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太湖沉积物碳氮同位素组成特征与环境意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对太湖不同湖区沉积物有机质δ^13C、δ^15N分析表明,草型湖区沉积物有机质δ^13C、δ^15N总体比藻型湖区高。湖泊从贫-中营养水体向中-富营养演化过程中,沉积物有机质δ^13C、δ^15N表现为逐渐上升的趋势,沉积物TP、TN则因受多种因素影响在各湖区表现出差异。湖泊演化到富营养阶段,沉积物有机质δ^13C、δ^15N表现为明显的偏负。近50年来不同湖区沉积物有机质δ^13C、δ^15N反映的湖泊环境演化过程与实际环境检测结果有较好的一致性,20世纪太湖水环境存在50年代及90年代两次较明显转化过程。  相似文献   

可溶性铁对某些硅藻赤潮生物增殖的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
林昱  唐森铭 《海洋通报》1994,13(5):14-18
评述了在厦门进行的一次围隔实验结果。在同等富营养的各围隔桶中添加不同浓度的柠檬酸铁,研究可溶性铁对浮游植物的增殖效应。对结果回归分析表明:水体中可溶性铁的浓度与相应的叶绿素含量存在着明显的相关,且添加可溶性铁的围隔体内的细胞净增长速率快于同等富营养的天然海水。实验结果证明提高海水中可溶性铁浓度会促进某些硅藻(尤其是中肋骨条藻)的增殖。进而改变浮游植物的群落结构,引发硅藻赤潮并增大赤潮的规律。  相似文献   

针对太湖水域特有藻种组成的浮游植物光谱吸收系数,利用实测数据对Ciotti光谱吸收系数模型进行改进和演化,得到新的基于藻类粒径组成(模型3)和种类组成(模型4)的太湖水体浮游植物光谱吸收系数模型。对模型进行比较发现,模型3和模型4能够较好地模拟太湖水体浮游植物的光谱吸收系数,分别适用于中、低和高叶绿素质量浓度的太湖水体浮游植物的光谱吸收系数的拟合。  相似文献   

根据2008年8月与11月在东山湾海域获得的调查资料对表层水中溶解态Fe(II)和Fe(III)含量、浮游植物叶绿素a、营养元素及其浓度等环境参数进行分析。结果表明,夏、秋季海水中Fe(II)浓度及其在总溶解铁中所占比例均与浮游植物叶绿素a呈正相关,其相关系数分别为0.7959、0.9219。现场围隔实验表明,海水中总溶解态Fe含量在24 h内有较大的变化,最大减少量达到17.4%。DS2站点海水中Fe(II)浓度及其在总溶解铁中所占比例随光照强度增加而增加。最高值与初始值相比较,叶绿素a较高的DS2站点海水中Fe(II)浓度增加较叶绿素a较低的DS5号站点高0.053μg/L。Fe(II)和Fe(III)加富实验研究了溶解态的Fe(II)和Fe(III)在海水中相互转化。高浓度的Fe(II)在海水中被氧化成Fe(III),海水中浮游植物也会引发光还原作用使Fe(III)还原成Fe(II)。  相似文献   

城市湖泊普遍面临富营养化问题,许多湖泊甚至处于超富营养状态。鉴于其在供水、气候调节、景观提升等方面的重要作用,以水质提升为目标的生态修复对于恢复湖泊生态功能、提升城市景观等具有重要意义。文章以超富营养城市湖泊——武汉南湖为例,尝试通过围隔构建、鱼类清除、水生植被重建等生态措施改善示范区水质,探究超富营养湖泊生态修复技术。于2019年8月至12月在示范区进行实验。结果表明:(1)示范区修复措施实施后,挺水植物植株高度显著增加(P<0.01),芦苇平均株高由0.7 m增加至1.2 m,香蒲的新生叶片在种植后50 d高达1.4 m,二者在种植后90 d,覆盖率均由种植时的10%上升至70%;(2)示范区内透明度由修复前的0.26 m上升至0.77 m,显著高于外湖区(0.26 m)(P<0.01);(3)示范区内浮游藻类叶绿素a(chl a)由修复前38.90 μg/L降低至3.41 μg/L,显著低于外湖区(101.91μg/L)(P<0.01);(4)示范区总氮(TN)由4.78 mg/L降低至2.60 mg/L,总磷(TP)由0.76 mg/L降低至0.08 mg/L,二者均略低于外湖区,但均不显著(P>0.05)。总体来看,经过一系列修复措施后,示范区内水生植被得到很好的恢复,水质条件得到一定的改善:透明度提升较多,chl a下降明显。氮、磷等营养水平虽然也有所降低,但与外湖区差异不大,可能是沉积物内源营养释放导致。研究表明,围隔构建、鱼类清除、水生植被重建等生态修复措施虽然可在一定程度上改善富营养湖泊水质状况,但未能有效控制内源负荷,仍需采取底质改良措施以达到降低水体营养含量的目的。相关研究结果可为城市超富营养湖泊生态修复及水质提升提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

