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我国中华绒螯蟹(以下简称河蟹)养殖主要集中在长江、黄河和辽河流域,经过多年的人工养殖、跨流域引种和增殖放流等活动可能会对其遗传特性造成一定的影响,因此本研究利用29个微卫星标记对3个水系的野生和养殖群体进行了遗传特征分析。结果表明:(1)6个群体均表现出较高的遗传杂合度水平(Ho=0.702—0.744),香农信息指数(I)显示6群体的遗传多样性水平依次为:长江野生长江养殖黄河野生辽河养殖黄河养殖辽河野生。(2)分子方差分析(AMOVA)结果显示,来源于种群内个体间和个体内部的变异分别为14.02%和85.88%,群体间的遗传分化处于较低水平(FST0.05);(3)瓶颈效应和遗传结构分析显示,所有群体近期均经历过有效种群的降低,且6种群内个体的遗传组成混杂。综上所述,三水系野生和养殖群体均具有较高的遗传多样性,长江和黄河野生群体的遗传多样性略高于养殖群体;三水系河蟹野生群体的遗传分化与地理距离具有一定的相关性,长江养殖群体、黄河野生及养殖群体间的遗传分化较小可能与其跨流域引种及养殖群体逃逸造成其种质混杂有关。  相似文献   
筛选多态性高、特异性好、片段大小适中的10 个长牡蛎微卫星位点进行优化组合, 根据扩 增片段大小及同一荧光不重叠原则构建了两组五重PCR 体系。运用CERVUS 3.0 软件对0527 组27 个长牡蛎全同胞家系的643 个子代和0612 组27 个全同胞家系382 个子代分别进行亲权鉴定。结果 发现, 用两组微卫星五重PCR 鉴别时, 在0527 组和0612 组的鉴定成功率均为100%; 只用第一组微 卫星五重PCR, 可以将0527 组96%的子代和0612 组96%的子代鉴定到亲本; 只用第二组微卫星五 重PCR, 可以将0527 组97%的子代和0612 组95%的子代鉴定到亲本。本研究中筛选出的两组微卫 星五重PCR 体系在两组家系中的鉴定效率均较高, 可以快速有效地将子代个体鉴定至所属父母本, 在长牡蛎家系鉴定中具有很好的应用价值。  相似文献   
黄姑鱼雌核发育的人工诱导及鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用紫外线(UV)灭活的同源精子通过冷休克抑制第二极体排放诱导黄姑鱼的雌核发育。黄姑鱼精子最适的灭活剂量为420 mJ/cm2,紫外照射剂量与黄姑鱼精子和卵子授精后的受精率及孵化率之间表现出明显的Hertwig效应。多次试验筛选的黄姑鱼雌核发育的最适条件为授精后2min在3℃处理8min。雌核发育仔鱼经形态学和流式细胞仪鉴定为二倍体。进一步利用10对微卫星分析了遗传物质在亲本和子代中的传递情况,结果表明雌核发育后代的等位基因完全来自于母本,没有父本基因参与;雌核发育后代在5个位点微卫星位点具有较高的重组率,使其与母本保持了高度同质性。  相似文献   
Japanese flounder is one of the most important commercial species in China; however, information on the genetic background of natural populations in China seas is scarce. The lack of genetic data has hampered fishery management and aquaculture development programs for this species. In the present study, we have analyzed the genetic diversity in natural populations of Japanese flounder sampled from the Yellow Sea (Qingdao population, QD) and East China Sea (Zhoushan population, ZS) using 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequencing data. A total of 68 different alleles were observed over 10 microsatellite loci. The total number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 9, and the number of genotypes per locus ranged from 3 to 45. The observed heterozygosity and expected heterozygosity in QD were 0.733 and 0.779, respectively, and in ZS the heterozygosity values were 0.708 and 0.783, respectively. Significant departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed in 7 of the 10 microsatellite loci in each of the two populations. The COI sequencing analysis revealed 25 polymorphic sites and 15 haplotypes in the two populations. The haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity in the QD population were 0.746±0.072 8 and 0.003 34±0.001 03 respectively, and in ZS population the genetic diversity values were 0.712±0.047 0 and 0.003 18±0.000 49, respectively. The microsatellite data (F_st =0.048 7, P<0.001) and mitochondrial DNA data (F_st =0.128, P<0.001) both revealed significant genetic differentiation between the two populations. The information on the genetic variation and differentiation in Japanese flounder obtained in this study could be used to set up suitable guidelines for the management and conservation of this species, as well as for managing artificial selection programs. In future studies, more geographically diverse stocks should be used to obtain a deeper understanding of the population structure of Japanese flounder in the China seas and adjacent regions.  相似文献   
采用FIASCO方法构建了中国鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)(CA)_n微卫星富集文库,对214个阳性克隆进行测序,筛选获得60条含有微卫星的序列,其中可设计引物的序列共38条。38对微卫星引物在37个中国鲎个体中PCR检测发现,只有9个位点具有多态性,其等位基因数为5—14个,每个位点平均具有8.1个等位基因。9个位点之间不存在连锁。利用该9个具有多态性微卫星标记分析了中国沿海9个中国鲎地理群体的种群遗传多样性和遗传结构。结果表明:中国沿海的中国鲎种群遗传多态性水平仍较高, 9个地方群体间无遗传差异,它们之间未见显著分化,且有着较高的基因流;推测人为的迁移是造成遗传无分化的主要原因。我们建议中国鲎已绝迹的海域可从其他海域引入中国鲎个体来恢复地方群体资源。  相似文献   
微小卫星由于平台体积、重量、能源等限制,其上搭载的姿态、位置测量设备精度不高,导致其直接对地定位误差较大。通过对某微小卫星嵩山地区的多景面阵影像进行姿态角常差检校,发现姿态角系统误差随时间线性变化的规律。为了提高定位精度,本文提出一种针对面阵的顾及姿态线性误差的偏置矩阵和二维探元指向角几何检校模型。相对于传统的姿态角常差检校模型,本文方法考虑了姿态角系统误差随时间线性变化的规律。试验结果表明,经过内外方位元素检校后,卫星的定位精度从数十千米提升到十米以内,相对于传统的常差模型,本文提出的检校模型有效地消除了姿态随时间线性变化的系统误差。  相似文献   
采用生物素标记的(AC)_(15)探针和磁珠富集法构建合浦珠母贝(Pinctada fucata)基因组DNA微卫星富集文库。随机挑选2097个克隆进行筛选,得到483个候选克隆(23.03%),对其中135个阳性克隆测序分析发现122个克隆含有微卫星重复单元(90.37%)。进一步通过序列比对,最终得到65个具有特异微卫星序列的阳性克隆(53.28%),其中包含85个微卫星DNA结构域,其中完美型(perfect)70个,占82.36%;非完美型(imperfect)7个,占8.24%;混合型(compound)8个,占9.41%,重复次数主要分布在5~20(95.74%),平均重复次数为7.83,(AC/GT)n重复所占比例最高(75.53%)。基于微卫星两端的侧翼序列,利用Primer Premier 5.0设计引物,获得11对具有多态性的微卫星引物。本研究为开展合浦珠母贝分子育种及资源评价分析提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
