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外来海洋物种入侵风险评价研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石红旗  姜伟  衣丹 《海洋科学进展》2005,23(Z1):127-131
综述了外来海洋生物影响,外来海洋生物入侵风险评估方法和预警分析方法.提出了在对外来海洋生物入侵过程和机制分析基础上,结合多层次模糊综合判别来确立入侵风险分析框架和风险评估模式及入侵风险预警分析的原则.入侵风险预测模式的建立为信息管理和决策提供依据.  相似文献   

基于动态耦合的FPSO串靠外输所需拖力快速预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以极浅水作业水深的FPSO串靠外输作业为背景,研究穿梭油轮尾部定位拖轮所需拖力大小,提出了基于动态耦合效应的拖轮拖力直接计算方法。基于三维势流理论,考虑浮式生产储油平台(FPSO)与穿梭油轮之间相互水动力干扰,进行动态耦合计算,根据力学平衡原理求得所需的拖轮拖力并分析其影响因素。结果表明:动态耦合模型算出的所需拖力值较之准动态模型更安全、经济;当FPSO与穿梭油轮距离为80 m时,既能保证外输安全性又能保证经济性;增大两船间距、增加穿梭油轮吃水、两船间采用双缆系泊,均能有效降低所需的拖轮拖力。研究结果可为FPSO串靠外输作业操作提供指导,具有一定的工程实用性。  相似文献   

以南海某FPSO单点系泊系统为研究对象,针对其服役期间在极端海况下出现钢缆断丝、松股的问题展开研究。建立FPSO单点系泊系统模型,进行时域耦合动力分析,基于细长杆理论和有限元方法编写了单缆动力分析程序,通过与商业软件对比验证了程序的合理性,并发现极端海况下出现了系泊缆上部钢缆频繁触底和底部钢缆起落的现象,易引起钢缆的损伤。研究并提出了系泊缆配置新方案,通过调整分段长度避免了钢缆频繁触底、起落的问题;通过提高预张力,避免了系泊缆出现过度松弛的状态,该方案对于内转塔式单点系泊系统的设计与运维具有参考意义。  相似文献   

随着安全管理意识的提高,海洋工程结构物的设计正在由基于规范的设计逐步转变到基于风险的设计。根据系泊线年腐蚀磨损量,按照钢缆和锚链的截面损失率,考虑截面损失变化的不确定性,建立系泊线承载能力随时间变化的概率密度模型。根据势流理论,建立FPSO及其系泊系统的水动力模型,求解设计海况下系泊线张力的时间历程,拟合系泊线最大张力的概率分布。根据可靠性理论,求解系泊线断裂的概率。按照系泊系统的不同工作年限,绘制系泊系统失效概率变化的曲线。结果表明,不同的风险接受准则,以及系泊缆的直径缩减速率对于系泊线的抗拉强度和寿命具有重要影响。概率化的系泊系统风险评估工作,为基于风险的FPSO系泊系统设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

以KdV、eKdV和MCC理论的适用性条件为依据,利用内孤立波产生的瞬时速度和瞬时压力沿船体表面求面积分的方法分别计算浮式生产储油卸油装置(FPSO)内孤立波摩擦阻力和Froude-krylov力,再结合时域有限位移运动方程,研究了有限深两层流体中的内孤立波与带分段式系泊缆FPSO的相互作用问题。以东沙群岛某海域实测170 m振幅的内孤立波为对象,数值分析了在内孤立波作用下FPSO的内孤立波动态载荷、运动响应及其系泊张力的变化特性。研究表明,内孤立波会对FPSO产生突发的冲击,使FPSO产生大幅度水平漂移运动,导致系泊缆张力显著增大。在该振幅内孤立波作用下,FPSO受到的水平力最大可达56 t,垂向力最大可达1 961 t;纵荡位移可达47.62 m,系泊缆张力增加最大可达106.4 t。因此,在FPSO等深海浮式结构物的设计应用中,内孤立波的影响是不可忽视的。  相似文献   

