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日本新任首相安倍晋三于2006年10月8日访华。他就任后第一次出访就到中国,说明很重视与中国和亚洲的外交关系,旨在改变小泉时代留下的政治后遗症——中日关系冷淡,日本亚洲外交危机。安倍访华期间中日发表联合公报,其内容包括坚持东海磋商,加快共同开发步伐,寻求双方都能接受的方案等。安倍访华标志着中日紧张关系开始缓和,但并不等于中日东海问题就此迎刃而解。中日东海问题是长期形成的,错综复杂的,不可能通过一两次首脑访问就能解决根本问题,充其量只能起到遏制势头恶化的作用。以笔者之见,在东海问题上日方仍然掌握着主动权,海上保安厅出动武装舰船和飞机始终控制着我国固有领土——钓鱼岛及其周边海域。至今没有任何迹象表明日本政府要收回授权民间企业在东海试开采的成命,强行试钻的可能性依然存在。中日双方虽然就东海共同开发达成继续进行磋商的一致意见,但从发展趋势分析最终仍有利日方。  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively studies the transient dynamic response of a semi-submersible production platform with the loss of one or several positioning mooring lines.A semi-submersible platform,production risers,and positioning mooring lines are all included in the numerical simulation.Increased motion of the semi-submersible platform,tension variation of the remaining mooring lines/risers and the risk of mooring line or riser clashing are all investigated through fully coupled time-domain analysis.Combined environmental loads are selected from irregular waves and the steady current varying from very rough to extreme sea conditions.Three dimension radiation/diffraction theories and Morison’s equation are applied to calculate first-order wave force and second-order mean drift force of floating semi-submersible platform.Nonlinear time-domain finite element methods are employed to analyze the behavior of mooring lines and risers.Results show that the failure of mooring lines seriously reduce the platform’s stability performance.The tension of the rest lines is also increased accordingly.Remaining lines which are closer to the failed lines will have larger tension increase to compensate.Line-Line distance provides practical information for the risk of clashing investigation.  相似文献   

赖其良  袁军  邵宗泽 《台湾海峡》2008,27(2):141-146
以印度洋深层海水,用柴油和石油作为混合碳源经富集培养、分离获得一株具有很强的柴油降解能力的茵株P40.茵株P40革兰氏染色阴性,接触酶和氧化酶为阳性,能还原硝酸盐,不能还原亚硝酸盐.16S rDNA Blastn 结果表明其与 Alcanivorax dieselolei B-5T(柴油食烷茵)及 A.dieselolei NO1A具有最高相似性,均为99.8%.茵株P40的gyrB序列与 A.dieselolei NO1A同源性也高达99.2%.而与A.dieselolei B-5T只有86.9%.此外,从茵株P40中克隆到两个烷烃羟化酶alkB基因片断,分别命名为P40-alkB1和P40-alkB2.其中P40-alkBl与报道的 A.dieselolei B-5T 中的 alkB 同源性较高,达96.3%,而与同为深海来源的茵株NO1A的alkB的同源性更是达100%,P40-alkB2则与A.borkumensis SK2T(泊库岛食烷茵)的alkB1同源性最高,但仅为65%.  相似文献   

6月8日,2011年世界海洋日暨全国海洋宣传日主场活动在辽宁省大连市隆重开幕,今年活动的主题是辛亥百年,海洋振兴。全国人大常委会副委员长周铁农出席庆祝大会并宣布2011世界海洋日暨全国海洋宣传日活动开幕。国家  相似文献   

保障渔民合法权益是深化海洋管理工作面临的重要课题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舟山是我国唯一以群岛设立的地级市,区域总面积2.22万km2,其中海域面积2万hm2余,“港、景、渔”等海洋资源十分丰富,是名副其实的海洋大市。  相似文献   

The performance of dual perforated floating plates in a rectangular tank is investigated based on the model tests under different external excitations for different filling rates.It is found that dual perforated floating plates in the tank can remarkably mitigate violent resonant sloshing responses compared with the clean tank,especially when the external excitation frequency is in the vicinity of the first-order resonant frequency.Next,the parametric studies based on different filling rates and external excitation amplitudes are performed for the first-order resonant frequencies.The presence of dual perforated floating plates seldom shifts the sloshing natural frequencies.Further,dual perforated floating plates change the sloshing modes from the standing-wave mode in the clean tank to the Utube mode,which can arise from the sloshing reduction to some extent.  相似文献   

