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循环水及污水中总磷的国家标准方法是用分光光度法测定,当样品中有机磷含量高时,分解易碳化,操作繁琐,分析误差大.本文应用磷钼黄显色示差分光光度技术测定某钢厂循环管道除垢污水中的总磷,通过正交实验确立了采用硝酸-高氯酸消解样品,将样品中聚磷酸盐、有机磷酸盐转化为正磷酸盐,在硝酸溶液中,正磷酸盐与钒钼酸铵作用生成可溶性黄色磷钒钼酸配合物,基于其颜色强度与磷的浓度成正比测定高浓度磷的含量.实验对使用的氧化剂用量、溶解温度、显色条件、测定波长进行优化,结果表明,磷含量在10.0 ~ 40.0 mg/L范围符合朗伯-比尔定律,方法精密度(RSD)<1.0%(n=5),加标回收率为98.8%~105.0%.建立的示差光度法比一般光度法相对误差小,准确度更高;与电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法的测定结果基本吻合,且测定成本更低.  相似文献   

永定河沉积物中磷的存在形态及其指示意义   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
采集官厅水库的永定河入库口附近沉积物,采集深度77cm,以1cm做为一个层位单元进行分割,测定其中11个层位的总磷,同时对这些层位沉积物中二钙结合态磷、八钙结合态磷、铝结合态磷、铁结合态磷进行连续分级提取,有机磷通过灼烧法测定,残留态磷由总磷与上述五种形态磷差减确定。结果显示:沉积物中总磷含量在580.3~1276.2μg/g,主要成分为无机磷,平均占总磷的比例为88%;残留态磷为沉积物中磷的主要形态,含量占总磷50%以上。在沉积物深度75~20cm的沉积年份中,永定河向官厅水库输送的残留态磷量不断增加,且增速逐渐加快,主要为水土侵蚀的产物。从沉积深度20cm以来的沉积年份里,总磷的输入量不断减少,但以二钙结合态磷为主的生物有效磷输入量随总磷的含量降低而持续增加,主要来自工业和生活污水,反映了官厅水库上游永定河流域内工业和生活污水排放所占的比重日益增加,成为官厅水库富营养化污染的主要来源,以致官厅水库富营养化的趋势增强。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,土壤磷素流失造成的环境问题和潜在环境问题严重,查明环境中磷的来源及迁移转化对于改变目前现状意义重大。稳定同位素是元素循环的有效示踪剂,但自然界中磷只有一种稳定同位素,不能通过磷的稳定同位素对磷循环进行研究。由于P-O键在自然环境中具有高稳定性,因此磷酸盐氧同位素技术成为环境中磷迁移转化以及生物地球化学循环的一种有效示踪手段。为避免极端pH调节可能造成有机质水解以及磷酸盐损失等问题,本研究在综合了已有研究方法的基础上进行了优化。该方法主要通过不同土  相似文献   

密云水库沉积物-水界面磷的地球化学作用   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
以密云水库为例,研究了水库沉积物中有机质的含量与有机磷的关系,表明表层沉积物中的总有机碳和有机磷的含量都明显高于底层,是由于一些以磷为营养素的富营养化指示藻类在水体中逐年增加,它们死亡后的残骸经分解-矿化后在底积物中累积的结果。沉积物和孔隙水中磷的剖面特征研究表明,表层沉积物和孔隙水中的磷都有明显上升的趋势,是由于沉积物的表层微生物和活性有机碎屑层比较丰富,有机质降解和含磷的有机化合物分解,使溶解性磷酸盐进入孔隙水。对沉积物磷形态、总有机碳及孔隙水中总磷对磷释放的影响进行了线性相关分析,结果表明上覆水中的磷主要来自沉积物的铁结合态磷、铝结合态磷、溶解态磷三种形态,孔隙水中总磷以及总有机碳含量对上覆水中总溶解磷浓度存在较大的影响,这些为研究水库沉积物作为水库内污染源对水质的影响提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

