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业务化的海洋观测系统可满足国家在海洋防灾减灾、海洋资源开发和海洋权益维护等方面的实际需求,是我国实施"建设海洋强国"战略的重要保障。我国业务化运行的海洋观测仍是以近岸观测为主,近海及中远海的海洋观测结果远不能达到国家的业务需求目标。学习借鉴海洋发达国家业务化观测的经验,对发展我国业务化的海洋观测系统具有重要的指导意义。文章对目前美国业务化海洋观测的布局、数据管理与通讯、教育与知识传播的状况进行了介绍和分析,并从中得到我国业务化海洋观测系统发展的方向和措施。  相似文献   

中国海洋环境监测系统-海洋站和志愿船观测系统的建成和使用,为继续完善和发展我国的海洋环境立体监测系统奠定了基础,使我国海洋监测站和志愿船监测业务发生了巨大变化。文章将从技术角度介绍系统的建设情况,论述系统建设产生的效益,并根据作者的理解和多年来从事的相关科研、业务工作所积累的经验,对系统业务化运行提出几点建议。  相似文献   

文章介绍了欧、美国家的海洋观测与预报系统,分析了其业务化体系的运行特点,包括管理模式、特色服务以及社会效益等;对海洋强国的生态监测体系进行了分类介绍和比较研究,在此基础上提出了改进我国海洋业务化体系的建议。  相似文献   

中尺度数值预报模式(MM5)在海面风场预报中的应用   总被引:16,自引:9,他引:7  
本文简要介绍了在工作站上运行有限区域海面风场数值预报业务化系统的情况。该系统以MM5V3作为主要框架,选定了积云对流和边界层参数化方案,准备了三种侧边界方案,以确保有限区域海面风场数值预报业务化的运行。半年多的准业务运行表明,系统运行稳定,海面风场预报效果较好,除能直接给有关业务单位参考外,还提供给有关海洋数值预报模式使用。  相似文献   

根据平潭附近海域实际需求和地理区位特点,研发了三维温、盐、流高分辨率业务化数值预报系统,对该系统采用的模式、配置、预报结果验证和业务化运行等情况进行了详细介绍。该系统基于ROMS海流模式,采用正交曲线网格和网格嵌套技术;建立了包含数据预处理、温盐流预报和预报产品后处理等子程序的业务化数值预报系统。结果表明:模式预报产品具有较高精度,整个业务流程运行在30 min之内,系统运行稳定,达到业务化预报的要求。  相似文献   

在概要综述我国海洋观测网现状的基础上,紧密结合我国海洋观测网建设的实际需求,基于海洋观测网布局状况分析、资料类型及时空分布状况分析、资料传输与质量状况分析、仪器设备效能状况和海洋观测网建设规划合理性等5个方面,提出了制定海洋观测网建设规划支撑体系的必要性和可行性。从业务化海洋观测网运行评价、海洋观测站点选址分析、海洋观测资料类型选定、海洋观测仪器选型、可视化与规划报告输出和系统运行监控等6个方面,提出了海洋观测网建设规划支撑系统的功能架构设计,为我国海洋观测网建设规划的制定提供科学的技术支持和能力支撑,为我国海洋预报提供数据基础。  相似文献   

主要介绍了国家海洋局海啸预警中心目前业务化运行的地震监测系统,说明了系统结构及各模块的主要功能,计算了该系统在南中国海地区的理论监测能力并对业务化运行以来的情况进行了统计。  相似文献   

文章以福建省区域性海洋业务化预报系统为例,阐述其在为政府决策提供依据、为公众提供服务以及为经济发展和安全生产提供保障等方面的建设需求;以需求为导向,从基础能力、技术研发和支撑能力、预报产品、综合应用和服务系统以及信息发布和公众服务等方面,介绍福建省区域性海洋业务化预报系统建设的发展现状;在此基础上,以目前存在的人才、技术、产品和服务等方面的问题为导向,提出加强人才队伍建设、大力发展海洋预警报技术、不断丰富海洋预报产品以及健全海洋预警报信息服务系统的系统建设发展方向,旨在为其他地区的区域性海洋业务化预报系统建设提供有益参考。  相似文献   

海洋科学的发展和海洋战略重要性的日益凸显对海洋调查船的业务化运行提出了新的要求。从国内外海洋调查船运行和关键技术两方面的发展现状和趋势出发,提出了我国"十三五"期间海洋调查船业务化运行保障关键技术的发展建议。为解决海洋调查船需求不断增大与船舶建造运行成本限制的矛盾,世界各主要海洋国家均采取措施提高调查船的使用效率,组建海洋调查船队,实行船时统一调配。另一方面,多学科多任务的海洋调查方式的发展,以及新型调查观测设备的应用,促使调查船运行保障关键技术趋向于普适性和更强的现场支持功能。据此,在我国海洋调查船业务化运行发展原则、关键技术发展方向等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

