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以一字形竖缝耗能预制剪力墙作为研究对象,设计了3个装配式剪力墙试件及1个现浇剪力墙对比试件,进行低周往复荷载试验,并对破坏墙体进行CFRP加固,再次进行拟静力试验。试件变化参数包括轴压比、混凝土强度等级及配筋率,对比分析加固前后试件滞回性能、刚度退化、承载力和耗能能力等性能。试验结果表明,与现浇剪力墙相比,一字形竖缝耗能预制剪力墙工作性能良好,阻尼器屈服耗能提高了试件整体工作性能;CFRP加固可有效抑制墙体斜裂缝的发展,对墙体承载力及耗能能力均有显著改善作用;各试件均满足剪力墙弹塑性层间位移角限值要求,延性较好;试件整体表现出良好的抗震性能。  相似文献   

轴压比对中等高度LC结构剪力墙抗震性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
轻骨料混凝土(L ight-we ight concrete,简称LC)剪力墙的轴压比是剪力墙抗震设计时一个重要的控制因素,直接关系到其延性性能。为使设计规程具有足够的理论依据,本文通过对六榀轻骨料混凝土剪力墙试件的试验,研究了在低周反复荷载作用下,着重考虑不同轴压比对中等高度有边框剪力墙的破坏形态和变形性能的影响效应,对其滞回特性进行分析,计算了各剪力墙的刚度退化率与延性系数,并将无竖缝剪力墙与带竖缝剪力墙的抗震性能进行了对比。  相似文献   

为研究不同轴压比下钢管混凝土剪力墙结构的受力性能,首先进行了3片双层单跨钢管混凝土剪力墙拟静力试验,端柱底部钢管屈服破坏,利用有限元软件ABAQUS建立试件数值模型,计算结果与试验吻合良好,在此基础上,通过对9组轴压比从0~0.8的钢管混凝土和钢筋混凝土剪力墙单调推覆分析,深入探讨了试件的承载力、延性系数及钢管端柱对墙体整体性能的影响。  相似文献   

震后可恢复性(Earthquake Resilience)已经成为了建筑结构体系的重要评价标准之一。作为高层建筑结构中最主要的抗侧力构件,钢筋混凝土剪力墙在近几次大地震中暴露出了震后可恢复性方面的缺陷。主要表现为连梁损伤严重、难以修复;剪力墙底部钢筋屈曲、混凝土压溃、剪切破坏明显,同样难以修复。针对上述两点问题,本文分别研究了剪切型金属阻尼器连梁和塑性铰支墙两种构件,建立两类构件的设计方法和简化数值模型。在此基础上运用连续化方法对铰支墙-框架结构体系中塑性铰支墙和消能连梁的强度和刚度需求进行了讨论。本文的主要研究内容如下:(1)对国内多组普通RC连梁和剪力墙构件试验的结果进行了统计分析,其结果显示了两类RC构件的变形能力与设计参数之间的关联存在较明显的离散性。(2)提出了带缝钢板阻尼器及跨中布置该阻尼器的剪切型消能连梁。本文进行了大剪跨比(r=3.0)的普通RC连梁和剪切型消能连梁的对比试验研究,结果显示,普通RC连梁和消能连梁试件的实测峰值荷载和名义屈服剪力值相差在4%以内。消能连梁阻尼器可以更早地进入屈服耗能状态,避免连梁混凝土部分遭受严重损伤。消能连梁变形的80%以上集中在阻尼器内,充分发挥了位移相关型阻尼器的耗能能力。阻尼器连接构造存在滑移,一定程度上影响了阻尼器性能的发挥。最后,建立了消能连梁的简化数值模型并验证了其适用性。(3)针对剪力墙底部墙肢复杂的弯剪耦合作用机制,提出了抗弯/抗剪功能分离的塑性铰支墙并建立了相应的承载力和刚度设计公式。塑性铰支墙与普通RC剪力墙的对比试验证明,本文提出的设计方法可以更准确地获得塑性铰支墙不同性能目标下的力学性能;塑性铰支墙具有更强的变形和耗能能力;塑性铰支墙的总变形中,弯曲变形占有绝对比重,避免了铰支墙发生剪切型破坏,保证了"强剪弱弯"的性能,从而避免了底部墙肢的不可修复损伤。(4)对塑性铰支墙的主要设计参数进行了研究,给出了相关建议。建立塑性铰支墙的简化数值模型。其中,采用在纤维模型的截面附加剪切恢复力本构来模拟RC剪力墙的方法,以及采用零长单元模拟阻尼器连接段非线性行为的方法均根据试验结果进行了准确性验证。在此基础上研究了塑性铰支墙几何参数(墙肢宽高比r、铰支座高度比μ)、轴压比ν、阻尼器核心段初始刚度K_(ed)对墙肢力学性能的影响,参数分析的结果显示,阻尼器性能的发挥主要受几何参数的影响,建议将塑性铰支墙布置在结构底部加强层范围内,高宽比r≤1.0,同时,铰支座的布置高度不宜超过铰支墙高度的60%。在满足阻尼器极限变形要求的前提下,通过选择更大的高度比μ和初始轴向刚度K_(ed)更大的阻尼器,可以使塑性铰支墙获得更高的承载力和刚度。(5)采用连续化设计,对铰支墙结构和铰支墙-框架结构在3种常见类型的水平荷载作用下的效应进行分析。结果表明,连续化设计方法可以得到铰支墙结构的结构响应,内力和变形计算公式中均显出铰支墙所在层的性能对结构响应的影响比较明显。  相似文献   