本研究关注了浮游植物群落对人工鱼礁建设后短期内的响应,浮游植物群落特征季节变化及其与环境因子之间的相互关系。基于小黑山岛海域 2013—2016 年 12 个航次的现场调查,共鉴定出 75 种浮游植物,硅藻是该海域最主要的浮游植 物类型;研究区域内叶绿素 a 浓度范围为 0.22 ~ 9.46 ug/L,Shannon 多样性指数 (log2) (H'') 范围为 0.76 ~ 3.06,Pielou 均匀度指数 (J'') 范围为 0.28 ~ 0.77。鱼礁建设前后海水环境因子变化较小,且礁区内外差异不显著,鱼礁建设后变化主要有3 点。Pb 和 Hg 浓度有所降低,符合一类海水水质标准的航次及站位增多。于叶绿素 a 浓度、H''和 J''均有所下降,礁区内外叶绿素 a 浓度无明显差别,且礁区的 H''和 J''高于非礁区。盂优势种有一定的变化,但礁区内外无明显差别,具槽直链藻是该海域全年性的优势种。典范对应分析 (CCA) 表明影响站位和各浮游植物在分析图中分布的最主要因素不是人工鱼礁建设而是季节变化。浮游植物群落主要受溶解氧、NO3-N、水温、悬浮物和 As 影响,其中 As 浓度虽然优于国家一类海水水质标准,但仍对浮游植物群落的分布影响显著。  相似文献   

2016年3月对西太平洋马里亚纳区域M2海山浮游植物粒级结构和分粒级初级生产力进行了观测,同时结合温度、盐度和营养盐浓度,研究了M2海山的总叶绿素a浓度的分布规律,不同粒级浮游植物对总叶绿素a的贡献率及其与环境因子的关系,初级生产力结构和分布特征。结果表明:M2海山各水层叶绿素a浓度变化范围分别为0.004—0.304mg/m3,平均叶绿素a浓度为0.094mg/m3。微微型浮游植物在整个调查区域内为最优势类群,对总叶绿素a浓度的贡献率达到了85%,微型浮游植物和小型浮游植物的贡献率均较低,分别为10%和5%。M2海山的叶绿素a浓度最大层均在100m深度附近的次表层,其中西南部和东南部为叶绿素a浓度高值区。M2海山的平均初级生产力为71.31mgC/(m2·d),初级生产力的主要贡献者为微型和微微型浮游植物,其中微型浮游植物贡献率达到了72%,微微型浮游植物贡献率为28%。M2海山的海山效应不明显,浅海山(<200m)可能对浮游植物的生长存在促进作用。  相似文献   

东太湖茭草区网围养鱼模式试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据东太湖茭草区资源及环境特点,开展网围养鱼模式试验,结果表明:(1)经济效益明显,产投比1.2—1.5;(2)有良好生态效应,防治湖泊沼泽化和茭草区水质恶化;(3)社会效益显著,解决湖区剩余劳动力和城市居民吃鱼难的问题;(4)利于湖泊资源管理和保护。  相似文献   