针对300 m作业水深下的八角形FPSO,提出采用穿梭油轮串靠的外输作业方案,研究外输过程中穿梭油轮与FPSO之间由于过分纵荡运动而引起的碰撞风险发生概率。建立由八角形FPSO及其系泊系统、穿梭油轮、系泊大缆等组成的浮式多体系统分析模型,在外输海况条件下,得到穿梭油轮与FPSO间距的时历曲线,结合极值理论,对过分纵荡运动进行预报,进而对外输系统的碰撞风险进行分析;揭示海流的方向变化对于外输系统碰撞风险的影响规律。  相似文献   

定量风险评估是风险评估发展的主要趋势。论文基于TOPS IS和神经网络响应面法,提出一种定量风险分析方法,并运用此方法对导管架海上安装过程进行深入分析,以及时查找并消除各方面的事故隐患。首先找出潜在的风险事件及相关风险因素,然后对风险事件的模糊概率和损失程度后果进行量化,最后依据风险评价结果对需要控制的风险事件给出控制措施。实例表明,该方法是一种实用而有效的定量风险评估方法。  相似文献   

潘泽华  赵耀  严俊 《海洋工程》2015,33(6):119-128
FPSO系统在深海海洋油气资源开发中扮演着重要的角色,而深水FPSO系统水下立管管路较长,立管整体重量较大,立管在水流作用下产生的涡激振动也较强,这些将给FPSO主船体带来严重的稳性、强度及疲劳问题。鉴于此,深海FPSO系统在油气资源开发过程中,须在水下一定深度设置若干水下软管支撑浮体,用以支撑来自深海海底的管线,减轻深水立管对FPSO的负载作用。随着深海资源开发的深入发展,传统水下软管支撑浮体作为FPSO系统的关键装备已经无法满足深海开采的需求,寻求大型化、深海化、生命周期长久化的新型水下立管支撑平台迫在眉睫,设计简便快捷、低风险的安装方法成为其开发过程中的重点和难点。详细描述了水下软管支撑浮体的产生及其发展历程,针对深海开发的需求提出了新型立管支撑平台的新概念,着重对新概念下下水安装更便捷的耐压立管支撑平台设计原理及其下水安装方式展开了分析,最后对水下软管支撑浮体和新型立管支撑平台的关键技术进行了总结,并提出了需进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   

夏冉  刘洪磊  张洲  罗丹  张玉 《海洋工程》2021,39(2):153-161
脐带缆作为水下生产系统的“神经生命线”,是水下生产系统的关键一环,其可靠性问题越来越受到关注。影响脐带缆可靠性的事件具有随机性,目前缺乏对这些随机事件发生概率的统计,难以直接对其可靠性进行定量分析。基于模糊数理论和故障树结合的方法对脐带缆可靠性进行分析,首先获得引起脐带缆失效的40个最小割集及底事件重要度排序。其次采用基于模糊集理论的定量分析对脐带缆故障树系统中的底事件进行统计计算,得到各底事件的失效概率,最终计算出顶事件概率,并得出导致脐带缆失效的主要因素依次为护套/铠装失效、钢管失效、电缆失效,为脐带缆的安全运行提出适当的建议。  相似文献   

FPSO水动力研究与进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
肖龙飞  杨建民 《海洋工程》2006,24(4):116-123128
浮式生产储油轮(FPSO)是当今海洋石油天然气开发的主流工程设施。就目前国际上最为关注的FPSO水动力问题,包括深水FPSO与系泊、立管系统的耦合水动力预报、甲板上浪、FPSO与穿梭油轮组成的多浮体系统水动力、横摇运动与减摇措施、单点系泊FPSO的运动稳定性等进行了阐述,介绍了我国在浅水FPSO水动力问题上的研究进展,提出加强相关研究的建议。  相似文献   

A computer program is developed for hull/mooring/riser coupled dynamic analysis of a tanker-based turret-moored FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) in waves, winds, and currents. In this computer program, the floating body is modeled as a rigid body with six degrees of freedom. The first- and second-order wave forces, added mass, and radiation damping at various yaw angles are calculated from the second-order diffraction/radiation panel program WAMIT. The wind and current forces for various yaw angles of FPSO are modeled following the empirical method suggested by OCIMF (Oil Company International Marine Forum).