以轴压比和钢连梁弯剪比为主要参数,设计并制作了3个1/4缩尺的钢板混凝土联肢剪力墙子结构,对试件施加恒定轴压力和水平往复加载。观察了各试件破坏特征,对比了顶层水平荷载-侧移曲线和骨架曲线以及延性系数和等效黏滞阻尼系数等抗震性能指标。结果表明:高轴压比会使整个试件的延性变差;弯剪比越大试件耗能能力越好,弯剪比越小试件刚度退化越明显。钢连梁先于墙肢底部屈服并持续剪切耗能,有效保护了墙肢底部。  相似文献   

针对常规金属阻尼器设计位移较小、抗疲劳性能差和制作安装复杂等不足,基于变截面塑性屈服设计思想提出一种L形金属阻尼器。在初步给出其工作机理及构造形式的基础上,设计并制作3组不同设计参数的L形钢阻尼器试件,通过拟静力试验研究其滞回规律、耗能能力和抗疲劳特性,分析了各项工作性能指标对设计参数的敏感性。试验结果表明:L形钢阻尼器能够实现变截面屈服及大位移变形,其滞回曲线呈饱满纺锤形,恢复力退化小,黏滞阻尼系数可稳定在0.5附近,具有良好的耗能能力和抗疲劳性能;该阻尼器初始刚度大,可满足结构不同抗震位移设计需求;影响该阻尼器滞回特性及抗疲劳性能的主要参数为L形耗能钢板高度和厚度。本文工作对结构抗震加固和减震设计提供了一种新的选择。  相似文献   

本文提出的新型软钢阻尼墙是一种设计新颖、耗能能力很强的剪切型金属阻尼器。给出了该新型软钢阻尼墙试件的构造形式。基于提出的加载方案对试件分别进行了基本性能试验和疲劳性能试验,分析了试件的滞回性能与疲劳性能等。试验结果表明该新型软钢阻尼墙具有稳定、良好的滞回性能和疲劳性能。采用ABAQUS软件对其建立了精细化有限元模型,并对其进行了有限元分析。数值仿真结果与试验结果很接近。这种新型软钢阻尼墙耗能性能优越,构造简单,且施工方便,有广阔的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

钢管混凝土组合柱变形能力计算方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究钢管混凝土组合柱的变形能力,建立了屈服曲率和极限曲率的计算式。屈服曲率与受拉纵筋的屈服应变、柱截面高度、轴压比、配箍特征值和钢管含管特征值有关,极限曲率与柱截面高度、轴压比、配箍特征值和含管特征值有关。通过对58个组合柱试件试验数据分析,得到了计算式的相关参数,由此可计算组合柱的屈服位移角和极限位移角,计算结果与试验结果符合良好。  相似文献   

为研究型钢混凝土十字形柱的抗震性能,对6个不同轴压比、配钢形式的试件进行低周往复荷载试验,分析滞回曲线、延性、耗能能力、残余变形和累积损伤等抗震性能指标,研究结果表明型钢混凝土十字形柱的滞回曲线饱满对称、变形能力和耗能能力良好,配钢形式为T形钢加方钢管的试件的抗震性能较好。运用ABAQUS对试件进行有限元分析,得到试件的滞回曲线、骨架曲线及刚度退化曲线与试验结果吻合较好。对骨架曲线的影响因素进一步分析,结果表明:轴压比增大,试件的极限承载力增大,但刚度退化加速;型钢屈服强度、配箍率的增大,试件的峰值荷载增大,变形能力增强;配钢率和纵筋强度增大,试件的极限承载力和初始刚度值明显提高。  相似文献   

