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本文利用2000-2013年的气象资料和2003-2013年的牧草返青时间与枯黄时间以及产量分析了近些年气候因子的变化特征以及气候条件的变化对牧草生长发育期出现时间以及平均产量的影响,结果表明:牧草生长发育受温度、降水、日照的影响较大,春季温度高可使牧草返青期提前;降水多的年份牧草生长期明显增加,黄枯期延后;秋季温度高也可使牧草黄枯期延后。牧草的产量主要受气温、降水、日照等因素的影响,随其变化而变化。  相似文献   

应用EOS/MODIS—Terra卫星数据,按照NDVI(归一化植被指数)最大值合成法计算了乌鲁木齐地区2007、2010年生长季逐旬植被NDVI序列,得到植被长势演变图和植被指数分布基础数据,结合气象资料和南山中山带牧草监测站实测数据,分析了NDVI在乌鲁木齐地区的变化特点及其与气候因子的关系。结果表明:气温、降水是NDVI变化的主要驱动因子,但植被对于气候因子的响应普遍存在滞后性。乌鲁木齐地区NDVI旬最大值总体变化在0.46~0.83范围内。与近10 a中植被长势最好的2007年同期数据比较,2010年春季植被指数比2007年推迟4旬达到0.7以上,表明植被发育期比2007年推迟10~15 d;秋季植被指数7月中旬就出现下降拐点,表明植被发育期比2007年提前4旬进入种子成熟、黄枯期或停止生长。以上结论与南山中山带牧草监测站实测结果相符。  相似文献   

李学文  高超  尹周祥  阮甜 《气象科学》2018,38(4):477-488
基于淮河上游地区11个气象站点1959—2015年降水资料,利用夏玉米气候产量与生育期降水序列进行相关性分析,确定降水影响夏玉米生长的关键时段,定义为夏玉米生长降水关键期,并采用21种分布函数对降水关键期内降水序列进行拟合,选取K-S和A-D方法进行拟合优度检验,建立最优概率分布模型,再基于降水概率分位数法定量化设计夏玉米各级旱涝的降水阈值R,并验证指标的合理性。结果表明:(1)淮河上游地区夏玉米抽雄-成熟生育时段及前一旬降水量对夏玉米产量影响显著;(2)各站点夏玉米生长降水关键期内降水序列的最优概率分布模型差异明显;(3) 11个站点夏玉米各级旱涝灾害的降水阈值地区差异较大,利用泰森多边形法确定整个淮河上游地区夏玉米生长降水关键期内旱涝致灾降水阈值分别是:重旱R73 mm,旱73 mm≤R138 mm,正常138 mm≤R337 mm,涝337 mm≤R475 mm,重涝R≥475 mm。  相似文献   

冬小麦产量农学预报模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据冬小麦产量农学预报原理和方法,建立了新疆冬小麦分区、分县产量的农学预报模式。利用本模式可在新疆不同区、县,冬小麦不同发育时期(苗期、停止生长期、返青期、起身期、拔节期)及其生长发育状况作出冬小麦产量长、中、短期预报和实行定点动态监控。  相似文献   

以新疆为研究区,分析2002—2008年MODIS植被指数(NDVI)及气象因子(温度、降水和日照)的时间序列特征、植被指数与气象因子响应范围分析,还有时间滞后分析等。结果表明:新疆植被指数和各气象因子7 a来呈增长趋势,新疆MODIS植被指数与温度和降水量相关关系显著,并有时间滞后差,而与日照时数相关关系不大。气象因子与以气象站点为中心半径60 km范围的植被指数相关关系最大。新疆气象因子与植被指数响应强度为降水最强,温度次之,日照最弱。  相似文献   

研究华北冬小麦—夏玉米主要生长季的干旱时空特征,可为全球气候变暖背景下制定抗旱减灾对策提供理论依据。利用华北5省(市)64个气象台站1961——2010年逐日降水资料,以降水负距平或降水量表征的干旱指标,通过经验正交分解法提取了冬小麦、夏玉米全生育期和关键生长阶段的特征向量和时间系数,分析了干旱频率、站次比及干旱强度的变化特征,并通过构建冬小麦夏玉米轮作期综合干旱指数,探讨了华北地区农业干旱的总体状况。结果表明:EOF分解的前4个模态提取了60%以上作物干旱的主要时空分布信息,冬小麦主要生长季收敛效果优于夏玉米;冬小麦全生育期、苗期及拔节—抽穗期干旱的高强度中心主要分布在冀中南、豫北及鲁西北地区,而灌浆—成熟期干旱则以豫东为中心;夏玉米全生育期干旱的高强度中心主要位于冀南和鲁北地区,初夏旱以冀北大部为高强度区,而卡脖旱以豫西和鲁南为高强度区。从时间系数和区域干旱强度及站次比的时间变化趋势看,冬小麦全生育期干旱、灌浆—成熟期干旱及夏玉米初夏旱、卡脖旱均表现为递减趋势,但未通过显著性检验,而冬小麦播种期、拔节—抽穗期干旱,以及夏玉米全生育期干旱为不显著的递增趋势。整个冬小麦—夏玉米轮作期干旱威胁较高的地区主要位于京津局部、冀中南、豫北和鲁北等地区。  相似文献   

