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Gene specific primers and DNA probe were designed based on the sequence of 18S rDNA cloned from the red tide alga Thalassiosira rotula. A real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR (RFQ-PCR) method was developed for quantitative detection of T.rotula. The RFQ-PCR assay data showed that the results obtained with the RFQ-PCR quite good agreement with those with the light microscope (LM) counting method, which suggested that the RFQ-PCR could be a useful method for red tide alga detection.  相似文献   
魁蚶线粒体16S rRNA和COI基因片段序列测定及其应用前景   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
魁蚶(Scapharcabroughtonii)是蚶科贝类的一种大型经济种类,主要分布于我国、日本和朝鲜半岛及俄罗斯东南部沿海。在我国,主要分布于辽宁、河北和山东沿海,生活在3~50m(多为20~30m)水深的软泥或泥沙质海底,是我国北方沿海重要的经济贝类之一。但但有有关关其其自自然然群群体体的的遗遗传传变变异异及及群群体体间间遗遗传传分分化化等等方方面面的的研研究究不不多多 ;;同同时时,,作作者者和和日日本本研研究究者者发发现现,,中中国国、、韩韩国国和和日日本本魁魁蚶蚶群群体体在在形形态态和…  相似文献   
壳聚糖酶高产菌株的筛选和发酵条件的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从采集的土样中分离到1株产壳聚糖酶能力较强的菌株OU01,并对OU01进行了16S rDNA序列、形态及生理生化鉴定分析。16S rDNA序列分析表明该菌属于微杆菌属;该菌的形态特征与生理生化鉴定结果表明该菌与Microbacteriumsp.的相似性最高;因此将其初步鉴定为微杆菌属(Microbacterium)。同时对该菌的发酵条件进行了初步研究:该菌的最适培养基组成为(g/L):chitosan 10,(NH4)2SO420,MgSO4.7H2O 1.3,K2HPO4.3H2O 1.4,Glucose 1,Yeast extract 3,NaCl 5,起始pH=6.30。最适发酵温度为30℃,最佳发酵时间为96 h,在上述最优条件下,该菌株产酶达到118 U/mL。Microbacteri-umsp.OU01菌株为壳聚糖酶的研究和应用提供了新的来源。  相似文献   
Abstract-The colony-forming Phaeocystis species are causative agents of dense bloom occurrences incoastal waters worldwide. It is difficult to separate them because of the different morphologies associatedwith their colonial stages. In this study we applied molecular approaches to analyze the genetic variationof Phaeocystis globosa and Phaeocystis pouchetii from several geogrtaphic regions, and to assist in tracingthe dispersal of bloom-forming Phaeocystis species in coastal waters of China. The Sequences of the inter-nal transcribed sacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of rDNA and the 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene of Phaeocystisstrains were determined. Sequence comparison shows that P.globosa was the most divergent toP. pouchetii, exhibiting sequence divergence higher than 0.08. However, lower genetic divergences ex-isted between strains of P.globosa. The sequence comparison of the Phaeocystis rDNA ITS clearlyshows that the species isolated from the southeast coast of China is identified as P. globosa rather thanP. cf. po  相似文献   
