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The locations(longitudes and latitudes)of the tropical cyclones(TCs)making landfall on the Chinese mainland from 1949 to 2008 are investigated in detail by using ArcGis and FORTRAN routine.The southeast coastline[110 to 122°E)with most landfall TCs was selected as the key region,which was divided into 12 subsections with 1°intervals of longitude.The study period was from July to September in each year.The result showed that the average sustaining time of TCs making landfall on the subsections east of 118°E is longer than those west of 118°E.Before landfall,the averaged TC intensity in the subsections east of118°E is stronger than that west of it.After landfall,however,the difference between the west and east is not significant.The index of destructive potential for the period before/after landfall was defined as TDP1/TDP2.The maximum of TDP1/TDP2 occurred in the subsection of[119,120°E)/[110,111°E).The ENSO impact on the frequency and average location of landfall TC over the whole region at 110 to 122°E is not obvious,but the effect varies with specific subsections.There is little differences of averaged TDP1 in the subsections between different phases of ENSO events,but the averaged TDP2 is larger in the warm events than that in the cold events.The rainstorm days of each station caused by TCs in different subsections were counted respectively.The results suggested that the rainstorm days of the subsections east of 118°E are much more than those west of 118°E.The larger values are primarily distributed at the subsections of[119,120°E)and[110,111°E).  相似文献   

应用NOAA气候预测中心提供的热带大气季节内振荡(MJO)客观业务指数及中国气象局上海台风研究所提供的西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)最佳路径资料集,定量统计榆验了MJO对夏季西北太平洋TC活动的调制作用.结果表明:MJO对TC的生成、强度、路径和登陆活动都有显著的调节作用.当高空辐合中心位于120°E~160°E(MJO位相3~5)时,西北太平洋TC生成偏少,且生成位置偏北;而当高空辐合中心位于10°W~70°E(MJO位相8~10)时,西北太平洋TC生成偏多,且生成位置偏南;随着TC强度加强,能达到显著调节作用的MJO位相逐渐减少,当高空辐合辐散中心位于70°E(MJO位相10)时,对TC强度调制最显著.在路径调节方面,MJO位相1~4和10时,TC活跃于菲律宾以东的西北太平洋上,主要路径为西北偏北行,可能登陆华东、华北;而位相5~8时,TC主要活跃在菲律宾附近及以西到南海,以偏西行路径为主,可能登陆华南.MJO对登陆华南TC也有显著影响.该定量统计检验结果可为TC活动季节内预测提供依据.  相似文献   

刘燕  林良勋  黄忠  程正泉 《气象科技》2009,37(3):294-300
利用1949-2006年热带气旋(TC)年鉴资料,根据2006年新制定的TC等级标准,分析了登陆我国TC的气候特征。结果表明:登陆TC中强热带风暴(STS,38.5%)最多,其余依次为台风(TY)、热带风暴(TS)、强台风(STY)和超强台风(SuperTY)。59%的STY和66.7%的SuperTY在台湾省登陆,尽管登陆广东的TC最多,但登陆的STY和SuperTY却很少。7~9月是TC登陆活跃期,而8~9月登陆TC平均强度最强。登陆TC频数具有明显的年际和年代际变化特征,其中登陆TC频数呈弱的减少趋势,而TY及以上级别TC频数则有增加趋势。在全球气候变暖背景下,登陆TC的生成源地有向北移的趋势,然而近年来南落明显。登陆TC的平均强度出现减弱趋势,但进入21世纪以来,平均强度显著增强,尤其是TC逐年强度极值表现更为明显。登陆TC的平均登陆点无明显的南北偏移,但逐年登陆点最北纬度在20世纪70年代中期以后有南落现象,以35°N以南为主。  相似文献   

