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王楠  徐永臣  陶常飞 《海岸工程》2019,38(3):203-209
基于多波束探测获得的高精度海底地形数据,通过对水下地形进行设色纹理渲染生成地形和纹理数据集,以三维建模软件Multigen Creator和Terra Vista为主要工具,采用细节层次LOD(Levels of Detail)技术和虚拟纹理映射技术,建立起视景仿真领域通用的OpenFlight数据格式的三维地形数据库模型。利用交互式三维可视化分析软件Vega Prime可以真实直观地反映海底地形环境,实现了海底地形的三维可视化与漫游,可以更直观地表现和解译水下地形数据。虚拟现实技术为海洋测量数据的三维可视化展示方面提供了新的技术途径,在水下目标分析、航行保障和水下AUV、ROV安全保障中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

对基于开放的可视化工具包(visualization tool kit,VTK)可视化图形库的地形三维可视化进行了研究,并在VC开发环境下利用MFC设计开发了地形三维可视化程序。通过对VTK地形可视化中三维建模、颜色映射和纹理贴图等关键技术的分析,利用VTK可视化类库管线流的方法,高效地实现了离散点坐标数据的读取、数字高程模型的建立以及地形三维可视化显示与交互功能。  相似文献   

南海海底地形可视化分析及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海底地形是海洋地质学、海洋地球物理学、物理海洋学和海洋生物学等研究的基础资料,是影响海洋要素分布的重要因素之一。可视化是地形数据解译的关键,它为揭示海底地形与其他海洋要素之间所蕴含的关系和规律提供了独到的方法。基于可视化工具Vertical Mapper,在MapInfo Professional中对南海海底地形信息进行了渲染图与三维可视化实现,并对地形进行了剖面分析,进而将可视化的南海海底地形信息与表层沉积物类型、流场等其他海洋要素信息进行叠加分析,由此探讨了表层沉积物类型的分布与地形、海洋动力条件等的空间相关性,说明海底地形的可视化对于海洋地质现象的解释具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

肖鹏  王悦东  李安龙 《海洋信息》2020,35(1):40-45,51
针对目前"数字海底"建设中存在海底调查数据集成管理与三维可视化表达不足等问题,本文采用GIS技术,以黄河水下三角洲埕北海域为研究对象,利用地理空间数据集成理论与三维建模方法,建立了埕北海域三维海底空间数据库,实现了研究区域地形数据、地层数据、钻孔数据、表层沉积物数据的有效组织管理与可视化,并在此基础上,采用ArcGIS Engine 10.0,结合.NET平台,在Visual Studio 2010开发环境下,利用C#语言进行了二次开发,实现了基于C/S (Client/Server)架构的三维海底虚拟仿真系统的开发,设计了一套面向埕北海域的三维海底虚拟仿真原型系统。  相似文献   

针对目前海底地形构建方面存在的问题与不足,基于普通Kriging的计算公式,以渤海海域采集的离散高程点数据为例,对构建海底地形高程模型的空间插值方法——Kriging方法进行了研究。针对海底地形建模的具体实现,重点对Kriging算法的数据分布检验、数据分组、球形模型拟合、网格化插值以及结果显示等模块进行研究。最后,基于Visual C++6.0平台对海底地形高程的插值过程进行了编程实现和可视化表达,从而成功构建出渤海局部海域的海底地形特征,为海洋科学研究和工程建设提供了参考和依据。  相似文献   

为了实现海底地形三维可视化,首先需要对海量多波束离散水深数据进行DEM建模处理。其中,基于反距离加权网格化的内插法原理简单、效率较高,生成的DEM模型较为贴近海底实际底面,适用于海底地形数字建模。但本文在实际建模过程中发现传统反距离加权算法在理论上存在缺陷,因此本文引入圆形窗口和夹角权因子对插值算法进行进一步改进。实例表明,改进反距离加权算法可以有效提高海底DEM的建模效率与精度。  相似文献   

介绍了DEM原理和构建方法,利用现有矢量海图中的水深要素及海岸线岛屿要素,对生成电子海图海底规则网格数据进行研究。计算机辅助虚拟三维海底地形,运用线性八叉树场景进行分解寻求其规律性,用A*算法最好最优地勾绘出等深线,从而建立海底地形等深线模型,为实现电子海图海底三维可视化奠定了基础。最后对算法进行分析与完善。  相似文献   

本文给出了海底地形可视化技术的一般概念,并介绍了常用于实现海底地形可视化的技术和手段。  相似文献   

为实现海底地形多样化表示与服务,丰富海底地形图表示样式,分析了海底地形图的主要内容,研究了海底地形图可视化表达机制。结合多源海底地貌与底质数据的特点,提出了基于颜色扩展联合图形符号、可灵活组合的海底地形图表示策略,给出了水深注记、等深线、深度区、海底底质这4类主要海底地形要素的具体表达方法。试验表明,设计的可视化表达方法能实现不同类型、不同来源、不同质量差异的多类型海底地形数据的有效表达,为海底地形数据的多样化表达提供参考。  相似文献   