华北冬小麦-夏玉米两熟区干旱特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究华北冬小麦一夏玉米主要生长季的干旱时空特征,可为全球气候变暖背景下制定抗旱减灾对策提供理论依据。利用华北5省(市)64个气象台站1961-2010年逐日降水资料,以降水负距平或降水量表征的干旱指标,通过经验正交分解法提取了冬小麦、夏玉米全生育期和关键生长阶段的特征向量和时间系数,分析了干旱频率、站次比及干旱强度的变化特征,并通过构建冬小麦-夏玉米轮作期综合干旱指数,探讨了华北地区农业干旱的总体状况。结果表明:EOF分解的前4个模态提取了60%以上作物干旱的主要时空分布信息,冬小麦主要生长季收敛效果优于夏玉米;冬小麦全生育期、苗期及拔节-抽穗期干旱的高强度中心主要分布在冀中南、豫北及鲁西北地区,而灌浆-成熟期干旱则以豫东为中心;夏玉米全生育期干旱的高强度中心主要位于冀南和鲁北地区,初夏旱以冀北大部为高强度区,而卡脖旱以豫西和鲁南为高强度区。从时间系数和区域干旱强度及站次比的时间变化趋势看,冬小麦全生育期干旱、灌浆-成熟期干旱及夏玉米初夏旱、卡脖旱均表现为递减趋势,但未通过显著性检验,而冬小麦播种期、拔节-抽穗期干旱,以及夏玉米全生育期干旱为不显著的递增趋势。整个冬小麦-夏玉米轮作期干旱威胁较高的地区主要位于京津局部、冀中南、豫北和鲁北等地区。  相似文献   

利用兴安盟突泉县1982—2015年的气象资料和玉米大田发育期观测资料,对玉米各生育期及全生育期的气候因子及综合气候适宜度进行计算分析,并与历年气象产量进行了相关分析。结果表明,全生育期综合气候适宜度与产量相关性显著,表明本模型能较好的反应我盟玉米气候适度动态变化情况,同时得出影响兴安盟玉米生长的主要气象因子为降水,其次分别为温度和日照;兴安盟日照对玉米的适宜度最高,其次为温度,降水的适宜度最低,近34a中,温度适宜度和日照适宜度呈上升趋势变化,降水适宜度年际差异较大。  相似文献   

近30年东北春玉米发育期对气候变化的响应   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
基于1981—2010年东北地区55个农业气象观测站发育期数据、16个气象站逐日气象资料,采用趋势变率、秩相关分析、主成分分析和结构方程模型等方法,分析了近30年东北春玉米关键发育期的变化特征,探讨了春玉米发育期对不同时间尺度气象因子的响应规律。结果表明:1981—2010年春玉米关键发育期 (播种期、抽雄期、成熟期) 均有延后趋势,大部分地区春玉米生长前期 (播种期—抽雄期) 日数减少,生长后期 (抽雄期—成熟期) 日数增加,全生育期日数增加。在绝大多数年份,春玉米播种期在温度适播期之后,成熟期在初霜日之前。近30年对东北春玉米生育期日数影响最大的气象要素为温度,主成分分析结果显示,年际尺度的升温、温度生长期的延长和作物生长期的高温对生育期日数影响显著;结构方程模型指出,作物生长期的最高温度和最低温度对生育期日数影响有间接效应,主导气象要素能够解释生育期日数变异的44%。全球变暖背景下,东北春玉米发育期变化是作物响应气候变化和农业生产适应气候变化的共同结果。  相似文献   

利用1982-2005年的归一化植被指数(NDVI)和气象资料,研究了天山北麓各地区不同植被类型ND-VI的年际变化特征及其对气候因子的响应.结果表明:1)近24 a来天山北麓各地区植被指数在波动中有所增长.2)不同植被类型对气候因子的响应不同,但各类型植被NDVI都与气温和降水存在着明显的正相关关系.3)平原区植被指数增幅大于山区植被指数增幅,说明植被生长不仅受自然因素影响,也受人为因素影响.  相似文献   