亚洲热带夏季风的首发地区和机理研究   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:28  
文中分析了多年逐候平均 85 0hPa风场和黑体辐射温度等物理量的时空演变 ,结果表明 ,90°E以东的孟加拉湾、中南半岛和南海是亚洲热带夏季风首先爆发的地区 ,爆发时间在 2 7~ 2 8候 ,具有突发性和同时性。 90°E以西的印度半岛和阿拉伯海是热带夏季风爆发较晚的地区 ,季风首先在该区 10°N以南爆发 ,时间约在 30~ 31候 ,然后向北推进 ,6月末在全区建立 ,爆发过程具有渐进性。机制分析表明 ,由于 110~ 12 0°E的中高纬东亚大陆在春季和初夏地面感热通量、温度和气压的迅速变化 ,使热带低压带首先在该处冲破高压带 ,生成大陆低压 ,并引导西南气流在 90°E以东地区首先建立。在 90°E以西的印度半岛地区 ,地面感热通量在 4~ 5月间几乎没有明显变化 ,因而印度季风比南海季风晚爆发约 1个月。由此得出 ,90°E是东亚夏季风和南亚夏季风的分界线。此外 ,还着重探讨了南亚高压的季节变化与亚洲热带夏季风爆发的时间联系。发现南亚高压中心位置与亚洲热带夏季风爆发时间有较好的对应关系。南亚高压中心跳过 2 0°N时 ,南海夏季风爆发 ,跳过 2 5°N时 ,印度夏季风在其南部爆发。将用上述方法确定的爆发时间与用其他方法确定的爆发时间相比较 ,发现它们在南海地区有较好的一致性 ,在印度地区略有差异。  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋运动及其突变的若干统计特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中国气象局上海台风研究所热带气旋(TC)最佳路径资料,对1949—2010年共62年西北太平洋(包括南海)热带气旋的运动特征进行统计,包括TC路径折角和移速的时空分布,折角与移速、气压之间的关系以及我国近海和大陆TC异常路径的类型、地理分布等特征。最后就TC路径突变的折角标准及其发生概率进行了讨论。结果表明,(1) 西北太平洋TC年平均移速略呈下降趋势,而平均折角年际变化在1980年代末之前呈上升趋势,之后呈下降趋势。(2) 平均移速随纬度增高而增大,TC生成源地(菲律宾群岛以东和南海)为移速低值区;平均折角在日本岛以东洋面较小,南海、台湾岛附近较大。(3) 西北太平洋TC 12 h平均折角为14.51 °,左、右折频次分别占总数的44.57%和55.43%。两者在0~90 °区间随角度增大偏折频次减少,而>90 °有所增多。(4) 一般移动快的TC折角较小,而折角大的TC移动慢;较强TC折角小,而折角大的TC较弱。(5) TC在我国近海和大陆出现的突变路径主要包括西行北(南)折、北上东(西)折、打转和停滞等,其中西折出现频次最多。(6) TC折角>45 °的出现概率<4.6%,>30 °的出现概率<13.19%。若区分左、右折,则>45 °的概率都<2.8%,>30 °的概率<11%。TC路径的突然转折是小概率事件。   相似文献   

使用1971—2010年的TC路径资料,运用TC潜在影响力指数和密度聚类算法,研究TC生成源地的特征。研究发现,影响中国的TC数量和平均潜在影响力指数存在经向波动特征;菲律宾北部吕宋岛以东和140 °E,10 °N附近生成的有影响TC数量多,且强度大。120~135 °E、135~150 °E区域生成的TC主要影响省份多达10个,而且内陆一些省份也会受到影响。2001—2010年间西北太平洋生成的TC的数量减少,一般影响TC的占比没变,高影响TC的占比为1971—2010年间最高。   相似文献   

东亚和太平洋上空平均垂直环流----(一)夏季   总被引:23,自引:9,他引:23  
本文利用中央气象局出版的《北半球高空气候图集》中的风场资料,计算了50°E—130°W,0°—50°N范围内,七月平均850mb—100mb各标准层上的垂直运动,分析了不同区域的经向和纬向垂直环流的特点。指出:夏季130°E以西的低纬度为巨大的西南季风环流区,此外在高原的南北两侧还各存在一较小的经向环流圈,影响着高原附近的天气和气候;160°E以东的中低纬度的海洋上空为经典的Hadley环流所控制,其强度和影响的范围自西向东递增;由于青藏高原地形及夏季的热源作用,使其与西半球,南半球和中东太平洋的天气系统产生遥相关;平均直接从青藏高原上升的气流对西太平洋副高的贡献不大,而平均从西边直接下沉到西太平洋副高的气流是从高原以东的大陆上升的。最后根据计算和分析结果给出了青藏高原及其邻近地区三维空间的垂直环流示意图。  相似文献   