随着沿海地区社会和经济活动不断增加,在人类活动和全球气候变化的双重压力下,全球珊瑚礁生态健康状况日益衰退。如何有效地监测珊瑚礁生态系统,使管理部门能够及时采取保护措施防止珊瑚礁生态系统的退化,已成为拥有珊瑚礁资源的国家亟需解决的环境问题。各主要国家均在大力发展珊瑚礁监测技术与装备。文中综述了国内外在珊瑚礁生态系统监测技术方面的研究现状,基于前人提出的原位在线监测技术,在南海某岛礁海域建设了珊瑚礁生态环境原位在线监测系统,并进行了1年多的业务化运行。在业务化运行期间,原位在线监测系统成功监测到了珊瑚礁的"白化-死亡-微藻附着-珊瑚骨骼腐烂-大型藻占领"这一退化过程,表明该监测系统能够实现珊瑚礁的长期、实时、连续监测。本文研究对于进一步认识珊瑚礁生态系统的时间变化特征及其影响机制均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2002,79(1):27-36
Preformed Cd and PO4 were investigated in the northwestern Pacific (Station CM05) and the Okhotsk Sea (Station CM06), and the relationship between the two elements was examined. At CM05, from the apparent oxygen utilization (AOU)–Cd and PO4 plot, the different molecular ratios of consumed O2 to regenerated Cd and PO4 were calculated to be 254,000 (Cd) and 96 (PO4) for the shallow layer (30–99 m) and 613,000 (Cd) and 170 (PO4) for the deep layer (below the oxygen minimum layer), which suggested the preferential remineralization of Cd and PO4 in the shallow layer. At CM06, regeneration ratios of O2/Cd, PO4 were obtained only in the shallow layer (29–124 m) as 227,000 (Cd) and 75 (PO4). The calculated preformed Cd and PO4 concentrations in the shallow layer were 0.59 nM of Cd and 1.6 μM of PO4 at CM05 and 0.35 nM of Cd and 0.95 μM of PO4 at CM06. These concentrations were much higher than those (close to 0) in the low-latitude area, which was attributable to the supply of these constituents from deep water by the strong winter convection. In the deep layer, at CM05, preformed concentrations were 0.64 nM of Cd and 1.4 μM of PO4. Preformed PO4 generally agreed with previously reported values in the Pacific, which suggested that the concentrations of the initial PO4 in the deep water were preserved as preformed through the movement to the northwestern Pacific. On the other hand, obtained preformed Cd in the northwestern Pacific deep water showed a somewhat higher value than that in the southwest Pacific. The possibility of the terrestrial input and remineralization of Cd by CaCO3 dissolution during the northward movement was considered. A plot of Cd and PO4 showed a linear relationship with slopes of 0.34 and 0.40 (nM/μM) at CM05 and CM06, respectively, which generally agreed with the reported values in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

渤海、黄海、东海冬季海流场温度场数值模拟和同化技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用NASA高分辨率的卫星遥感资料SST,采用Nudging同化来模拟渤海、黄海、东海的三维温度场,减小用热通量作上边界条件所带来的误差.结果表明,模拟的海流场能较好地反映渤海、黄海、东海的环流特征.数据同化后的温度场优于未经同化的温度场.3个选择站点的同化值与实测值的均方根误差分别为1.307,0.526,0.744,用热通量资料模拟的水温与实测值的均方根误差分别为2.160,0.979,1.330.尽管只同化了海表温度,但数据同化对三维温度场结构都有影响.  相似文献   

海南省海岸带和海洋资源与环境问题及对策研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈春福 《海洋通报》2002,21(2):62-68
在分析海南省海岸带和海洋资源与环境优势的基础上,指出当前存在的5个主要问题,即海洋资源的综合开发利用缺乏统一的规划、海洋防护林和生物资源破坏严重、水质富营养化、海域污染等,并对存在问题提出今后的对策。  相似文献   

体现执法威力 维护海上权益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2004年,是我国海洋工作面临历史性机遇和挑战的一年。中国海监总队在国家海洋局的领导和关怀下,在局各有关部门和各分局、各沿海省(自治区、直辖市)海洋厅(局)的大力支持下,坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻党的十六大和十六届三中、四中全会精神,全面落实局党组2004年的重点工作,以执法能力建设为重点,以海盾系列专项执法、执法示范工作为主线,上下团结一致,与时俱进,开拓进取,认真履行职能,全力推进全国海监队伍建设和海洋执法监察工作。  相似文献   

