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基于生态系统的海洋综合管理是海洋管理的新理念和新模式,其颠覆了单一保护对象的传统海洋管理理念,倡导从海洋生态系统角度开展海洋环境资源保护,目标是实现海洋生态系统养护与人类开发活动的协调与可持续发展。中国厦门海岸带综合管理计划和美国佛罗里达大沼泽湿地项目都采用了基于生态系统的海洋综合管理,通过对比两者在基本情况、政策法规、管理模式和管理措施方面的联系和区别,分析中国厦门海岸带综合管理计划和美国佛罗里达大沼泽湿地项目为中美两国其他区域实施基于生态系统的海洋综合管理提供的有益经验,以及实践中存在问题,并据此提出中美两国今后实施基于生态系统的海洋综合管理的具体建议,包括深化管理理念、制定专门立法、设立专职部门、落实公众参与等。  相似文献   

从“综合”角度看我国海岸带综合管理存在的问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
海岸带综合管理(Integrated Coastal Zone Management,ICZM)的核心在于“综合”二字,文章从“综合”角度出发,分析了我国当前海岸带综合管理在政府部门综合、科学参与、海陆间协调以及国家间区域合作等方面存在的问题,提出了完善管理体制、提倡科学参与、加强法律、法规及管理计划的制定和实施、推进国际合作的建议。  相似文献   

随着海洋与海岸带开发利用活动的复杂化和深入化,海岸带地区的资源环境问题逐渐显露出来,经济效益降低,传统单一的海岸带管理模式无法满足海洋开发的需求。国外由此提出了海岸带综合管理的概念,我国与之对应的是陆海统筹发展战略。文章对海岸带综合管理与陆海统筹的发展历程进行梳理,分析其概念内涵及发展变化,并从战略目标、空间范围、功能范围和实施手段4个方面比较了二者内涵的异同。最后,指出海岸带综合管理与陆海统筹后续研究应加强海岸带综合管理典型案例研究,推动海岸带综合管理走向海岸带综合治理,探讨人、陆、海三者耦合的机理和过程,加强陆海统筹的发展路径研究。  相似文献   

海岸带综合管理的若干问题   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
陈国强  王颖 《海洋通报》2003,22(3):39-44
根据海岸带综合管理实践经验,阐述和讨论了当前海岸带综合管理存在的地位、法律、科学、人才等主要问题,并提出了强化综合管理意识、构筑法律框架、统一定义与标难和加强培训等策略,为加快实施海岸带综合管理提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

基于管治理念的区域海岸带综合管理模式探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海岸带综合管理(Integrated Coastal Zone Management,即ICZM)是一种能够协调多方利益冲突,并以实现海岸带资源配置最优化和公共利益最大化为目标的管理方法。以区域海岸带综合管理模式为研究对象,在分析地方海岸带综合管理存在问题的基础上,通过对西方管治理念的引介,构建了一个强调协调和融合的区域海岸带综合管理新模式,并对该模式的组织构成、管理计划的制定、冲突的解决、计划的实施和反馈以及管理模式有效运作的保障机制作了系统的阐述,以期推动海岸带地区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为深入了解巴拿马的海岸带与海洋管理状况,文章在梳理巴拿马资源环境现状和国家管理框架的基础上,以海事、环境、水产、港口、运河和旅游等重要涉海领域为切入点,分析巴拿马海洋领域相关管理部门的职责调整过程,并将其海洋管理发展历程划分为4个阶段。研究结果表明:巴拿马的海洋管理发展过程体现“从分散到集中、从无序到有序”的特点。一方面,海洋管理权在3个主要管理部门之间不断转移,根据管理实践而不断调整,其实质是实现海洋管理效率的最优化;另一方面,海岸带和海洋管理体系不断简化,具体的管理职能从混乱和破碎的状态逐渐转变为有机整体,使得政府机构精简、行政效率提高以及工作分工更清晰。巴拿马海洋管理的整体特征在宏观上与我国有相似之处,海洋管理是世界沿海国家都面临的问题,各国的经验或许存在差异,但实现海洋管理高效性、协调性和综合性的总体目标是一致的。  相似文献   

11月5日,由联合国开发计划署、国家海洋局、厦门市人民政府、东亚海域环境管理区域项目组织等共同主办的“2010厦门国际海洋周”在厦门拉开帷幕。主题为“建设海洋生态文明——海岸带可持续发展:从流域到近海”。今年的海洋周共有40多个国家和10多个国际组织的100多名国外代表,以及中国国家有关部委、协会、科研院所和沿海城市代表,以及一批国内外著名的专家和院士参会。  相似文献   