The mooring/riser dynamics are modeled using a rod theory and finite element method (FEM), with the governing equations described in a generalized coordinate system. The dynamics of hull, mooring lines, and risers are solved simultaneously at each time step in a combined matrix for the specified connection condition. For illustration, semi-taut chain-steel wire-chain mooring lines and steel catenary risers are employed and their effects on global FPSO hull motions are investigated. To better understand the physics related to the motion characteristics of a turret-moored FPSO, the role of various hydrodynamic contributions is analyzed and assessed including the effects of hull and mooring/riser viscous damping, second-order difference-frequency wave-force quadratic transfer functions, and yaw-angle dependent wave forces and hydrodynamic coefficients. To see the effects of hull and mooring/riser coupling and mooring/riser damping more clearly, the case with no drag forces on those slender members is also investigated. The numerical results are compared with MARIN's wave basin experiments.  相似文献   

基于三维频域势流理论,计算船体的水动力参数;采用动态耦合方法分析了深海半潜式生产平台各系统之间的相互作用特征,研究了立管系统对锚泊系统定位能力的影响。计算结果表明,立管系统在一定程度上增加了整个系统的刚度,其所受的附加质量和阻尼可降低平台的低频响应,从而降低平台的偏移和系泊缆的张力;海流将增大立管上的拖曳力,使平台偏移更远,锚索上的张力更大;立管系统对锚泊系统定位性能的最终影响需综合考虑多种因素的叠加。对目标平台而言,由于服役海域的流速较大,对立管的拖曳作用较为明显。因此,为确保平台的安全性,当服役海域流速较大时,带有多立管的平台,其锚泊系统的设计应考虑立管的影响。  相似文献   

基于多体动力分析方法进行FPSO和水下软钢臂系泊系统的运动特性研究。相较于非线性弹簧模拟软钢臂系泊系统或者其他近似模拟方法,多体分析方法可以充分考虑系泊系统具体结构形式及其动力项对FPSO运动性能的影响,更好的预报系统运动响应和系泊力。本文将FPSO和水下钢臂结构模拟成2个具有6自由度的独立结构,两者用系泊链组进行连接。基于三维势流理论应用汇源分布法,首先在频域内进行FPSO的水动力参数分析,进而在时域内对系统进行耦合动力分析。本文重点讨论系泊系统黏性力和二阶波浪力对系统响应的影响,计算结果发现系泊系统黏性力对系泊力有一定影响,而在浅水条件下二阶波浪力的计算对准确预报系统运动及系泊力非常重要。  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively studies the transient dynamic response of a semi-submersible production platform with the loss of one or several positioning mooring lines.A semi-submersible platform,production risers,and positioning mooring lines are all included in the numerical simulation.Increased motion of the semi-submersible platform,tension variation of the remaining mooring lines/risers and the risk of mooring line or riser clashing are all investigated through fully coupled time-domain analysis.Combined environmental loads are selected from irregular waves and the steady current varying from very rough to extreme sea conditions.Three dimension radiation/diffraction theories and Morison’s equation are applied to calculate first-order wave force and second-order mean drift force of floating semi-submersible platform.Nonlinear time-domain finite element methods are employed to analyze the behavior of mooring lines and risers.Results show that the failure of mooring lines seriously reduce the platform’s stability performance.The tension of the rest lines is also increased accordingly.Remaining lines which are closer to the failed lines will have larger tension increase to compensate.Line-Line distance provides practical information for the risk of clashing investigation.  相似文献   