OpenGL技术及地形三维可视化实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
数字高程模型是当今地理信息产业的主要产品之一,是地形环境仿真的基础。在系统介绍三维技术的发展现状、基于OpenGL的地形三维可视化实现的基础上,提出了以数字高程模型为数据基础的三维可视化的方法,探讨了其实现中的关键技术问题,并指出了基于OpenGL的地形三维可视化、地形仿真的前景和发展趋势。  相似文献   

详细介绍了已建立的非2000国家大地坐标系的城市高精度GPS控制网成果到CGCS2000成果进行坐标转换的三种方法,即参考框架和参考历元转换、七参数转换和重新进行网平差;并以某市B级GPS控制网为例,对不同转换方法的精度及误差产生的原因进行了深入的分析,得出了采用七参数进行转换,既能保证成果精度又比重新进行网平差数据处理更简便而且实用的结论。  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡东沙海域海底丘状体气体与水合物分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘斌 《海洋学报》2017,39(3):68-75
海底丘状体在天然气水合物发育区是一种常见的微地貌,对丘状体的研究有助于理解海底流体渗漏模式以及水合物的赋存规律。本文研究南海北部陆坡东沙海域天然气水合物发育区海底丘状体的特征及其与水合物的关系。研究所用的数据包括准三维多道地震数据、多波束数据以及浅地层剖面数据。在多波束海底地形图上,丘状体表现为局部的正地形,直径大约为300 m,高出周围海底约50 m。浅地层剖面上存在明显的声空白以及同相轴下拉现象,指示了海底丘状体气体的分布以及流体运移的路径。丘状体周围明显的BSR表明局部区域可能发育有水合物,水合物钻探结果也证实了这一推测。三维多道地震剖面上,丘状体正下方存在空白反射区域,这与泥火山的地震反射特征类似。但空白反射区域内存在强振幅能量,而且丘状体正下方存在连续的反射层,这表明该丘状体并非泥火山成因。综合钻探结果以及三维地震成像结果,认为水合物形成过程引起的沉积物膨胀以及海底碳酸盐岩的沉淀是形成该丘状体的主要原因。  相似文献   

以多波束精确的水深数据为参照源,采用原始回波时间对多波束测深数据与其同源声纳数据进行匹配,从而获得高精度和高分辨率的海底影像数据,并避免了传统声纳图像处理过程中斜距改正所带来的几何形变。匹配结果采用光照图输出,并与三维水深图、原始声纳图像和CARIS处理后的声纳图像进行比较分析。该方法有效地提高了多波束数据的利用率,增强了对海底地形的探测分辨率。  相似文献   

针对海底地形复杂程度分类问题,在考虑传统水深均值的基础上引入坡度和起伏度两个地形因子作为表征海底地形复杂程度的分类指标并进行量化,对水深数据空间分辨率进行统一,建立包含18种典型海底特征的海底地形复杂度分类库,利用BP神经网络对建立的分类库进行训练学习。为验证该方法的有效性和适用性,选取地形复杂度不同的4块实验区分别采用统计学方法和BP神经网络算法进行海底地形复杂度进行分类,对比发现该方法可以实现海区海底平坦、一般、复杂三种地形的自动识别与分类,并保留实验区海底地形复杂度细节信息。  相似文献   

如何确定海底多金属硫化物的空间分布并对其进行资源量评价至关重要。瞬变电磁法是陆地金属矿床勘探的重要手段,但海底的崎岖地形、硫化物的复杂结构以及不稳定的近底观测条件为瞬变电磁在海洋中的应用提出了挑战。为验证瞬变电磁方法对热液区硫化物的勘探应用潜力,本文采用了有限元方法,结合大西洋洋中脊TAG热液区实测地形数据和硫化物深部剖面进行三维正演模拟,通过对比仪器在不同位置、姿态、离底高度的正演模拟结果发现:重叠回线探测装置在离底高度小于60 m时,可以有效探测到TAG丘体的高电导率异常。海底复杂地形以及仪器拖曳方式都会对二次场早期响应产生干扰,同时仪器姿态变化也会改变所探测到的响应,这表明,应结合研究区域的海底地形、仪器海底定位以及姿态数据才能更好的对实测瞬变电磁数据进行合理解释。  相似文献   

