of spatial accessibility indices. The lasting legacy and continued relevance of this work in social applications of GIS is also reviewed in this paper, with reference to key examples of how social research and planning in Australia have been made both smarter and fairer through the contributions of Professor Hugo and his team.  相似文献   

缅甸伊洛瓦底江中游谷地的景观评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
缅甸伊洛瓦底江中游保地,是著名的干旱地带,利用遥感和地面观测进行数据采集,通过地理信息系统技术进行数据分析,采用数字化景观分析,经判读和分析,对研究区景观的独特性,结构异质性和动态性进行论述,最后对景观生态建设,提出了规划决策方案,兴修水利,保护和修复森林植被,开发新能源,控制生态资源的消耗,改善耕作制度,提高景观效益。  相似文献   

论地理信息系统及其在地理学中的地位   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
地理信息系统技术的兴起代表了地理学发展的一个重要方向。地理信息系统是一门处理地理(空间)数据的综合信息技术,它属于技术地理学的范畴,它为资源与环境的管理和规划以及地理学的研究提供了一个革命性工具。另一方面,地理信息系统的建立和应用又依赖于地理学理论和实用模型的发展。进一步勾通地理信息系统与空间分析之间的关系是目前促进地理信息系统发展的重要课题。  相似文献   

商业网点规划是指导和管理城市商业空间发展的法律依据,对实施效果的评估是评价规划和监督执行的重要措施之一。中国已实施的城市规划评估大都以定性评估方法为主,难以保证评估的客观性和科学性。基于长沙市商业网点规划和实地调查数据,从空间布局和业态结构两个方面,应用GIS分析方法,对发展现状与商业网点规划进行比较研究。研究显示:规划与现状存在较大差别,商业网点规划没有充分认识城市空间结构、商业业态的发展特点和空间区位选择机制,未能有效地引导和控制商业和业态空间结构的发展和演变。  相似文献   

The term physical accessibility has long been used by geographers, economists, and urban planners and reflects the relative ease of access to/from several urban/rural services by considering the traveling costs. Numerous accessibility measures, ranging from simple to sophisticated, can be observed in the geographical information systems (GIS)-based accessibility modeling literature. However, these measures are generally calculated from a constant catchment boundary (a most likely or average catchment boundary) based on constant deterministic transportation costs. This is one of the fundamental shortcomings of the current GIS-based accessibility modeling and creates uncertainty about the accuracy and reliability of the accessibility measures, especially when highly variable speeds in road segments are considered. The development of a new stochastic approach by using global positioning system (GPS)-based floating car data and Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) technique could enable handling the variations in transportation costs in a probabilistic manner and help to consider all possible catchment boundaries, instead of one average catchment boundary, in accessibility modeling process. Therefore, this article proposes a stochastic methodology for GIS-based accessibility modeling by using GPS-based floating car data and MCS technique. The proposed methodology is illustrated with a case study on medical emergency service accessibility in Eskisehir, Turkey. Moreover, deterministic and stochastic accessibility models are compared to demonstrate the differences between the models. The proposed model could provide better decision support for the decision-makers who are supposed to deal with accessibility, location/allocation, and service/catchment area related issues.  相似文献   

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