我国降水振荡周期特征的初步分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
赵汉光 《大气科学》1986,10(4):426-430
本文采用詹金斯的谱分析方法,计算了我国160个代表站月降水量资料的自谱值,揭示出我国近30年来降水振荡主要周期及其分布特征.结果表明:我国西部地区(110°E以西),主要周期相对地集中在31.4—39.0个月之间,表现出以准三年振动为主;而我国东部地区(110°E以东),主要周期集中在21.2一29.2个月之间,表现出以准两年振动为主.特别是通过对青藏高原以东地区降水振荡主周期及其分布特征的分析,为我国雨带类型的区域划分范围提供了比较充分的依据,并为长期预报提供重要的气候背景.  相似文献   

El Nino衰减年西北太平洋热带气旋(Tropical cyclone,TC)活动表现出多样性,给TC活动的气候预测带来挑战。采用美国联合台风预警中心的热带气旋最佳路径数据和欧洲中期预报中心提供的ERA-5再分析资料,对1970—2018年的El Nino衰减年7—10月的西北太平洋TC生成频数进行合成分析,发现其与气候态没有显著的差异,但在单个年份,存在着较大的正、负异常。为此,将El Nino衰减年分为TC生成频数偏少(负异常)和偏多(正异常)两种情形,对比两种情形的TC活动和大尺度环境要素特征。结果表明,TC生成频数偏少的情形,TC生成频数的异常减少主要发生在西北太平洋东部海域,即(15°~25°N,140°~150°E)和(5°~25°N,150°~170°E),与垂直风切变增大、对流层中层相对湿度和低层绝对涡度减少有关;TC生成频数偏多的情形,TC生成频数的异常增加主要发生在南海和菲律宾群岛附近,即(15°~25°N,110°~120°E)和(5°~25°N,120°~130°E),对流层中层相对湿度增加的贡献最大,其次是上升运动增强和绝对涡度增大;对比两种情形发现,TC生成频数偏多的情形,广东和福建沿岸的东南风异常引导气流有利于菲律宾群岛附近生成的TC登陆中国大陆。  相似文献   

应用中国《台风年鉴》资料、欧洲中心40年月平均再分析资料和NOAA的逐月海温资料,研究了西北太平洋(5°—30°N,110°E—180°)风速垂直切变异常对热带气旋(TC)活动年际变化的影响。研究发现,西北太平洋所有TC、风暴以上级别的TC(TSTY,即达到热带风暴级别及以上的所有TC)和所有台风(WTY,包括台风、强台风和超强台风)年频数与西北太平洋风速垂直切变都显著负相关。西北太平洋风速垂直切变大小对生成源地在南海(5°—30°N,110°—120°E)TC和西北太平洋西部海域(5°—30°N,120°—150°E)TC的影响较小,而对西北太平洋东部海域(5°—30°N,150°E—180°)生成的TC影响最大:即西北太平洋风速垂直切变负异常年,有利于西北太平洋东部海域TC生成发展,使得负异常年较正异常年TC频数偏多和源地平均位置偏东;并且风速垂直切变的变化对TC频数和生成源地影响的显著性,随着TC强度的增加而增加。对TSTY生成环境场的进一步分析表明,西北太平洋风速垂直切变偏小年,季风槽偏强位置偏东,它的东端位于宽阔的太平洋洋面,与弱风速垂直切变区相配合,暖的海温加上低层强烈的正涡度和强烈辐合,且相应的高层有强的气流辐散区,这些环境场都有利于TSTY在主要源地尤其是西北太平洋东部海域生成,这是风速垂直切变偏小年TSTY偏多和生成源地偏东的重要原因。  相似文献   