河南省冬小麦灌溉需水量及年型特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文以麦田水分平衡为基础,系统分析了冬小麦需水量、生育期降水量和底墒水储藏量3个分量的变化及其对冬小麦灌溉需水量的影响.不同气候年型冬小麦生育期降水量和前一年夏季降水量对冬小麦灌溉需水量有很大的影响.分析结果表明,河南省冬小麦灌溉需水量等值线基本上呈纬向分布,自南向北逐渐增大.正常年零值线大体位于卢氏、嵩县、许昌、鄢陵、柘城至永城一线.在此线以北必须进行灌溉,其灌溉量愈向北愈大,从50-100 mm到 100-200 mm;零值线以南,不需要灌溉.丰水年零值线大约向北移动0.5~0.8个纬距,全省灌溉面积和灌溉量明显减小,零值线以北灌溉量约为50-150 mm;歉水年零值线南移,与正常年相比,大约向南移动1.0~1.5个纬距,灌溉面积和灌溉量明显增大,自零值线向北,灌溉量分别为50-100、100-200 和200 mm以上.  相似文献   

This work was focused on the assessment of changes occurring in crop production and climate during the 20th century in Argentina. The study was carried out for nine sites located in the Pampas region that are representative of contrasting environments. We have considered the four main crops cultivated in this area (wheat, maize, sunflower and soybean). Historical climatic data and crop production related variables (yield, planted area, harvested area) were analyzed and, by means of crop simulation models, we quantified the impact of climate on crop yields. Changes occurring in climate during the three last decades of the 20th century were characterized by important increases in precipitation especially between October and March, decreases in maximum temperature and solar radiation in particular during spring and summer and increases in minimum temperature during almost all of the year. These changes contributed to increases in yields, especially in summer crops and in the semiarid zone, mostly due to increases in precipitation, although changes in temperature and radiation also affected crop yields but to a lesser extent. Comparing the period 1950–1970 with 1971–1999, yields increases attributable to changes in climate were 38% in soybean, 18% in maize, 13% in wheat, and 12% in sunflower while mean observed yield increases were 110% for maize, 56% for wheat and 102% for sunflower.  相似文献   

Over recent years, the Iberian Peninsula has witnessed an increase both in temperature and in rainfall intensity, especially in the Mediterranean climate area. Plant phenology is modulated by climate, and closely governed by water availability and air temperature. Over the period 1986–2012, the effects of climate change on phenology were analyzed in five crops at 26 sites growing in Spain (southern Europe): oats, wheat, rye, barley and maize. The phenophases studied were: sowing date, emergence, flag leaf sheath swollen, flowering, seed ripening and harvest. Trends in phenological response over time were detected using linear regression. Trends in air temperature and rainfall over the period prior to each phenophase were also charted. Correlations between phenological features, biogeographical area and weather trends were examined using a Generalized Lineal Mixed Model approach. A generalized advance in most winter-cereal phenophases was observed, mainly during the spring. Trend patterns differed between species and phenophases. The most noticeable advance in spring phenology was recorded for wheat and oats, the “Flag leaf sheath swollen” and “Flowering date” phenophases being brought forward by around 3 days/year and 1 day/year, respectively. Temperature changes during the period prior to phenophase onset were identified as the cause of these phenological trends. Climate changes are clearly prompting variations in cereal crop phenology; their consequences could be even more marked if climate change persists into the next century. Changes in phenology could in turn impact crop yield; fortunately, human intervention in crop systems is likely to minimize the negative impact.  相似文献   

Winter wheat is one of China’s most important staple food crops, and its production is strongly influenced by weather, especially droughts. As a result, the impact of drought on the production of winter wheat is associated with the food security of China. Simulations of future climate for scenarios A2 and A1B provided by GFDL-CM2, MPI_ECHAM5, MRI_CGCM2, NCAR_CCSM3, and UKMO_HADCM3 during 2001-2100 are used to project the influence of drought on winter wheat yields in North China. Winter wheat yields are simulated using the crop model WOFOST (WOrld FOod STudies). Future changes in temperature and precipitation are analyzed. Temperature is projected to increase by 3.9-5.5 for scenario A2 and by 2.9-5.1 for scenario A1B, with fairly large interannual variability. Mean precipitation during the growing season is projected to increase by 16.7 and 8.6 mm (10 yr)-1 , with spring precipitation increasing by 9.3 and 4.8 mm (10 yr)-1 from 2012-2100 for scenarios A2 and A1B, respectively. For the next 10-30 years (2012-2040), neither the growing season precipitation nor the spring precipitation over North China is projected to increase by either scenario. Assuming constant winter wheat varieties and agricultural practices, the influence of drought induced by short rain on winter wheat yields in North China is simulated using the WOFOST crop model. The drought index is projected to decrease by 9.7% according to scenario A2 and by 10.3% according to scenario A1B during 2012-2100. This indicates that the drought influence on winter wheat yields may be relieved over that period by projected increases in rain and temperature as well as changes in the growth stage of winter wheat. However, drought may be more severe in the near future, as indicated by the results for the next 10-30 years.  相似文献   