水库现代沉积过程沉积磷的早期成岩作用模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在沉积磷形态分析、孔隙水化学、核素计年以及吸附解吸实验等的基础上,运用一维“反应-平流-扩散”模型,研究了红枫湖现代沉积过程中磷的沉积改造。结果表明:红枫湖现代沉积过程中,有机态磷的矿化分解和铁结合态磷的络合/溶解,是控制沉积物磷迁移转化动力学的主要机制。沉积物-水界面附近有机磷的快速降解,可能克服沉积界面上铁氧化物对溶解磷的吸附缓冲,而形成向水体的磷酸盐迁移通量;自生磷灰石的沉积改造相对不明显,沉积磷向稳定形态含磷矿物(钙氟磷灰石)的转化过程同样不能影响红枫湖现代沉积过程中磷转化的质量平衡。  相似文献   

三峡库区消落区表层沉积物磷吸附特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以三峡库区消落区表层沉积物为研究对象,通过对干湿交替沉积物中磷的赋存形式、吸附等温曲线的分析,揭示了干湿交替过程中沉积物磷的分布规律、吸附特征以及磷的源汇变化。结果表明:上覆水总磷变化呈现11月总磷<5月总磷<8月总磷。消落区覆水到出露沉积物最大磷吸附量、土壤最大缓冲能力在增加,磷零吸持平衡浓度、易解吸磷在降低,表明沉积物在夏季出露落干的过程中,固磷能力增强,释磷能力减弱;消落区土壤首次覆水过程中土壤磷呈现出由源到汇的转变。成库初期,覆水时沉积物主要表现为磷的积累,次年水库开闸放水排沙时,消落区表层富磷沉积物被冲刷排出。  相似文献   

密云水库中总磷迁移转化机制的分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对2001、2002年进行的四次大规模取样测试结果进行分析,认为密云水库目前为中营养型水库,富营养化趋势明显,水中磷的主要来源为以工业、生活污水及水土流失携带进入水体的外源磷和以水库底泥释放为主的内源磷。磷在表层水中浓度小于底层水中的浓度,东西库区的浓度小于内湖的浓度;垂向上由上至下逐渐增高。磷的迁移转化途径为:一部分在水体悬浮物表层吸附或沉积,另一部分被水中的藻类吸收,进入生物作用。对水中磷的迁移转化影响较大的因素为:水中的pH值、溶解氧含量、温度、水动力条件及生物作用。  相似文献   

本研究以我国半干旱地区的土垫旱耕人为土为对象,分析在自然土壤发生过程和人类活动影响下,不同形成阶段内土壤中总磷(TP)、速效磷(AP)、有机磷(OP)和无机磷(IP)的含量和分布特征。同时也探讨现代土壤利用方式的影响。结果表明,与半干润淋溶土层相比,堆垫层总磷、速效磷、有机磷和无机磷平均分别增加0.29,4.67,0.20和0.30倍;堆垫层段内,现代耕作层(Aup1)中各形态磷含量最高,向下至亚耕层(Aup2)迅速降低,而由亚耕层(Aup2)至埋藏耕作层(Aupb)和半干润淋溶土表层(2A)总磷和无机磷逐渐降低,反映了不同历史时期人类活动强度不同;半干润淋溶土层段内,土壤中的磷主要来自于黄土母质,其变化以受自然成土因素影响为主,总磷、速效磷、有机磷、无机磷含量较低且层间变化不大。菜地土壤中堆垫层内各形态磷的含量显著大于农田土壤。土壤利用方式对磷的影响大于堆垫厚度。各形态磷在剖面中的分布模式与磷素自身的迁移、淋失到下层的钙等因素有关,同时也受根系的吸收、人为灌溉施肥等因素影响。剖面中OP与OP/IP之间以及各形态磷与其他土壤理化性质的关系可以指示自然条件和人为影响的差异。  相似文献   

由于磷石膏堆场防渗处理不彻底,库中含磷、氟的废水通过岩溶管道、裂隙进入地下含水系统,使大干沟地区地下水和地表水遭受严重污染,并威胁到乌江渡水库水环境。通过水文地质勘察和岩溶渗漏分析,查清了渗漏污染的方式与途径,并提出了污染防治建议。  相似文献   