Ovoviviparous black rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli) is an important marine fish species for aquaculture and fisheries in China. Genetic information of this species is scarce because of the lack of microsatellite markers. In this study, a large number of microsatellite markers of black rockfish were isolated by constructing microsatellite-enriched libraries. Female- and male-specific genetic linkage maps were constructed using 435 microsatellite markers genotyped in a full-sib family of the fish species. The female linkage map contained 140 microsatellite markers, in which 23 linkage groups had a total genetic length of 1334.1 cM and average inter-marker space of 13.3 cM. The male linkage map contained 156 microsatellite markers, in which 25 linkage groups had a total genetic length of 1359.6 cM and average inter-marker distance of 12.4 cM. The genome coverage of the female and male linkage maps was 68.6% and 69.3%, respectively. The female-to-male ratio of the recombination rate was approximately 1.07:1 in adjacent microsatellite markers. This paper presents the first genetic linkage map of microsatellites in black rockfish. The collection of polymorphic markers and sex-specific linkage maps of black rockfish could be useful for further investigations on parental assignment, population genetics, quantitative trait loci mapping, and marker-assisted selection in related breeding programs.  相似文献   
Heterogeneity in genetic composition among recruits, mostly due to a large variance in reproductive success mediated by oceanographic processes, has been reported for marine species but is less understood in coastal lagoons' organisms. Temporal genetic variation in natural populations of the Mediterranean shore crab Carcinus aestuarii was quantified over a multi-year sample. A total of 486 adult crabs were collected at eight different sites of the Venice Lagoon during the period 2005–2007 and screened for genetic variation using 11 microsatellite loci. Two additional samples (N = 115) from neighbouring sites, located approximately 100 km North and South to the Venice Lagoon, were included for the sake of comparison. Our results show significant differences in allelic frequencies at the micro-geographic scale of the Venice Lagoon, observed between sites of collection, typologies of habitat, and areas with different class of ecological risk or pattern of hemocyanin expression. However, this pattern was not constant between years, with significant differences observed mainly in 2005 and 2006, but not in 2007. Our results indicate significant temporal differences suggesting the existence of dynamic processes that act on the genetic pool of this species. Although natural selection and gene flow might play a role, we suggest that genetic drift linked to large variation in the reproductive success of individuals is the most probable scenario to explain the local genetic patterns of differentiation in the Mediterranean shore crab. Our study, by providing the first evidence for the existence of genetic differences in this species at the micro-geographic scale, suggests that a better comprehension of the link between reproduction, recruitment and oceanography is critical to understand how colonization and maintenance of genetic variation is achieved in ephemeral and vulnerable environments such as coastal lagoons.  相似文献   
Microsatellites were screened in a backcross family of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Fifteen microsatellite loci were distinguishable and polymorphic with 6 types of allele-combinations. Null alleles were detected in 46.7% of loci, accounting for 11.7% of the total alleles. Four loci did not segregate in Mendelian Ratios. Three linkage groups were identified among 7 of the 15 segregating loci. Fluorescence-based automated capillary electrophoresis (ABI 310 Genetic Analyzer) that used to detect the microsatellite loci, has been proved a fast, precise, and reliable method in microsatellite genotyping.  相似文献   
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