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实验室条件下微生物降解原油的地球化学特征研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
通过对胜利油田四个正常原油样品微生物作用前后的族组分及饱和烃色谱质谱分析,发现实验室条件下微生物对原油有明显的降解作用。微生物作用以后的原油族组分其饱和烃相对含量降低,饱/芳比也明显降低,而芳烃、非烃和沥青质的相对含量都不同程度的升高。通过饱和烃色谱-质谱分析,发现微生物作用以后原油正构烷烃被严重降解,姥/植(Pr/Ph)比值和∑C21-/∑C22+比值都明显降低。微生物作用原油后能产生表面活性剂,造成了培养基表面张力的降低。  相似文献   
李晓海  李文博  张健 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):161-162
正辽宁北部秀水盆地位于华北板块北缘陆缘活动带之上,地质构造复杂。秀水盆地是在海西褶皱基底和前寒武纪基底上发育起来的中生代断陷型盆地,面积710 km~2,是前人油气调查工作空白区。秀水盆地早白垩世义县组上部发育优质烃源岩。部署在秀水盆地中部的辽法D1井义县组沉积地层厚度为280 m,暗色泥岩厚度为128 m。本文通过对辽法D1井义县组泥岩样品分析,采用气相色谱、气相色谱—质谱技术,剖析秀水盆地义县组烃源岩  相似文献   
正辽西坳陷地区位于燕辽裂陷带东部,在中新元古界时期沉降缓慢、地层发育齐全、厚度巨大,前人大量研究表明中-新元古界完全具备形成与富集规模性油气资源的条件。本文通过牛营子地区小庄户实测剖面的第一手数据,拟采用气相色谱、气相色谱-质谱技术,以小庄户剖面下马岭组烃源岩为研究目标,剖析其生物标志化合物分布特征,解译有机质生源、沉积环境等方面的信息。  相似文献   
黔南坳陷下寒武统烃源岩地球化学特征及成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确黔南坳陷下寒武统烃源岩地球化学特征及成因,采用岩石热解、GC、GC-MS等方法对3个典型剖面样品进行了系统分析。结果表明:黔南坳陷下寒武统黑色岩系为一套区域性海相优质烃源岩,厚约50~150 m;烃源岩TOC值为0.13%~15.40%,平均3.31%(n=169);烃源岩干酪根δ13C值为-35.79‰~-29.88‰,平均-32.85‰(n=35),显微组分主要为腐泥组;烃源岩干酪根海相镜质体反射率值为1.95%~3.96%,其等效镜质体反射率值为2.02%~3.47%;烃源岩饱和烃正构烷烃分布多为单峰形,主峰碳多为C22,C30藿烷和C27规则甾烷含量高,规则甾烷多为C27>C29>C28,Pr/Ph值为0.27~0.62,具较高的伽马蜡烷和硫芴含量,OEP值为0.82~1.11,C31升藿烷22S/(22S+22R)值为0.56~0.63,平均0.59;烃源岩总体具有富集轻稀土元素,Ba、Mo、V、U等元素含量高,具较强Ce负异常、Eu正异常和较高U/Th值等特征。总之,黔南坳陷下寒武统海相烃源岩分布广,厚度较大,有机质丰度高,类型好,热演化程度高,是高古生产力和缺氧环境共同作用的产物,可为黔南坳陷油气生成提供雄厚的成烃物质。  相似文献   
为研究黔北地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组烃源岩母质来源和沉积环境,开展了生物标志化合物分析,结果表明:④正构烷烃OEP接近1.0,无明显奇偶优势,受轻微生物降解影响,正构烷烃多表现为双峰型(c18/c25),(nC2+nC22)/(nC28+nC29)值为0.54~1.01,显示重烃组分占绝对优势;Pr/Ph值范围在0.51-0.82之间,具有植烷优势。②烃源岩样品组成相对丰度五环三萜烷〉5-g,萜烷〉四环萜烷,三环萜烷中C21、C23、C24呈倒V字形分布,Ts/(Tm+Ts)为0.45-0.50。⑧C27规则甾烷/c∞规则甾烷略小于1或者接近1.芳烃化合物DBT/P为0.05-0.09。根据这些特征并结合干酪根同位素及正构烷烃同位素组成和变化规律,认为该区域下寒武统牛蹄塘组烃源岩形成于浅海还原环境,且有机质主要来源于细菌、藻类等低等水生生物,有机质热演化程度较高。根据常量、微量元素指标并结合有机地化指标刻划出从灯影组到牛蹄塘组和明心寺组沉积时期的水体环境,将牛蹄塘组烃源岩的形成分为3个阶段。第一阶段为早寒武世初始快速海侵阶段,第二阶段为深水还原高有机质产力阶段,第三阶段为海水缓慢变浅高有机质产力阶段,而到了明心寺组沉积时期为浅水氧化非烃源岩阶段。  相似文献   
Petroleum geologists have debated whether the hydrocarbons from Jurassic coal measures are derived from the coals, carbonaceous mudstones or coal-measure mudstones in the Turpan Basin. Based on the geochemistry analysis of the 20 crude oils and 40 source rocks from the Turpan Basin, some data have been obtained as follows: carbon preference index and methylphenanthrene index of the Jurassic oils are 1.16–1.45 and 0.28–0.80, and the ααα C29 sterane 20S/(20S+20R) and C29 sterane ββ/(ββ+αα) are 0.44–0.51 and 0.4–0.54 respectively, which show the normal maturity of oils; the vitrinite reflectance of the source rocks from the Xishanyao to Badaowan Formations range from 0.47% to 0.97%, which indicate immature to mature thermal evolutionary stage and sufficient conditions for generating mass mature oil. The effect of hydrocarbon expulsion should be considered when studying the source of coal-derived oil by using Biomarkers. Biomarkers in the Jurassic oils from the basin are similar to those in the coals and carbonaceous mudstones, with a strong predominant content of pristane, relatively high ratio of C15/C16 sesquiterpenoids (>1), a relatively high content of low carbon number tricyclic terpanes and C24 tetracyclic terpane, little gammacerane and C29 Ts detected, an