Based on observed rainfall data, this study makes a composite analysis of rainfall asymmetry in tropical cyclones(TCs) after making landfall in Guangdong province(GD) during 1998—2015. There are 3.0 TCs per year on average making landfall in GD and west of GD(WGD) has the most landfall TCs. Most of TCs make landfall in June,July, August, and September at the intensities of TY, STS, and TS. On average, there is more rainfall in the southwest quadrant of TC in CGD(center of GD), WGD, and GD as a whole, and the maximum rainfall is located in the southwest near the TC center. The mean TC rainfall in the east of GD(EGD) leans to the eastern side of TC. The TC rainfall distributions in June, July, August, and September all lean to the southwest quadrant and the maximum rainfall is located in the southwest near the TC center. The same features are found in the mean rainfall of TD, TS, STS, TY,and STY. The maximum rainfall is mainly in the downshear of vertical wind shear. Vertical wind shear is probably the dominate factor that determines asymmetric rainfall distribution of TCs in GD. Storm motion has little connection with TC rainfall asymmetry in GD.  相似文献   

登陆台湾岛热带气旋强度和结构变化的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1949—2008年共60年的《台风年鉴》、《热带气旋年鉴》资料及CMA-STI热带气旋最佳路径数据集,2001—2008年美国联合台风警报中心(JTWC)热带气旋尺度相关资料及日本气象厅(JMA)的TBB资料,统计分析西北太平洋(包括南海)热带气旋(TC)在登陆台湾过程中强度和结构变化的基本特征,主要结论有:(1)TC登陆台湾时强度为台风及以上级别的样本数占总样本数约60%,主要出现在6—9月,东部登陆TC的强度一般比在西部登陆的强;(2)大部分TC在岛上维持6 h左右,登陆时最大风速≤5级和强度为超强台风的TC穿越台湾岛时移动比较缓慢;(3)126个登陆台湾的TC样本过岛后近中心海平面气压平均增加5.61 hPa,近中心最大风速平均减小3.58 m/s,在台湾东部地区登陆TC的衰减率比在西部登陆的大3倍左右;(4)TC在登陆台湾前6 h至离岛后6 h期间其8级和10级风圈半径均明显减小,TC形状略呈长轴为NE-SW向的椭圆状,而其最大风速的半径却逐渐增大;(5)TBB分析结果显示,TC登陆台湾前,其外围对流主要出现在南侧和西侧,结构不对称,登陆以后,TC北部及东部的对流显著发展,外围结构区域对称;但中心附近的强对流则从登陆前6 h开始逐渐减弱消失。表明TC穿越台湾过程中内核结构松散、强度减弱。  相似文献   

The asymmetric distribution of convection associated with tropical cyclones making landfall on the east China coast is studied with black-body temperature (TBB) data from Fengyun-2 (FY-2) geostationary weather satellite. The convection in various quadrants of the TCs is examined for the period of -24 to 6 h relative to landfall. The convection to the southern side of the TCs was much more intense than that to the northern side during the whole landfall period. The convection to the western side of the TCs was stronger than that to the eastern side for the time -8 h before and at the landfall. After landfall, the situation reverses. The asymmetric convection of the TCs was partly due to the vertical wind shear and storm motion, and partly because the process of landfall restrained the convection in relevant quadrants. Besides, the orographic uplift along the east of China was favorable to the enhancement of convection in the eastern side of the TCs. From the characteristics of convective asymmetry of the TCs landing on the south and east of China, it is known that their main difference might be the included angle between the TC path and the coastline as well as the terrain along the coast.  相似文献   

