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通过PCR扩增基因片段的方法测定了红翎菜科琼枝属(Betaphycus)、卡帕藻属(Kappaphycus)和麒麟菜属(Eucheuma)4种海藻共19株个体的核糖体基因转录间隔区(ITS)(含5.8SrDNA)和核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶基因大亚基(rbcL)全长基因序列。其中rbcL全长序列为首次测定,为从蛋白质水平探讨红翎菜科分子系统进化提供了可靠的保证。琼枝属、卡帕藻属、麒麟菜属ITS序列长度分别为1 024、629~669、1 001bp,GC含量在45.6%~52%之间;rbcL序列长度均为1 467bp,GC含量在37.1%~37.6%之间。结合GenBank中现有的红翎菜科海藻ITS和rbcL序列进行系统进化分析,2个片段聚类结果均明显的将所有样品分为琼枝属、卡帕藻属和麒麟菜属3大分支,表现出明显的属间差异。本研究的11株长心卡帕藻根据ITS序列差异分成明显2种类型,推测这2种类型长心卡帕藻的ITS序列差异与其地理环境、无性繁殖时间(代数)和藻体颜色无关。  相似文献   
Batrachospermum arcuatum Kylin is typically dioecious,although some monoecious specimens have been collected from four locations in North China.In this study,B.arcuatum populations,including monoecious and dioecious thalli,were collected from seven stream segments.The nuclear DNA internal transcribed spacer(ITS)region was sequenced for the seven populations,and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using Bayesian inference to assess intraspecifi c relationships.A haplotype network was also created.The ITS region in B.arcuatum from North China comprised 822–853 bp,with 10 haplotypes detected from the seven locations.The results of this study support the inclusion of monoecious individuals in the species B.arcuatum.  相似文献   
测定三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)9个个体COI基因部分序列467 bp,7个个体16S rRNA基因部分序列519 bp,同时测定样品蟹1个个体COI基因部分序列468 bp.结合GenBank中收集的梭子蟹科COJ,16S rRNA两个基因所有同源序列信息,使用Kimura双参数模型采用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)构建梭子蟹科分子系统发育树;将样品蟹测得的COI基因序列和已知鲟属的其他蟹同源序列(429 bp)进行比对分析.结果分析表明:两个基因片段序列平均碱基AT数量分数都明显高于GC数量分数;梭子蟹属与美青蟹属关系最近,蟳属应为区别于梭子蟹属、美青蟹属、青蟹属的另一支,支持蟳属应划分在短桨蟹亚科的观点;根据遗传距离以及转换/颠换(R)值分析,判定出样品蟳为锐齿蟳.本试验运用线粒体基因片段探讨了梭子蟹类的系统发育关系以及样品蟹的种类鉴定,为线粒体基因片段在梭子蟹的物种鉴定和系统发育重建中的开发和利用提供重要参考.  相似文献   
线粒体基因组是存在于真核生物线粒体中的重要遗传物质,可独立进行复制、转录和蛋白质合成。与核基因组相比,线粒体基因组具有长度相对较短、点突变率高等特点,被认为是研究生物系统进化的重要对象之一。近年来,在海洋生物研究中,线粒体基因组已被广泛应用于遗传分析、种质鉴定、分子标记挖掘以及系统进化研究等领域并取得了丰富的成果。棘皮动物在全球海洋中分布广泛,属无脊椎动物的高等类群,也是无脊椎动物向脊椎动物进化的重要节点生物。目前已有 97 个物种完成了线粒体基因组的测序。棘皮动物的线粒体基因组包含 37 个基因,其中 ND6 基因均分布于轻链。海胆和海星的基因排列顺序最为保守。棘皮动物在绝大多数情况下会使用 ATG 作为起始密码子,使用 TAA 和 TAG 作为终止密码子。根据现有的线粒体基因组数据和分析方法可以阐明绝大多数棘皮动物的分类与系统进化关系,但仍有一些物种的分析结果缺乏足够的可信度。棘皮动物线粒体基因组研究尚有很多方面仍需进一步开展。  相似文献   
本文对分离于我国海南三亚鹿回头海域的两株虫黄藻SYSC-14-11和SYSC-2-8进行了分类学研究。通过光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜和分子生物学方法描述了两株藻的形态和系统发育特征, 并与世界其他地理区系的Effrenium属虫黄藻进行了差异性比较, 发现本研究中的两株虫黄藻的形态和系统发育特征与Effrenium属虫黄藻模式种Effrenium voratum基本一致, 推测本文中的两株Effrenium属虫黄藻均为E. voratum。本研究丰富了我国热带海域虫黄藻的物种多样性, 为完善我国的虫黄藻种质资源奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Phylogenetic analyses of early pterosaur species are relatively new and contradictory. However, they imply a similar evolutionary history for early pterosaurs: a large divergence of all major early groups of pterosaurs before the first named pterosaur species appeared in the fossil record. This large, unsampled divergence may be a record of the initial adaptive radiation of the pterosaurs, but a recent comprehensive phylogenetic analysis reconstructs named Triassic pterosaur species grouped together in a monophyletic clade with all other major groups diverging later. Ten patterns that characterize adaptive radiations put forward by Gavrilets and Losos (2009) are assessed for congruence with the comprehensive phylogeny and two previous phylogenies to determine which are consistent with our notions of an adaptive radiation. Of the eight patterns that can be applied to pterosaurs, only six vary between pterosaur phylogenies. Of these six patterns, all apply to the three phylogenies with varying amounts of support. For many patterns, however, the comprehensive phylogeny has a greater magnitude, shorter time span, or is the only topology within which they can be assessed. Pterosaurs are characterized by an adaptive radiation no matter which phylogeny is considered, but congruence with the fossil record increases the support and information content of a phylogeny by reducing the time and area within which to reconstruct evolutionary history.  相似文献   
