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长江三角洲第四纪孢粉组合及其地层、古地理意义   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过对长江三角洲第四纪沉积物的孢粉研究,划分出14个孢粉带,反映了该区第四纪植被演替和气候波动,这种气侯波动与世界性气候变化一致.根据孢粉组合带所反映的气候波动及与国内外气候期相对比,1-9带为更新世,10-14带为全新世.在长江三角洲第四纪海相沉积物中,含有丰富的孢粉化石,并具明显的特征.海相沉积物中反映温暖湿润气候的孢粉组合常与海进时间相一致,而长江三角洲第四纪气候波动曲线与海平面变化相吻合.  相似文献   

上海地区晚第四纪沉积孢粉与环境研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对上海地区高桥G2孔晚第四纪地层中孢粉的研究,将高桥G2孔自下而上划分出了6个孢粉组合带,并结合临近的斜土路2号孔和人民广场钻孔的孢粉研究资料,恢复了该地区植被演替、气候波动的六个阶段,这种气候的波动不仅与世界性气候变化一致,而且其波动曲线与海平面变化曲线也是相吻合的。  相似文献   

新生代全球的气候与植被经历了显著变化。系统开展云南新生代植被与气候的研究将为理解青藏高原隆升和印度季风起源与演化提供重要的信息。总结了近几十年来云南的新生代孢粉记录,重建了除始新世以外的云南新生代植被与气候的大致变化,并划分出9个孢粉组合带:古新世为榆粉属-麻黄粉属-希指蕨孢组合,植被是以落叶阔叶植物为主的常绿落叶阔叶混交林,气候偏干旱;早中渐新世时为栎粉属-桤木粉属-松科-水龙骨科组合,植被为亚热带常绿阔叶林,气候温暖湿润;晚渐新世—早中新世针叶林增多,气候有所变凉,为松科-栎粉属-水龙骨科组合;中中新世为壳斗科-桤木属-水龙骨科-松科组合,壳斗科和喜湿热的蕨类植物含量高,反映了暖湿的中中新世气候环境;晚中新世—早上新世为壳斗科-松科-桤木属-草本植物组合,早期气候温暖湿润,晚期针叶林和草本植物增多,气候有冷干化趋势;中上新世为栎属-松科-水龙骨科组合,热带亚热带的科属增加,气候暖湿;晚上新世为松科-栎属-草本植物组合,针叶林和草本植物扩张,气候有冷干化的趋势;更新世为松科-草本植物-栎属组合,针叶林和草本植物增多,气候进一步冷干化;全新世为松科-栎属组合,气候总体回暖,以中期最为暖湿。上述云南孢粉植物群的变化特征揭示了全球温度是控制云南植被长期变化的主要因素,晚渐新世—早中新世的变冷与青藏高原隆升有关,而晚中新世以来的冷干化是全球变冷和高原隆升叠加的结果。已有的研究显示云南古近纪的孢粉研究明显不足,部分地层仍存在时代争议,因此,认为今后在解决地层年代学的基础上,应重点加强云南古近纪孢粉的研究工作。  相似文献   

龙感湖地区近3000年来的植被及其气候定量重建   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
本文依据龙感湖钻孔的孢粉及硅藻资料,探讨了该地区近3000年来的植被发展及气候变化,通过数值分析方法,重建了年均温及年降水的时间序列,发现气候波动存在的两个阶段,(依1.5kaB.P.前后划分)四个旋回(0.8ka的准周期)两个突变事件(3kaB.P)前后的冷暖急剧变化及1kaB.P的降温事件)。这些变化与敦德冰心及固城湖孢粉反映的气候波动有较好的一致性,具有全球变化意义。  相似文献   