absolute predominant content of C29 sterane and a relatively high content of diasterane. However, the opposite characteristics are shown in mudstones, with an approximately equal content of pristane and phytane, relatively low ratio of C15/C16 sesquiterpenoids (<1), a relatively high content of high carbon number tricyclic terpanes and a low content of C24 tetracyclic terpane, peaks of gammacerane and C29 Ts detected obviously and an increasing C27 sterane content. All of these characteristics identify the coals and carbonaceous mudstones as the possible major oil source rocks in this area, and they were formed in the stronger oxidizing environment with shallower water than mudstones.  相似文献   
在对三塘湖盆地中二叠统原油物性、生物标志物特征分析的基础上,开展了油岩生物标志物参数的对比和成藏主控因素的分析。研究认为,中二叠统芦草沟组原油属于自生自储、源内成藏。条湖组原油主要来自芦草沟组烃源岩,属于近源成藏;部分原油(马49井等)来自下二叠统-上石炭统,属于源外成藏。中二叠统的源岩油藏分布主控因素主要体现在源和裂缝两个方面,有效源岩(主要体现在源岩成熟度上)控制了油藏的分布;裂缝(构造裂缝为主)则是控制油藏产能的关键。因此,三塘湖盆地的原油勘探应围绕源和裂缝这两个方面进行,上述认识对油田中二叠统原油的勘探具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地英买力地区原油地球化学特征与族群划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木盆地英买力地区油气成因复杂,采用多馏分、多组分化学成分分析及单体烃碳同位素分析途径,对该区海相、陆相油进行精细分析。结果表明,英买力油田主要有两大类油组,分别是南部YM2井区的海相油(I类)和北部YM7井区的陆相油(Ⅱ类),各自具有典型的海相油与陆相油的特征。进一步分析表明,两大油组内部仍有分异。将第二油组进一步分为两亚类,以中、古生界产层为主的正常黑油和重质油为一类(Ⅱa),以古近系为主的凝析油为另一类(Ⅱb)。两亚类原油正构烷烃单体烃同位素稍有差异,芳烃组成与分布具有显著差异。较之于Ⅱa原油,Ⅱb原油富含联苯系列与氧芴系列、不同类型芳烃系列中以低分子量同系物占绝对优势,其正构烷烃单体烃碳同位素更重,与相邻的羊塔克地区原油表现出一定的相似性,表明两者之间有一定的成因联系,前者可能为混源油,由位于库车坳陷中拜城凹陷提供两种陆相烃源岩。英买力地区陆相油并非以往确认的一种成因类型,可能至少由两套性质迥异的中生界烃源岩供烃。英买力地区第一类海相油(I类)尽管生物标志物特征相近,但分析原油的单体烃碳同位素具有显著差异,同样存在油气混源的可能。英买力地区海、陆相原油特征与成因的深入剖析,对于该区精细油源确认、油气成藏机制乃至油气资源评价具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Mesoproterozoic marine organic-rich rocks are widely distributed in the North China Craton,include the Gaoyuzhuang(GYZ),the Hongshuizhuang(HSZ),and the Xiamaling(XML)formations.According to the T;value and isomerisation ratio of C;homohopanes,the XML,HSZ,and GYZ samples were in low mature,mature and high mature stage,respectively.Biomarker distribution in extractable organic matter(EOM)of three Mesoproterozoic organic-rock samples in different maturity were analysed to reveal the organic precursor and preservation pathway of in the Mesoproterozoic Combined with gold-tube pyrolysates of three Mesoproterozoic samples,it could further illuminate the chemical composition of Mesoproterozoic kerogen,given excluding.The results indicated that the three formations were all deposited under reducing condition and their organic precursors mainly were some aquatic organisms.High content of rearranged hopanes was detected in EOM of XML and HSZ samples,whereas they were relatively low in the high mature GYZ sample.Contrast to that in EOM,the relative concentration of rearranged hopanes sharply decreased in the gold-tube pyrolysates of the XML kerogen,then slightly increased but was still significantly lower than the EOM of XML sample,which indicated that catalysis of clay minerals in the early diagenesis only changed the chemical composition of the unstable functional groups of the kerogen during the preservation.Due to the thriving heterotrophic microbes and low sink rate of particulate organic matter during the Mesoproterozoic,primary producers suffered extensive degradation during sinking process,only some resistant