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The distribution of precipitation field from the typhoon Haitang (2005) during its landing on Fujian province shows obvious asymmetric feature. Based on the NCEP/NCAR FNL (Final Analysis) data, this study reveals the contributions of atmospheric factor to the asymmetrical distribution characteristics of precipitation associated with the typhoon, through the analysis of water vapor condition, vertical ascending motion condition, the calculation of the dry Q vector and its decomposition, and adiabatic heating in the air column of 1000hPa -600hPa (lower atmosphere) and 500hPa-100hPa (upper atmosphere). The results are as follows: (1) In the lower atmosphere, the humidity on both sides of typhoon path can be equivalent, while it is more wet on the right side than left in the upper atmosphere, which obviously presents asymmetric distribution characteristics. (2) Both range and intensity of the vertical motion on the right side are wider and stronger than counterparts on the left side no matter in the lower or upper atmosphere. (3) In the upper atmosphere, forcing role of atmosphere in vertical upward motion on the right side of typhoon path is the same as that on the left, while it is significantly different in the lower atmosphere, which is significantly broader in scope and stronger in the intensity, along with obvious asymmetric distribution characteristics. In addition, the further analysis of the Q vector decomposition indicates that the forcing effect of mesoscale weather systems on vertical upward motion is stronger than that of large scale weather systems in the lower atmosphere. (4) The adiabatic heating always exists on both lower and upper atmosphere, and the range and intensity of the adiabatic heating forcing showed asymmetric distribution on both lower and upper atmosphere. (5) In a summary, the upper atmosphere humidity conditions, the forcing role of lower atmosphere in vertical upward motion, especially, to mesoscale weather system, and adiabatic heating in the lower atmosphere, all show similar asymmetric distribution characteristics to that of precipitation field from the typhoon Haitang (2005), that is to say, the atmospheric factors as mentioned above are all contributed to genesis of the asymmetric distribution characteristics of precipitation.  相似文献   

台风艾云尼(1804号)第2次登陆广东过程中降水表现出显著的非对称分布,强降水主要位于其路径前进方向的右侧(简称台风右侧)。利用欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA5再分析资料、广东风廓线雷达观测资料以及降水观测资料,对造成非对称降水的环流背景和动力、热力结构演变特征进行了分析。结果表明:艾云尼左右两侧水汽输送及动力、热力条件差异是造成降水非对称的主要原因。加强的低空急流以及台风马力斯(1805号)水汽的输送为台风右侧强降水的产生提供了更好的水汽背景,而低空急流的加强配合高空强的辐散抽吸使得右侧垂直上升运动也明显大于左侧。边界层内强盛的低空急流以及珠江三角洲地区下垫面强摩擦辐合作用导致艾云尼右前侧径向入流强度更强、强入流层厚度更厚、边界层高度更高,且由于距离台风眼墙越近风速越大,上述现象越明显,为强降水的产生提供的动力和水汽条件越好。强降水期间艾云尼右侧低层大气维持不稳定状态,分析表明强低空急流携带的θse平流及其随高度的减弱弥补了强降水造成的能量损耗,是不稳定能量维持的重要原因。   相似文献   

Study was carried out on two landfall typhoons Haitang and Matsa, which affected Zhejiang province seriously in 2005. Firstly, the similarity and difference between the two typhoon-induced heavy rains were compared and it was pointed out that both of them brought strong large-scale precipitation and the maximum centers of rainfall were located on the north side of the landfall site. Making landfall on Fujian, Haitang was weaker than Matsa in intensity but surpassed it in rainfall. Then with focus on intensity, moving speed, structure of typhoon, circulation and terrain, the two typhoon-related heavy rains were compared and analyzed. Results show that the asymmetrical distribution of rainfall was closely related to the structure of typhoons themselves, moisture transportation and mesoscale terrain. In contrast to the south side, the north side was hotter and wetter and water vapor was also more abundant. The phenomenon of more rainfall induced by Haitang was in connection with the following reasons. Invading cold air led to rainfall increases, weakened dynamic field and slower movement both benefited precipitation. For the last part, the cold characteristic of air mass over Zhejiang was also a favorable factor for the rain.  相似文献   