55-year (1949 - 2003) data sets are used to study the statistical characteristics in intensity change of the tropical cyclones (TC) over the western North Pacific. According to the mathematical meaning of average value and standard deviation, the abruptly intensifying, gradually intensifying, stable intensity, gradually weakening and abruptly weakening of TC intensity are defined and the statistical characteristics, such as inter-decadal variation, inter-annual variation, inter-monthly variation, and regional distribution, etc. are analyzed. Main results are as follows: (1) From 1949 to 2003, there were 1886 TCs, averaging at 34.29 TCs per year. After 1995, the number of TCs dropped dramatically with less than 30 per year. 3.56% of the total were abruptly intensifying samples, and 3.31% were weakening samples. (2) For the annual mean, all but the stable group tend to decrease with the shift of decades as far as the overall change of the 6-h isallobaric process is concerned. (3) The abruptly intensifying TC seldom occurs over mid- and high-latitude area (north of 30°N) and low-latitude area and sometimes occurs around the islands and continent. Basically there is no gradually intensifying of TC over mid- and high- latitude area (north of 30°N and west of 125°E), in offshore Chinese waters. The gradually weakening and abruptly weakening TCs usually occur offshore China, west of 125 °E, but seldom over low-latitude area (0 - 5°N).  相似文献   

Impacts of EI Nino Modoki (ENM), La Nina Modoki (LNM), canonical EI Nifio (CEN) and canonical La Nifia (CLN) on tropical cyclones (TCs) that made landfall over mainland China during 1951-2011 are analysed using best-track data from China, the USA and Japan. Relative to cold phase years (LNM and CLN), landfalling TCs in warm years (ENM and CEN) have a farther east genesis location, as well as longer track lengths and durations, both in total and before landfall. ENM demonstrates the highest landfall frequency, most northerly mean landfall position, and shortest after-landfall sustainability (track length and duration), which indicate a more frequent and extensive coverage of mainland China by TCs, but with shorter after-landfall influence. CEN has low landfall frequency and the most southerly mean landfall location. LNM has the most westerly genesis location, being significantly farther west than the 1951-2011 average and leading to short mean track lengths and durations both in total or before landfall, all of which are significantly shorter than the 1951-2011 average. Variations in the low-level wind anomaly, vertical wind shear, mid-level relative humidity, steering flow, the monsoon trough and the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) can to some extent account for the features of frequency, location, track length and duration of landfalling TCs. Since ENSO Modoki is expected to become more frequent in the near future, the results for ENSO Modoki presented in this paper are of particular significance.  相似文献   

Interannual variability of landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs) in China during 1960-2010 is investigated.By using the method of partial least squares regression(PLS-regression),canonical ENSO and ENSO Modoki are identified to be the factors that contribute to the interannual variability of landfalling TCs.El Ni o Modoki years are associated with a greater-than-average frequency of landfalling TCs in China,but reversed in canonical El Ni o years.Significant difference in genesis locations of landfalling TCs in China for the two kinds of El Ni o phases occurs dominantly in the northern tropical western North Pacific(WNP).The patterns of low-level circulation anomalies and outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) anomalies associated with landfalling TC genesis with different types of El Ni o phases are examined.During canonical El Ni o years,a broad zonal band of positive OLR anomalies dominates the tropical WNP,while the circulation anomalies exhibit a meridionally symmetrical dipole pattern with an anticyclonic anomaly in the subtropics and a cyclonic anomaly near the tropics.In El Ni o Modoki years,a vast region of negative OLR anomalies,roughly to the south of 25°N with a strong large-scale cyclonic anomaly over the tropical WNP,provides a more favorable condition for landfalling TC genesis compared to its counterpart during canonical El Ni o years.For more landfalling TCs formed in the northern tropical WNP in El Ni o Modoki years,there are more TCs making landfall on the northern coast of China in El Ni o Modoki years than in canonical El Ni o years.The number of landfalling TCs is slightly above normal in canonical La Ni a years.Enhanced convection is found in the South China Sea(SCS) and the west of the tropical WNP,which results in landfalling TCs forming more westward in canonical La Ni a years.During La Ni a Modoki years,the landfalling TC frequency are below normal,owing to an unfavorable condition for TC genesis persisting in a broad zonal band from 5°N to 25°N.Since the western North Pacific subtropical high(WNPSH) in La Ni a Modoki years is located in the westernmost region,TCs mainly make landfall on the south coast of China.  相似文献   