biopolymers lacking of lipid compounds survived from heterotrophic degradation,while heterotrophic microbes contained more proportion of organic precursors.Abundant pristane(Pr)and phytane(Ph)were only released in high mature stage because of the protection of the macromolecular structure of resistant biopolymers which prevented biomarkers from being altered by the thermal stress.The absence of 13α(n-alkyl)-tricyclic terpanes in the high matured hydrocarbon products also indicated the different precursors between different parts of Mesoproterozoic kerogen.The evolution of the biomarker composition and content of Mesoproterozoic kerogen showed some special characteristics differing from those of Phanerozoic kerogen.The total concentrations of hopanes displayed with an order of low mature stage>high mature stage>mature stage.Relative content of rearranged hopanes in the hydrocarbon generated in high mature stage was significantly lower than that in the low maturity stage.The ratios of Pr/n-C17 and Ph/n-C18 increased with thermal maturity,and the ratio of nC21-/nC22+ decreased in the high maturity stage,thus displaying another order of mature stage>high maturity stage>low maturity stage.The unique preservation pathway of Mesoproterozoic organisms was attributed to the special evolution characteristics of biomarker distributions,which should be considered in the Mesoproterozoic marine environment and biological studies.  相似文献   
Two comparative simulation experiments(a normal atmospheric-pressure opening system and a 20 MPa closed system)were conducted to study the geochemical evolution of n-alkane,sterane,and terpane biomarkers in the process of oil cracking into gas under different pressures.With an initial experimental temperature set at 300°C,the temperature was increased to 650°C at a heating rate of 30°C/h.The products were tested every 50°C starting at 300°C,and a pressure of 20 MPa was achieved using a water column.The low-maturity crude oil sample was from the Paleogene system in the Dongying sag in eastern China.The threshold temperature obtained for the primary oil cracking process in both pressure systems was 450°C.Before the oil was cracked into gas,some components,including macromolecular n-alkanes,were cracked into medium-or small-sized n-alkanes.The secondary oil cracking of heavy hydrocarbon gases of C2–5to methane mainly occurred between 550°C to 650°C,and the parameters Ln(C1/C2)and Ln(C1/C3),as well as the dry coefficients,increased.Overpressure inhibited the oil cracking process.In the 20 MPa system,the oil conversion rate decreased,the temperature threshold for gas generation rose,and oil cracking was inhibited.Compared with the normal pressure system,high-carbon n-alkanes and other compounds in the 20 MPa pressure system were reserved.Furthermore,the parameters∑C21-/∑22+,Ln(C1/C2),and Ln(C1/C3),as well as the dry coefficients,decreased within the main temperature range.During secondary oil cracking(550°C to 600°C),the Ph/nC18and Pr/nC17decreased.High pressure influenced the evolution of the biomarkers Ts and Tm,C31homohopane,C29sterane,and their related maturity parameters to different extents during oil cracking under different temperature ranges.  相似文献   
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