台湾地形对海棠台风影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
程婧  倪允琪 《气象科学》2009,29(5):575-583
应用美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)研发的WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)气象模式,研究海棠台风(2005)接近并登陆台湾岛的过程中的强度、结构的演变,以及地形强迫作用对台风的影响.对模拟结果的评估表明,在整个海棠台风(2005)模拟实验期间,WRF模式很好地抓住了台风海棠强风,低中心气压的高强度特征.对引起台风降水的中尺度系统的分析表明,一方面台风环流与中央山脉地形共同作用激发出垂直次级环流在降水区域产生强烈的上升运动;另一方面,水平风场源源不断给该地区输送暖湿空气,为对流发展提供充足的水汽.分析结果表明中央山脉地形与台风环流场之间的配置形势对台风降水有着重要的影响.  相似文献   

台风“海棠”特大暴雨数值模拟研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
在福建中北部登陆的台风,往往会严重影响浙江,尤其值得注意的是台风引起特大暴雨经常会发生在浙江东南沿海的南雁荡山区和北雁荡山区,2005年在福建省连江黄歧登陆的台风"海棠"(0505)对浙江东南沿海造成严重影响,是这类台风比较典型个例。文中利用非静力模式MM5模拟"海棠"台风在浙东南沿海造成的特大暴雨,模拟结果与实况对比分析表明,模式较好地模拟了台风降水强度和分布,特别是成功模拟出南雁荡山区特大暴雨中心(南部暴雨区)和雁荡山区特大暴雨中心(北部暴雨区);运用高时空分辨率模拟资料对特大暴雨成因进行诊断分析表明,南部暴雨区涡度低层到高层向西倾斜结构和北部暴雨区高低空强辐散辐合的耦合结构有利于形成暴雨区强烈上升运动,环境风场垂直切变产生次级环流进一步加强暴雨区上升运动;暴雨区持续不稳定层结和特殊水汽输送通道为特大暴雨提供热力条件和水汽条件。最后对浙南闽北地形对台风特大暴雨影响进行数值敏感性试验表明,温州南、北雁荡山脉地形等高线与台风水汽输送路径正交是造成特大暴雨的重要原因,地形使暴雨增幅明显,地形越高对暴雨增幅越明显,降水分布更加不均匀。比较台风造成南、北特大暴雨条件,发现两者既有环境风场垂直切变产生次级环流进一步加强暴雨区上升运动、持续不稳定层结以及地形对暴雨增幅作用等相同之处,又有动力结构、维持持续不稳定层结条件以及水汽输送等不同之处。  相似文献   

利用NCEP 1 °×1 °再分析资料和卫星资料,以2011年强台风“纳沙”为例,分析了“纳沙”登陆海南岛前后的降水特征,并分析了“纳沙”周围TBB、湿度、水平风速和垂直速度在其路径两侧分布的不对称性,并从空间结构的分布上讨论了降水分布的可能成因。结果表明:登陆海南岛前后,“纳沙”的降水在其路径两侧的分布呈显著的不对称性,强降水主要集中在其路径左侧。“纳沙”除温度距平的分布较对称外,其它物理量在台风周围的空间结构均表现为显著的不对称性:(1)TBB,在路径左侧的强对流云系的强度和范围均比右侧大;(2)湿度,路径左侧的湿区范围比路径右侧大;(3)水平风速,台风位于海上和登陆时,路径右侧的最大风速比左侧强,台风登陆时其左右两侧最大风速相差20 m/s;在登陆前和登陆后路径右侧的相等大风速区范围比左侧大;(4)垂直速度,路径左侧的上升运动比右侧强,尤其在台风登陆时左侧的垂直上升速度比右侧大-2.4 Pa/s。通过对比上述物理量的非对称分布与降水分布可知,湿度可能是台风降水非对称分布的原因之一,而垂直速度可能是造成“纳沙”非对称降水的主要原因。另外,从垂直风切变作用进一步探究台风降水非对称性的形成机制,结果发现“纳沙”登陆前后的强降水均集中在顺切变方向及其左侧。垂直风切变可较好地解释路径左侧的强垂直上升运动和强降水区。此外海南岛的地形条件也导致“纳沙”在登陆期间海南岛西部的降水显著增加。   相似文献   