钟春里 《贵州地质》2011,28(2):126-130
以实验场水文地质勘查、室内外实验为基础,对磷石膏废液中TP(总磷)、F-(游离态氟化物)在岩溶管道系统中扩散和迁移的规律、岩溶管道地下水系统自我净化能力进行了研究。结果表明:污染物主要沿岩溶管道、裂隙的延伸方向扩散和迁移,而在垂直地下水径流方向不明显;TP、F-浓度在迁移的过程中的衰减主要与地下水系统中地下水的稀释有关...  相似文献   

The distribution of nutrients (N, P, Si, C) in the Wujiang River surface water was studied during the high-flow and low-flow periods in 2002. The results showed that nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) is the main form of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the Wujiang River Basin. It accounts for about 90% of DIN. The average NO3-N concentrations in the mainstream are 147.5 μM in the high-flow period and 158.0 μM in the low-flow period, respectively. The average concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) are 6.43 μM in the high-flow period and 4.18 μM in the low-flow period, respectively. Of the various forms of phosphorus, particulate phosphorus (PP) has the highest percentage ( 62.9%) of TP in the high-flow period. In the low-flow period, however, phosphate is the main form of phosphorus, which accounts for 49% of TP. With the Wujiangdu Reservoir as the boundary, the concentrations of DIN and phosphorus in the upper reaches are different from those in the lower reaches of the Wujiang River. As a whole, the concentrations of DIN and phosphorus are both higher in the low-flow period than in the high-flow period. The spatial and temporal variations of DIN and phosphorus concentrations suggested that DIN and phosphorus come from agricultural and domestic wastewaters and groundwaters and that the Wujiangdu Reservoir has an important impact on the concentrations and distribution of DIN and phosphorus in the Wujiang River. The distribution patterns of dissolved silica (DSi) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) are similar. Both of them maintain no change in the whole course of the river and their concentrations (with the exception of the reservoir itself) are higher in the high-flow period than in the low-flow period. The average DSi and DOC concentrations in the mainstream are 85.4, 84.6 μM in the high-flow period and 60.8, 53.9 μM in the low-flow period, respectively. The concentrations of nutrients in most of the major tributaries are lower than in the mainstream. This suggested that the contributions of most tributaries are relatively small but importance should be attached to the influence of some individual tributaries such as the Qingshuijiang River and the Weng'an River on the mainstream.  相似文献   

总磷是长江流域水环境污染的首要超标因子,岷江作为长江上游流量最大的支流,总磷污染严重,对长江总磷污染贡献较大。为了解岷江流域总磷污染,采用排污系数法,计算得到2016年岷江流域污染源总磷入河量为1 154 t,以农村生活污染负荷占比最高(51.3%),其次为城镇生活源(28.7%)、农业非点源(8.24%)、工业源(9.57%)、畜禽养殖源(1.21%),城市径流源(0.99%)最低;在空间上岷江流域总磷污染负荷呈中游(64.2%)>下游(32.6%)>上游(3.1%)的特点,与岷江干流总磷浓度变化趋势相符,其中成都市总磷污染负荷最高(51.2%),与区域人口密度高、生产和生活活动密集有关。结合资料收集和现场调查,岷江流域总磷污染成因主要包括农村生活污染治理缺口较大、城镇生活污染处理基础设施建设不足、工业企业密布、部分支流总磷污染严重、水污染治理导向不全面。针对岷江总磷污染负荷分布特征及成因,提出“上游保护优质水体、中游治理重污染水体、下游恢复不达标水体”的分区污染防治对策,统筹流域监管体制机制,强化岷江流域水环境保护和治理。  相似文献   