南海东北部是寡营养海域,夏季浮游植物叶绿素浓度较低,热带气旋“风泵”效应带来的上层海洋扰动可能引起表层浮游植物的显著增长。以往的研究通常关注热带气旋风应力和海洋中尺度涡对上层海洋浮游植物的影响,本文利用航次CTD、实测叶绿素a浓度、Argo温盐剖面和遥感数据,探讨了台风“风泵”和黑潮共同作用下真光层内浮游植物的变化特征及其成因。结果表明,2015年台风“莲花”过境1周后产生向吕宋海峡西北侧南海海域(A区)入侵的黑潮流套,该入侵的黑潮流套使台风前原有的气旋涡消失,抑制了台风产生的上升流对表层(0~40 m)营养盐供给,使次表层(60~90 m)营养盐富集,进而抑制了表层的叶绿素a增长,促进了次表层叶绿素a的增长;吕宋海峡西侧南海海域(B区)表层的浮游植物叶绿素a浓度增加不仅是源于叶绿素最大层浮游植物的向上输运,更是由于浮游植物的繁殖增长;A区台风引起的流套式的黑潮入侵,促进了B区台风后气旋式流场的形成,产生的持续增强的气旋涡为B区表层叶绿素持续增长提供了充足的营养盐供给。  相似文献   

MODIS卫星遥感监测太湖蓝藻的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据2007年1~6月MODIS卫星遥感影像反演得到的太湖MODIS卫星表层水温、表层叶绿素浓度分布图,以及真彩色(1,4,3波段)合成图像,监测分析了太湖蓝藻的分布和变化情况.水温、表层叶绿素浓度分布图显示,1~6月,太湖表层水温和叶绿素浓度的分布具有明显的区域性和季节性变化特征,且可以很好的显现藻类的迁移与堆积状况,其分布及变化趋势与实测的太湖蓝藻爆发的强度、地点、分布范围基本一致.MODIS真彩色合成图像直观地反映了湖中藻类的宏观信息,其趋势与叶绿素a浓度的分布极其一致.结果表明,利用MODIS遥感数据探测太湖蓝藻水华的分布状况是可行的,MODIS可用于监测内陆湖泊藻类水华的污染情况.  相似文献   

海洋叶绿素a浓度是衡量海洋浮游植物的生物量和富营养化程度的最基本指标之一。黄、东海叶绿素a浓度年际变化显著,其影响因素需深入分析。本文依据黄、东海的地理位置、水深和生态特征将其分为5个区域进行研究。由5个区域叶绿素a浓度的季节变化可以看出,水华发生早晚依次是黄海西岸—北黄海中部—南黄海中部—东海陆架区—东海近岸海区。从年际变化可以看出,除东海陆架外,其它4个区域的变化幅度均较大。在冬季和夏季,5个区域的基础生物量在2008年均达到最低;在春季和秋季,黄、东海近岸和北黄海中部的年际变化较大,5个区域在2006年春季均达到最高;2009年秋季较其它年份均低。5个区域基础生物量由高到低为:黄、东海近岸较高,然后是北黄海中部和南黄海中部,东海陆架最低。从与水温、风速和有效光合辐射的相关分析来看,浮游植物生长的年际变化受海面风速的影响较大。近岸区域水体混合均匀,营养盐丰富,风速较小时水体稳定有利于浮游植物生长,而水深较深区域,风速较大时,营养盐易补充到表层,有利于浮游植物生长。  相似文献   

利用2006年夏季渤海湾驴驹河赤潮监控区实测资料,分析了水文要素、气象要素、化学要素等环境因子与叶绿素-a浓度的相关关系。结果表明,透明度、化学需氧量、磷酸盐、硅酸盐、溶解氧、pH值与叶绿素-a的相关关系较好。根据环境因子对叶绿素-a浓度的影响程度,提取主要的环境因子作为自变量,以实测的叶绿素-a浓度为因变量,通过多元回归分析建立了它们之间的定量关系。回归结果表明,渤海湾中叶绿素-a浓度同溶解氧、pH值的关系密切。本文研究结果对渤海湾叶绿素-a浓度预测指标因子的确定及渤海湾生态动力学模型变量及参数系统选取有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