In recent years the problem of climate and its variations under the influence of natural processes and factors of anthropogenetic origin has come to the forefront of scientific and practical problems on a world-wide scale. Climate change vulnerability assessments of agronomic systems in Bulgaria have been initiated. In this paper preliminary results of this study are presented. Different climate change scenarios were defined. Global circulation model (GCM) scenarios and incremental scenarios for Bulgaria were created and applied. The influence of climate change on potential crop growing season above a base of 5° and 10 °C in Bulgaria was investigated. Increases in temperature can be expected to lengthen the potential growing season, resulting in a shift of thermal limits of agriculture in Bulgaria. The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) Version 2.1 was used to assess the influence of climate change on grain yield of maize and winter wheat. Maize and winter wheat yields decreased with increasing temperatures and decreasing precipitation.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionChinese agriculture has undergone tremendousstructural changes over the last decades. The averagestaple crop productivity has doubled in 25 yr while thepopulation increased by 25 % [China Statistical Year-book (CSY), 2003]. Winter wheat is one of China'smost important staple food crops, with a total farm-ing area of nearly 24 million hectares and a produc-tion exceeding 92 million ton in 2002 (CSY, 2003).Although China has been the world's largest wheatproducer since 1983 (…  相似文献   

In the North China Plain, the grain yield of irrigated wheat-maize cropping system has been steadily increasing in the past decades under a significant warming climate. This paper combined regional and field data with modeling to analyze the changes in the climate in the last 40 years, and to investigate the influence of changes in crop varieties and management options to crop yield. In particular, we examined the impact of a planned adaptation strategy to climate change -“Double-Delay” technology, i.e., delay both the sowing time of wheat and the harvesting time of maize, on both wheat and maize yield. The results show that improved crop varieties and management options not only compensated some negative impact of reduced crop growth period on crop yield due to the increase in temperature, they have contributed significantly to crop yield increase. The increase in temperature before over-wintering stage enabled late sowing of winter wheat and late harvesting of maize, leading to overall 4–6% increase in total grain yield of the wheat-maize system. Increased use of farming machines and minimum tillage technology also shortened the time for field preparation from harvest time of summer maize to sowing time of winter wheat, which facilitated the later harvest of summer maize.  相似文献   

基于温度、降水、光照等指标,通过利用区域气候模式所预估的分辨率为1°(纬度)×1°(经度)的未来气候预估数据,对1981~2005年的基准期和RCP4.5、RCP8.5两排放情景下2069~2098年中国热量资源以及冬小麦种植界限、理论生育期和气候适宜种植分区的空间分布特征进行了对比分析。研究主要结论为:与基准期相比,两未来气候变化情景下我国热量资源、冬小麦种植条件与气候适宜性差异显著。且相比于RCP4.5情景,在RCP8.5情景下中国2069~2098年多数地区热量资源增加、冬小麦种植北界和南界北移东扩、可种植面积扩大,多数区域理论适宜播种期推迟、理论成熟期提前、潜在生长季缩短,且潜在生长季内的光—温—水配置使得冬小麦气候适宜性有所提高。但由于冬小麦为喜凉作物,对高温胁迫非常敏感,RCP8.5情景下更多的极端高温天气和不对称增温等因素带来的负面影响很可能抵消前述光—温—水配置所带来的有利影响,从而降低冬小麦的种植适宜性。因此,未来研究工作仍应致力于减缓气候变化,以保障我国粮食生产的安全。  相似文献   

应用MODIS数据对2000—2009年植被变化情况及其与气温、降水量进行相关分析。2007年年均气温最高,降水最少,NDVI最大值和生长季平均值最低;在降水量最大的2003年NDVI最大值和生长季平均值最高。全生长季中气温和降水量与NDVI值具有显著或极显著相关,相对于气温、降水量对NDVI值影响更大;前一个月的气温和降水量对NDVI值的影响最大,植被对气象因子的响应具有时滞性。  相似文献   

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