长江口地区近7000 a来的植被、气候演变研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长江三角洲地区的孢粉资料已相当丰富,但崇明岛地区以前孢粉研究资料较少,本文对崇明岛北侧的CY孔作了高分辨率的孢粉研究,详细地划出了大西洋期以来的9个孢粉组合带,并结合邻区钻孔孢粉资料研究,恢复了该区植被、气候演化的7个阶段。从大西洋中期起植被依次为:中亚热带含落叶树的常绿阔叶林;中亚热带北缘常绿阔叶、落叶阔叶混交林;北亚热带北缘以松、栎为主的落叶阔叶、针叶混交林;中亚热带北缘常绿阔叶、落叶阔叶混交林;北亚热带常绿阔叶、落叶阔叶、针叶混交林;北亚热带北缘含常绿阔叶树的落叶阔叶、针叶混交林;北亚热带常绿阔叶、落叶阔叶、针叶混交林。气候经历如下的波动:热暖潮湿—暖热湿润—温和略干—温暖湿润—温暖略湿—温而略干—温暖湿润,其气候波动与世界性的气候变化相一致,而且与海平面变化相吻合,从而为本地区古植被、古气候、古环境的重建提供了丰富的孢粉学资料。  相似文献   

从孢粉分析看上海地区更新世时期古植被、古环境演变   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
通过对上海地区三个钻孔更新世纪层的孢粉研究,划分出了更新世9个炮粉组合带,反映了该区植被演替、气候波动、环境变迁的9个阶段,得出该区古气候波动历程为冷凉稍湿→暖热湿润→凉冷稍干→温暖湿润→凉冷稍干→热暖潮湿→凉冷干燥→温暖湿润→凉冷略湿。这种波动不仅可与国内外气候期相对比,而且气候波动曲线与海平面变化的相吻合。从而为本地区进行层年代划分和对比提供了充分的证据,且进一步丰富了本地区孢粉学资料。  相似文献   

以琼东南盆地深水区LS33井岩心为研究对象,通过对孢粉组合序列的分析,探讨渐新世以来各个地质时期的植被类型以及所反映的古气候特征。根据孢粉谱和聚类分析结果,LS33井岩心可划分为8个孢粉组合,不同组合之间孢粉面貌差异巨大。早渐新世,孢粉组合中以蕨类植物为优势组分,多见常绿植物,代表冷干的植物分子罕见,反映了暖湿性的热带亚热带气候。晚渐新世到早中新世,延续了早渐新世暖湿的特点,常绿栎、榛最为繁盛,植被和气候出现较为明显的垂直分带性。早中新世研究区气候发生了重大转折,温带落叶树和高山针叶林树的增多表明气候类型已转至凉干。早中新世至晚中新世常绿树的繁盛和红树科的发育表明气候属于暖湿型。上新世到更新世继承了晚中新世的特点,但红树林逐渐衰退,草本植物逐渐繁盛,意味着气候类型从暖湿逐渐转为凉干。  相似文献   

黄麒  孟昭强 《海洋与湖沼》1991,22(6):547-553
本文根据1985年在青海湖采集的岩芯中有机碳、氮含量的垂直分布特征和孢粉组合等资料,讨论了青海湖地区晚更新世末期以来古气候的波动模式。该模式与用介形虫壳体内氧同位素变化建立的古气候波动模式十分二致,表明在干寒地区沉积物中有机碳含量变化的研究,可为查明当地古气候的变化提供重要依据。  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物中孢粉组合因受花粉传播过程以及湖泊水动力条件影响,湖盆不同位置沉积物中孢粉组合存在差异。已有研究表明湖泊表层沉积物中孢粉组合存在差异,但是就古气候研究来讲,湖盆不同位置沉积地层中的孢粉组合对比更有益于古环境重建。猪野泽是近年来全新世研究的热点区域,该湖盆现有多个剖面分布于湖盆不同位置,为同一湖盆不同位置地层孢粉组合对比提供了条件,而其他湖泊因受钻孔或剖面数量及位置的限制很难展开上述研究。研究在原有SJC、QTH02和QTL03孢粉剖面的基础上,增加了SKJ、JTL剖面全新世孢粉组合结果,来探讨全新世千年尺度上湖盆内部孢粉传播动力学特性。SJC剖面全新世孢粉组合反映流域植被变化;QTL03、QTH02剖面沉积环境相对稳定,但孢粉组合仍不可避免地受到流域性花粉的影响;SKJ、JTL剖面远离入湖区,其孢粉组合反映全新世湖泊周围植被特征。因此,在解释千年尺度孢粉组合的古环境意义时,应充分考虑湖盆内部花粉的再分配和传播过程。  相似文献   