A sequence of nine dilution experiments was conducted according to Landry and Hassett [Landry, M.R., Hassett, R.P., 1982. Estimating the grazing impact of marine microzooplankton. Mar. Biol. 67, 283–288] in the northern Wadden Sea from March until October 2004 to investigate the seasonality of microzooplankton grazing. From March until April, no grazing was observed. Microzooplankton grazing started in May (0.66 d− 1) and increased until August (1.22 d− 1). In October microzooplankton grazing was low again (0.17 d− 1). Phytoplankton growth rates varied between 0 and 1.1 d− 1. Since the reliability of dilution experiments is still frequently discussed in literature, we tested if our data obtained by dilution experiments reflected short-term in situ phytoplankton dynamics of the study site. We scaled experimental growth rates to water column irradiance, calculated short-term chlorophyll-a dynamics and compared the results to in situ measured chlorophyll-a concentrations. Calculated chlorophyll-a concentrations correlated significantly with in situ measured chlorophyll-a concentrations but slightly overestimated the in situ measured chlorophyll-a. This overestimation was in the range of phytoplankton assimilation reported for the Wadden Sea benthos. We will show that microzooplankton grazing had a large impact during the Phaeocystis bloom and during summer suggesting that a large proportion of phytoplankton biomass remained the pelagic food web. Microzooplankton grazing did not impact the diatom spring bloom and its demise.  相似文献   

大鹏湾赤潮多发区的叶绿素a分布与环境关系初探   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
根据1990-1991年大鹏湾盐海田域4个测站的观测资料分析结果表明,大鹏湾赤潮我发区海水中叶绿素α含量的测值范围为0.06-8.28mg/m^3,平均为1.33mg/m^3。季切平均值以春,秋季较高,夏,冬季较低;表层的叶绿素α含量稍高于底层。采用多元逐步回归分析得知,影响叶绿素α含量变化的主要因子是Fe,COD,s,其次是DO,t,Tb;此,Mn,Si(OH)4,PO4,NO2与叶绿素α的分布  相似文献   

By using the two-flow optical model, the variation in the irradiance reflectance of the ocean just below the surface has been calculated for varying water optical properties, for the interpretation of remotely-sensed ocean color data. The input variables used in our model are the concentration of phytoplankton (chlorophyll-a), the absorption coeffiicient of yellow substance, the particle scattering coefficient, the ratio of the back-scattering coefficient to the total scattering coefficient of particles, and the ratio of the absorption to scattering coefficients for particles.The irradiance reflectance increases monotonically with the ratio of the back-scattering coefficient to the total scattering coefficient. Spectral changes occur in the irradiance reflectance for increases in chlorophyll-a concentration and yellow substance as well as the ratio of the absorption to scattering coefficients.Because slightly different mathematical expressions have been derived by other investigators using the two-flow model, an evaluation of the resulting calculation differences is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

采用乙醇提取法、纳氏比色法、钼锑抗显色法及F-C法分别研究了人工引种于福建省漳浦、集美、泉港、连江无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)成熟叶片的生理指标:叶绿素、氮、磷及总酚含量。结果表明,4个地区叶片叶绿素a含量在(1.44±0.54)—(2.52±0.94)mg/g之间波动,叶绿素b含量范围在(0.54±0.02)—(0.94±0.11)mg/g之间,叶绿素a/b随着纬度的升高有增大趋势,表明随纬度升高无瓣海桑对蓝紫光需求比例增大;各地点无瓣海桑氮、磷含量均无显著差异,且N:P比值均小于14,表明均存在N限制;总酚含量随着纬度的升高而逐步升高,可能与无瓣海桑生长条件随纬度的上升而受到外界环境胁迫增大有关。  相似文献   