The ice resistance on a ship hull affects the safety of the hull structure and the ship maneuvering performance in icecovered regions.In this paper,the discrete element method(DEM)is adopted to simulate the interaction between level ice and ship hull.The level ice is modeled with 3D bonded spherical elements considering the buoyancy and drag force of the water.The parallel bonding approach and the de-bonding criterion are adopted to model the freezing and breakage of level ice.The ship hull is constructed with rigid triangle elements.To improve computational efficiency,the GPU-based parallel computational algorithm was developed for the DEM simulations.During the interaction between the ship hull and level ice,the ice cover is broken into small blocks when the interparticle stress approaches the bonding strength.The global ice resistance on the hull is calculated through the contacts between ice elements and hull elements during the navigation process.The influences of the ice thickness and navigation speed on the dynamic ice force are analyzed considering the breakage mechanism of ice cover.The Lindqvist and Riska formulas for the determination of ice resistance on ship hull are employed to validate the DEM simulation.The comparison of results of DEM,Lindqvist,and Riska formula show that the DEM result is between those the Lindqvist formula and Riska formula.Therefore the proposed DEM is an effective approach to determine the ice resistance on the ship hull.This work can be aided in the hull structure design and the navigation operation in ice-covered fields.  相似文献   

很高兴前来参加“国际极地年中国行动”启动仪式。国际极地年是全球范围的科学家共同策划、联合开展的大规模极地科学考察  相似文献   

以长海县1993年和2005年Landsat-TM数据为基础,运用遥感软件ENVI,经噪音剔除、主成分变换、彩色合成、分类处理、差值运算提取出长山列岛新增建设用地,生成新增建设用地矢量数据,结合GIS软件MapInfo,经过投影转换、叠加分析、缓冲区分析、空间信息统计,分析新增建设用地的空间分布及影响机制,结果表明:长海县的建设用地在1993-2005年不同程度地增加,人口及经济发展是建设用地增加的主要促进因子;交通干线对新增加的建设用地具有空间吸引效应;新增建设用地有向港口等基础设施集中的特征;新增建设用地空间分布受到已有产业功能分区的影响.研究表明,RS&GIS支持下,利用TM数据分析海岛建设用地变化具有一定的应用前景.  相似文献   

不同软基处理方法适用性比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
总结分析了国内外现有的软土地基处理的各种方法。通过对采用不同方法进行软基处理的工程实例处理效果的定量对比,发现不同软基处理方法的适用性差异很大,多数工程中仅用一种方法很难达到设计要求,而两种或多种方法联合则可望取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

海底管道拖管法分析和研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海底管道铺设是海洋油气工程建设的一项重要内容.海底管道铺设的方法有铺管船法和拖管法.铺管船法受铺管船舶资源的限制,而拖管法铺管不依赖铺管船,在一定的条件下,可以节约费用,因此研究拖管法铺管就非常有意义.文中首先介绍各种管道铺设施工方法,并对各种方法的优缺点进行比较.然后分别分析研究了浮拖法、底拖法和离底拖法三种拖管方法的施工工艺及管道应力变形,并结合实例对三种拖管方法的拖管过程进行了分析.  相似文献   

互花米草的快速入侵及扩散将导致入侵地的生态系统失衡。我国大陆从北到南的沿海地区分布着大面积的互花米草,严重降低了海岸带的生物多样性及生态屏障功能。我国各地防控互花米草入侵的主要方法包括物理、化学和生物防治三大类。目前各地采用的刈割、碾埋、围堰水淹等单一的防治方法可有效治理小面积的互花米草入侵,对大面积或成片互花米草的治理效果欠佳。文章通过分析比较现有的治理方法,结合科研实践经验,提出了将物理防治法、化学防治法和生物演替法有机结合起来,适宜中国不同地区互花米草的综合整治方法。  相似文献   