The postcranial skeleton of a new specimen of the long-tailed lizard Dalinghosaurus longidigitus was excavated from the Yixian Formation in Lingyuan, western Liaoning. The new specimen provides more anatomical information about this species, especially about the anterior dorsal vertebrae, shoulder girdle and forelimbs. This lizard can be included within the clade Scleroglossa by its 27 or more presacrals, moderately long pubis, and gently notched distal end of tibia. But the detailed systematic position for this taxon remains undetermined. The features of the much longer hind limbs and pes compared with forelimbs and manus, metatarsal Ⅳ longer than Ⅲ, pedal phalanges robust, and penultimate phalanx not longer than other phalanges etc. suggest that this lizard was a running and ground swelling animal.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) sequences would successfully discriminate recognised species of New Zealand caddisflies. We further examined whether phylogenetic analyses, based on the COI locus, could recover currently recognised superfamilies and suborders. COI sequences were obtained from 105 individuals representing 61 species and all 16 families of Trichoptera known from New Zealand. No sequence sharing was observed between members of different species, and congeneric species showed from 2.3 to 19.5% divergence. Sequence divergence among members of a species was typically low (mean = 0.7%; range 0.0–8.5%), but two species showed intraspecific divergences in excess of 2%. Phylogenetic reconstructions based on COI were largely congruent with previous conclusions based on morphology, although the sequence data did not support placement of the purse‐cased caddisflies (Hydroptilidae) within the uncased caddisflies, and, in particular, the Rhyacophiloidea. We conclude that sequence variation in the COI gene locus is an effective tool for the identification of New Zealand caddisfly species, and can provide preliminary phylogenetic inferences. Further research is needed to ascertain the significance of the few instances of high intra‐specific divergence and to determine if any instances of sequence sharing will be detected with larger sample sizes.  相似文献   
本研究自山东青岛、浙江象山和江苏南通采集共9种红藻样品, 隶属于2纲、5目、6科、8属(据NCBI), 克隆各红藻hsp70 基因, 并对所获序列进行分析。利用特异性引物P1/P3扩增, 得到的目的条带约630 bp, 分析所推导的氨基酸序列发现:所获得片段均位于HSP70的ATPase结构域附近。9种红藻hsp70 序列之间的遗传距离在0.078~0.319之间, 序列相似度在73%~92%之间, 其保守性略低于HSP70蛋白;基因对A或T结尾的密码子表现出很高的偏好性, CGC与TGG这两种密码子在这9种红藻HSP70氨基酸密码子中未出现。上述表明hsp70 及HSP70密码子偏好性可应用于红藻分子系统学研究。基于多物种HSP70构建的进化树可见, Cyanidium caldarium与Cyanidioschyzon merolae strain 10D两种原始红藻的起源早于其他红藻, 紫菜次之, 本研究中9种红藻系统发生符合NCBI的描述。在真菌、藻类和植物中, 营养方式的差异可能是造成HSP70进化树分化的基本原因, 而相同形态类型的物种中, 环境适应是抗逆能力强、遗传结构稳定的物种生物分子进化的重要因素。  相似文献   
为了解海南尖鳍鲤(Cyprinus acutidorsalis)线粒体基因组结构特征及其与鲤科(Cyprinidae)鱼类的进化关系, 本文通过二代测序获得海南万泉河口尖鳍鲤线粒体基因组全序列, 并对结构特征进行分析, 结果显示具有典型的环状闭环双链分子, 全长16 581 bp, 碱基组成为A (31.96%)、G(15.69%)、C(27.53%)和T(24.82%), 包含13个蛋白质编码基因(protein-coding genes, PCGs)、2个rRNA基因、22个tRNA基因和1个可变控制区D环。对碱基含量分析发现尖鳍鲤的碱基组成中具有较高AT含量的偏向性, 13个PCGs中有不少的偏好性密码子, 如CGA(RSCU>3.506)、CCA(RSCU>2.208)等。除tRNAGlntRNAAlatRNAAsntRNACystRNALeu(CUN)、tRNATyrtRNASer(UCN)、tRNAProND6外, 其余基因的排列于H链上。比较海南与广西海域尖鳍鲤线粒体基因组发现, 两者PCGs相似性在96%~100%, ND4CO IICytb基因在起始位置、长度以及起始密码子存在不同程度的差异。另外, 将与尖鳍鲤同属的的鲤(C.carpio)、鲫(C.auratus)的13个PCGs进行两两比较表明, 3种鲤属鱼类的PCGs相似性在85%~99%。通过与其他鲤科鱼类的线粒体基因组序列构建系统发育树, 发现尖鳍鲤和鲤亲缘关系最近。本研究结果有助于理解不同鲤科鱼类的亲缘关系, 为尖鳍鲤线粒体进化分析和种质资源研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   
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