台风“达维”不对称结构特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用地面加密观测资料、FY-2E卫星TBB和水汽图像资料、NCEP1°×1°再分析资料综合分析了2012 年第10 号台风“达维”的不对称结构特征及成因。结果表明:台风“达维”登陆后在云系结构、降水落区、高低层风场等都表现出不对称分布,其中暴雨主要分布在台风中心北到东北侧;通过FY-2E水汽图像分析清晰地揭示了这种不对称结构的演变,台风西侧干下沉暗区切断了西南侧水汽输送,使得台风中心西侧和南侧对流云系减弱消失,而东南侧一直存在一水汽羽伸入台风环流为其提供水汽和能量。同时,强高空辐散、弱垂直风切变以及明显的上升运动,有利于台风“达维”北到东北侧对流云系的发展维持,引发强降水;高空槽带来的冷空气侵入台风环流内部,破坏了它的暖心结构,使得台风“达维”在渤海海面填塞消失。  相似文献   

Typhoons landing in the central and north of Fujian Province often seriously impact Zhejiang Province. Much attention has been given to exceptionally torrential rain in the South/North Yandang mountainous regions in the southeast of Zhejiang Province associated with typhoon-landing. Typhoon Haitang (2005) is a typical case of such a category, which landed in Huangqi Town of Lianjiang County in Fujian Province, and meanwhile greatly impacted Southeast Zhejiang. A numerical simulation has been performed with the PSU/NCAR non-hydrostatic model MM5V3 to study the torrential rain associated with Typhoon Haitang. The comparison of simulated and observed rainfalls shows that the MM5V3 was able to well simulate not only the intensity but also the locations of severe heavy rain of Typhoon Haitang, especially the locations of the south/north heavy rain center areas in the South/North Yandang mountainous regions. Meanwhile, the diagnostic analysis has been also carried out for better understanding of the severe heavy rain mechanism by using the model output data of high resolution. The diagnostic analysis indicates that the westward tilt of the axis of vorticity from lower layer to upper layer over the south heavy rain center area and the coupled structure of convergence in the lower layer and divergence in the upper level over the north heavy rain center area, were both propitious to stronger upward motion in the layers between the mid and upper atmosphere, and the secondary circulation induced by the vertical shear of the ambient winds further strengthened the upward motion in the heavy rain areas. After Haitang passed through Taiwan Island into the Taiwan Strait, the water vapor east of Taiwan Island was continuously transferred by typhoon circulation towards South Wenzhou, leading to the torrential rainfall in the South Yandang mountainous region south of Wenzhou. Subsequently~ Haitang moved northwards, the water vapor belt east of Taiwan Island slowly advanced northwards, the precipitation rate obviously enhanced i  相似文献   

The responses of vertical structures,in convective and stratiform regions,to the large-scale forcing during the landfall of tropical storm Bilis(2006) are investigated using the data from a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model simulation.An imposed large-scale forcing with upward motion in the mid and upper troposphere and downward motion in the lower troposphere on 15 July suppresses convective clouds,which leads to ~100% coverage of raining stratiform clouds over the entire model domain.The imposed forci...  相似文献   

卜松  李英 《大气科学》2020,44(1):27-38
利用CMORPH降水资料,将热带气旋(TC)登陆后的降水分为路径左侧降水(L型)和右侧降水(R型)两类,并针对登陆华东地区TC的 L型和R型降水的大气环流场、环境水平风垂直切变以及台风环流内的动热力条件进行对比分析,结果表明:2005~2014年间登陆华东地区的20例TC中包括12例L型和8例R型。总体来看,大气环流因子对于登陆华东TC降水分布起主要作用。L型降水TC高层南亚高压主要呈纬向带状分布,在登陆过程中路径左侧维持偏东风高空辐散气流,中层西风槽偏东,西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高)偏南,环境水平风垂直切变指向西南。R型降水TC高层南亚高压断裂,呈经向分布。TC路径左侧风场较均匀,右侧东南风高空辐散气流明显。副高的位置偏北呈块状,同时环境水平风垂直切变指向东北,有利于路径右侧降水。台风环流内,低层冷暖平流输送以及水汽辐合与降水落区也有较好对应关系。L型TC低层暖平流的输送使TC西南象限低层增暖,大气稳定度降低。同时水汽辐合区也主要位于西南象限,有利于TC路径左侧降水。而R型TC副高位置偏北可将南侧的东南暖湿气流向台风环流更西部输送,东北象限维持暖平流,有利于路径右侧降水发生。  相似文献   