众所周知,21世纪是海洋世纪,在这个海陆相互作用相当微妙和人类经济活动十分频繁的海岸带区域实施综合管理这是沿海地区经济社会发展的内在需求和必然趋势。县级海岸带作为国家海岸带实施综合管理的一个基本单元,其海岸带综合管理如何,将直接影响海岸带的可持续发展。但是任何一种管理职能的实现均需与之相适应的管理体制来保证,而管理运行机制又受到体制的制约,直接影响管理目标的控制和监督。因此,县级海岸带综合管理职能的实现与其海岸带综合管理体制和运行机制密切相关,有关县级海岸带综合管理我国研究甚少,本文就此方面作一探…  相似文献   

为促进我国海岸带的可持续发展,助力海洋强国和海洋生态文明建设,文章综合运用奎德模型和琼斯模型,从问题进入政府、政府内部行动、政府处理问题和项目回到政府4个环节,比较分析阿尔及利亚和厄瓜多尔海岸带综合管理政策的制定、执行和效果,并提出可供我国借鉴的经验。研究结果表明:对于阿尔及利亚和厄瓜多尔海岸带综合管理政策的对比分析主要包括海岸带面临的问题、政策目标、法律法规和项目规划制定、执行机构建立、人力资源培育、经济资源投入以及政策效果和问题;阿尔及利亚和厄瓜多尔在人文环境和自然环境方面与我国有相似之处,其海岸带综合管理经验对我国具有参考价值,主要包括提高海岸带综合管理的公众参与度和公众海洋生态环境保护意识、注重政策项目评估、保证项目资金供给充足、合理划分政府部门的权责范围以及协调海岸带经济社会发展与生态环境保护的关系。  相似文献   

简要介绍了加拿大海洋-海岸带地质调查的推动力和基本经验,以及即将启动的“海底资源填图计划”(SeaMap)。加拿大海洋-海岸带地质调查强调多波束测深技术的应用、多学科的协作和数据库建设,SeaMap将对整个加拿大专署经济区进行综合填图。  相似文献   

We develop a systematic approach for the measurement of overall socioeconomic benefits associated with an integrated coastal management (ICM) program. The analytical framework includes multiple marine industry sectors (e.g., ocean shipping and commercial fisheries) as well as environmental sectors (e.g., coastal erosion). The net benefit measure captures both economic and environmental effects. We apply our analytical model to Xiamen, China, using empirical data from 1992 to 2001. Results of the case study show that the implementation of ICM program in Xiamen has led to a significant increase (over 40%) in annual socioeconomic benefit from its marine sectors. Thus, the Xiamen ICM program has been effective in achieving sustainable development.  相似文献   

周鲁闽  卢昌义 《台湾海峡》2006,25(2):302-308
海岸带综合管理被广泛认为是实现海岸带社会经济与生态环境可持续发展的重要途径之一.本文运用海岸带综合管理(ICM)的相关理论,结合厦门海岸带管理面临的实际问题, 在对厦门第一轮ICM执行情况进行充分回顾、评估的基础上,对厦门第二轮ICM面临的主要问题、涉及的优先领域及主要目标进行了分析研究;并在此基础上形成了厦门第二轮海岸带综合管理的战略行动计划.  相似文献   

石谦  郭卫东  杨逸萍 《台湾海峡》2002,21(3):379-386
科学技术支持是海岸带综合管理取得成效的基础,引导科学研究为海岸带管理服务应注重协调好管理部门与科研单位、科研单位之间、学科之间、理论成果与应用等诸多关系。厦门通过建立科研界与行政管理界的联系渠道、联合开展海岸带综合管理的科学研究、建立海岸带专家组等途径,形成了科研为海岸带综合管理服务的协调机制,促进了科研与管理的合作,为海岸带综合管理决策与行动提供科学依据,有效地促进了海岸带综合管理进程。  相似文献   

This paper discusses some of the challenges and opportunities that can arise when implementing ecosystem-based management (EBM) in tropical nations. EBM creates a new series of challenges, problems, and opportunities that must be considered in light of existing governance and management frameworks in a local context. The paper presents five case studies from different parts of the tropical world, including Oceania, insular and continental Southeast Asia, East Africa, and the Caribbean, which illustrate that the implementation of EBM in watershed and marine ecosystems offers a new series of challenges and opportunities for its inclusion with existing forms of environmental governance and management. The paper suggests that EBM is best thought of as an expansion of customary management (CM) and integrated coastal management (ICM), rather than a paradigm shift, and that it has certain benefits that are worth integrating into existing systems when possible. The paper concludes that the cultural and institutional context of CM as well as the experience, technical skills, and legal basis that serve ICM programs are logical platforms from which to build EBM programs. Some guidelines for creating hybrid management regimes are suggested. In sum, declining marine species and ecosystems require urgent action, necessitating utilization of existing paradigms such as ICM and CM as a foundation for building EBM.  相似文献   