剖面法测量近岸水体遥感反射率的新方法   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
光学剖面法是测量遥感反射率的首选方法。根据我国近岸水体的特点,提出采用下行辐照度剖面补偿剖面测量时环境影响的方法,估算水面之下遥感反射率[rrs(λ)]。从对实际测量数据的应用效果可见,同站位多次测量的rrs(λ),其相对偏差可控制在10%之内。  相似文献   

The profiling method is the first method to select in measuring the remotesensing reflectance. In the light of the characteristics of China‘s coastal waters, we develop a new method to compensate the environment‘s effects with the downwelling irradiance‘s profile and to estimate the underwater remote-sensing reflectance rrs(λ). The result indicates that the relative deviation of repetitious rrs(λ) in one station is around 10%.  相似文献   

For classical Hamiltonian with general form we find a new convenient way to obtain its normal coordinates, namely, let H be quantised and then employ the invariant eigen-operator (IEO) method (Fan et al. 2004 Phys. Lett. A 321 75) to derive them. The general matrix equation, which relies on M and L, for obtaining the normal coordinates of H is derived.  相似文献   

For the static pressure pile, the most important is to determine the standard value of ultimate bearing capacity of single pile. At present, the bearing capacity of pile foundation is usually determined by the cone penetration test (CPT) test. The empirical formula was used in practice, but the effect of excess pore water pressure generated in the penetration on the measured cone-tip resistance and side friction is neglected. In this study, based on the field test results at Fengyu playground at Yancheng Institute of Technology by CPT and CPTU methods, the bearing capacity of pile was predicted by the standardized methods, the LCPC (France method) and CPTU direct prediction methods. The prediction was also compared with the results by the static load test method. The prediction accuracy of the CPTU method was then discussed as well. The results reveal that the accuracy of the CPTU method was the highest, which was consistent with the results obtained by the static load test method. It is the best method and worthy of being applied for predicting bearing capacity of piles in engineering applications.  相似文献   

水文资料插值计算方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用5种常用的插值计算方法,对海洋实测资料序列中的某些固定节点进行插值计算,然后根据均方误差和图形拟合相结合的方法,探讨插值计算方法的适用性及应用条件并得出结论:阿基玛插值和三点拉格朗日插值效果拟合性最好,具有普遍应用性,多点拉格朗日和线性插值较为中性,在插值步长不大的条件下,插值效果较好,而牛顿插值不稳定,应用条件相对苛刻.  相似文献   

在求解无约束最优化问题的直接方法中,Powell方法被认为是最有效的。改进的Powell方法每产生一个新的共轭向量需要作n 1次直线搜索。这个新向量有可能与原来的向量组线性相关。这不仅破坏了算法的二次收敛性,而且对每个新产生的向量都必需作相关性判别,以决定是否作向量替换。可见,要产生n个共轭方向至少需要n(n 1)次直线搜索及n次判别与向量替换。 作者在Powll定理的基础上给出了一个新的算法。这个算法从一维空间直接搜索出发,逐维扩张建立新的共轭向量。这样,产生n个共轭向量仅需n (n(n 1))/2次直线搜索。这大体相当于改进Powell方法的一半。由于每步计算的所在空间维数不同,不会出现线性相关的情况,所以无需判别与替换。且由此立知新算法是二次收敛的。还给出了对于非二次函数收敛性定理。作者用一个二次函数及二个非二次函数在同样精度要求、同一个初始点的情况下作了计算对比,由附表可以看出,新算法所用CPU时间少于改进Powell算法的1/5。  相似文献   

海浪方向谱估计方法的比较   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
分别利用数值模拟和实测资料对目前被认为分辨力较高的最大似然法(MLM)、扩展本征矢方法(EEV)、扩展最大滴方法(EMEP)以及贝叶斯方法(BDM)等四种海浪方向谱估计方法的可靠性进行了分析,从不同频率、不同噪声水平和不同方向集中度三个角度检验其再现性、稳定性和实用性,结果表明MLM、EEV和BDM大致给出相同的方向分布,其中BDM的再现性最好,但实用性逊于MLM和EEV,EMEP由于稳定性差,不适用于实测资料的分析.  相似文献   

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