锈蚀钢筋混凝土圆柱抗震性能的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同锈蚀程度的钢筋混凝土圆柱进行低周反复试验,研究了不同轴压比下的钢筋锈蚀率对钢筋混凝土圆柱滞回曲线、骨架曲线、刚度、延性及耗能能力的影响;给出了试件累积耗能、屈服荷载、极限荷载、荷载最大值和位移延性系数与钢筋锈蚀率和轴压比的关系。研究表明,随着钢筋锈蚀率和轴压比的增大,试件的滞回曲线趋于干瘪,骨架曲线下降段变陡,试件的刚度、延性和耗能能力减小。  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a comprehensive experimental program on medium-size and large-size fluid dampers in an effort to extract their force output during cyclic loading by simply measuring the strain on the damper housing and the end-spacer of the damper. The paper first discusses the stress path within the damper and, subsequently via the use of linear elasticity, shows that the experimental data obtained with commercially available strain gauges yield a force output of the damper that is in good agreement with the readings from the load cell. This comparison is achieved via the use of a position and velocity transducer, which combines good accuracy together with robust performance in a marine environment. The paper then examines the performance of a portable data acquisition system that can be used to collect and transmit data from a damper installed on a bridge to a nearby location (order of a km) where data are collected via either a wired or a wireless Local Area Network (LAN). Alternatively, the data may be transmitted to any remote location via mobile telecommunication networks; however, this requires leased telephone lines. The data show that the proposed arrangement is promising for monitoring in situ the force output of fluid dampers and detecting possible loss of their energy dissipation capability. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过钢-混凝土组合结构形式及在雀替位置处设置黏滞阻尼器,可提升仿古建筑枋-柱节点的力学性能。为研究其力学性能,共设计3个试件,包括2个附设黏滞阻尼器的试件及1个未附设黏滞阻尼器的对比试件,进行快速往复加载试验,分析加载全过程中试件的破坏特性及破坏机制,对其力学特性关键指标进行对比分析,包括恢复力特征曲线、骨架曲线、延性及刚度变化等。试验结果显示:采用钢-混凝土组合结构形式的仿古建筑双枋-柱节点力学性能得到一定幅度的提高;结构破坏时形成梁铰机制,符合抗震设计要求;在阑额与柱连接处设置黏滞阻尼器能有效提升节点的变形性能及承载能力,并在一定程度上抑制试件的刚度退化速率。总体上,结构整体抗震性能有大幅提高。  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental study on the performance of a shear-sliding stud-type damper composed of multiple friction units with high-tension bolts and disc springs. A numerical evaluation of the response reduction effects achieved by the stud-type damper is also presented. In dynamic loading tests, the behavior of stud-type multiunit friction damper specimens was investigated. Three different full-scale damper specimens, which were composed of five, six, or seven friction units with two or four sliding surfaces, were incorporated into loading devices for testing. The stud-type friction dampers demonstrated stable rigid-plastic hysteresis loops without any remarkable decrease in the sliding force even when subjected to repetitive loading, in addition to showing no unstable behavior such as lateral buckling. The damper produced a total sliding force approximately proportional to the number of sliding surfaces and friction units. The total sliding force of the stud-type damper can thus be estimated by summing the contributions of each friction unit. In an earthquake response simulation, the control effects achieved by stud-type dampers incorporated into an analytical high-rise building model under various input waves, including long-period, long-duration and pulse-like ground motions, were evaluated. A satisfactory response reduction was obtained by installing the developed stud-type dampers into the main frame without negatively impacting usability and convenience in terms of building planning.  相似文献   

Hysteretic dampers are used to dissipate earthquake‐induced energy in base‐isolated structures by acquiring inelastic deformations, rendering their hysteretic behavior of vital importance. The present paper focuses on investigating the behavior of U‐shaped steel dampers under bidirectional loading; this is significantly different from their corresponding uniaxial behavior. Two main sets of loading tests on full‐scale specimens are conducted in this regard: (i) quasi‐static tests with simple histories and (ii) dynamic tests with realistic loading histories. Based on the results obtained in the quasi‐static tests, an interaction curve that accounts for the reduction of the cyclic deformation capacity is proposed. However, the fidelity of this relation must be assessed under loading conditions similar to those of a seismically isolated structure subjected to an earthquake, which represents the goal of the second set of tests. The results of the dynamic tests validate the proposed interaction curve for estimating the deformation capacity of U‐shaped steel dampers under bidirectional loading. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental and analytical/computational study of the performance of multi‐unit particle dampers with an MDOF system. A series of shaking table tests of a three‐storey steel frame with the particle damper system were carried out to evaluate the performance of the system and to verify the analysis method. An analytical solution based on the discrete element method is also presented. A comparison between the experimental and computational results shows that reasonably accurate estimates of the response of a primary system under earthquake excitations can be obtained. These results also indicate that the excitation characterization influences the performance of the particle damper system, for example, particle dampers have good performance in reducing the seismic response of structures and particle movements of plug flow pattern can yield good vibration attenuation effects. It is shown that by using properly designed multi‐unit particle dampers, a lightly damped primary system can achieve a reasonable reduction in its response, with a small weight penalty. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