“海棠”台风降水非对称分布特征成因的定量分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
岳彩军 《大气科学》2009,33(1):51-70
2005年7月19日08时~20日08时“海棠”(Haitang)台风登陆福建省前后24小时期间, 带来一次明显降水过程, 且台风北侧降水较南侧强, 呈明显非对称分布。利用WRF模式对此次降水过程进行了数值模拟, 基于模拟结果, 不仅分析研究了相对湿度、 垂直上升运动场, 同时还进行改进的湿Q矢量诊断分析, 以及计算分析地形抬升和地表摩擦的强迫作用, 定量分析“海棠”台风降水非对称分布特征形成的可能成因。结果表明:(1) WRF模式成功地模拟出了此次降水非对称分布特征、主要降水落区, 以及300 mm以上极端强降水的强度、位置, 模拟效果令人鼓舞。(2) 垂直上升运动条件可能是造成降水非对称分布特征的主要因素。(3) 台风北侧改进的湿Q矢量散度辐合强度明显较其南侧强, 进一步计算分析发现, 改进的湿Q矢量散度强迫产生的降水场也呈明显非对称分布, 且台风北侧强于南侧。(4) 地形因子强迫产生的降水强度约是改进的湿Q矢量散度强迫产生的降水强度的1.6~2.5倍, 且地表摩擦作用强迫产生的降水强度约是地形抬升作用强迫产生的降水强度的2~3倍。  相似文献   

应用常规资料、FNL再分析资料,分析相似路径台风“尼伯特”和“莫兰蒂”对江西暴雨的影响,结果表明:1)“尼伯特”和“莫兰蒂”进入江西后降水落区差别较大,“尼伯特”降水主要位于赣南地区,以对流性降水为主;“莫兰蒂”降水主要集中于赣东北,以层状云稳定性降水为主。2)“尼伯特”和“莫兰蒂”环流形势类似,台风东、西、北三面都被高压控制,台风的北侧系统差异造成两个台风移速差异,“莫兰蒂”北侧有西风槽东移,使“莫兰蒂”的移速较“尼伯特”更快。3)干空气对不稳定能量积累起重要作用,相较于“莫兰蒂”,“尼伯特”过程中江西上空有较为深厚的干空气,更利于不稳定能量积累,造成降水性质差异。4)两个台风期间高、低层干空气的差异是造成降水位置差异的主要原因。“尼伯特”期间台风西侧高层干侵入不明显,而在“莫兰蒂”期间台风西侧干侵入明显,利于江西东北部降水,而抑制江西西部南部降水;对流层低层,“尼伯特”影响期间,干空气控制台风北侧和西南侧环流,切断其西南部的水汽输送;而在“莫兰蒂”影响过程中,台风中心北、西、南侧均受干空气影响,水汽输送通道更为不通畅。  相似文献   

选取2019年9月7-8日NCEP/NCAR(1°×1°)再分析资料,分析了降水实况、卫星云图、环流形势、物理量场。结果表明:此次暴雨过程主要受台风登陆后减弱的热带风暴影响,副热带高压的维持为水汽的输送与台风的北进起到了促进作用,台风外围水汽成为此次降水的主要水汽来源,高低空急流耦合加强了动力条件,暴雨落区与高空急流的右侧、低空急流的左侧、垂直运动强上升区及水汽通量散度辐合区有较高的吻合度。  相似文献   

“海棠”台风(2005)雨强差异成因分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过对暴雨(A1)、大暴雨(A2)及特大暴雨(A3)区中潜热(大尺度潜热加热和对流潜热加热)、改进的湿Q矢量(Q*)以及地形因子(地形抬升和地表摩擦)作用的计算及对比分析,定量探讨了"海棠"台风(2005)雨强差异成因。结果表明,潜热加热在整个台风登陆过程中,基本都有助于A2与A1之间雨强差异形成,且在台风登陆后约1/3时段内对A1、A2及A3之间雨强差异形成有明显贡献。对于Q*矢量强迫作用,台风登陆前,仅有助于A2与A1之间雨强差异形成,在台风登陆后,则对A1、A2及A3之间雨强差异形成贡献明显。地形因子作用在台风登陆前,仅有助于A3与A1、A2之间雨强形成差异,但在台风登陆后,则有利于A1、A2及A3之间雨强差异形成。  相似文献   