长江三角洲末次盛冰期的气候波动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对长江三角洲东部地区鹤鸣孔第一硬黏土层的孢粉、藻类分析,研究了该地区末次盛冰期的气候波动。结果表明,鹤鸣孔第一硬黏土层含种类较丰富的孢子、花粉和藻类化石,并可以划分为3个孢粉、藻类组合,代表了该地区末次盛冰期气候变化的3个阶段,反映了该地区末次盛冰期并不是一个持续的干冷状况,第一硬黏土层沉积的早期和晚期气候较温暖湿润,针阔叶混交林发育,而中期阶段气候偏冷,植被贫乏。  相似文献   

通过对南海台西南盆地南部海域TS6柱状样沉积物样品常量元素地球化学特征的分析,结合粒度和AMS14C测年分析结果,探讨了研究区末次冰消期以来的沉积环境及气候变化特征。常量元素垂向序列显示元素Mn在沉积物近表层大量自生富集,指示近现代底层水高度富氧,表明研究区水体环境条件十分有利于水成成因的铁锰结核发育;常量元素统计分析表明,Al、Fe、Mg、K、Ti代表了陆源元素组合;陆源常量元素比值Al2O3/TiO2、TFe2O3/TiO2、MgO/TiO2和MgO/Al2O3记录了研究区末次冰消期以来的部分气候波动事件,其中全新世9.8~9.4 kaBP和6.5~5.8 kaBP阶段发生了两次气候变冷事件,指示东亚夏季风强度明显减弱,并且6.5~5.8 kaBP阶段冷事件表现出“双峰”特征。各常量元素比值指示末次冰消期18.5和15.8 kaBP左右可能也出现了气候变冷事件,其中15.8 kaBP出现的冷事件应该对应于H1事件。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地尕海湖沉积物粒度特征及其古气候意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以尕海湖DG02钻孔沉积物为研究对象,利用高分辨率的粒度数据,结合岩性、孢粉特征,分析其粒度特征及近11000aBP来的气候环境变化。研究发现,尕海湖沉积物记录了该区域湖泊水体逐渐上升又逐渐减少的过程,气候环境变化大致分为4个阶段:(1)冰消期晚期(11324~10290aBP)气候干旱,湖泊水位下降,面积收缩,水动力较强,沉积颗粒较粗;(2)早全新世(10290~8850aBP),气候转向湿润,湖泊水位上升,为浅水至深水的过渡阶段,颗粒由粗变细;(3)中全新世(8850~4400aBP),气候更加湿润,湖水水位达到最高,面积扩大,水动力达到最弱,沉积颗粒最细;(4)晚全新世(4400~200aBP),气候变干,湖泊强烈收缩,湖面下降,水动力达到最强,沉积颗粒最粗。尕海湖DG02钻孔沉积物粒度所记录的区域气候干湿变化及一些重要的干湿事件与国内外研究显示出较好的一致性。  相似文献   

青海湖、岱海的湖泊碳酸盐化学沉积与气候环境变化   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
于1986—1989年,为探讨全球气候与环境变化的湖泊响应,选择了季风带边缘的青海湖和岱海开展了湖泊碳酸盐化学沉积与气候环境关系的分析研究。发现青海湖近500年来碳酸盐沉积减弱段与小冰期的冷湿气候背景一致;岱海晚更新世以来碳酸盐沉积增强段与冰期的干冷气候吻合。还从内陆湖泊的有效湿度与碳酸盐化学沉积的关系和碳酸盐含量的垂向变化规律,对两区域气候与环境的演化过程、特点和规律进行了分析。  相似文献   

14C测年是湖泊沉积物定年的主要方法之一,随着对过去气候环境变化的深入研究,对于湖泊样品中的年代要求更高,而不同的测年物质的14C定年结果,会有不同的误差。通过对巴里坤湖部分样品,分别进行块状样有机质、陆生高等植物残体以及孢粉浓缩物定年比较,以探讨干旱区湖泊中14C定年的方法。测试结果表明:孢粉浓缩物与陆生高等植物残体的测年值极为接近,在西北干旱区湖泊测年过程中,孢粉浓缩物有望成为一种可靠的测年材料。在探讨湖泊沉积物年代的"碳库"效应时,孢粉浓缩物定年可能会成为一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