利用中国气象局热带气旋(TC)资料、NCEP/NCAR 再分析资料和美国 NOAA 向外长波辐射(OLR)等资料,分析了2010年西北太平洋(WNP)及南海(SCS)热带气旋活动异常的可能成因,讨论了同期大气环流配置和海温外强迫对TC生成和登陆的动力和热力条件的影响。结果表明,2010年生成TC频数明显偏少,生成源地显著偏西,而登陆TC频数与常年持平。导致7~10月TC频数明显偏少的大尺度环境场特征为:副热带高压较常年异常偏强、西伸脊点偏西,季风槽位置异常偏西,弱垂直风切变带位置也较常年偏西且范围偏小,南亚高压异常偏强,贝加尔湖附近对流层低高层均为反气旋距平环流,这些关键环流因子的特征和配置都不利于 TC 在WNP的东部生成。影响TC活动的外强迫场特征为:2010年热带太平洋经历了El Ni?o事件于春末夏初消亡、La Ni?a事件于7月形成的转换;7~10月,WNP海表温度维持正距平,140°E以东为负距平且对流活动受到抑制;暖池次表层海温异常偏暖,对应上空850 hPa为东风距平,有利于季风槽偏西和TC在WNP的西北侧海域生成。WNP海表温度和暖池次表层海温的特征是2010年TC生成频数偏少、生成源地异常偏西的重要外强迫信号。有利于7~10月热带气旋西行和登陆的500 hPa风场特征为:北太平洋为反气旋环流距平,其南侧为东风异常,该东风异常南缘可到25°N,并向西扩展至中国大陆地区;南海和西北太平洋地区15°N以南的低纬也为东风异常;在这样的风场分布型下,TC容易受偏东气流引导西行并登陆我国沿海地区。这是2010年生成TC偏少但登陆TC并不少的重要环流条件。  相似文献   

The extratropical transitions(ETs)of tropical cyclones(TCs)over China and the ocean east to 150°E are investigated by the use of best-track data and JRA-25 reanalysis spanning 1979-2008.The ET events occurring north of 25°N and in the warm season(from May to October)are extracted from the reanalysis to emphasize the interaction between TC and midlatitude circulation.Statistical analysis shows that 18.5%of the warm-season TCs go through land ETs north of 25°N in the western North Pacific.And 20.5%of the ET events occur over the ocean east of 150°E.Most(62.2%)ET TCs over China gradually die out after ET,but more(70.7%)ocean ET cases have post-ET reintensification.The evolutions in cyclone phase space and the composite fields for land and ocean ETs,as well as the ET cases with and without post-ET reintensification,are further analyzed.It is found that most TCs with ET over China and those without post-ET reintensification evolve along the typical ET phase path as follows:emergence of thermal asymmetry→losing upper-level warm core→losing lower-level cold core→evolving as extratropical cyclone.The TCs undergoing ETs over ocean and those with post-ET reintensification form a high-level cold core before the ET onset.The TCs with land ET have long distance between the landing TC and a high-level trough.That makes the TC maintain more tropical features and isolates the TC flow from the upstream and downstream jets of the midlatitude trough.The structure of circulation leads to weak development of baroclinicity in land ET.On the contrary,shorter distance between ocean TC and high-level trough makes the high-level trough absorb the TC absolutely.Under that baroclinicity-favorable environment,strong cold advection makes the TC lose its high-level warm core before ET onset.The composite fields confirm that the TC with ocean ET has stronger baroclinic features.Generally,the TC at land ET onset is located to the south of the ridge of the subtropical high,which tends to prevent the TCs from interacting with midlatitude circulation.But for the ocean ET,the situation is just the opposite.Similar analyses are also carried out for the TCs with and without post-ET reintensification over both land and ocean east of 150°E.The results further prove that the TC with stronger baroclinic characteristics,especially in the circumstance favorable to its interaction with high-level midlatitude systems,has more opportunity to reintensify as an extratropical cyclone after ET.  相似文献   

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