海水叶绿素a现场测量仪研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
采用荧光测量方法研究成功的海水叶绿素a现场测量仪,是用于海上现场实时测量海洋中浮游植物体内叶绿素a含量的新型海洋仪器。本仪器采用低功耗、高强度、低重复频率、窄脉冲宽度的脉冲氙灯,为激发光源及相应的脉冲检测技术测量荧光信号。该仪器可在海表层至50m水深内任一日光强度下工作;测量海洋中浮游植物体内叶绿素a的浓度范围为1×10-6—1×10-9g/cm3;当仪器走航拖曳速度为2m/s时,其空间分辨度为1m,仪器具有海上现场测量实用价值。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the use of imaging spectroscopy for the mapping of sediment characteristics on a tidal sandbank in the Westerschelde, called the Molenplaat. On June 8, 2004, during low tide, a HyMap™ scanner recorded the Molenplaat at 4 m pixel resolution. The hyperspectral data were radiometrically calibrated, geometrically corrected, and atmospherically corrected to give apparent surface reflectance data. On the calibrated and corrected dataset a supervised binary classification was performed, based on linear discriminant analysis. Simultaneous to the flight, 25 sediment samples were collected in the field and analysed in the lab to define the median grain size, the water content, the total organic matter content and the chlorophyll-a concentration. These four parameters play a crucial role in sediment stability and macrofaunal habitat definition. Prior to the classification, a feature selection, based on sequential floating forward search (SFFS), was performed. For each of the four parameters two to three bands were retained for the classification. These bands were most frequently selected in the visible and near infrared parts of the spectrum, except for the organic matter content where also SWIR bands were used. The overall classification accuracy was highest for the water content (88%), the median grain size (88%) and the chlorophyll-a concentration (84%). The organic matter content, for which three instead of two classes were distinguished, scored somewhat lower but still reached 80%. The classifications were limited to a small number of classes in order to obtain reliable statistics with a small number of training samples. The spatial patterns in the classified images indicated that the four parameters under study are highly correlated. In most cases coarse sediment coincided with dry conditions, low organic matter and low concentrations of chlorophyll-a. The wet and muddy parts of the Molenplaat were in general characterised by a notably higher amount of organic matter and chlorophyll-a. The individual classification results for the median grain size, the water content and the chlorophyll-a concentration were combined to generate a sediment ecotope map. The presented study illustrates how airborne hyperspectral data can be used to achieve accurate classified maps of intertidal sediment ecotope types, applying feature selection and a binary classification approach.  相似文献   

We tested the idea that bacterial cells with high nucleic acid content (HNA cells) are the active component of marine bacterioplankton assemblages, while bacteria with low nucleic acid content (LNA cells) are inactive, with a large data set (>1700 discrete samples) based on flow cytometric analysis of bacterioplankton in the Northeast Pacific Ocean off the coast of Oregon and northern California, USA. Samples were collected in the upper 150 m of the water column from the coast to 250 km offshore during 14 cruises from March 2001 to September 2003. During this period, a wide range of trophic states was encountered, from dense diatom blooms (chlorophyll-a concentrations up to 43 μg l−1) at shelf stations during upwelling season (March–September) to lower chlorophyll-a concentrations (0.1–5 μg l−1) during winter (November–February) and at basin stations (>1700 m depth). We found only weakly positive relations of log total bacterial abundance to log chlorophyll-a concentration (as a proxy for availability of organic substrate), and of HNA bacteria as a fraction of total bacteria to log chlorophyll-a. Abundance of HNA and LNA bacteria co-varied positively in all regions, although HNA bacteria were more responsive to high phytoplankton biomass in shelf waters than in slope and basin waters. Since LNA cell abundance in general showed responses similar to those of HNA cell abundance to changes in phytoplankton biomass, our data do not support the hypothesis that HNA cells are the sole active component of marine bacterioplankton.  相似文献   

Size-fractionated chlorophyll-a and carbon incorporation rates were determined on a series of 13 cruises carried out from 1992 to 2001with the aim of investigating the patterns and causes of variability in phytoplankton chlorophyll and production in the Eastern North Atlantic Subtropical Gyral Province (NASE). Averaged (±SE) integrated chlorophyll-a concentration and primary production rate were 17±1 mg m−2 and 253±22 mg C m−2 d−1. Small-sized cells (<2 μm) formed the bulk of phytoplankton biomass (71%) and accounted for 54% of total primary production. A clear latitudinal gradient in these variables was not detected. By contrast, large seasonal variability was detected in terms of primary production, although integrated phytoplankton biomass, as estimated from chlorophyll-a concentration, remained rather constant and did not display significant changes with time. Variability in primary production (PP) was related mainly to variability in surface temperature and surface chlorophyll-a concentration. The control exerted by surface temperature was related to nutrient availability. By contrary, euphotic-zone depth, depth of maximum concentration of chlorophyll-a and integrated chlorophyll-a did not contribute significantly to the high variability in primary production observed in this oligotrophic region.  相似文献   

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