戴瑜  刘少军  李力 《海洋工程》2010,(1):145-160
In order to achieve the complex dynamic analysis of the self-propelled seafloor pilot miner moving on the seafloor of extremely cohesive soft soil and further to make it possible to integrate the miner system with some subsystems to form the complete integrated deep ocean mining pilot system and perform dynamic analysis, a new method for the dynamic modeling and analysis of the miner is proposed and developed in this paper, resulting in a simplified 3D single-body vehicle model with three translational and three rotational degrees of freedom, while the track-terrain interaction model is built by partitioning the track-terrain interface into discrete elements with parameterized force elements built on the theory of terramechanics acting on each discrete element. To evaluate and verify the correctness and effectiveness of this new modeling and analysis method, typical comparative studies with regard to computational efficiency and solution accuracy are carried out between the traditional modeling method of building the tracked vehicle as a multi-body model and the new modeling method. In full consideration of the particular structure design of the pilot miner, the special characteristics of the seafloor soil and the hydrodynamic force of near-seafloor current, the dynamic simulation analysis of the miner is performed and discussed, which can provide useful guidance and reference for the practical miner system in design and operation. This new method can not only realize the rapid dynamic simulation analysis of the miner but also make possible the integration and rapid dynamic analysis of the complete integrated deep ocean mining pilot system in further researches.  相似文献   

In order to achieve the complex dynamic analysis of the self-propelled seafloor pilot miner moving on the seafloor of extremely cohesive soft soil and further to make it possible to integrate the miner system with some subsystems to form the complete integrated deep ocean mining pilot system and perform dynamic analysis,a new method for the dynamic modeling and analysis of the miner is proposed and developed in this paper,resulting in a simplified 3D single-body vehicle model with three translational and three rotational degrees of freedom,while the track-terrain interaction model is built by partitioning the track-terrain interface into discrete elements with parameterized force elements built on the theory of terramechanics acting on each discrete element.To evaluate and verify the correctness and effectiveness of this new modeling and analysis method,typical comparative studies with regard to computational efficiency and solution accuracy are carried out between the traditional modeling method of building the tracked vehicle as a multi-body model and the new modeling method.In full consideration of the particular structure design of the pilot miner,the special characteristics of the seafloor soil and the hydrodynamic force of near-seafloor current,the dynamic simulation analysis of the miner is performed and discussed,which can provide useful guidance and reference for the practical miner system in design and operation.This new method can not only realize the rapid dynamic simulation analysis of the miner but also make possible the integration and rapid dynamic analysis of the complete integrated deep ocean mining pilot system in further researches.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computational model for mapping the regional 3D distribution in which seafloor gas hydrates would be stable, that is carried out in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment. The construction of the model is comprised of three primary steps, namely: (1) the construction of surfaces for the various variables based on available 3D data (seafloor temperature, geothermal gradient and depth-pressure); (2) the calculation of the gas function equilibrium functions for the various hydrocarbon compositions reported from hydrate and sediment samples; and (3) the calculation of the thickness of the hydrate stability zone. The solution is based on a transcendental function, which is solved iteratively in a GIS environment.The model has been applied in the northernmost continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, an area where an abundant supply for hydrate formation, such as extensive hydrocarbon seeps, diapirs and fault structures, is combined with deep undercurrents and a complex seafloor morphology. In the Gulf of Cadiz, the model depicts the distribution of the base of the gas hydrate stability zone for both biogenic and thermogenic gas compositions, and explains the geometry and distribution of geological structures derived from gas venting in the Tasyo Field (Gulf of Cadiz) and the generation of BSR levels on the upper continental slope.  相似文献   

The effect of Cenozoic mass-transport deposits (MTDs) on the morphology of the Late Neogene to Quaternary seafloor is investigated using a 3D seismic volume from offshore Brazil. The studied MTD shows large remnant blocks deforming the seafloor several Ma after a principal instability event marking the base of the investigated strata. Remnant blocks formed during this latter instability event were quickly buried, with differential compaction between individual blocks and adjacent debrites triggering: a) seafloor instability on the flanks of uncompacted (remnant) blocks, b) the incision of submarine channels between seafloor highs formed by buried remnant blocks, c) local uplifted areas on the seafloor that may form potential triggers for future slope instabilities. The interpreted data show that palaeo-seafloor scarps reached more than 120 m in height, with flanking strata to remnant blocks reaching angles of 15°. Angles of this magnitude caused local collapse of seafloor strata and, in some intervals, the confinement of younger MTDs sourced from the upper slope. The statistical data presented here indicate that differential compaction over heterogeneous MTDs continued well after early burial, still deforming the seafloor c. 15 Ma after the main instability event. In addition, significant structural traps are formed by forced folds on remnant blocks that not experienced substantial compaction. Therefore, we conclude that MTDs on passive margins can control seafloor topography after early burial, at the same time contributing to the formation of significant structural traps in post-MTD successions.  相似文献   

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