Summary A new typhoon model named as GRAPES_TCM is applied to study the pre-landfall erratic track of Typhoon Haitang (2005), which hit China twice in mid-July by making landfall in Taiwan and Fujian provinces consecutively. The model is based on the Chinese Global/Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System (GRAPES) and put into real-time operational test since 2004. It predicts almost correctly the pre-landfall loop and sharp turn of Haitang and its asymmetric rainfall distribution. Haitang’s erratic track is well explained by the potential vorticity (PV) theory on tropical cyclone motion, with the typhoon center moving toward the area of maximum wave-number 1 (WN1) PV tendency most of the time. Among the terms contributing to the WN1 PV tendency, the horizontal advection of PV is dominant with the diabatic heating and residual terms also being not negligible. A sensitivity experiment is carried out with removal of the Taiwan terrain to determine its importance in the erratic track of Haitang and it is found that the basic erratic feature of Haitang’s track remians unchanged although it tends to have a larger loop and a weaker northward turn, which suggests that Taiwan terrain may not be a key factor here. The sudden change of Haitang’s moving direction is always accompanied by a newly-generated or re-intensified WN1 PV center in the southern semicircle, which circles around the TC center cyclonically afterwards and weakens in the north or northwestern part. A phase-lock WN1 PV forcing related to diabatic heating is proposed to be the major contributor, the importance of which is magnified as it is in phase with the WN1 horizontal advection of PV. The intrusion of mid-level warm and dry air, as well as the existence of a low-level southwesterly jet, is considered to be the main reasons for such a phase-lock of the diabatic heating forcing on the PV tendency field that finally results in the erratic track of Haitang.  相似文献   

冀春晓  薛根元  赵放 《大气科学》2007,31(2):233-244
应用非静力平衡中尺度模式MM5(V3.6),对0414号台风Rananim在登陆期间移动路径和所产生的降水进行了数值模拟研究,模式较好地再现了台风Rananim的移动路径和所产生的降水,但模拟的过程降雨量与实况值还有所偏差。多普勒雷达探测资料表明,台风Rananim登陆期间,强回波带出现在台风移动的右前方,螺旋云带中镶嵌着大量的对流云团;垂直液态水含量的高值区出现在台风中心的西北侧。作者通过在浙江、福建东部沿海一带进行有无地形的数值对比试验,着重讨论了台风登陆期间地形对台风降水、台风结构特征变化的影响。结果表明:(1)台风登陆期间, 地形的影响对台风降雨量有明显的增幅作用。由地形强迫产生的降雨量和地形走向相一致,迎风坡降雨量增加,背风坡降雨量减少,地形影响使浙江东部一带增加的平均降雨量约占该地区模拟平均总降雨量的40%左右。(2)台风登陆期间,地形的强迫作用有利于在低层台风眼的西北侧形成明显的辐合带,高层为明显的辐散区;在中尺度环流场上,地形的影响有利于台风中心西北侧低层中尺度气旋性涡旋系统的发生发展,从而激发中尺度对流云团,形成中尺度雨团,造成了台风中心南北雨区和雨量的不对称分布。(3)地形的强迫作用,可以使台风流场局部发生改变。当地形强迫产生与台风环流同向的中尺度扰动时,将使台风环流局部明显增强;当地形强迫产生与台风环流反向的中尺度扰动时,将使台风环流局部明显减弱。(4)台风登陆期间,地形的影响可以使台风靠近陆地一侧眼壁内的垂直上升速度增大,位涡明显增强,从而造成台风涡旋的增强。  相似文献   