西藏扎布耶湖地区三万年以来的花粉记录   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对藏北高原扎布耶湖ZK2钻孔沉积物的花粉记录,揭示了该地区三万年以来植被和气候演变历史。37300-36000aB.P.为森林草原植被,气候温湿,淡水湖时期;约36000-31700aB.P.灌丛草原植物,气候冷干,湖水出现短暂咸化,31700-20800aB.P.森林草原植被,气候温暖湿润,湖面扩大,湖水加深时期,20800-14400aB.P.荒漠植被,气候冷干,湖水咸化,湖面开始缩小,初  相似文献   

Continuous pollen and isotopic records were established for core BAN 84 09 GC retrieved from the anoxic Bannock Basin in the Eastern Mediterranean. On the basis of two 14C dates, they document the palaeoclimate between about 25.7 ka B.P. and 5.2 ka B.P. in the northern borderlands of the Ionian Basin. The upper half of the core has been redeposited.

The isotopic record displays a correlation with pollen percentages that is strong and positive for Artemisia (sage-brush) and negative for Quercus (oak). The last glacial maximum and the deglaciation are identified by these combined taxa, together with Chenopodiaceae. The glacial maximum around 18 ka B.P. (which has elsewhere been dated from 20 to 15 ka B.P.) has pollen percentages that are high for Artemisia and low for Quercus. The climate in the pollen source area was arid, cold in winter, briefly warm in summer and sustained the vegetation of a semi-desert. The onset of deglaciation after 18 ka B.P. coincides with that of the decline in Artemisia pollen percentage. However, this decline does not indicate reduced aridity, because it is accompanied by a pollen percentage rise of the even more arid herbs Chenopodiaceae and Ephedra. Throughout the deglaciation from 18 to 11 ka B.P., the aridity progressively increases, culminating at 11 ka B.P. This trend is briefly interrupted by a more humid event, shown by a peak in Artemisia pollen percentage and a smaller peak in oak; these two peaks are coeval with the Bölling-Alleröd chronozone (13-11 ka B.P.). Maximum aridity occurs during the Younger Dryas chronozone (11-10 ka B.P.). Afterwards, the oak pollen percentage begins a steady increase, and its maximum value is coeval with the lowest isotopic value, dated at 8760 ± 170 yr B.P. This period was one of high moisture, warm summers, and, according to altitude, mild to cool winters. This climate sustained forests that were Mediterranean in the lowlands and warm temperate in the uplands. A high pollen concentration is observed during this period and reveals the presence of sapropel S1, which is otherwise unrecognizable in this entirely black core. During the following period between 8760 ± 170 and 5200 yr B.P., the δ180 reverts to slightly higher values and the Quercus pollen percentage decreases, while the pollen percentage of the wetter Ostrya, the oriental hornbeam, increases. The high pollen concentration during the deposition of sapropel S1 cannot have been caused by increased pollen input into the sea, this pollen being wind-borne, nor by increased pollen production for all taxa, both trees and herbs. We conclude that it is entirely due to increased preservation of this allochtonous organic material by the deep anoxia of the bottom water, below a thick anoxic water column. The coincidence of sapropel deposition with warm and humid local climate as well as with the second global meltwater pulse suggests that the cessation of bottom-water ventilation was due to decreased surface water density, resulting from less saline incoming Atlantic surface water, increased local runoff, and warmer winters.  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary sea-ice history of the northeastern Japan Sea is discussed on the basis of the occurrence of dropstones and ice-rafted debris (IRD) in fine sediment cores. IRD was found in all strata except those from the Holocene and oxygen isotope stage 5.5. The largest expansion of sea ice was recognized at the last glacial maximum (LGM; oxygen isotope stage 2), when the southern margin of seasonal sea ice was probably located in the vicinity of the Matsumae Plateau. The margin might occasionally have expanded further southward to off the Oga Peninsula. Sea ice expanded southward from mid-stage 5 to the LGM in response to global cooling, but with much fluctuation. Sea ice remained during deglaciation until around 10 ka, but after 10 ka it retreated northward rapidly in response to global warming and changes in surface water conditions. Greater fluctuations in IRD were found in core GH95-1208 collected from off Rumoi, Hokkaido, Japan. More IRD was found in sediments from late stage 3, late stage 5, and early stage 6. The fluctuations were not concordant with global climate changes (based on the standard oxygen isotope curve), and may have been controlled by regional climate factors such as the strength of the winter monsoon, which is related in turn to high-latitude atmospheric circulation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