采用东海黑潮主流段长时间序列的实测温盐资料,研究了东海黑潮上层温度、上层盐度的变化及其与中国东部降水和地面气温的关系.结果表明,在过去50 a内,东海黑潮上层海温呈上升趋势,而上层盐度略呈下降趋势.东海黑潮上层海温和我国东部地面气温的关系在冬季十分密切,呈现出大面积显著的正相关,这与冬季南下冷空气的整体降温作用有关.夏季,长江中下游江水的增多致使大量长江冲淡水入海,可能是导致黑潮上层水盐度下降的一个原因,此时东海黑潮上层盐度与我国大陆东部降水呈负相关.  相似文献   

Micronuclei (MN), nuclear buds (NB) and fragmented-apoptotic cells (FA) were analyzed in mature peripheral blood and immature cephalic kidney erythrocytes of flounder (Platichthys flesus), dab (Limanda limanda) and cod (Gadus morhua) from 12 offshore sites in the Baltic Sea (479 specimens) and 11 sites in the North Sea (291 specimens), which were collected during three research vessel cruises in December 2002, 2003 and in September 2004. The highest levels of environmental genotoxicity (frequencies of MN up to 0.5‰, NB – up to 0.75‰) and cytotoxicity (FA – up to 0.53‰) were observed in flatfishes from areas close to oil and gas platforms in the North Sea and in zones related to the extensive shipping and potentially influenced by contamination from large European Rivers (Elbe, Vistula, Oder). In dab from the offshore zones of the North Sea, the levels of nuclear abnormalities were higher as compared to those in dab from the Baltic Sea. Responses in immature kidney erythrocytes were higher than in mature erythrocytes from peripheral blood. MN frequency lower than 0.05‰ (the Baltic Sea) and lower than 0.1‰ (the North Sea) could be suspected as a reference level in the peripheral blood erythrocytes of flatfish.  相似文献   

This is a historical review of Canadian policy at the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea. Canadian objectives with regard to the territorial sea, fisheries, pollution prevention and the continental shelf are outlined and the role played by the Canadian delegation at UNCLOS is described. The article then examines the impact of the Convention on Canada, particular attention being paid to the Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone and the Canadian role in the controversy over seabed mining. The author concludes by arguing that Canada was a major beneficiary of the Convention, but that US opposition has placed the future of the Convention in jeopardy.  相似文献   

The purpose of our work was to obtain the most possible detailed information about the composition, concentration, and structural features of the magnetic minerals contained in the rock to reveal the differences in the magnetic properties of the peridotites under various circumstances of the mantle magmatism and different conditions of metamorphism. To do this, we examined and analyzed the magnetic and petrographic characteristics of four collections of oceanic and alpinotype spinel peridotites. The main object for comparing the magnetic characteristics was the Gorringe ridge, which lies in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. The peridotite samples from the Gorringe ridge differ from the other collections in many magnetic parameters: I n , χ, Q, I rs /I s , H c , H cr , and H m . The principal question of our work was to clarify the nature of the Earth’s crust where the Gorringe ridge formed. This subject was studied many times in the literature, but the researchers did not reach a common opinion. In accordance with our data, the spinel peridotites from the Gorringe ridge represent a subcontinental lithosphere mantle of the Iberian continental margin. During the metamorphism, the formation of magnetite occurred in the peridotites of the Gorringe ridge in several stages and had a regressive character. Our investigations explain the results of the analysis of the anomalous magnetic field over the Gorringe ridge, which is characterized by sharp roughness and high intensity of the local signchanging anomalies.  相似文献   

A conclusion about two extreme regimes existing in the large-scale circulation in the North Atlantic has been drawn based on an analysis of the inter-annual variability of the analogue to the Rossby index, as well as that of the heat and dynamic characteristics in separate areas of the north subtropical circulation. The former is defined by a high level of circulation both in the atmosphere and in the subtropical water circulation. In the current century this regime was realized mainly in the years pertaining to the middle and end of a 22-year solar activity cycle (a 22-year cycle). The relatively low level of atmospheric circulation and the slackened water mass transport are typical of the second regime. It dominated mainly during the years relevant to the beginning and second half of a 22-year solar activity cycle.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

The upper Oyashio intermediate water, one of the source waters for the Sea of Okhotsk intermediate water, is exhibiting a warming trend. The historical data show that the upper Oyashio temperature increased by 2.4°C during 1953 to 2007 at the potential density of 26.75 at depths of approximately 170 m. This rate of warming is much faster than that of the global ocean and the Sea of Okhotsk. The upper Oyashio warming is likely linked to the penetration of warm water of the Alaskan Stream westward. One mechanism of this warm Alaskan Stream water penetration is associated with large Aleutian eddies.  相似文献   

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