“海棠”台风(2005)暴雨过程数值模拟及位涡分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用WRF模式对2005年"海棠"台风登陆福建省前后24h内所造成的降水过程进行了数值模拟,在此基础上,利用模式输出结果,借助位涡理论分析位涡与台风低压流场及降水的关系,并结合对风场、相当位温、相对湿度等诊断量的分布特征分析,探讨了台风强降水的发展和维持机制。结果表明,310K等熵面上高位涡发展演变较好反映了台风低压系统路径移动以及强度变化的过程。暴雨中心主要出现在位涡大值区及其偏东北方向,且位涡气块回旋少动,与暴雨的发展维持密切相关。高位涡区主要位于等熵面坡度和梯度最大处,当等熵面上下贯通,对流层高层的高位涡沿等熵面下传,形成位涡柱时,有利于暴雨增幅。台风环流内水汽充足,上升运动强烈,也有助于此次台风降水强度持续强大。  相似文献   

冷空气影响辽东半岛热带气旋降水的数值试验   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
梁军  陈联寿  张胜军 《大气科学》2008,32(5):1107-1118
Matsa(0509)是直接登陆辽东半岛的变性台风,利用MM5v3模式对2005年8月8~9日在山东半岛和辽东半岛发生的暴雨过程进行模拟,并通过敏感试验研究冷空气对辽东半岛热带气旋降水的影响。结果表明:冷空气入侵热带气旋外围,对辽东半岛地区对流云团的强度、上升运动及其降水具有明显的增强作用。对流层中下层弱冷空气和对流层中上层较强冷空气的作用,使辽东半岛地区的回波强度和上升运动明显加强,有利于半岛地区暴雨增幅,其中对流层中上层较强冷空气对辽东半岛暴雨的作用显著。无冷空气影响或对流层中下层强冷空气作用时,辽东半岛上空的上升运动和回波强度明显减弱,强对流维持时间短,半岛地区的降水量明显减少。  相似文献   

利用NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料、常规气象观测资料、数值模式预报资料、多普勒天气雷达产品等,针对台风"潭美"(2013)登陆后影响江西的移动路径变化和强降水过程,从大尺度环流背景、物理量场等方面进行了诊断分析。结果表明:1)台风的移动路径与副高变化有关,由于受副高南缘的偏东南气流影响,其中心向西北偏西方向移动,进入江西后受副高阻挡逐渐转为偏西和西南偏西方向,因此强大的副高是影响"潭美"移动路径变化的重要系统。2)"潭美"登陆后,中心附近的风速分布表现出明显的不对称结构。随着其向偏西方向移动,大风速区呈逆时针旋转。这种风场结构中不对称的强风速区转移影响了台风的移动路径,使向西北方向的移动逐渐转为西行和西南行。东西风分量差与台风移动路径的变化之间具有很好的对应关系。3)多普勒雷达产品1 h降水量(OHP)与雷达反射率以及大气空中垂直液态含水量(VIL)具有很好的对应关系,与实际降水落区具有较好的对应关系,但其量值要比实际降水量明显偏小,平均在50%左右。4)水汽通量辐合越强,暴雨越强。强降水的产生与来自西南方向的水汽输送带密切相关。江西省中部大范围上升运动的出现和发展,为强降水的产生提供了动力机制;低层辐合、高层辐散的存在是此次台风强降水发生发展的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

Effects of vertical wind shear on convective development during the landfall of tropical storm Bilis (2006) are investigated with a pair of sensitivity experiments using a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model. The validated simulation data from Wang et al. [Wang, D., Li, X., Tao, W.-K., Liu, Y., Zhou, H., 2009: Torrential rainfall processes associated with a landfall of severe tropical storm Bilis (2006): A two-dimensional cloud-resolving modeling study. Atmos. Res., 91, 94–104.] are used as the control experiment. The difference between the control and sensitivity experiments is that vertically varying zonal winds in the control experiment are replaced by their mass-weighted means in the sensitivity experiment. The imposed vertical velocity with ascending motion in the upper troposphere and descending motion in the lower troposphere is responsible for dominant stratiform rainfall on 15 July. The vertical wind shear does not have important impacts on development of stratiform rainfall. One day later, imposed upward motion extends to the lower troposphere. The inclusion of negative vertical wind shear produces well-organized convection and strong convective rainfall because it causes kinetic energy transfer from large-scale forcing to perturbation circulations.  相似文献   

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