S. D. Nikolaev 《Oceanology》2006,46(4):513-525
The objective of this study was to present details of the evolution of the thermal field of the ocean during the last Cenozoic glacial megacycle. The main causes of the phenomena observed are discussed based on the generalization of original data accumulated during many years and numerous publications. It is shown that, in the Eocene and Early Oligocene, the climatic conditions in the World Ocean were uniform and featured no evident zonal differences, the meridional temperature gradients were low, and the mean global temperature was close to the present-day value. Starting from the Late Oligocene and throughout the entire Neogene, the meridional contrasts in the temperature and hydrological conditions have increased, and, in the Late Pliocene, the climatic pattern resembled the present-day situation. The general tendency in the climate changes since the Eocene until the Pliocene consisted of its latitudinal differentiation and growing contrasts rather than of general climate cooling. In the Pleistocene, with the onset of the glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere, the character of the temperature field changed and variations in the mean global temperature values began to dominate. The factors that result from the climate changes observed are discussed and the causes are shown that lead to the differences between the author’s data and the existing concepts.  相似文献   

Twenty-two sediment cores raised from the central and eastern parts of the Barents Sea have been studied to reconstruct the evolution of the facies system since the Late Weichselian glaciation. Multiproxy records reveal four lithostratigraphic units, which reflect major development stages of paleoenvironments. Age control is provided by 23 AMS 14C dates for Holocene sections of four cores. Continental moraine deposits of the last glaciation are overlain by proximal glaciomarine facies of the initial deglaciation phase. During this phase, the Barents Sea ice sheet detached from the ground resulting in seawater penetration into troughs, iceberg calving, deposition of IRD and fine-grained glacier meltwater load in newly formed marine basins. The main deglaciation phase is characterized by pulsed sedimentation from various gravity flows resulting in accumulation of distal glaciomarine facies comprising laminated clay and sand sequences with minor IRD. Redistribution of fine-grained suspended matter by bottom currents and brine-induced nepheloid flows combined with biogenic processes and minor ice rafting caused facies diversity of the Holocene marine sediments. The Holocene facies of shelf depressions reflect rather high, but variable productivity responding to climate changes and variations of Atlantic water inflow into the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

The Var turbiditic system located in the Ligurian Sea (SE France) is an intermediate mud/sand-rich system. The particularity of the Var deep-sea fan is its single channel with abrupt bends and its asymmetric and hyper-developed levee on the right hand side: the Var Sedimentary Ridge. Long-term sediment accumulation on the Var Sedimentary Ridge makes this an ideal target for studying the link between onshore climate change and deep-sea turbidite stratigraphy. This paper focuses on the establishment of the first detailed stratigraphy of the levee, which is used to analyze the timing of overbank deposition throughout the last deglaciation. Main results indicate that high variability in turbidite frequencies and deposition rates along the Var Sedimentary Ridge are determined by two main parameters: 1) the progressive decrease of the levee height controlling the ability of turbidity currents to spill out from the channel onto the levee, and 2) climatic variations affecting the drainage basin, in particular changes in glacial condition since late Last Glacial Maximum to early Holocene. Compared to other deep-water areas, this study confirms the ability of turbiditic systems to record past climatic events on millennial timescales, and underlines the influence of European deglaciation on the observed decrease in turbidite activity in the Var canyon. The presence of a very narrow continental shelf and a single, large channel-levee system makes the Var Sedimentary Ridge a unique example of climate-controlled turbiditic accumulations.  相似文献   

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