低屈服点钢剪切板阻尼器滞回性能试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为改善传统滞变型阻尼器在小振动变形时不明显的耗能效果,利用国产低屈服点钢设计了5个剪切板阻尼器(LYPSSP),并对其进行低周往复循环荷载试验,重点考察阻尼器核心板连接方式、高厚比、十字加劲肋对其滞回性能的影响。研究结果表明:核心板与翼缘板通过熔透焊缝连接与螺栓连接相比,构造简单、可靠度高且易加工;由国产低屈服点钢制作的剪切板阻尼器滞回曲线饱满,耗能性能好,在同一位移级别下循环的滞回曲线基本上重合,稳定性好,并且在整个循环加载过程中,强化现象非常明显,破坏之前也没有出现强度和刚度的突然改变;以P/Py为设计目标时,核心板高厚比越小、面外屈曲越小,滞回曲线就越饱满,耗能性能就越好;根据等效粘滞阻尼器系数和平均耗能指数,能够对阻尼器的耗能性能很好地做出评价。  相似文献   

Energy dissipation devices are necessary for base‐isolated buildings to control the deformation in the isolation system and to dissipate the earthquake‐induced energy. U‐shaped steel dampers (also known as U‐dampers) dissipate energy through plastic deformation of specially designed U‐shaped steel elements. This type of device can be installed at several locations in the isolation system. U‐dampers have been widely used in Japan for different types of isolated structures, such as hospitals, plants and residential buildings, since the 1995 Kobe Earthquake. Previous research has used static tests to estimate the performance of U‐dampers. However, the ultimate plastic deformation capacities and hysteretic behaviors of full‐scale U‐dampers under dynamic excitations still remain unclear. In addition, it is unclear whether the initial temperature has an effect on the hysteretic behavior and plastic deformation capacity of U‐dampers. In this paper, two series of dynamic loading tests of U‐dampers were conducted to evaluate the issues described earlier. The major findings of the study are (i) the loading speed has little effect on the plastic deformation capacity of U‐dampers; (ii) method to evaluate the ultimate plastic deformation capacities of U‐shaped steel dampers of different sizes is established using a Manson–Coffin relation‐based equation that is based on the peak‐to‐peak horizontal shear angle γt, which is defined as the lateral deformation amplitude (peak‐to‐peak amplitude) divided by the height of the dampers; (iii) the loading rate and the initial temperature have a minimal effect on the hysteretic behavior of the U‐dampers; and (iv) a bilinear model is proposed to simulate the force‐deformation relationships of the U‐dampers. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Magneto‐rheological (MR) dampers are a promising device for seismic hazard mitigation because their damping characteristics can be varied adaptively using an appropriate control law. During the last few decades researchers have investigated the behavior of MR dampers and semi‐active control laws associated with these types of dampers for earthquake hazard mitigation. A majority of this research has involved small‐scale MR dampers. To investigate the dynamic behavior of a large‐scale MR damper, characterization tests were conducted at the Lehigh Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation equipment site on large‐scale MR dampers. A new MR damper model, called the Maxwell Nonlinear Slider (MNS) model, is developed based on the characterization tests and is reported in this paper. The MNS model can independently describe the pre‐yield and post‐yield behavior of an MR damper, which makes it easy to identify the model parameters. The MNS model utilizes Hershel–Bulkley visco‐plasticity to describe the post‐yield non‐Newtonian fluid behavior, that is, shear thinning and thickening behavior, of the MR fluid that occurs in the dampers. The predicted response of a large‐scale damper from the MNS model along with that from existing Bouc–Wen and hyperbolic tangent models, are compared with measured response from various experiments. The comparisons show that the MNS model achieves better accuracy than the existing models in predicting damper response under cyclic loading. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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