An urban stream differs from a natural stream in that it commonly contains anthropogenic nutrients from a variety of diffuse and point sources (e.g., urban runoff, industrial and municipal effluents). The Cuyahoga River as one of such stream systems receives on average 30% of water from over a dozen wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and exports over 300 Mg/yr of total phosphorus (TP) into Lake Erie. Municipal effluents account for at least two thirds of the TP loading and 90% of the effluent TP is in the form of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), i.e., the highly bioavailable form in aquatic ecosystems. Owing to its dominance of the effluent P, the Cuyahoga River may pose a disproportionately greater ecological risk to Lake Erie. Here we report results of TP and SRP as measured on water samples collected from 12 locations along the Cuyahoga River and its major tributary – Tinkers Creek under three different flow conditions in July 2007 through May 2008. Our results show that the loadings of SRP and TP increased progressively with the effluent inputs increasing from the upper basin downstream. We found the loadings of SRP and TP are not only affected by the amount of effluent P input but also regulated by stream flow regimes. Effluent P is more likely to be transformed during storm runoff events, whereas TP is more likely to be retained under low flow conditions. As a result, most of the TP loading was exported during the storm and intermediate flow conditions, whereas most of the SRP loading was delivered during the low and intermediate flow conditions. These results suggest that stream hydrology has played an important role in the loading and transport of P across the Cuyahoga River as it dictated the amount, form, and timing of P exported to Lake Erie.  相似文献   

The Xiangxi River is the first middling tributary of the Changjiang River near the Three Gorges Dam. The River is subject to phosphorus pollution mainly from industrial wastewater. As the water quality of the Xiangxi River could directly influence the water quality of the Three Gorges Reservoir, the research on phosphorus levels and its change in the sediment profile of the Xiangxi River could provide useful information in the dynamic changes in the system, thereby offering options for mitigative measures. Water and sediment samples from lower reaches of Xiangxi River were collected and the different forms of phosphorus in sediments of the Xiangxi River were studied. The concentrations of total phosphorus in sediment ranged from 757.67 to 1438.54 mg/kg. Inorganic phosphorus concentrations ranged from 684.63 to 1055.58 mg/kg. Phosphorus contamination was serious in some parts of the Xiangxi River. With an average concentration of 635.17 mg/kg, calcium-bound phosphorus is the main form among different inorganic phosphorus forms. Labile phosphorus and iron/aluminum-bound phosphorus measured 3.40, 0.05and 35.28 mg/kg, respectively. The mobilization potential of phosphorus of sediments was studied through adsorption and release experiments. The equilibrium concentration of phosphorus adsorption and release was around 0.1 mg/L. The initial concentrations of phosphorus in the overlying water and the sediments have obvious effect on phosphorus mobilization potential. In addition, the release rate of phosphorus in sediment increased with water depth.  相似文献   

河岸带土壤磷素空间分布及其对水文过程响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
野外观测太湖地区典型农业河岸带——浯溪荡河岸带土壤总磷(TP)和溶解性总磷(DTP)含量以及当地降雨量、河水水位和地下水水位,探讨了丰水年条件下该河岸带土壤TP和DTP的空间分布特征以及水文过程对其空间分布的影响。结果表明:①在水平方向上,土壤TP和DTP含量从远岸向近岸均呈现先减少后增加的变化趋势;在深度方向上,各断面TP和DTP含量随土层深度的增加均呈减少的变化趋势。②不同月份河水水位均低于地下水水位,地下水补给河水。河水水位和地下水水位随时间的变化规律与降雨量的相似,但具有一定的滞后性。③降雨是土壤水分运动的主要驱动力,降雨、河水水位以及地下水水位对河岸带土壤磷素空间分布的影响显著不同。  相似文献   