The Paper presents the regional perspective on the conditions and efforts for the integrated coastal management (ICM) that exist in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR).The Caribbean Action Plan was adopted in 1981 with an initial workplan of activities of evaluation and control of marine pollution, evaluation of impacts on the coastal area, fishing studies, watershed management, evaluation of natural hazard effects, energy accounting systems studies, urbanisation of the coastal area, building capacity and training. The Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the WCR is the only regional legal framework for the protection and sustainable development of marine resources.The Paper describes some region-wide ICM-related programme initiated or supported by the CEP as well as actions at the national level. Other ICM-related general activities and training programmes of CEP are also presented.Trends in national policies in ICM and current developments and issues are also highlighted and recommendations made.  相似文献   

Despite many efforts in the past 10 years, Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) evaluation remains much of a challenge. Building on theoretical resources provided by three bodies of work (strategic analysis of environmental management, integrated coastal management and evaluation of public policies), this paper first underlines some of the most critical weaknesses and “black boxes” in current ICM evaluation. It explains why a single purpose program evaluation model is unsatisfactory, and how it hinders evaluation in practice. It then suggests ways to re-think ICM evaluation, proposing a dual-level framework that combines evaluation of ICM initiatives with evaluation of coastal management systems.  相似文献   

厦门海岸带资源与管理战略   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张聪义 《台湾海峡》1998,17(2):228-234
本文分析了厦门海岸带资源现状和管理中存在的问题。厦门海岸带管理素来以行为的基础,实施行业管理。这种管理机制已经难以解决海岸带过度开发、环境恶化、资源开发利用与保护之间的矛盾等日益严重的问题。新型的海岸带资源管理是一种较为全面的管理方法,致力于建立综合管理体制,其中考虑到各行业部门对海岸带及其资源可能造成影响的各种活动,同时综合考虑社会、经济、环境和生态等问题,从而平衡和优化经济发展、公共利用和环境  相似文献   

The December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami wrought environmental damage beyond the normal framework of integrated coastal management and has implications for coastal management in Asia-Pacific in the post-tsunami phase. Fieldwork conducted on the coasts of four tsunami-affected countries in 2005 and 2006 identified several “practitioner-type” issues that would have implications for ICM policy. These include the loss of land with accompanying land tenure problems; the safety zone in conflict with the buffer zone; the need for better integration of livelihoods restoration with the rehabilitation of coastal ecosystems; and the inclusion of tsunami mitigation in the larger framework of climate change mitigation. A discussion of these issues and future role of ICM would provide a fresh perspective to policy-practice of ICM. A proposal is made to study various development pathways of selected coastal villages as they recovered in the post-tsunami phase.  相似文献   

If managed in isolation, coastal and marine protected areas (MPAs) are vulnerable to natural resource development and exploitation occurring outside these areas—in particular, overfishing, alteration and destruction of habitats, and water pollution. Thus, protection of coastal and marine areas—of species, habitats, landscapes, and seascapes—should be integrated into spatial development strategies for larger areas, under the umbrella of integrated coastal and ocean management (ICM). This is typically easier said than done, since the actors involved in MPA networks and in ICM programs are often different, reflecting different cultures, networks of relationships, ministries, and goals and motivations.This article reviews the ecological, social and economic linkages between MPAs and the governance of broader ocean and coastal areas; sets forth nine guiding principles for managing MPAs within an ICM context; reviews work conducted under the Convention on Biological Diversity to operationalize the linkages between ICM and MPAs; and develops strategic guidance for addressing these linkages. The article ends with a call to bring together the diverse communities involved in marine protected areas, coastal and ocean management, and watershed management to collaborate in national-level ocean and coastal planning, including in the designation of networks of marine protected areas.  相似文献   

Integrated coastal management (ICM) has been developing concomitantly with the realisation of the severity of the potential impacts of climate change. The discourse on climate change and adaptation has also included the awareness that adaptation must take place at all levels of government, particularly local government. Climate change is expected to have significant impacts on the physical, social, environmental and economic environments of coastal cities and towns, and in particular on the poor and vulnerable communities within these cities and towns. The crucial role that local government can play in climate protection and building cities' and communities' resilience to climate change is widely recognised at the global level. This paper explores the legal and policy connexion between ICM, local government and climate change in Mozambique and South Africa, two developing countries in Africa. The state of institutionalisation of coastal management at national through to local government is also examined. The authors contend that the state, character and maturity of the ICM policy domain can create an enabling environment within which local government agencies can prepare for future impacts of climate change. Conversely it can also limit, delay and hinder climate change adaptation. The paper concludes with the identification of some key success factors for assessing the effectiveness of the existing policy and legal frameworks to respond to the challenges of climate change. It also identifies some key principles to be included in future legislative reform to promote ICM, cooperative governance and greater preparedness for climate change at local government level.  相似文献   

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