D.L. Garrett   《Ocean Engineering》2005,32(7):802-816
Fully coupled global analysis of Floating Production Systems, including the vessel, the mooring system and the riser system is described. Design of the system can be a daunting task, involving more than 1000 load cases for global analysis. The primary driver for the mooring system and for the riser system is motion of the vessel. Vessel motions are driven by environmental forces, but are restrained by forces from the mooring and riser systems. Numerical models and procedures that provide accurate and efficient global modeling of the Floating Production System are presented. Both Time Domain and Frequency Domain procedures are included. The accuracy and efficiency of the procedures are illustrated in an example: a large semi with 16 mooring lines and 20 risers. The procedures provide the accuracy and efficiency for use of fully coupled analysis in design of Floating Production Systems from concept selection to final design, installation and operation.  相似文献   

In recent years, offshore reservoirs have been developed in deeper and deeper water environments. Steel catenary risers (SCRs) are being considered in deepwater development such as Northern North Sea. SCRs used in conjunction with a semi-submersible or floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) in deepwater harsh environments present significant design challenges. The large vertical motions at the semi or FPSO induce severe riser response, which results in difficulty meeting strength and fatigue criteria at the hang off and touch down point locations. To improve the understanding of SCR behaviour and increase the confidence in the design of such systems in deepwater harsh environments, a parametric study on a SCR connected to a semi-submersible was carried out in this paper to deal with the factors that mainly influence the loading condition and fatigue life of the riser. Weight-optimized configurations were applied during the course of riser design. Riflex combined with DeepC was the primary analysis tool used for the long-term response of the nonlinear SCR structure simulations, which requires a large amount of computer time. Hence, the parameters affecting the efficiency and accuracy of the simulations have also been studied during the analysis process.  相似文献   

A method based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and time-varying autoregressive (TVAR) model is proposed here to identify the modal parameters of time-varying systems, such as the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) single point mooring system. For the EMD–TVAR method, the original signal is decomposed into a finite number of ‘intrinsic mode functions’ (IMFs) by the EMD. Each IMF can be represented as a TVAR model. Then, the time-varying modal parameters i.e., instantaneous frequency (IF) and modal dumping, can be obtained by the basis functions expansion method. The proposed EMD–TVAR method has good results in two experiments compared with the Huang–Hilbert transformation and Short Time Fourier Transform method, and it has been used to analysis the modal parameters of FPSO single point mooring system successfully. The system's time-varying characteristic and its frequency distribution can be known from the modal analysis results.  相似文献   

随着海洋石油向深水领域的拓展,SPAR平台以其诸多优点逐渐成为海上油气生产的主流设施。主要研究SPAR与系泊系统间的耦合响应问题,在讨论了浮体在波浪中运动求解方法之后,阐述了如何利用非线性有限元技术对系泊缆索和立管进行动力分析和张力计算,以及浮体与系泊系统耦合计算的相关理论,对浮体和系泊系统耦合计算模型进行了描述。通过对某SPAR进行系泊系统耦合计算和对计算结果的讨论,证明了深海SPAR系泊系统耦合计算的正确性。  相似文献   

Nonlinear multi-contact coupling between vertical risers and guide frames inside the spar moon-pool is studied. The existing numerical model for hull/mooring/riser coupled dynamics analysis treats riser as an elastic rod truncated at the keel (truncated riser model), and the risers are free to slide in vertical direction with constant tension, while restricted in horizontal direction. The truncated riser model neglects the portion of the riser inside the moon-pool and tends to overestimate the spar pitch motion. In the newly developed model, the risers are extended through the moon-pool with realistic boundary conditions at multiple guide frames, and thus additional contact forces and moments on the spar hull are considered. The gap effects between the riser buoyancy-cans and riser guide frames are also modeled using three different types of gap springs. Their different dynamic characteristics are extensively studied. The new riser model also considers the Coulomb damping between buoyancy-cans and riser guide frames and also allows the impact-like contact force calculation on risers for ensuring fatigue analysis.  相似文献   

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