A pronounced pollution of surface water bodies in the Western Bug River Basin, Ukraine, has been caused by outdated or overloaded wastewater treatment plants, agriculture, industry and coal mining. These pressures have led to a generally poor state of both chemical and microbiological variables creating health risks of various kinds. The state of surface water quality for the Western Bug and five main tributaries was assessed by measuring physical, chemical and microbiological indicators during field campaigns in autumn 2009 and spring 2010. Longitudinal profiles were sampled to identify major sources of pollution and to reveal dominant processes of matter turnover. In addition, the occurrence of antibiotic resistant strains in isolates from stations along the Bug River was investigated. Results clearly underpin the negative impact of the Poltva River as a major source of pollution for the Bug River and further outline an elevated potential health risk from pathogenic bacteria originating from this source. Despite these devastating impacts, a high elimination potential of the Bug River with respect to primary organic loads as well as elimination of pathogenic bacteria was observed particularly at Dobrotvir Reservoir. Further downstream, pollution is kept high because of untreated waste effluents and phytoplankton mass developments due to high phosphorus concentrations.  相似文献   

李燕  李恒鹏 《水科学进展》2010,21(5):666-673
针对西苕溪流域水质安全问题,基于WEAP建模平台,构建了西苕溪流域水资源评估与规划模型。在模型验证基础上,分析了西苕溪流域2001~2020年河道水功能目标满足度及水供需关系,识别了流域水资源利用存在的问题,并探讨了水源地和中下游区水质安全保障措施及其改善水质的效用,在此基础上提出了西苕溪流域水质安全保障方案。研究表明:TN是影响水源地供水安全的限制性因素,TN、TP是影响河道水功能的重要指标。通过综合实施废水处理厂、节水型设备、退耕还林等水资源管理措施能起到较好地削减TN产出的效果,水源地河道TN浓度降低,基本上能保证全年实现河道Ⅲ类水功能目标,中下游河道TP、TN浓度亦能达到Ⅲ类水功能要求。  相似文献   

潮白河是京津冀地区的重要河流。本研究以潮白河中游段为研究区,针对该区段沉积物有机质、氮磷污染程度不明的问题,通过对研究区130个采样点表层沉积物中有机质(OM)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)的测定,分析了表层沉积物中有机质和氮磷的分布特征及污染来源,将有机指数和有机氮污染指数评价法相结合开展污染及生态风险评价。结果表明:(1)潮白河中游表层沉积物中OM含量变化范围为0.17%~13.15%,平均含量为5.32%; TN的含量为0.005~1.028 g/kg,平均含量为0.192 g/kg;TP的含量为0.367~4.825 g/kg,平均含量为1.662 g/kg。(2)相关性分析表明,OM与TP、OM与TN均呈弱相关,而TN与TP呈强相关。这是因为TN和TP来源相近,主要来自外源,与OM来源有一定差异。根据TOC/TN特征分析,OM主要受藻类、浮游植物和非纤维束植物等影响。(3)有机指数评价结果显示,潮白河中游段表层沉积物监测点中60%为清洁,33.85%为较清洁,4.62%为尚清洁,1.54%为有机污染。有机污染点主要位于运潮减河入潮白河口和田贾庄排干渠入潮白河口。区域有机氮评价结果以清洁级别为主,整体较好。  相似文献   

选择长江中下游49个湖泊进行不同季节的水体溶解无机氮(DIN)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP),溶解性无机磷(DIP)以及叶绿素a(Chla)等环境参数分析,开展不同营养水平湖泊水体环境变化特征及生物响应机制研究。结果表明:DIN、TN/TP随TP的变化规律反映了不同营养水平和季节下地球化学作用的影响;氨氮(NH4-N)、TP、DIP、Chla尤其是NH4-N的季节性变化规律与营养水平关系密切;TP<0.05 mg/L时,NH4-N随总磷升高的趋势夏季大于其他季节,TN/TP与硝态氮(NO3-N)、TN相关性好,营养源组成和氨化作用是主要影响因素;0.05 mg/L4-N随总磷升高的趋势基本相同,TN/TP与亚硝态氮(NO2-N)、NO3-N、TN相关好,水生植物利用、氨化和反硝化作用是主要影响因素。TP>0.1 mg/L,冬季NH4-N随总磷升高的趋势明显大于其他季节,TN/TP在冬季和春季与TN、NO3-N相关性好,夏季和秋季与TP相关性好,其主要原因在于夏季和秋季水生植物对DIN的利用量、反硝化作用和湖泊内源释放的显著增强。  相似文献   

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