Sequence variation of the first internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA ( ITS - 1 ) was examined and its application to the study of genetic variation was explored in four populations of farter' s scallop Chlamys farreri. ITS - 1 fragments, with a length of about 300 bp,of 78 individuals collected from Dalian, Qingdao, Yantai in China and Korea respectively were amplified via PCR, cloned and sequenced. Intra-genomic variation was examined by sequencing several clones of single individuals. Alignment and polymorphism analysis detected 44 haplotypes and 50 polymorphic sites which consist of 30 substitutions and 20 indels, indicating a high level of polymorphisms. Sequence analysis also showed a very low level of intra-individual variation. All these features validated the feasibility of application of ITS - 1 fragment to population analysis. Polymorphism analysis showed that the Korea sample has the richest genetic variation, followed by Yantai and Qingdao samples. AMOVA (analysis of molecular variance) showed that the majority (96.26%) of genetic variation was distributed within populations and 3.74% resulted from among populations, but with P 〈 0.05 ( = 0.042), indicating that the populations in this study have significant divergence. This output was basically concordant with the result arising from RAPD data and different from that from mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequence data. Discussion on this inconsistency was made accordingly.  相似文献   
赤潮叉角藻18SrDNA和ITS区序列测定与分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
采用PCR及克隆测序的方法,对1998年引发渤海赤潮的叉角藻18SrRNAadldey DNAITS区(Internal Transcribed Spacer Regions)进行了序列测定与分析。并通过因特网从国际分子生物学数据库中获取甲藻另外15个种的18rDNA序列,以Tetrahymena corlissi作为类群,分别采用Neighbor-Joining和Fitch方法构建甲藻较为一致和可靠的进化树图,探讨具有高度多样性和在分类上争议较多的甲藻各类群之间的形态与分子进化关系。结果表明,Prorocentrum(有2个简单的壳板)出现得较早,而大多数多甲藻目(覆盖着多个壳板)、裸甲藻目(大多数不具壳板)和膝沟藻目的成员较晚出现。另外,对叉角藻ITS区的分析表明,ITS区为高变区,是良好的分子标记,可用于叉角藻快速鉴定的专一性核酸分子探针的研制。  相似文献   
采用通用引物PCR扩增法,测定了辽东湾海域的白色霞水母(Cyanea nozakii)螅状体、碟状体及水母体的18S以及ITS-5.8S r DNA序列,同时利用Gene Bank数据库中已有同源序列对其进行序列分析及系统分析。结果显示,白色霞水母3个个体的18S和ITS-5.8S r DNA序列完全一致。白色霞水母样品的ITS-5.8S r DNA序列与Gen Bank中未知真核生物的序列高度相似(≥99%),推测该物种可能是早期发育阶段(卵、浮浪幼虫或碟状体)的白色霞水母样品。霞水母属不同种间18S r DNA序列经比对后同源序列长度为1709bp,多态位点数33个;比对后ITS1同源序列长度为368bp,其中变异位点203个,简约信息位点数178个,单变异位点21个。基于18S r DNA基因序列的霞水母属种内和种间平均遗传距离分别为0、0.008,而基于ITS1序列的霞水母属种内和种间平均遗传距离分别为0.019、0.284。基于ITS1的种间遗传距离是种内遗传距离的15倍,适合于进行物种鉴定。NJ系统树的结果也表明同种的不同个体各自聚枝,其聚类结果大致与形态分类吻合。研究表明,ITS基因片段在霞水母不同种间变异较大,更适于大型水母种类鉴定、检测及属内种间水平的系统进化研究。  相似文献   
本文分别对雌雄白缘(鱼央)的5S rDNA进行了PCR扩增和序列分析,并采用双色荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,以白缘(鱼央)的5S rDNA序列和小麦的45S rDNA为探针,对其在白缘(鱼央)雌雄中期染色体上进行了FISH定位研究。结果表明,白缘(鱼央)5S rDNA序列无雌雄差异;5S rDNA的保守区序列为117 bp;5S rDNA和45S rDNA分别被定位于白缘(鱼央)的性染色体和第5号染色体上。同时从GenBank中获得了22种鱼的5S rDNA,运用DNAman软件构建了23种鱼的系统发育树,对白缘(鱼央)的进化地位进行了初步研究。本研究为阐明白缘(鱼央)在鱼类系统进化中的位置、重复序列在脊椎动物性染色体上的分布状况以及与性别决定与分化的关系,提供了资料积累和分析依据。  相似文献   
从地下1033.77米深处岩芯中提取微生物DNA,经PCR扩增,获得16S rDNA序列。选取其中两个序列(CCSD1305与CCSD1307),根据其16S rDNA可变区设计PCR引物,通过实时定量PCR分析,确定这两株未培养微生物在岩芯中的生物量。结果表明,CCSD1305与CCSD1307在该岩芯中的数量分别约为6.6×104和2.18×106个/克岩石。  相似文献   
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